~~ JEMISON LEAVES -- $1,600 PERSONAL PROPERTY TO WIFE Miss Goddard, teacher of the Grubb school, &pent the week end with re} atives in Gary Ind. Mre BRartter of Chicago accompani led Mr Bartter out this week end. °_ Alice Stewart. of Chicago. daugh ter of Mr and Mrs (Lyburn Stewart. perf the week end with The J H. Bon ner {amily. . ¥ The Bazaar held on Friday nfluui was well attended over 300 belng pres--| ent. Representatives from Great Lake: Waukegan. Gurnee Antioch Wads ' worth, Lake Villa <and Russell were there. ** -- | Miss Belie Watson is ependingf a tew weeks with her neice, Mrs W. S. Denman. of Waukegan. Jamison -- Charlbs Jemison,, Waukegan. Proofi of heirship taken. Letters of Ad: ministration issued to Rose Jemison, | 'wife. Bond of $3200. Appraisers &P | +pointed.,.~ < > > 1 0C -- Mary A. Lux, Wadsworth. Proof of heirship taken. Letters-- of Administra-- tion issued to John H. Lux. Bond of $1100. Inventory approved. _ The Adult Bible class will bold a so-- cial meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bouner on Friday evening, November?0 instead dof Friday Even-- Ing, the 13th, as was planned. #% 4# % 4 % 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4# Nov. 1?th. "S*. & * .w f Pearl Beehe!. minor Inwventry ap proved . _ -- 1e _--Jackson K._ Dering. Lake Via Partnership appraisers appotn*®=d. _ Otto C.. Heck.: Ronddut.~ Proof nf beirship taken. Letters of Adminis tration bssued to Carl Heck. Bond of $1600. > : Randall Hayes,. Waukegan. Proof of heirship taken. Letters of Admin-- istration issued to Doland. H. MacGil ivray ol Maywood, I!!. Bond of $200. . Eetate John Gordon, Lake Forest. Procspdlnga. Supplemental inventory approved. p .. Randal ~Hayes, I E. Meyer con-- etruction --company ~-- employe,. mur-- dered near Libertyville, left $100 in personal property. The cases consid-- ered by Judge Martin C. Decker in-- cluded ; , Fersonal property amounting to §$1,600 has beééen left by the late Charles. "Pink" Jemison, who died recently, it was learned Thursday in the probate court. His wife wase named administratrix.. -- Letters of Administration in Estate of Late Justice Left to Wife. , _ MUSICONE Now KUTHORIZED CROSLY DiSsTRI8BUTORS Telephone 400 LIBERT Libertyville Battery {2¢ Company This marvelous loudspeaker--well on its way to REPLACE HALF A MILIAON. HORN TYPE SPEAKERS--substantially roduced because of assembly improvements devoloped by Crosly Engineers. Repro duces all tones without distortton.© Cro«tey patentrd untt. not cane secret of its amazing perfectton. t Three tubes in the Crosiey Super Trirdyn do more work than five do in other types of radios. That is one of the reasons why so many thow-- sands of these radios are being sold. Another reason is that is so ex-- tremely easy to tune in distant stations on a Musicone or 'any other type of loudspeaker and to hear what that station is broadiasting as clearly as though the listener were right in the studio. The Super Trir dyne Special is extremely popular and thousands have been sold within the past few months. ° As us to hear the Super Trirdyn Special. PRICE at the hoine of Dr. and Mr® $14.75 The Famous ; __H. P. Lowry transacted business in | Chicago Monday. _ | ' Mr. and Mrs. William Hillebrand ; left lasi week to spend the winter at' I Nokt ts ho. ¥lortdn:~----------------------~ "[ ' ._Alberi Shephard. who has been Inid [ up with an injured hand for the pasi live weeks, is getting along nicely. He: resumed his work at the Rosing Gar--| | age Monday. t Ir_1 Elliott has returned to her home in Dexter, Kansas, after spend-- ing the past month at the home of her daughter.Mrs. Ray D. Williams If an auctioneer is wanted, cail Fred Grabe, Giéfview. Telephone, office 163. or residence 20J. On M.'t; calls charges may be reversmed. |_ _ Mrg. D. A. Williams and daughter, i Miss Ruth, left Tuesday of last week for a .visit with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Laura Dupre, who was at a sauitarium in New Mexicb. While on the way when they were nearing New Mexico, they réceived a telegram on the train informing them that Mrs. Laurg Dupre had died Wednesday of |\ last week. Mrs. Williams and Ruin accompanied the body of Mrs. Dupre |home the first of this week. > . | _ Mr. and Mrs.*Ray Thompson and 'son, of River Forest, spent-- Sunday | with their parents here. +_ George Shirley has purchased a fine new grand gluxo and has started a class in music James Horikn transacted business in Janesville, Wis., the latter part of last w eek. _ Mr. and Mrs. John Vap Pat;en are having the interior of their home re-- decorated. Mr. and Mrse. Arthur Hadiock and son of Chicago were Sunday guests of their mother here. -- Mrs. Joseph Fillweber, who has been poortly for some time, is much better, byt is still under the care of a doctor. Mr. and Mrs. William Davts and children of Adiiwaukee, were here on Baturday and Sunday visiting their mother. : Miss Myrtle Peterson of Chicago vis-- ited over Sunday at the home of her parents.~ ©. ' -- The snow storm last Saturday and the cold weather sure makes us think that winter is here, and it is ony the second week in November. * The Christian Endeavor service was well attended Sunday evening. Mr. Bostter leading the service. Refresh-- menis were_served after The service by R. W. Anderson. * Sunday School at 10.30 a. m. and church at 11:30 a m. bereafter for the rest of @e winter. will 'hold their business meeting at the home of Oscar Nehaus an Friday evening, Novémber 13. 6 . Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bonner and children attended the funeral--of Mrs. Bonner's aunt in Wisconsin Baturday. Erick Anderson spent Sunday with a friend in Cieero. * » LIBERTYVILLE Super Trirdyn Special A N T I 0O C H Phillips,. States Attorney -- A. V. Smith said when he filed an infor-- mation against hbim in the county court, had the bad habit of getting likkered up to hear his trials, and | during these proceedings would use \ language not soft to the ear, and ;pus insulting remarks. Three peo-- | ple 'Bad made complaint as to his conduct in cases. M s | _ Mills declared he wasn't guilty ]becanu he already had a wife when _ Justice, as handed® out by Justice of the Peace lee PhilHips, of© Fox Lake, is not the same grade as that dispensed-- before --Judge Pérry L Persons in the county court, it be came evident Tuesday when the arbi' trator of lake region cases was [ined $+06 ~ou --three--separate counts charg: ing him with misconduct in office. * His attorney appeared in court for him, and waiving aside the plea of not guilty, pleaded <gullty to the charges, taking a $30 fine in all. Phillips did not appear in court, a telephone call to Fox Lake reveal ing the information hat the phone had been disconnected and that Phil lips was enjoying the baimy breezes of Florida. -- . JUSTICE GIVEN _____. JUSTICE THROUGH THREE $10 EINES Lee Phillips, Arbitrator of the Fox . Lake Courts, Pleads _ __..Guilty Through--Lawyer. _ Showing Today and Tomorrow, November 12th and 13th, at the Auditorium Theatre wE GIVE THE BOX MARCEL WAVE--THE IMPROVED METHOD OF MARCEL WAVING. WAVE LASTS TWO AND THAREE WEEKS. OuUR PRICES ~ ARE RIGHT:--MARCEL, $1.00. ANY STYLE BOB LOCATED AT FARM BUREAU OFFICE, 524 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. f FOR APPOINTMENT, PMHONE LIBERTYVILLE 438. , . _TRIM, 50c; CHILDREN'S BOBBING; 40c. C . Openr Monday, Thursday and Friday till 9 P. M., by Appointment. Pr\hnwruc Moneters Dtttlan A bcene From®"The Lost World M. W. A. HAL L Tuesday November 24 Tickets $1.00 Thanksgiving Dance and Chicken Supper _ Music By McCormick's Orchestra _ Mrs. Harriet Matthews, Prop. Given By Members of St. Mary's Parish TURKEYS GIVEN AWAY Ivanhoe, Ilinois ! "For ypears I had gas on théfstom-- ach. The first dose of Adlerika help-- {ed" I now sleep well and al} gas is [gone. It also helped my husband." | (signed)' .Mrs. B. Brinkley. ONE ;tpoonlul Adlerika removes GAS and |otlen brings astonishing relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feel-- ing. Brings out old, waste matter you | never thought was in your system. This excellent intestinal evacuant is ")yonderful'ror constipation. _ Decker & Nevile. * _ -- _ & Neville, Druggists. When Mills has proted he was al-- ready was wed when heé maprried Marie, --Judge Lupe ifdicated he will be 'charged with bigamy. . . When -- Marie asked the Chicago pollce to arrest her bhusband on a Ccharge of _nop--support neither. she nor the Chicago police knew he had a family in Waukegan. It was not until--the--Waukegan officers--arreated him that this fact was brought out. Wife and Husband Both I!I With Gas To prove thit he already had a wife Mills showed a photograph to the court of himself and Mrs. Dor-- othy Mills, identifying them merely as bride and ° groom. L * he married Marie. who lurport- her feeble mother. The dual husband said "he" marrled "Marie * in Septem-- ber. -- A few weeks later he says he brought her to Waukegan where he Introducel br to his wife, Dorothy Mills, who. has an eight months old child. . THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 12, 1925 Supper 50c «4 #% % 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i. -- 4 4 % % ~_~0. L Hollenbeck of Edison Park was at home oxer Sunday. _ Mrs. J. W. Gilson and two sons of Valdezr, Alaska, have been visiting re!-- atives hete the past week. They went to Downers Grove to visit Mrs. Gilson's sister Synday. Wilbur Hunter and Miss Lois motored down with them # 4# 4 %# # 4 * 4# # &# 4 # 4 4 4 %4 % HIC K O RY Schanck Hardware Co. WE BOUGHT A CARLOAD WHEN PRICES WERE DOWN Prepare Now Don't Shiver Next Winter Why wait until next Fall before solving your heating problem. In the Spring, right now, is the most economical time to install a warm air furnace. Don't wait until the Fall rush comes with high labor cost and advancing market. * * i r@t@ . s s Flowers add a touch of color to a big dinner spread that makes it all the more inviting--a certain atmosphere of completeness and dignity--a spirit of real "hom--i-- ness" that appeals to all who sit at the festive board. So what could be more appropriate for Thanksgiving? . Decorate not only your table but--in the conspicuous ~-- places about your home--place bouquets of our gorge-- . ous Chrysanthemums and sundry other béauteous blossoms.. Come--treat your eyes to our colorful array and--LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER | _ 32 sere The Heating Men Who Satisfy P Yiiey . oA t Pm use uae e ve q en s w miiph Y '»;,/:;,' P fc/. 6+ rea ioi P g ons in y s is o ol //( % / ad i s a To > . | *,""":7 p 4 j " s tas v..f * Y C /-"--'-", L * P . Je 0) >z S §3 -- S t *J j ~ 2 B " + --x. --*~~ HAD STOLEN PROP-- lff__--_ _ ERTY: arREstEp | K elvinator KA a 4 B ® + 4 5 09 PS i3 t er se neF j 2L arl 6e n m'o'?h.ce yo.urldmtudnell in --; '" m ' ---- .'.,!. -- ---- ~ Econamy as well as convenience PACE SEVEN _ Hiiinols