e Miss Liilian Carteon of Chtcago was the week and guest of Miss. Margafet Krems. '=> s « Mr. and Mre E. W. Kubik and their dzughier Gloria. oA Chicago. were +he guests of Mr. and Mrs: Clarence MHubn Sunday + Willagd Sokup underwent an opera tion for npp-nd'!':'m- at the Nor#wegiah Akospital in Chicago Tursday * Mrs. J, J. lancaster of Libertyvile was the week end guest of Mra. W Steffes. -- " 4 4 4 4 I 4 / 4 # 4 & *# 4 & % % #0 # d f U +o C oEERFIFLD '+ ¥ 4 ¥% % % * %.% % % x « ;3;';.| The Deerfield --P. T. A. will meet on.} .m'é':'t'&-«ll.. , The pupils of the es --grade will. entertainshrdieuuwe= , Sixth s;ade. «til--dramatite the. stoty ' . Mres. Henry Plagge returned4 home« lnst Thursday, after spending the pas! «ummer in southern Itlinois -- * Dr. C. J. Dmvis attended of his fatherin--law, J Ai eothe Ohio, Runday Mra. George Vetter has refurned to ber home in Chicago, after a visit ef a month with ber sister, Mra A. H. Mubhike Miss Frances Biederstadt apent iast Sunday with ber sister, lnbd!'. at Higbland Park. A Pfister returned Saturdiy from --the highland Park hospital . He is able to be about on crutches. Mirs.. Alex Willman was hostess . to the Young Matross® Bridge Club on Wednesday of last week. _ Mr. and Mrs.: Floyd Gunckel of Galesburg visited Mres Gunckel's par-- ents, Mr. and Mrzs. 8. 8. l.ove, last Bunday '& Mesdames E. B Jordan,. J H New-- comb, H. Olendor{. Alex Wilman,. W m Denneriein and Miss Eva Ender at-- tended a Red Cross tea at the Casinn Mras R. B. Patterson was hostess to the Pot Luck Club tast Friday. - Mrs. E. H. Selig is entertaining ber gister, Mre. 1 Meurrise and daughter, of Dubugque, lowa Miss Mae Graves of Chicago was the week end guest of Miss Loretta Heman Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haskins and three daughters of Wilmette spent Sunday with ¥r. and Mrs Woodman Todd and family Mre. F. Labahn visited her sister Mre. J Dougherty, in Chicago Monday Miss Lulu Plagge of Chicagzo epent Bunday with bet sister, Mrs. Floyd Staozer and family. . Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gardner visited relatives in North Chicago Sunday. It is announced that Miss Susan M. Easton of Elmhurs;, and Frederick L. Protine of Chicago were married Fri-- day, November-- 6th _ »xr. and Mrs.| Protine are tiving in Eimburst. Mrs. Ralph Knickerbocker of Chi-- cago spent several days of last week with Mrs. Ellen Knickerbocker. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Neal of North Chicago spent several days of last week at the F. H Meyer home. _ t and krs R--OX Vant are vislt ing relatives in Los Angeles. «t Elmhburst Cottege, Saturday--after-- moon and evening. © _ Mrs. Dr. Kester of Grand Junction, lows, is visiting at the home ol her aunt Mrs. George Stanger. Miss Barbara Huebhl and Miss Erna Recb were guests at the home--coming on Ostermans Ave. The Guy family have moved to Rock Island. -- The $150 check had been sent to Mrs. Marsball by her mother," and it was learned that the check had beer cashed after it had been> m'ss-- ed. Po'lice say that they ° learned that> M'ss Holmes took & taxicab for Highland--Park and then boarded a train there. s t ¢ . Employes at tht Marshall home declare. that the most identifxing feature of the, woman is her ab lity to talk through her 'nose. 2. She had been employed as a maid last Tuesday, and on the fourth day she started packing her elothing. ~stating that she was~ to send it home. She left shortly af-- ter. _. s SEEK WOMAN WHO 'TALKS THROUGH NOSE' IN THEFT Lake --Forest police today . were searching {for Marion -- Holines, who is described as "a pretty brunette, about 24 years old, who talks through her: hose."* ------------ *z ~. Miss Holmes is wanted to explain bher sudden departure trom the home of Mrs. Thomas Marshall of Lake Forest, who is minus an evening gown, wrap and a $150 check. Miss Holmes and the apparel left about the same time, police say: s Mrs. Marshall of Lake Forest, Loses Clothing and Check, ...__Her Maid Is, Soucht, . _ u--i-_-___..-._-q..--: Pasak's ¥rim T CDLETY coupoumy dt fumows Doctor's prescription. hwve «ud recommended by .*fl w voarn im ecs Prctrement L TT DE NO only are Te parin mem a onl due hody." _ se Aninaewe: Chncage" marvalons tabkets work like charm mofrry ton mm n bninighhcncy puguea "No word of pratee is too mach for Pink-- Wkie Tatiew, und 196 mnot hewgs i recommend them to pemone who sufier with Eleo Failed" | i Years of eaftering --chronic, meaddenin beadaches-- then heevenly reliet -- but ree. Amazing New Treat-- ment for Headaches --n_qn-. Everything e funeral at Chilli-- LANGWORTHY'S ! Synday School at 9: 45 a m.; morn Ing worship at 11; Monday evening 'orchn&n_ practice at ®#; Tuesday eve ning. service at L. Meyers® camp at &; Wednesday evening. Bible study cass at 8%; Friday evening. adult choir re beareal at 8; Saturday afternoor at 3. Junior choir rehearsal. I! you longe for a good insniring time. join us in our weekly trip --and meeting at 1. Meyers Camp We had a splendid service last week Tweyty fire folks went over from Deerlije} and over. 15 ment were oz from th Out of town guests attending the gervices will .be . dinner and supper guests at homes of the members of the church. -- the feliow churches of Deerfleld community to celebrate with us Grace Evangeitcal church of Ghicago, will give the anniversary sermon. Rev. Mark Andrews --.of 'the Lyertield Prewbyterian 'church, and Rev. F. Pjepenbrok, of 8t. Paul's Evangelical church will give short addresses. fiz--_.am \aeP Mittaitice catnbtaislier s c amnistzan W?W'mw Evansten wilt give short adgdresses. |!on V».. bee hbeon vicitin= het nilaca : Bpecial --music_ ~for --the afternoon * M?8--Hera.s ""czcr a, af--Ceuter--aye / will be furnished by St John's Evan--| for the nast ten dayve. gelical vested choir. i __Mr Guv C. Raldwin Pas moved :n In the evening the service will be' 617 Prosnect avenne in' the hous»e In the evening the service will be-- kin at 7:30.-- Rev. Robert Stanger of The choir of Northbrook Evangeli-- cal church and the beginners and pri-- mary children of the Sto Paul's church Will furnish special music. Rev. Armin Bizer, pastor of the St. Peter's Evangelical church of North-- brook,. will preach the anniversary sermon. -- f : Rev. Paul H. Vieth, director of Re-- search and--~service of the Internation-- al Council of Réligious Education, wili address the Sunday School and con-- gregation. Bf. Paul's Evangelical church will observe jts 50th anniversary in three services on Sunday, Nov. 15. Morning service at 10:30, begins with a Sun-- day School rally. The children and young people will march from the Sunday School to the altar platform, and cwill sing the song, "Brightly Beams Our Banner." . Gevrge Rockenbach, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Aimond Rockenbach, had a }m'fi';"fii HTMF uowesitg * I P:pud$, when he was kicked by a horse. A change in time has been.made in the S. S. program. The Sunday School will start at 9.45 sharp, instead of at 9:15. ' c mouguts -- ® Comiges, Aoc ul . ce cnamrens -- copmrngaiicame > -- T ST. PAUL'S EVANGELICAL Rev. F. Piepenbrock, Pastor. Sunday Schoo!l at 9:45 a. m.; | Church services at 10:30 a. m. and 2:30 and 7;30. p. m. Mrs. Gus Klemp spent Wednesday with Mrs. E, Diebert in Chicago. .' Miss Eleapor Meyer ang Mn and Mrs. F. Protine attepded the football game at Champaign Saturday. Chrigst and Julius Pederson attend-- ed the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Christine Colley at Greenville, Ohio, Sunday. Mrs. Colley lived in Deer-- field before moving to Ohio. She was formerly Mrs. Christine Baus. Club given by Miss Muriel McCormick and dMrs. George McKinlock, Monday EVANG. BUNGALOW C n BOYS' LUMBER JACKS SWEATERS sUITS -- BLOUSES _PAJAMAS 4 MITTENS HOSIERY, ETC. ALUMINUM WARE GLASS WARE DISHES GRANITE WARE TIN WARE | CURTAIN RODS KITCHEN UTENSILS BROOMS, BRUSHES FANCY TEA POTS OIL MOPS Headquarters For Toys and Gifts For the Coming Holiday Seasons -- ~--GENERAL MERCHANDISE RCH the Robs the ---- The Hunt re«}de pect avenvue has .be cago parties about November 10 Cgnter ave. ha«e r a ahort vis't combi pleasuge . Mr. and Mrs®. Clarence Rartelme o' Nortbbrook. !I1.. were visitor« in the village on Sunday. _ +o w=% Mra J V._Newell of 1342 Proanect av*k . who bas been visiting in Atlam tie City. N J. for the past two vem a returned to the vil'a~» on Tharp dayv Mr Horare Writht Cook n' T04Q _ e l _ e --|residence of Mr. Harry B. Muir, 569 2. NOTICE . 2oo us r.'\laple, Avenue on Wednesday eve No trespassing or hunting allowed "!~> .. Tl'" * Tor the conmructee on <the Elmwood Farm, Deerfield, Ni. D!t!®d Plans for the construction o mo--r--pommpc~-- smm . _ ____" ___, &4 DeWw Stinday school auditoriumy ang s § 2 ' ~falso contemplated repa:rs on the old "I" B I i i N 4 atT uc ; ar &n ThE wilt Auciude "a © thar EAKT BLUFE.NEW§:u: >« Thewitl--fuclude n thar "ormer'y ncerpied by J R Richards * Mra. Marraret Ho--na' o{f 5719 por thester wvsa . Chieero. is in the v!l lage visitine the Dewere ~af 138 Cen ter aAvenne. . Cottage meeting at Everett Thurs day evening with Mrs. Connoly. The Dorceas Society will meet for an all day meetirig on Thursday. Remem-- ber the bazaar which has been set for Friday, Dec. 4; The junior choir will practice Thursday after school. ' T2 W MIC IUCRINe 'UIWHTC °0 & CAL0n Thanksgiving _service in Deerfield.| do.b'""!" to obgcene.--peems, paint Let everyone keep this in mind. The'e on his barn' Hallowe'en . night; Time and place .will be annonneed,rhom" Casterton, Kussell feed man. Teter.: . =: > § 'S_tmdly caused "the ~arreat ' of u'f#i'f l On Wednesday evening, Nov. 11, the *°808 en from the Ruree!l vicinity. Boy Scouts of Deerfleld came to the| Casterton was several daye in lo Bungalow church in a body and join--i(2¢"%.the boye he believed to ne ed in a brief memorfal service of Arm--|{"° P9°ts. _A -- $15 | reward-- Anally |imce Day. + |brought results and Deputy Ray Kel ly. of Wadsworth, brought in the en } PRESBYERIAN CHURCH , t're flock before Justice Harry Hort. | Mark J. Andrews, Minister --_-- |WhO releaced them in bonds, settin> _ Church School and adult class at""€ ©28e for Wednesday, + 9:30; morfling service at 10:45; ser--|_ ~Om°0ne. it is said, from ont nf mon appropriate to the celebration of; !"8 STOUD,. muet bave collected . t\> the Father and Soon Week. Fathers,| [°NY@A"G Or the names would nev<; bring your sons and sons, bring your hav> Been fo thcomine. . fathers. -- No evening service. --This| _ _TM® Arti:ts worked on t--tro garac>s congregation will unite with the con-- °2 !"¢ Casterton p'ace. paintine s+v gregatfon of St. Paul's church in the ©~@) lesends on the Fui'ldings . wit> celebration of ' their jubilee Sunday N3!P". Casterton «dJoee not vant al afternoon and evening. + '.the boya fined, but he wishes r-- Church night service on W,dn"day'flne the painters and he is anxiora QVQnin'..'t T:45. 'thl(- lhey.get the limit. s [ [ PRESBYERIAN CHURCH \ Mark J. Andrews, Minister -- _ Church School and adult class at 9:30; morning service at 10:45; ser-- mon appropriate to the celebration of the Father and Soon Week. Fathers, bring your sons and'sons, bring your fathers. -- No evening service. --~This congregation will unite with the con-- gregatfon of St. Paul's church in the celebration of ' their jubilee Sunday afternoon and evening. * We are looking forward to a union Thanksgiving --service in Deerfield. Let everyone keep this in mind. The Next Sunday morning Rev. Wiillams will gpeak on "Pentecost." This is the thlrdrpf his 5;135 tg,ga_rmnna qnl,_'gm: Libert;ville, IHlinois Next Sunday afternoon and even-- ing we are uniting with St. Paul's Evangelical church to celebrate their 50th anniversary. ue Camp. _ Remember, each Tuesday at 8 o'clock p. m. The junior choir gave a ~mighty:fine program last. Sunday evening. -- We also heard an inspiring message from Rev. E. M. Moser, formerly of Fair-- mont, W. Va. . street, Chicago ia s age. > Writht Cook n" hae rovne to FMor'da ". C. 8. Cawtrorre o' ve . eatertained a |i~~~ nesday evenint Quit> a an people were pre«~~> c ob aite nc sn3 -- + Trnet Ing businece with LINEN TOWELS, Ladies' Silk and Wool Dresses af TURKISH TOWELS DRAPERIES . CURTAINS BED SPREADS PILLOW CASES ___COMFORTERS BLANKETS SHEETS PRINCESS SLIPS | BLOOMERS NECKWEAR SWEA TERS SCARFS, GLOVES - HOSIERY, ETC. T7® 0: doctors in R }r~ '. che was 57 2uite a --reny of ~M Tre*""~"* _ Hahwood, Nor'% and thRt C iog '@n lived witb ns i (t*k SR + i Mr. and Mre. Henry Gtimes of Peoria are in the village, visiting |Comamnder -- and Mrs. Doyle. Mr. \ Grimes waé on duty at the Naval Station during the war and he and his imm<wi t reat Javoriten lelong the North Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ives gave . a large party at their new home,..708 Ravine avenue on Wednesdiay eve ning, November 4. The house, which is modern in every respect, was beau-- tifully decorated -- with fowers andi paime. Neply all Lake Blof was on hand and the evening --was de-- Mra. Esther Jones, of Highwood. today proved to the commission of dortor® 'p the ountr -- court that che was s+me in gpite of the test-- imnuy of~Marsha® Jobn C. Frame, of H«hwood, that she slept with dogs and th&t of Mrs. Hoyer, who once lived with hber. who related that she bezrred . Charlie Vazcilli for kisses Jnhn O Jones., her bux¥band. {s in 'ail on a charee of being disorderty Hghtfuily epent WOMAN TRIED FOR SANITY, SHE WINS tions--which--wiil put the building 4v Erst clase order. At the last church meeting over $1400 wase esubscribe4d {or the. building (fund without solici-- tation, sisnce which time this amount has been practically doubled. Work has already . been started upon the Sunday echool wing and weather per mitting, the building will be pushes to a apeedy completion. Those arrested included, ° Walter SBmoger, --Ted Bennett, Bill Bennet:. Frank Densmore, Herbert Larsen, Ar-- nold Westerman, ~Noe:man _Lindahl aena Wilbur Macelroy ; LINENS, ETC. HALLOWEEN.PRANK ||f==== CAUSES ARREST OF ll TT Painting of a Few 'Obscene Poems on Garage Gets in oo on indignands-- m« 8 RUSSELL YOUTHS e / w4 % a% 40 ADVERTISERS USE THE INDEPENDENT BECAUSE OF RESULTS ;SECURED. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN LAKE \COUNTY, OUTSIDE OF WAUKEGAN. WE CAN.CONVINCE YOU 12, 1925 St. Mary of the Lake Seminary Universal Vacuum Bottles, * Needed in every home, only......_. . Sure Catch Rat Traps, «Better than poison; each........... Steel Wool, the large size, One of our best bargains Bl:cr--s«~; Gold Band and Decorated Coffee _and Tes Cups per dozen..__.... . ~Q@id Englishh Tea--Pot, -- > 'Columkia Hot Shot Batteries, 1 Can be had here for......_...______.. 100--foot Clothes Lme. good for s 5 years, with the handy reet...__ _ Best Ever Round Dish Drainer, Very handy in the kitchen, at........ Wilson Gas Toaster, cannot be beat PHONE 17 Hardware Johnson Liquid Floor Wax, Per quart,, 99¢; per pint..._...___.__._._.. 12--Quart Galvanized Pails A splendid value for Water Tumblers, 'nice and clear You can buy them at each......... HOUSEHOLD NEEDS At Money--Saving Prices | . BELOW ARE LISTED A FEW ITEMS FROM OUR BIG STOCK OF EVERY--DAY NEEDS FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. NOT OLD STOCK NOR SPECIALS BOUGHT FOR SALE PURPOSES-- BUT GQODS ON SALE EVERY DAY. YOU HAVE AN OP. PORTUNITY TO SAVE MONEY AT THESE PRICES: All West Bend Aluminum Ware 10 per cent Discount Apply to Mr. O'Carroll, tel. 501--R or Mr. Tarrant, tel. 454--R FRANK H. EGER Cord Wood FOR SALKE NO DELIVERY ~ _ $215 $} $7.00 MUNDELEIN, ILL. $1.00 _ 9e 10c $1.50 85¢ | 29¢ 4c 58¢ Plumbing Y« 28 (Betiht. m A ratre bargain at _ 14--ounce Solid Copper Wash Boilers, for ....,. ... _ Large Size Stationary Wash Tubs With Wood Handles........_._ .. EQ! rot SC_Gdo" No. 9 Size Copper Bottom, Char coal tm Wash Boiler._.._____________ Griswold Tight Top Dutch Ovens, note the prices: No. 10, $3.75; No. 9, $325; No. 8, $3.00; No. 6....__.. 32'25 Double Bottom, Rope Handle 1 Galvanized Bushel Baskets...__. sl'zs One and Two--Quart Milk Pitchers, ~ 50 Reduced to ._.......................__...._ VC Gold Band Covered Vegetable _ Dishes, reduced to ... _ ... sl'oo Six--piece Food Containers, a separate _one for Brca'd, Cake, Flour, Sugar, sz 7q- Coffee and Tea --.....__.__.. *#A 8 O--V--B Stainless Steel Kitchen Sets, us A rare baraaim at-- _ feckes 52'40 LIBERTYVILLE -- $2.95 Heating ©$1.50 w# t