§*~~ [ *¥ t u'««. & s ia% .._. ' * * * | _ mhe monthly meeting of the Workers ~ °P e 1 . #|of the Church School wat held Tues-- 2# das xi.:=> C D E E R P l E l" D day evening at the home of Mrs. Clar-- *oarlge" -- -- [ 5 x xX L «x s «4 }ernce Huhn. -- Matters pertaining to eeaseale °w $ CC , x * * * ¥a*x gz 3 E m.:;,fi..x-"\%&.. Ex z* * *.*." sug."_:»~ Thanksgivinw®P; T.A: meeting and Lo octy -'."": To << MWc ym "--'-'-&t'q',,';:r:."'_ s '\':-"m: nc y amw s m _icatjorsc s -- o w ud » Aifhrege t w ind\ a oftzn: "'MWM"'MW 3 M m O qss sn c e ot ~erae" Teekts NE manxy warth Whilt ~ nhiank ----Are Deink ... -- _ Kress for the' past three weeks, 2 L.\ e Surday for Miami. Florida." * -- TWO HUSBANDS -- DEPICT WIVES ' AS CAVEWOMEN * 1 4 of 1 8 M S 120 oochataided ds btoniniiintint atetns S Wm. Galloway home. | The Doreas Society met for an all-- _.._.__. Mr._and Mrs. George Jacohs amdi day meeting today (Thyursday). The _ daughter 8f Grand Rapids, Mich.; have{date for the annua! bazraar his been returned to Preerfield.. Mr. Iacobs has set for December 4th. *been transferfed to the Chicago office|__Do not forget the entertainiment pre of his firm. The Jacobs" will reside atll""'d by the young people for Friday . the home of Fr. Jacobs, Sr., {or the evening. It will begin at 7:%6. .he winter. -- ~ fmlor.cholr practice will begin *"at Ralph Horenberger spen't Subd.yi"" g'clock. ' Cl with Irwin Kemmitz in Chicago. 7 i un rana: M reris ~--.~. Dr. Preston Bradiey of the Peoples | E'Yxcsc'::'lc:lf:} C"l.R'L'" .' church of Cbicago, and Mrs. Bradley |;,, 4 i S 4h . Mo Mn C o ing Worship at 11; Christian Endea, n 4 : al 8; 4* %'Ts?r?m ' f}'g,"--'-'{?.""c%d every ,h',"t"dn"d" j in ening at 8; cert orchestra prac-- ed at a card party Saturday night. tice every Monday at 8 p. m.; Adult -- William --Werner Fears His ----PDame He--Says, and Anton-- * Kolngc Asks Freedom. Picturing their wives as cavewom-- en, two husvands Saturday filed bills for divorvce in the circuit court, outiin-- ing.their domestic live®~ €6.. AXETX thing but what-- it. shoulid be. I 'William tsonewall Werner, -- War kegan, through Attroney Herman C. Litchfield, alleged that bis wile, Katherine Smith Werner, deserted him aftéer being married in 1921, and in addition to that she was cruel, giv-- ing vent to oceastonal eallies of pas-- sion.© He charges that she admin's-- tered pereonal violence and that he wefused to strike back on account of her sex, and that she often used ob scene and abusive language toward him. . | L w Aauzghter 8f Grand Rapids, Mich., have returned to Deerfield.. Mr. Jacobs has been transferted to the Chicago office of his firm. The Jacobs" will reside at the home of Fr. Jacobs, Sr., {or the winter. -- _ There is one child, a boy of three years, and the father asks his custo-- dy.. . ; «4 Antan ~ Kolenc, _ North -- Chicago, through Attorney Okel Fuqua, charg-- es his wife, Katherine, with cruelty. and asks a division of $2,700, a life eavings. which is in her 'name..Thecte are four children. and the father aeks their custody. They were marfled' in Chicago in 1906 rernnmylll s _ Mrs. Are!l WHIman was ho«tess '°|6bo|r rebearsal every Friday at 8 p the Youns Matrons' Bridge Club OD m ; Junior chotr rehearsal every Sat Wednesday afternoon. _ ------_ _ ©~. |urday afternoon at 3. _ _ _ Miss Margaret Kress was the mect' of Miss Lillian Carilszson of Chicagolast : Friday. > a .[ Mr. and Mrs Frank Klemp were| given a farewe'!l party at the home of | Mr. and Mrs. J. Klemp, Jr.. Tuesday | evening. Mr. and 'Mrs. Kiemp and son Jerome left. Thursday for .Pasadena, Cal., where they will make their fu-- ture home f =>~ Seventyfive dollars worth of mer chandise were taken from the WiWiam Johnston store when burglars broke through the door Thuraday night Mr--and Mrs. E. R. dren of Elmhurst, sp« Wm. Galloway home ed at a card party Saturday night. ~ |;jce every Monday at Alrin Knask,. Jr. entertained sever--| it jen't too late yet. to caome and al lttle friends at a Halloww'en party |enjoy ozr bible 'study class Wednes-- Friday evening. -- * day evening. Mr. Dillon is proving Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rehm ard «on.| himseK a wonderful interpreter of the Tawrence were the guests of Mr. and | Book of Revelation There were 60 Mre. Milton Frant: SBunday. |out last week,. come and make one Mrs. Gus Klemp attended a card | more. party--at the bhome of MraT. xlmln' Next Bunday morning Rev. William Chicago Thuraday. will preach the second of The serie® o7 Mr. and* Mrs W. J Hamilton hltim on "The Work f, the Holy Saturday for 2t Peter=Wure. Fomsa,. Spirit." The topic of this messag --Mr. and* Mrs W J Hamilton hlt'm on "The Wor Saturdar for 8t Perer=Nure. FMomsa, Spinrt" The topic of where they --wiHl snend the winter. LH Ibe "The Relation«} -- Mr. and Mre. Harry Clavey enter tained at a Hallowe'en, party list Sat urday. . -- A 'ood time wa» had by a'} who at-- tended the card party and dance given by the ~asonic Temple Assorciation Baturday evening. > Quite a number of Deerfleld people|"Buffalo Roundup" we a.e going to attended the Hallnwe'en entrrtain--'have. Save your money and rement ment given at the Northbrook school 'ber where and how you gor t"*~*~ Friday evenin«. i ' o Mre. Alex Willman has been ap 7 ~ pointed chairman of the committee for Two CLUBS fiUESTS Deerfield for the ninth annual roll call of the America nRed Crows Other s members of the committee are Mes-- AT LAKE mREST Asas. A n GDs... e n Vedz a . Mre. Alex Willman has been ap y -- pointed chairman of the committee for Two CLUBS fiUESTS Deerfield for the ninth annual roll call of the America nRed Crows Other S Tob U & mhtne com |/ ~ AT LAKE FOREST dames G. H. Newcomb, E. B Jordan.|-- Harry Whitcomb, C. C Brackett, Ar ts ommc thur Goelitt, Jeasle Strong, A W The Rotary and Kiwanie cluore 53 Eiadler. Wm. Koobilin. C. W. Boyle, A.| Waukegan were santiertained _ Thare-- R. Warner, Fred Labahn. Harry Olen--| day night #t Lake Forest university dorf. William Kreh, Chester Wessling--+at an entertainment arranged by the W. A. Woodr:, EdA Jacobsen, Misses| university authorities W. A. Wonds:, Ed Jacobsen, Misses Eva Ender, Pm« Loy, Safie Gallo way and Mra. nerlein. C. F. 1 hurbach has sold his store o HMenry --Gastfield | of Highland Para. 'The Thierbach family is moving to Bel wood. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wailther and family of Chicago visited at the home of George Ott Sunday Misses Anna and Theresa Klemp and Margaret Hansen attended a Hal lowe'en part yat the home of Mr. and Mr; Howard lama in Chicago last Baturda y Mrs. C. H. Johnston of Lockport via-- fted relatives and friends over the week end in Deerflield. Mre. R. Helstrom was i!l several days of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schmidt spent Baturda yevening with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hammer in Highland Park. Miss myrtle Bonzar and Arthur Meding of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schmidt Monday. -- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Selig spent Sat urday in Chicago ST. PAULWS EVANG CHURCH Rev.. Plepenbrok, Paster. -- * Bunday School at 9:45 a m.: Ger man Service at 10:30 a m.; Installa tion Service at 7:30 p. m The evening Rervice will be conduct-- ed in the English language Rev. K Roth, of. Highland Park, will occupy the pulpit. Special music by Ewaid Friday evening the church boavd will meet for its quarterly business meeting, at the u-eéo( C. A. Selig. _ Bunday, Nov. 15, St. Paul's Evans congregation will observe the 50th an-- niversary--of the dedicaifoin of the charch. There will be three services, u-l CHEC "7"-';:':' nany. WOOTL nl. Fiorida.~ --~~*~--{worked out : R_--Carnell and e}fi iist" the-- spent Sunday at the | constituency next issue for mnlte announcement. --_~ PRESBYTERIAN CHUREH ' Mark J. Andrews, Minister Church School at 9.45. Graded de-- partments and graded instruction Mr. Grantham:> will: lead the adult bible class. 4ih °m . Morning worship at 10:45 will be de-- voted to the consideration of Foreign Missions.'* The address will be given TA'lOD-D--O'. Syria. . Mr. . Andrews _ M speak at Lhefi&piggscrvlce at 7:30 The Rev. L. M. Witherspoon, a man | who lives at the-- cross roads of the| world's commerce anu trannpormt'ion' system. Aleppo, Syria, is to speak at the Presbytertan--shureh on Sunday, Nov. 0, at 10:45, asone of the men who are conducting -- the "Bringing . the \, orld to Your Door" campaign being conducted among the Presbyterian churches of Chicago and victhnity. ° Mr. Witherspoon has,. lived througu five. years 'of interesting experiences in the famous Lebanon mountains of Syria in Sidon, and is now stationed at Aleppo, the ;unction of the, world railways that link Sbanghai, . China, and Cape Town, Africa, wlth.Pelro{ grad, Madras, waris and Singa pore, anud . which is becoming the central sorting office and clearing house for. aerial mail service from Vancouver, Cantonr Tokip"@nd Calcutta, to Lon-- don, Rome, Cairo and sohannesburg. _ Mr. Witherspoon does a great deal of itinerating through this unique bi-- ble and Moslem center of the world; especiglly along the Euphrates river, and the story he will tell will be of be-- culiar interest. A cordial welcome is lexu:nde(L to all citizens of the com-- munity to hear him. _ + : 4 The monthly meeting of the Workers of the Church School wat held Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. Clar-- ence Huhn. -- Matters pertaining to »~ Thanksgiving P: T. A: meeting and The W. M. S. held their regular| Mr. and Mrs. O. I. Hook spent las:i monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon. Sunday at the Burridge bome in L4b with a good attendance. ~A fine pro--|ertyville. . . # gram was rendered, one of the touch| The members of the new dancizk ing features of the meeting being the elub bheld a very delightful party ai presentation of a new oible to bne 0|| Pester's bhall Hallowe'en. our members, Mrs. W D. Gay, whom mm mm mm mm it has been a real pleasure to fellow }| + #@ «. + a #@ *# C r % *# % ship with. * '@> t ' & ¢ % « _ 'Puesday evening a group of our f0'k * A'T'OC" went to the --L E. Meyers camp at . Blodgett and held a gospel service | * *# * *# *4 *# *# *# * *# * The Christian Endesvyor had charge o0f| Mjss Elizabeth Webb has returned the music. home from hber trip through the north BQML® ihe top'c of (Ais messak w#f1 lbe "The Relationship of the llo! Bpirit to Our Lord Jesus Chris: ~ In the evening the juntor choir «* | have charge of the musical part of th service. Come and enjoy this talen with us. ol Nert Tuesday afternoon.. Nov. 10th ia Mission Band day. Lon't forget ths "Buffalo Roundup" we a:e goin£ (¢ have. Save your money and rement | _ Numberot convo'ynrn filed, 185 | Number of chattel moftgages, 45 Number of trust deeds and mort | gages, 60. |_-- Total amount o' instraments filed Aside from the two clubs from Waukegan. the Kiwan's clubs of Lake rest, Wilmette and libertrville t'nv"fif The membere and their w _enjoyed. a program o' mu=ie. including songs by Carleton Cum-- mings, profeeeor of mueic. and were entertained by a play staged4 by the students. Halloween decorations gave a (foe tive air to the occasion. Refresh ments were served. and dancing was enjoyed LOANS LAST WEEK WERE $413,050 BY A. K. BOWES Asst. Secretary of Security Title & Trust Company. Business of the recorder's office for the week ending Oct 31. 1925. Number Number Numbeéer gages, 86. _ Total number of instrumenmts filéd 435. Corresponding period week ending Nov. 1. 1924;¢ #90 Total amount of olans. $413.650.8%4 Total amount of loans. $125.47¢ Subscribe for The Independent. of convevances filed. 262 eof chattel mortrages, ®7 of trust deeds and mort wih? "¢ 60 DAYS METED OUT TO MAN WHO HAD BOOZE SUPPLY $ only to be arrested. three hours after he had reached the village on a charge -- of ~violating mc;smwm law, Friday "was senten to serte 60 days in the county jail by Judsge P. I. Persons in the county court The sentence was based on a ver-- diet ot guilty returned by a jury late Wednesday, Oct. 28. . Attorney -- Goral _ Heydecker, who asked for a new ftrial for the defen4 ant, lost his motion. although Attor-- ney Albert E. Hall, acting for the state, later agreed-- that if it could be stipulated he would be willing that the 25 daye or more served by the man already could apply to the sen-- tence. * . Frank . Williams, Arrested at Mundelein, Found Guilty by ---- Jur yn County Court.=~ Frank Wiliams, 24, of South NDa kota, who arrived in Mundelein Sept Williams had seen two men come from out behind a bush, and he rush-- ed in to find three. pints otf booze. Deputy Jack Clark, a special deputy at the 4. EK. Meyer consiruction camp. and Joseph Manczak, a epeed-- cop, nabbed «Williagns as Williams grabbed _ wiftiams bad claimed that the booze was not-- his. . «0 _ Lou Grogvenor spent Saturday and Bunday at the bhome of his brother ff Chicago. -- Mr. fnd Mrs. F. C. Wilbur left las Sunday for Los Angeles, Cal., where th:y will spend the winter. § Dr. J. M. Paimer of Waukegan was a professional caller here Monday. Mrs. J. W. Schlosser and gister, Mrs E--¥. Harvey, atiended the funeral ol a relative in Chitago Monday. Mra-- Hendricks --of Tngleaide catitet on friends here Tuesday. -- Mre. Tom Sallivan was a Wuutomf visitor Saturday. + Lioyd Van Deusen of Waukegan vis ited Saturday abd Sunday at the hom:» of Jane warriner Miss Elizabeth Webb has returned | home from her trip through the north | und west. She reports a wonderful} time. | The Antioch fire department was called to Sunset Camp, at ithe north west side of Channel lake Tuesday evening of las: week when it was dis-- covered a fire had started in the plig eottage. The flames had been extin-- quished before the fore department arrived. > Mr and Mrs William Davisa and family of Milwaukee were hers over Bunday viciting at the home of their mother. Mrs. Margaret Days i The Chicago Footwear Co. has been mrking etensive repairs on i(he in-- teroF of the stores. A new hard wood floor has been laid and the whole in-- terior has been repainted. Quite a number from Rere attended a concert given in Waukegan by the United States Marine RBand. The annual meeting of the Antioch | Poultry Association was held at the Antioch lownship High School on | M CE FLLA year were elected as fTollows: | President C. 1. Kutil; Vice President| H. Minto; Dircctor, Wm. Duncan; 8«" retary. and Treamurer, G. W. Jensen; fRrecror J. B. NMcks®son. ' Antioch was well represented at the Antioch Theatre on Thursday eve ning when it presented "The Freah-- man," by rmarold Lioyd, under the auspices of the Agricultural Ctub at the Antioch Township High School. 40 Mr. and Mrs. $ E. Mesha and two ELKHORN WIS., FAIR GROUNDS AT 1:30 P. M. .___ NOVEMBER 17, 1925 20 Serviceable Bulls, 20 Milkers. If in need of a goo bull or some good milkers, come to this sale. Tuberculin tested------ HOLSTEIN SALE y WALWORTH COUNTY HOLSTEIN BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION Howard--all--of Chicago --spent Sunday )at the home 0f. their mother, Mrs.. M. Mra. Miller ?v. & }lollovo'en party at Somerville's on' Saturday evening in honor of her--little daugh-- ter Adella A large number of child-- ren were present and everyone reports a very enjoyable time. ~ ~ We have had some very cold weath-- er the past two weeks. The coldest Octaober weather in thirty years. A Davis Mr. and Mrs. John Clark have mov-- ed from the Wilton flat to Lake Villa. ' A Mr. Rasch and family have moved into the Wilton flat recently vacated by. Mr. and Mrs. Clark. e s _ Chase Webb is spending some time in Waukeshaw Wisc. * _ Mrg. Fred Brown returned home on Bstarday from -- Chicago where she had been staying with her sister, Mrs. Martin Sorensen, after coming out of the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Sorens*en accompanied HOF home. ° We are ali glad to see that Mrs. Brown is getting along so nicely. £*". __*_>_ OBITVARY * Christian Rebecca Gelling was born at Crosby, Isle of Man, on December 21, 1862 and died at her home in An-- tioch, litinois, on Saturday,. October 24, 1925, at the age of 62 years, 10 thonths and 3 days. On July 13, 1887, she was united in marriage to William H.--Kelly and to this union 4w0 8008 the--same goal --The sale of--the two were born, Ro--ert Sinclair and Will--| preparatory _ schools establishes a iam Ernest, both of whom, with her, healthy 'fund for enlargement abd husband survive her. On May 8, 1040 improvement in the unfversity while she with her husband and two soms, the academy and Ferry hall fre left came to America, seitling in Antioch,| free to--better their own {ackities fllinois, and which. place has been, wthout interfering in any way with her bome for the vast thirty years.. |the higher institution of Tearning. Miss Helen Bederske is employed a:' the telephone exchange in Arlington| Heights. . 2 . _Oscar, John, and Chester Hauri gpeat ; Bunday afternoon with Kenneth Balz | CCC X% r * + # ?nvo U# *# % rf '%'*mwfi?mmfifib;'n'm ~Mr.--and Nrs. A. R. Cayanaugh and" from the 00,000 acres of fixh'nx ferft-- daughter, ~Bveign, i&%'m {tort in she.river, frum LuiClile Jocks to E. <Bederske, of Arlington. . Heithis, '4Ats spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrsa,; Martin Bederski {'*=«« Virginia, June and Nora Newburger were--absent the past week from their school work. ~ _ Mr. and dMrs. Johnson of spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. John Batz. . ~. The rule of Treojan, 98 to 117 A. D, marked the aeight of the Roman eme plre.' The rule following, that, of He-- drian. was memorable for ts peace fulness and for the fact that it wak the mo«t splendid era of Roman ar-- Height of Roman Glory We have installed a complete outfit for charging batteries, and are prepared to pfit your battery in first class shape. All repairs made by men who know how. Bring vour battery here and have it tested free of charge. _ _ | O Willys--Knight «+ Overland Sales and Service Station Battery Work Rest Haven Garage FREE AIR AND WATER All Work Guaranteed We are Agents for the IVANHOE, ILL Chicago Mr. ant * Property of Academy is Sold ,Al\_to New Board of Directors *+*=%4Gp_§$150,000. * In the county recorder's office, a warranty deed was filed Thurs. trans ferring the buildings 'and property !now in use by the Academy to the Lake Forest Academy from the Laka Forest University at a contract price 'of $150,000. _ The trans(er of. the / property closes a year of planning | and court work and leaves the board ' of directors of Lake Forest univer |sity free to administer wholly to . the ° university, AC Lake Forest Academy, since its foundation an integral part of, and under . the guildance of the same board of directors with Lake Forest unriversaity and Ferry bal, Thursday started its career as a separate In-- stitution and under a distinct board of. directors. & Saimon--Canning industry Vigorous, Bince the Columbia river qlm& eanning fmdpstry was started by .plon, Some time ago the separation was effeeted between the University and Ferry -- Hall, the preparatory school for . girls, and since that time the academy has been working toward haariem oil has tbeen a world-- wide remedy for kidney, liver and lecder disordcrs, rheumatism, !vnibego and uric acid conditions FOR OVERK 200 YEARS organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original grouine Gorn Mapau. CONNECTION WITH LAKE FOREST U (1 4 uie * in god *E > d M MAARIECR O MHAARLERM OHL Phone 632--W--1 40 40 nfraiacs: w e iee agabiga ctta araie GROSVENOR BROS. _--Trucking and Hauli'!g $ ".'"' z::m.:' n":rl:;':y'd:i:I:' taer Furniture and Cattlg 20 {3:'."'.'7{;';"5,' ':Acs:;d Cs" M:"/',. L ] ..' l * me Prefect Correspona»~t Tractor Plowing LIBERTYVILLE CHAPTER Grayslake, H. Phone 158--J No. 277 R A. M. ¢ S N O W'S PHONE--36GS "Rave BeAt tound Caftective in re----M ) 11.8. MJEZ_ REELEE % RA L4 . * Mests First ind Thir® . NAP--RA--PATH Wyp {i igpcre caes on * SCIENTIFIC SPINAL In Gridiey Hail, First uauow Banw MANIPULATION, _ . ... Buliding. vumng Neighbors Welcome ANEW METHOD." For nerve [[|E A. BROWN. Ir. . W. NAGEL and chronic ailments,. If you are hhbaunte ark. not enJoylng health, wh' not try m Naprapathic treatments. They {{| _ AP ¥%.0--~>.20 ~CAM wt moving the cause of many ob-- stinate and obscure aflments. Insurance REAL ESTATE Thee is nothing rough painfu! in the manipulation the trained Naprapath. Mondays, --Wednesdays, Fridays OvER FORD SALESROOM ... Libertyville Phone 474 WAUKEGAN, ILL Good Meals 50c W. LFE-- KAPPLE Dredging and. Re-- clamation Work. REAL _ ESTATE We Buy and Sell SELLERS & PETERSEN Smith's Taxi _ _G. H. SMITH, Prop. Day and Night Service Night Ph. 497 _ Day Ph. 51 A RLING T O N # HOTEL # No. Milw. Ave. -- Libertyvitie Phone 260--J 551 Milwankee Avenue _ Telephone 451 Kaping & Sons Ingleside, HHI. LAKE COUNTY AND Eitheér Buying or Selling, . »AITTF «/ 1Meets First and Third Mondar Ni«Hts _ ~_ P e m tdsc Auk, Pmb & »raton .. *n sitenilie Anl | Crmis " f e . |Vikiting Companlons Cordiaily--Invited »> 2| 0. EDW, L DuBOIS, H. P.oc CE .MR C ) --=:: sn NabtRY*Be@cy_ ---- €RMITTL Notary Public ; etc. Aw or of LIBERYVILLE LODGE No. 950 Visiting Members ?ordfnlly Invited. M. SEH {OEUER. N. G. WILLIAM MeCLAIN, Secy. &' Meets Each Monday Night at 8 o'ciock ------FiRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. . LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIGR > Meets 2na and 4th Tuesday of Eaor Month at Gridjey Haill Visiting Brother vre Cord: y Invites LORA STURM, MARY Ca~ ~v, | Cattle Tested for Trh---- ~ s __ . |\ --FRFEE OF CH ARGEFP T By U 8 HGovernment veterinaria _9 C. Grirmeil, Inspecio in Chargye _ _' LPCER BUILf ING _____., _ Res Phon-- 134M _ Office Phnome :# Res. Phone 20--J. Office phone 163 Reverse Charges on Business Calls Office in First--Natio@@! Bank Bullg:~g Mours: --1 to 330 an6 140 8 p m Residence on Broadway oppostie Purr LIBERTYYVILLE-- [114JNOI8 MARBLE AND GRANITE nein® MONUMENTS --~~ * Cemetery Work of Every _ Description CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED 116 South Gemese St. . WAUKECAN, ILLINOIS FRED GRABBE AYTORNEY A31 4.AW Office a; Home on Copk 'Aveaw Telenhaone *'63 J + IABERTYNVILLER. TLLA4ONI8 wn.l.eodneuohnlohlibu and material on your house completae for a set figure so you may know just what cost will be before starting. Going to Build? R. L. GONSALVES Phone Libertyville 145.R--12M0.R INSURANCE Phone 217.M _ LIBERTYYILLE Auctioneering FARM AND STOCK SLES A SPECIALTY Attorney at Law _ LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS TELEPH :6 66 UBERTYVILLE ILLJNOIB VETEKINAKY sSt'RGEON . 329 Liberiyville, +1 Office With Farm Buesau. --~ LYHLL H. MANUVEACTUVAER OF DR. J._ L TAYVLOR COLUMBIA LODGE No. 131 MYSTIC WORKERS ACME CAMP No. _ > A. A. Grandy F. BAIRSTOW hy taed"