y o REAL ESTATE ~ tor Fi 4 * .. $ Adamsk1 and .wf to K. Kolod-- i-xhvn 10.00 Lot 2, blk $6, So + ';Mpaumo. Ander-- &w*mmh Glen-- _ wood Hts, see 17, Wkgn. -- Mae A. Thauland spin to F. J. Kon-- kol and wt, Jt tens, WD 10.00 Lot 60 Round Lake View sub, sec 20, Avon, J. Keete ot al to J. G. Wagner and wt, Jt tens WD 10.00 Lot 10 First ::nuoazvu--gmu.m *Jennie Darling and hus to H. F. Darling, WD 10.00 Lot 31 in Rush more sub, see 11, Grant. G.. H.-- Hollister --and wft to C. Schulitze and wt it tens, WD 100.00 Pt sec 10, Grant. * "g'o.n-unwnor.:.wmwn Lots 29 and 30, Channoaks sub see 12, Antioch. ~--G T and T Co to J. Steffenson D 10.00 --Lot 2 blik 21, Butler Fett & Co's Crooked Lake Oaks, seces 27 and "mu'?mmm K. C # h Kolodzinski, QCD 1.00 Lot 2, blk 85, O. H. Mubhlike and wf to E. S. Mu hike and wt WD 10.00 Lots 9 and 10, bik 3, C. F. Wrights addn to Liberty-- F. W. Kingsiey and wf to A. Jen-- sen and wf WD 10.00 Lot 25, blk 11, Kingsleys Zurich Heights subn, Ela. _~F. H. Bartlett to G. C. Benning & wt D 10.00 Lot 1, blk 36, Bartletts Shore Crest Ests, Shields. B&. G. Smith and wt to D. D. Craft TD 10.00 Lots 77 and 78, Grand ave W. J. Larkin, Improven 1 and 2, bik N S Real Est WD 10.00 Lots i W. J. Larkin, . eum Lake, sece 28 and 33, Waucon W. J. Larkin, Jr., to N. 8. Real Improvement Corpn, WD 10. 1 and 2, blk 43, Washburn Park. ~N 8 Real Est to W. J. Larkin, Jr., WD 10.00 Lots 24 and 25, blk 40, 8 Wkgn. - f W. J. Larkin, Jr., to N 8 Real Est Improvement Corpn, WD 10.00 Lots 294 and 25, bik 40 S Wkgn. . _ > -- First Trust and Svygs Bk.to W. L. Woldhausen, D 1700.00 Lot 3, blk 23 Biltmore Country Ests, Cuba. . ---- ~J. H. Overbeck and wf to C. Reout-- ter and wf WD 10.00 Lot 12 Owners subn, sec 14, Antioch. 0. Anderson and wf to H. Brad-- :&"a'.fl!&l&fll'.hflt i"!mmflbr.cflb ton, WD 10.00 Lot 27, Ravinia Hill-- side subn, Deerfleld. G. B. Dardenne to R. F. Nickel and wt WD 10.00 Lot 5, blk 42, Bart-- letts Shore Crest Ests, Shields. E. H. Edwards and wf to P. Helis WD 10.00 Lot 43 in Washington . J. Beich wdr, to F. Gehrig and wf and Anna Mohr, jt tens, WD 10.00 Lots 45, 46, 92, and 93 Golf Course C. E. Abrens and wt to C. M. Abr-- ens, QCD 10.00 Lot 1, bik 4, Rock-- land subn, Shields. & f B. C. Muhlke and husb to C. H. Muhike, WD 10.00 Lots 9 and 10, bik 0 0o 0 0o 00 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 o0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 hearing on claim of Race N. Wilt continued to Nov. 6. Hugo Hahto, Waukegan, letters of Benjamin G. Hess, Zion, petition to establish heirship set for Oct. 1. Orlando L. Tindall, Zion, report of sale of personal property approy-- ed. Administrator authorized to ex-- Christian. James Spanier, Wauke approved. authoris-- ed to transfer stocks. George Tidy, Waukegan, petition for probate of will filed and set for hearing Oct. 15. Heirship proved. George Hagen, minor, first account thorized to expend money and make investment. * Alexander Cizauskis, minor, North elbert W. Plonien, bond of $3,000. ters of adm The estate of Robert H. MeElwee millionaire lumbernian of Lake For est, was closed yesterday by Pro-- bate Judge Martin C. Decker. mmmwam pending against the claiming that McEiwee failed to pay enough tar on personal property it was--re-- vealed that his personal funds were Say Wealthy Lumi! U.s.udyStfl'i' bond of> $400. _Osterman and wf to T. J. WD 10.00 Lots T5, T7 and 78 Cemetery & Mausoleum I?LWDM see No Shore Ceme arson and wt to C. H. Le-- QCD 1.00 Lot 2, blk 86, ton issued to Eng L4 4* | _ _qsrolyn M. to D. Hulburd, WD ltfitmfi-rym & Ferry m'ufi.mn.m 1 --C P and T Co to J. P. Lahey and in | Martha C. Lahey, D $750.00 Lot 237 in Krenn & Dato's H P addn, secea 10 and 15,' Deerfleld. 8. Drinka and wf to M. Kaworsky and wft, QCD 10.00 Lots 8 and 9, blk 50, Bartletts N 8 ppties. . Straus Tr Co to A. E. Fuller, D 100 NW ar SW qr sec 11, Warren. E. Williams and husb to W. H. McKillip, WD 10.00 Lots 4, 5, 6 and 1. Ridge View subn, Deerfleld. . ~L. J. Yeoman:and wf to R. Seely et al, WD 10.00 Lot A, Yeomans Re-- subn Yeomans addn to Wkgn. P. H. Meyers and wft to F. A. Spitznagle and wt, WD 10.00 Lots 17 and 18, bik 6, Meyer & Worth-- ingtons Sheridan Shore Hlands. S8. Korsen to A. A. Rietz, WD 1.00 Lot 76, Long Lake subn, Grant. E. H. Bartlett to J. H. Lauder, D 10.00 Lots 7 and 8, blk 21, Bartietts Northwoods subn. q.ouu«mn.o.:m.uwt WD 10.00 Lot 27, Plat E, Hwood. -- . F. H. Bartlett to E. A. Corcoran & wft, D 10.00 Lot 9, blk $1, Bartletts N 8 Ests. _ * ; ~F. H. Bartiett to F. Lama, D 10.00 Lot 4, blk $4, Bartletts Second addn * *An o hoery 'and ues A. --O'Leary and to E. B. Churchill, WD. 1.00 Lots 1 and ~2, bik 1, Avon. & L. C. Rauth to A. O'Leary, WD mlmlnd&Nkl. Twp of C T and T Co to W. P. Bullock, D 10.00 Lot 14, blk 3, Branigar Bros. E P to H. C. Litchfeld ' * ¢ & }y&Wuu.Mm Union Bk of Chgo to A Zoelle. D $10. Lot 83 Mundelein Heights Lib ertyville. Union Bk of Chgo to E B Shepard and wife. D $10. Lot 19, Mundelein Heights subdn. Lake Co Natl Bk of Libertyville to W.--Burghgraeft and wife, D $400. W C Franck and wife to C Junge. and. wife. WD $10. Lot 92 Round Lake View subdn, Avon. R L Foote and wife to W R Mac-- Donald. WD $10. Lot 207 Nizon & Co's Highland Park Gardens. E W Butterfield and wife to H. P Egan. WD $10. St 50¢c. Lot. 12, blik 2, Resubdn Channel Lake Bluffs H Egan and wite to O W Ruge & wite. WD $10. Lot 12, blk 2, resub Lot E Channel Lake Blutts. E L Brown and husb to F Pegues. W D$10. > Lots 9 and 10, blk 33, Washburn Park subdn. "A. Levin and wife to S Levin. WD $10. Lots 11 and 12,; blk 4, Sheridan Terrace subdn. A H P Shaw to E. Beaver. QCD $1. Pt blk 24,,E Ashley Mears plat. W J Scott and wite to P. Klinger and wife. WD $10. Lot 9, Butrick Blivd Subdn, Wkga. = * C 6--Pavey to J Lindberg and wi. QCD $1.-- Lot 12%, blk 19, Marquette Highlands first subdn. Union Bk of Chgo to C M McMa hon. D $10. Lot 4, bik 5, Tower Lk M. Boysen and wife to I A Thomp son and husb. WD $10. Lot 47, J L Tweeds Pistakee Lake subdn, Grant F N Beyer and wife to J Francer Gottman. WD $10. Pt NW ar NH ar Sec 32, Antioch. F H Bartlett to M Maclay and wf. D $10. Lot 6, blk 12, Bartlett's N 8 Park. A Michael and husb to T. J O'Brien. and wife. WD $10. Lot 20 St Paul Subdn, Grant. A E Watkins to F B Kulp. WD $10.-- Lot 7. bik 4. Doolittles Tavior $10. to H. Pearson and wt QCD 10.00 Lots 13 and 14 in Sutherland and Jensen's sub in Ladd & George's addn to Wikgn. ©, ' EKthe! Bollar and hus et al to Clara Gordon,--QCD 10.00 -- Lots 13 and 14, Sutherland & Jensen's sub, Wkgn. Clara Gordon to 'H. Pearson and wt it tens, WD 10.00 Lots 13 and 14 in Sutherland & Jensen's sub, Wkgn J. O. Due to E. Brozie and w1f, it tens, WD 10.00 Pt lot 10, blik 4, Webb & Jensen's No Side addn, sec 16, Wikgn. -- = e 19, bik 2, Channel Lake Blufs sub. 0. Hook and wf to G. H. Kelley, WD 10.00 Pt lot 24, Whitewood sub m'"uthutop Waisanen flfl&"l&"m"b&i in --Blumberg's sub, sece 16, Wkgu. _ C T and T Co to J.--P. Lahey and ' Martha C. Lahey, D 6750.00 Lot 236 . in Krenn & Dato's H Pk addn, sece | 10 and 15, Deerfleld. | C * and T Co to J. P. Lahey and | Martha C, Lahey, D 4000.00 Lot 14, Krenn & Dato's K Pk addn, seces 10 and 15, Deerfleld. J. D. Harrison and 'wt to K. L Fos dick and wt Jt tens, WD 10.00 Lot 24 in Woodley, Resub of lots 7 to 28 incl in blk 82, H PK. W. Aitken and wf to C.>E. Hugh-- son and wt, jt tens, WD 10.00 Lot 9 Bannockburn Pk, sec 20, Deerfleld. 8. Mandl and wft to P. Pekar, WD 10.00 Lot 1 in Brands sub, Fort Sher-- Anna Kuhn dived to F. Sack and wt it tens WD 10.00 Pt sec 29, Deer-- Clifton to A E> Watkins. WD Avon. e x 'w &4' ;\F R Je mas is now here. "h_n.wsl-t-filv!n terms SBuite consists of full size Day-- enport, Club Chair and Fire-- 3--Piece Genuine Jacquard Moth Proof Suite 35 Styles in Walnut Full Size Da--Bed " chiced how----""$9.89 1O $75.00 __ Freaffl s Night's Rest Last Night? The New Electric Sot _ my s mss rot ces ie oi ug k :5 $ an & *# ¥al * , < & *# aEC wE BEST NOW Half round style antique fin-- -- ish like picture-- > ;, . !fv ; all pieces. THIS IS A REGULAR $150.00 VALUE. Bd *77 Furniture From Lake County's Largest Stock ' i:? | P¥ _ This 8 Piece WalnutVeneer Dining Suite enient h""'"fi"um@m guntaditesd :'h:"'mm'::fl ms 1 3'" Bufet is large and roomy. rms _ c i 2#A "K . -- Chairzs, -- 4 j 6 Bxtra heary chairs. 3 Piece Walnut Veneer I k Rest unconditionally guaranteed i1 a."5 _; f is . E: < i is woven through a heart of steol-- 5 Foot Davenport, Ohair and Rocker. Ohoice of finishes, Auto Seats upho!-- stered in Cretonne-- f f Whoie L9 eb Lloyd Loom Sun Room . WHERE GO0D FURNITURE COMES FROK t Veneer Bedroom Suite Antique finish guarant Af 44 tion. :Bow or Straight »k lnid with the heaviest Felt lining. We guarantee a satis-- Let Our Contract ~~-- $§13950 This Is A Regular $185.00 Suite Afp -- at onl E1-- .85 < _ $Q /' -- All Color Plaids Up f_!'_Om ""_"-" [ Full Size Cotton Blankets, Filled with new Universal & Alcazar Combination Co:l & Gas Ranges The Largest Blankct and Comfortable Selection Is Hers All Wool $3.95 Full Size Part Wool Blankets $4.95 $179 $19.9 $9.79