CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Nov 1925, p. 7

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Commissioner Jullus ~V. Baiz, chie! «of police, and Ben _ Barrett, the super promoter, and author of the .__ police history, were found gullty 'of ~------~conspiring~to defraud the, public in two verdicts reached by a jury in , the circuit court early' Friday, after six and one--half hours of deliber-- "WhisBaretl dop 5000. -- ® e barrelifl be ___a.nd;l3§'»nays"iri;)a}l.;.. days in jail on the jury had C Tine. . ed on the jqury door at 11:40 o'clock | "Thev are th"owing@ sand in yOUT +hat he ¢ :: '::lioun:e {bit they were ready eyes," Col. Smith told the jurors. ll,!:e,ln&e,,(j 16 come in. The verdict was read by | .vr. Block, with the logic of a d | jnr} the L. J. Witmot. 'clerk of the circuit+tbator, had presenterd the state's C@2°" ( poon heat court at 12:30 Friday morning. C +much as it bhad been presented thru -- pur}.r & gARRETT |S JAiLED gg !:;\-,- gld;":ra ;n both . s¥les 'Then I" 'iheat vote * Barre _fpto cuslody| delyod into the conepiiAcy i@AW8. Ty-- ; pacessary 'and -- puLl' i:""ihé%k::mx? jam, after f'aaung the ies res on the jnro®s "'flnp and the verdict had been read. ' Te' failed j "wWELCH SCORES PRESss \ begn Eive to mkc_l,i'i.&mxmd- Balz. was | Paintinea {he, new«papers | as; ~'x*h_el'!;-4 w94 4 released-- On . a. -- 0. Pusii --z08%.--o=~* { ~acepirators-- MT.'bnt -- anen dn :"'* !-""-"""h" WW uca{{f"" M n n ieig se ied i se ae _ _A"slim crowd was presour YO nesr ; ;o% 'insi Majrett's scheme .baG {[aken TK% % #% 3 The commissioner's fine was fxed at $500, the mipimum under the con-- spiracy act, while Barrett received the maximum of $2,000 and an ad-- ditional penalty of 135 days in jail. Williim Lowenstein., of HIiRM@DG Park, 'a salesman jor. Bauer, and Black. was the foreman of th¢@ jury After both defendants bad been vot-- ed guilty, the juW> decided, a'ter considerable voting, on the $500 fine for -- Balz. ° Cmm f,= € C 5_ . princijale, States -- Ariorney | A. ¥ . Smith, Mr. Weich, 'the defergants~-- apd court aitaches, there Were only|. four or five other people. © Mrs.} pBarrft--who has hbeard the ontmi, triat, was "in this grougp < -- Williim Lowenstein., of Highiand | The jury at one time veted on a jaH sentence for Balz but it . was knocked-- out. +« Attomney James G. Welch, for the convicted rmen, moved for a new trial, and.--the motion is to be heard Nov. 1. . ; 2 s * ation . Rpeatators were etrcuit court room <ury settled down (ai+n Most of the time in the was consumed in fixin@ Th« sentence for Barrett, with running men were «0 bolstef deliberations could be out=!de Several . p¢ waited for. the jury |e uldrr-.-th-"h-"fm»n'.'on a Aisagreement Tho'fi!r) was com ; Lowenstein. Hirhlang G -- Weich, Newpor Waukesan Alexands Balz was found. guilty on the first ballot taken, and Barrett on the second. _ these -- Iintroduct to Informants. ed letters zo be carrying th Moorr. and M introduction .. the merchants was Robe:'s a so That--it#ant'* hean made an thay been a~r trtal. eavld Ob had seen the | Ma un talk mak As th yesterd i brought Welch I t w sent. Ho«hins cf'}amh-»r Mr=MW y amokingz a I ' Youre not Gead,. 1/0 query, and the report was Joseph Oltusky. who sioa painted the mad Jdash as a gro«s | inef'icteney "Fine work," senffed J man diea a reporter s<shows didn't vou bringz an underta thrr The eourt had been in recess °eX plaining the crowd in the corridor and Mr: Welich fr®m his chair °_ MHI8TORY OF CASE Barrett, as pictured by the state entered the city through an agree-- ment with Balz. to promote a police souvenir book with 15 per cent go Ing to the police pension fund and #5 per cent to the cost ol the cam paign and himself. _ Barrett, through a letter of intro duction from Balz, cevered the buik ®of merchants and manufacturers, get The jury received the case l}'fi:;fi BARRETT GUILTY ON FRAUD CHARGE WELCH DEAD NEW ANGLE BOBSs UP & *rom koweyer #1 5 --Jwume 7/ JURY. A NOISY ONE n (f the time in the jury room Aanttratitm --mr'+ nat have n..« --TD to 3 in fixin@ fThe fine and larrett, with the vote 5 in favyor of the 135 i several ballots alter dsrided on the $2:000 ousted from, thbe. shortly after the to work. as. the erous that their be heard on the people whq had e't by J9-- o'clock n that there wa®®" t Alien Johnsomr ak 6 up. Why W M M / l mam la mes r+ n nuantog: borne by Batr:oo.oo~~oo----~ t sMITH HITS HARD _ _Col. Smith, in a bitter arraienmen* n' ~the defendants, placed the respon-- «'hility directly upon the jury: ~ | "It i@ up. to tou. gentiemen." h« sald at comf® point. "to send. out the | word to the people of the founty of 'Lake and the State of Illinois that leuch «windles are punishabile." . ! the press, and that the merchants, }hvmtmt their dollark in the p> Hce history. could not put. the #samo money in the newspapers. ~ 4 * . He geveloped the defénse from the [ beginning to the end. plceturing --It 44 ;i & ~plirely business transaction, for '\\'hi"h money had Waen palid and valu» received in each case. He failed, he eald, to #see any conspiracy.-- Balz had protected the pubhe by P@riting an radditional reserve fund to assure the | public that a book would be printed, and bad checked each transaction. > | _ HMe pointed out that 21 character | witp®ssea. froth o-nr}' point in the For the defendart Attorney James G. Welch togk the "bark" of% aeveral prominent citizens, and wound up by attacking the newapapers, calling the case a newspaper-- conspiracy. States Attorney A. V. Smith replied, in the closing argument, by calling it al' "Prother Weleh's amoxe screen," and | likened it all to the cuttle fish, that trrows off an inky substance into thy l waltes 40 eet away from it4 enemies.-- _ _"Thev are th'owing «and 'in your eyes," Col. Smith told the jurors. | published unt!l after the four men had been Andicted. Corporation Counsel Albert Hall testified that about $6,000 was taken, and about $2,000 had been recovered. *~ 'The council, three weeks after the tics employed, and ordered the so-- liciting stopped and demanded that the _ publication of the book _ be stopped. Barrett, at that time, prom-- iseq to make restitution. Restitution was never made. 'The ~ book was put" out at 'the last moment as a pivot point in the defense, to show that. Barrett and Balz had kept faith wih the merchants. £ ARGUVMENTS HEATED With the exception of Assistant States-- Attarney 8. H. _Block, who opened for the state the. argumen's were heated. with nothing being left unsaid . aoitcitore sturted,." hexmrd of :the .tac tcs emploved, and ordered the so-- according to Col. Smith, that he was from poli¢e headquarters, a mo-- tor cop, a newspaperman, or an ac-- tual solicitor. He never said at any time,. and Barrett.admitted this, thit he was only going to put 15 per cent in the fund, and the book was not published unt!l after the four men had been Andicted. Corporation sol to ger s «w A T7 ohat--nxay~trom" ty« --advertistar M Chuv("l'l Sotid wWELICH SsHowWSs _CUNNING d sher a famous Doctor's prescription, ;m been used and recommended by thoussnds. You, too, can hbenish your ho meadity with thoee, hire, aunges for «d for heatiaches but we abways get queck fidhb«mmmm'mo'm body." _ Mra. Andrews, Chicago These marvelous tablets work like a charm. Amazing New Treat-- ment for Headaches Yeare of euffering --chronic, maddenin eadaches-- then heaverdy v"---h-J Mra. Andrews' own story -- No word of prrise is too much for Pink n + \White Tablets, and 1 do not w to ecommend them to persons w ho with heedaches as 1 did. They relieved where PY "Reliet Where Everything Elese Failed" 1 AG DECKER & NEVILLE incking and «windling." wit bility that~the goad chri es men of the communit l to (hI:L'H.!fi» to--worth twhlets, Try this amazing trestmen achen. LL»-&.-p&-' te tablet.and you will find safe, sure line af .tweniv--aRe Chara i book would be prlnted.j Mrs. Mary Leikam passed "? at cked each transaction. -- the home of her daughter, Mrs. 'red 1 out that 21 character Kruger, last Sunday morning, broncuo roth o-vari{ point In the , pneumonia being the cause of de_nu:. F --by Balzr:--:~~~----------<{bereaved ftamity have our sympathy . TH HITS HARD '. We are glad to see that Alex John . in a bitter arraienmer' . son is back home again Up and dants, placed the respon-- around and4 much improved in health tly upon the jury: ~ 'As the old saying is. "it's hard to keep to fou. gentiemen." h» 'a good,man down'"~It more aptiy ap-- point. "to send. out the |plies providing one is good and toug). people® of the founty ofwhich one has to be nowadays. Nhat e State o[ llliinois that {do you gaYy. Al° . *«* Ra Ir erm can be Foundaot:ion . it are in dan it f Barret! IT V #+1B w itb the kely IT "" i until the motion for & new TrI&) Nau *"_ been heard. y * ':'" Barrett. at the hands of the juey . that voted him guillty without an un-- [3 necessary Lallot._receixed._ a . $2,000 \fine and 133 days in jail.. Balz had | begn given the minimum Ine of $500, Lf?i!'*'. w« Laund guilty on lgw'.&.tfi,'l Don't forget the Ladies' Aid bazaar and chicken supper at the church base ment Friday evening, Nov. 12., Suppes 50e and 25¢. The ladies have a lot of useful as weln as pretty articles to se'l and there will be a parce! pos booth Everyone in the community should be there and help make Ilfi_lrgmendoua success. Sure, let's go* " .t~* °* --~_Ben Barrett, prime mover back o the gollco bigtory scheme, for which he and Commisgioner J. V. Balz were found gullty~by @ Jury in the circuit court on a charge of conspiracy Fri-- day morning Saturday was released in bonds of $7,500 pending a metion tor a new trial that is to be made by de-- fense counsel, Attorney James G. Welch. . Balz. reached over the telephone at the poulce station Gtmv@ dectared that he didn't believe t he cavred to make 4. gtatement, but ®would wait until the motion for & new trial had Barrett, gettinz bonds, did not Rook like the Barrett that "ad been the de-- fendant. He needed a shave badly. and his clothing was wrinkled« irom hie short «sojourn in the county jail. His wife, who had been faithful through the trial, was present when the bond was signed, and it is under-- stood that she was :nstrumertal in getting Oltusky to sign for her thue band, having broken down and liter ally cried on his shouider. . . Joseph Oltusky signed the bonds after Barrett had put up seeurity and property to the extent. of $5,000. Pererson iamily (he iasi Werk * My amd Mrs. Fred: Brockma Hlersebhberger and C. M Hersé Liberty fine m Prime . Mover Back of Police BARREITISOUUT _ * IN BONDS AFTER ADVERSE VERDICT £ *R Mre We History Scheme Gains Freedom Fhru.Oltusky. . for ASK THE MAN WHO HAS BUILT, OR WHO IS BUILDING, AS TO WHICH LUMBER HE BUYS. IT'S A CERTAINTY THAT HE WILL RECOMMEND NONE OTHER THAN FRANZEN OUALITY LUMBER. MAY WE BID ON YOUR NFFDS. ESTIMATES FURNMHED PROMPTLY. M ra k + rean's broth« boncting was anod HALF DPAT _ * #!a T Telephone 50--LIBERTYVILLE: ILL. and the Vernan -- C»me a puroh.,u-fl twa more W t K0 Qualily " --~ [umber . Franzen, Jr. homn )TR ¢ and wif Wis M .» d Paul Radtke and--A} Bunton madr a buwness trip to Wheeling. Monday Ed Giss has decided to reside on his farm one more year. j Bill Schiey the JBome of. aftgrnoon. Oito Andersom®,.of Wherting was : visitor at the Al Bunton home Mon day night. . & * The cement paving on route 22 is ROw completed vetweem Prairte View and Milwaukee avenue, but is not yet open for traffic. * _ Mr and M daughter and apent Sunday Anua Gerbert is now teaching at the Diamond Lake school, since the resig-- nation of Miss Mentor. ~George Sturm is quite ill. We wish ; him a speedy recovyery. ' . Mrs.. Stffen was buried at Buffalo Grove Tuesday. 7 | -- Rev. Stadler was a caller at the George Sturm home Friday. | * Mr. and Mrs. Max Miller aitended+ a dance in Waukegan Saturday "éve--| ning. = _ . p day Several from here attended the ba zaar given by the Prairie View ladies last 'rhursday. mr. and Mrs. George Sturm of Lib ertyville spent Friday night at th« hom«« of the former's sister, Mrs: Em ma Sturm. -- CV «/ *# * school was well attended Mr.and Mrs. Busch and son, Donaid , spent sunday with relatives in Lake} Forest. ; < 0_ y | Mr.--and Mrs. Andrew Mareno of H&hlnnd l'urk_vhmwd Monday at the THE INDEPENDENT--$150 a Year in videtnd SndiBie®Olntdnget > d duriendcivdait | hnd it at. :s dndadtiiiii 12. B0 duta ind Anting'. 4 hm ons Alice Herschberger and a friend vsi--) Brundage. In that capacity hbe was ited relatives here Sunday. | paid $3,541.61. > The Adult Bible class had their reg-- ular monthly meeting at the homeatr thei rteacher, Mrs. J. G. Cook, last Monday evening, this being the end of the fscal year, the electon of offcersi resulted in the old officers being chos-- en for another year, viz; _ President, C. J. Herschberger; <vice president, Mrs. Roy Stanclfl; sec'y and treasur-- er, Mrs. Gust Peterson. After the d= votional and business session, games were; playtd, after_which the. Nosteis preparea an elegant lunch. Paul Radtke made a business trip to Prairie View Saturday. improve the appearance of the ceme tery materially. Mrs. Ella Knop; M Harrison 2815 William P. Whitney Architect pd "re afe) NMiller artendal(--of tNe Ehicago city hall an@--the san-- _ in Waukegan Saturday "éve--| jrary district. f o mels Repréesentative W._F. Weiss| _ weremm--an omosmmspom n or baks Suaty 4NE nor--waw mnet-- s with home folks this week. _ himself in the same position as .\'on-{ _ leitzan and Ed Schley spent neman was due to the &--t.iDat, im--!. night in CK._uge=~ _ --=~~~~| mediately upon being elected to-- mei f Mary Leikam and son Goorge« legislature :' some---- yerrs. azgo, -- Mr. A P T A KISIC Mrs. Bob Weind and their id her_husband of Chicago ay at the Priliman boine. *y and daughter visited. a! { his brsother here Sunda; . NOVEMBER 5, 1925 d daughter m Libertyville 23 . W M 1% a '; For Lake County circulation. place your advertisement in The 'Independent. The decision wag iD 'the céase~0f} Otto Sonnemann, state . representa--" tive from Carlinviliec. Following ad--] journment of the assembly' two years | ago, he was appointed a prohibition | investigator by Attorney. General' State legislators may not hofd jobs in the executive branch of the state government, the lllinois _ supreme court decided last week. -- During last year's campaign a suit, was started in the city court of} Litchfield, to compel him to return| the money to the state. He and! his friends branded it as a campaign| maneuver, but it came all the way| up to the high.court, where Justice} Stone wrote the opinion that an em--| ploye of one of the three .branches , of the state government could not| eéxerciss the powewes of another. j The ruling required that, RNeune-- mann not 'only repay the $3.541.61. but that he pay $600 for lawyers tees ~to the taxpayer ptaintif!. «Law-- yers say this decision has no bear-- ing on "the familiar occurrence. of legislators being on both state and municipal pay rolls, such as -- those of the Chtcago city halt--and the san-- itary district. -- That Repréesentative W._--F. Weiss signed the latter position. ~ He, at. the sime that che couldn't serve in the législature and draw pay at the --same time-- from the attorney | general's office, so, in order to keep | bis skirts clear. he quit the law feature of the --government. And b)"1 doing so, he proved his wisdom or | he now would have been in the same ; sort of. a predicament as Sonne man. . B us » * Local Legislator Could Easily| Have Been in Position Like | ---- _ RBep. Sonneman. . --, «. QUITTING ONE JOB ° WHEN HE GOT OTHER K elvinator Libertyvitie Eceonomy as well as convénience The Oldest Domestic Electric Refrigeration R. G. Kaping _ Prepare Now Don't Shiver Next Winter Why wait until next Fall before solving your heating problem. In the Spring. right now, is the most economical time fo install a warm air furnace. Don't wait until the Fall rush comes with high labor cost and advancing market. WE BOUGHT A CARLOAD WHEN PRICES WERE DOWN Schanck Hardware Co. litinois The Heating Men Who Satisfy OUR WANT--ADS GET SURE RESULTS '__ puwN BY THE ELECTRIC STATION Phone 200--J Libertyvill COLLINS & DOANE--COMPANY MONUMENTS -- CHICAGO BRICK EXCHANGE 133 West Washington Street -- _ ~TCHICAGO, ILLINOIS COMMON SENSE -- <* {4+ More than any other it bespeaks the exerc of Common Sense. ALiLLespRare fhe exerc Of all Brick houses none guarantees so much of economy as the Common Brick house. He insuteshimself the minimum of upkeep cost, savings in heating expense and insurance rates. _ _He is certain always of the maximum of re-- sale value. : The man who builds a brick house comes closest to malq'.ng the most of his opportunities. With brick he builds against fire, the ravages of time and deterioration in general. _ and Mausoleums Residence of S. S. BEMAN, Architect "5.3,';:, " «w ese sn wb n oc "olk Libertyville, Illinois _ | PAGE SEVEN ~ o s UT, Eus

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