CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Sep 1928, p. 7

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s fl~mmummn ) haJ i i Lz gin, Sunday., --~~ ; < < E Ir.mlul.m--dug: e * son visited Mrs., Arendt's mother M"'hw_' j .:!n' '..'abu::'-. af" Naorthbrook were _ _ _ ers at the Lioyd Fisher home. : ¥Wina Mann is a visitor at the heme of her parents Mr. and Mrs. % Euse Fisher. a * 2 Krank Bacon is on a two weeks § mjpum | Mr. Mre-- Joe Vazey and: son x Howard and Miss Mand Wilkson, of MoHenry, spent Sunday afternoon at & the F. E. Wilson home. f Miss Evagline Hirominus is now . employed at John Karl. a ard ealled on Mrs. Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Baum, with their son and daughter, Dick and Elizabeth, formerly lived at 66 East Division street, Chicago. Some time ago they moved to the Bruce Smith place at * 80 Green Bay road, Lake Forest, where they are now living. Mr. Baum is a writer and traveler. He PLANE PILOT IS -- NEAR DEATH As Florian Savage, 2%5,-- son of Mr. and --Mrs, Herbert Savage of Deer-- tield, is unconscious in a Chicago hospital today from injuries receir-- ed late yesterday when a plane, in which he had two passengers, went Into a tailspin 1,500 feet above the ground and crashed near T7th street and Cicero avenue, Chicago. Savage, his Deerfleld friends say, has been a licensed pilot for fully ailr years. The others in the machine were Nelson McMahon, Cambridge, Ind., and Russel Hawkins; Chicago. All are connected with the Prairie Air Service, a concern operated by the Illinois National Guard. The two young men were taking lessons ftrom Savage. They took off in a new Travelair hinlons feam tho Prairie Fleld at les and both his legs were broken. The skulls of Savage and Hawkins are both believed fractured. Mc-- Mahon is at the Englewood hospital while the two others are at St. Ber-- o 0o 0 0 006000 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 000000 000 0 Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Stadtield spent Monday evening at the A. S. Powers home, at Waucondsa. Mrs. Lesiie Davis, daughter "Helen, Mrs. Richard Dowell, Mrs. Esse Fisher and Mrs. Lioyd Fisher spent mmmmm Mrs. Joe Passtield spent Wednes day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dowell, Milton and Eilwood powell spent Monday evening at the Ernest Meyer Jr:, home in Fremont. * Mr. and Mrs. E. Fisher are visit-- ing a tew days in Waukegan with Mrs. Mary Ames. .~ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Passfield and Son were Sunday callers at the H. daughter Helen were McHenry busi-- ness callers Saturday. on his estate, Knoll Creek Farm, scross the road from the club, and wrecked the light vehicle against the side of 'the stable. Mr.--~Sand-- conscious From Fall _ | uests of the Christ Wiliman family at work on a book of travel was found he had several Virgin accompanidéd them back to Chicago for a short visit Mrs. Elizabeth Spencer of Chicago and Mrs. Fiorence Ward, of Toroutcs Ount., were week end guests of their niece, Mrs. Lillian Johnston. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and their guests motored to Milwaukee and spent the day with Mrs. Emily Wood.;-.o.ndumu children motored to Lockport Satur day and visited Mrs. Uchtman's mother, Mrse. Charles Johnston. Mrs William Carr and grandson, Jimmie and Billie Olendort, attended a birthday party Saturday afternoon in honor o6f Robert and Roscoe Wil-- friend of Mrs. Arendt Sunday. MMYMMMW for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs William Feldman of Waukegan visited Mrs. Julia Peter-- son Saturday evening. m,mfl,hmm for the Presbyterian church Sunday school. The services will be at 10:30 and a special program by children of the junior department will be giv-- en and promotion certificates are ¥4 Mrs. William Johnston wAas E£1/eR a plasant surprise party Saturday afternoon by & SUmUler _UVl NAUJOL Nm. It was Mrs. Johnston's bi and the ladies gathered at her home wth gifts and good wishes. Bunco was played, at which Mrs. H. Gastfield received first prize. Del-- clous refreshments were served. --Mrs. Frances Biederstadt returned home last week from a three weeks' visit. with her sister, Miss Isabel Biederstadt, at Valley Ranch, New Mexico. Mrs Ray Gunckel of Highland Pk., entertained her bridge club at lunch-- enn Tuesday. Several ladies from Deerfeld attended. Miss PearF Peterson, who has been working in New York for the past six months, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Julia Peterson Mrs. 0. 8. Mont-- visiting hber YIORUEE _ BDCL 41PaXHuFe UR L C M val Mrs. T. L. Knaak visited her cous-- in, Mrs. Ed Braun, at Oak Ridge last Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Russo and chil dren were guests of Dr. H. D. Sag-- Mr. citis. She is in the Highland Park hospital mmotlr.udln. Henry Juhrend, is ill with quingy. _ Schley spent Monday n Chicago. Miss Frances Loy visited relatives at Mendota, over the week end. _ ur'.".'aru:m&y'"ow and Naws af the death of m Robertson, of Joliet, a former Deéer-- c by all present=---- : C Miss -- Klizabeth Rockenbach, Of Crystai Lake is at the Presbyterian . caxtegagenc ¥ Miss Elsie Ott is i!l with appendi NEWS FROM DEERFIELD sons of" Northbrook were Cln Pnb was given ing supper was given at the home of Henry Gastifield, of Rogerse Park, at which twenty--seven <immediate rel-- atives of the bride and groom were present. The newly married couple will reside in Chicago. f Mr. and Mrs. Edward Plagge, of Rogers Park, were guests of Mr. and Mrse. George Stauger, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Melander and Shriver,®}of Highland Park attended the ministerial meeting of Evange lical Churches at Chicago Monday. Members of the Women's Mission-- ary Society of the Bungalow Church west of St. Paul geimemge ACCE C D ECCE Sepenel C + There were nine tables Very nice " Mr. and Mres. Wolf visited Florian Savage, Deerflield's air pilot, was seriously injured Sunday evening when the airplane in which he and two other pilots were riding went out of control at a height of 1500 ft., and plunged to the ground at nmm;uflohm Township.-- The plane was owned by PrflrioAvonuseflleoco!mflfll; P Sn cotmmmtactcdion seafiiciafitectntie eC NE w s ol kins has succumbed to his injuries. Nelson McMahon is is said will re-- cover. Hope is given that Florian All three men were employees the municipal air field. His c face badly cut and body "A""J bruised. He was resting easy Tues-- dayandudrenlnodeom . Mrs. Willianm --Smeizer, of Chicago, mtmmherdlw.lh' Josephine Woodman. Miss Eugenia Watier will spend the winter with her brother Amedee Watier of Chigqago. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Notz announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, Septem-- ber 2%5, at Highland Park hospital The newcomer weighs six and one-- Sumberg, of Chicago, were guests at maw Perty home Thursday. §. 3. CONVENTION-- OCT. 2 The Sunday School township con-- vention of Deerfield--Shiekdis Town-- ship wil lbe held Tuesday evening, Oct. 2, at Highland Park Presbyter-- jan church. There will be a supper at 6 o'clock, followed by an address by Roy Burkhardt, who is assistant Y.--P. Supt. of International Council of Religious Education.-- A good attendance is desired, as Mr. Burkbardt's address will be well worth hearing. He will have a spe clal message for young peovule. L GRAMMAR SCHOOL NOTES } Total enroliment Monday, Sept. 17, was 360. . These puvils are distribut-- ed as follows: ~Kindergarten, 25: 1b;" 35: i8, 21; 2a and 2b, 39; 3b, 20; Ba, 23; 4a and 4b, 41; 5b, 32%; Sa, 16; 6th, 82; Tth, 36; 8th, 40-- * Charles C:; Kapschull has donated enough crushed «tone to completely 'cover the driveway and parking site in front of the school house. _ --The new addition on the west side of the school consists of four class rooms, of the same size as those in the old building: an auditorium 40 by 60 feet, capable of seating approxi-- a stage 2 Ofeet deep and 40 feet wide. One of the class rooms will be used u'gmtorthoatmomnufl it is needed as a classroom. 'The ;uamn:nv:nmlnquMt purpose will be used as a gymnasiunm become a part of the school health 'program. The contractor expects to ,mmmmwm m-m.mmbm» cured to teach grade 5b. Miss Schaak comes from the schools of North Chi-- The, begnners~department of the Presbyterian church school gave a farewell party Saturday afternoon in honor of the fifteen little folks who will be promoted to the primary de-- partment next Sunday. 'There were 27 present. Games were played and delicious refreshments of ice cream, cake and candy served. Miss Irene Rockenbach is Supt. of this divieion in the church school. R. W. Baster and Mrs. Hazel ver. His nose was broken, Ruskell A regular meetin gof the Gargen Club was held Wednesday, Sept. 19, :nttihlu.lg' assist: ® ® \" ant hostess. ,Anponotgtbm show committee showeéed that it was very: successful. : Both the. Juniore: 'The National Garden Association is donatine 250 tullp buibs to garden clubs for the purpose of planting and beautifying public grounds. The Deer field club is --to plant these buibs around the grounds of the schools. The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Jullan Smith October 17. . Mrs. Smith had a paper on "Fertilizers." It was interesting and a discussion followed of the var-- jous fertilizers used . by different members. After the business session the meeting adjourned for a social Degrfield Chapter O. E. 8. cele brated officers night Thursday eve ning in Masonic Temple. There were 115 members and guests present to enjoy the work and fine program. _ 1 ndtbufium easy s j mm«n&h the ritualistic work. -- Mra. Sherdan was escorted, to h.rmmdpodd:'mfl young women white as mmyn"wvok coming speech' and presented the huge arm full of lovely flowers to Mrs. Sherdan. There were many baskets and boquets of beautiful fall flowers presente dto the officers by their friends, as well as several love-- ly individual gifts. Sland watren Fiviga Soott, scveral l Matron Vivian Scott, several grand lecturers and grand commit-- tees added much to the interest of the evening. The acting offiogrs were :: f wmmmm Worthy Patron, Fred Douglas, of Pearl Harris Chapter. Associate Matron, Christie Knaak. Secretary, Bertha Hutchins, Glen-- est Chapter. ¥ille Chapter. Wharder, L4 Waukegan Chapter. Sixty--five mothers, members of the grammar school P. T. A. were at the ommmmymu the school house. This meeting was a social nature, at which the moth-- ers and teachers were given an Op-- portunity to get acquainted. 0 Mrs. Julian Smith, the president, called the meetin gto order at 2:30. Plains for the year's work were out-- lined and there is a prospect of hay-- ing several good speakers during the year. The business session was of short duration. --~-- A prize of a be tiful picture do-- 'mated by Mrs. W. W. Gerry was awarded the room securing the larg-- est number of P. T. A. members. The Ithird grade, taught by Miss Eliza-- beth Shilstra, wa sthe winner. Olendorf, Piper, E. Wood, Willman, G. Willien and J. Stryker, served teds, woftee and sandwiches. The table was beautifully decorated in green and pink. The lace table cloth and silver service with boquets of --pink cosmos were very éeffec-- tive. It was an enjoyable affair. The October meeting will be held in the Bungalow church, and it is ex-- pected that Lucy Fitch Perkins, the éren, will be the speaker. The county convention of the Lake County W. C. T. U. will be held Tues-- day, Oct. 9, beginning at 10 a. m., It will be held in the M. E. church at Lake Forest. It will be worth while to attend this oneday conven-- tion and hear good speaker on Lake Forest is conveniently reach-- ed by auto, car or North Shore line. It is hoped many from Deerfeld will attend.. The state convention wil lbe held in Evanston October 23 to 26. -- Many should attend it, too. Evanston is easily reached by auto and the eélec-- tri cline. Plan to go and do not miss this great ovoportunity so near us.: -- 8T. PAUL/S BVANG.--CHURCH F. G. Piepenbrok,. Pastor Church school at 9:15 a. m.; serv-- ices at 10:15.. Choir Friday at 7:15. Workers' conference Tuesday, Oct. 3, at 7:30 p. m., at the S. S. room. Quarterly meeting of the churceh council Wednesday, Oct. 3, at 7:30, at the parsonage. The Ladies' Aid will meet Thurs-- day, Oct. 4, at the home of Mrs. Fred Clavey. . Beginning Sunday, Sept. 29, cen tral standard time wil igo into effeci. Be sure and get that extra hour' of sleep.>."~ --:=-- The members of the "L. L L." club and the '"Tri €C" Society are planning to give a chicken dinner s#ome time in October. Preparations cessful dinner of two years ago when more than 800 guests were served. The date will be announced later. < Bt. Paul's church cordially invites you to her services and other activ-- ities. and . congregation will unite in a joint service at 10:30. A program of ,w-.ummdioy. The offering of he day will be devoted to securing the day will be devoted to securing church school equipment. Tuxis Society meets for luncheon at 6:30, and for the meeting at 7:80. This group is for those 15 years and older. -- 'The intermediate group, 12 to 15 years, will meet at 7:15 in the junior room, to study the Pioneer '-'VM"-"" m"-~V M'm' Ada, Jennie Douglas, Pearl Harris Sentinel, L H. Toll This Gunddy 'will observed as 0. E. 38. OFFICHRS NIGHT W. C. Tt.~--V. CONVENTION Blanche Mitchell, Liberty-- for slonary work on that island, which work suffered severely 'during the recent churricane. Meeting of :board of tmistees Tues-- m!w-!.u'-,.n' n oo ie T Choir rehearsal evéery Wednesday at -- 7;:45 p. m. The Boy Scouts wil iImeet this Fri-- day at the Area ('Wide Court of Award, New Trier high school. The first group, consisting of drum and bugle corps and those who wish to attend the camp reunion luncheon at 6 p m. will leave the church at 5:15.. Launcheon tickets are 50¢c. The drum and bugle corps will play at the luncheon. The second group will leave the church at 7 p. m. Care wil} be waiting to carry Scouts to and from the meeting.. 'This is a public meeting and parents and friends of Scouts are most cordially invited. Only Star, Life and Eagle awards ¥ill be made The first and second year juniors have a big eurprise in store for the third year junmiors who will be pro-- moted to the intermediate depart to meet at the church promptly at 2 p. m. Saturday afternoon, Sept. 29. Be sure to be prompt. _ We extend a cordial invitation to all the services of the church. taken suddenly il1 on Sundsy even-- Congregational Church is rendering some good music under the direction of Rev. George Vance. The first Sunday in October will be Promotion day. --All children havy-- ing jaken the required amount of work will advance one grade. " Plans are being made for a pre-- 'nnyeom'toadmmsm- d4ayday of November which will be observed as Rally Day. Miss Ruby Moore, of Indiana, is in the Wheeling hospital for Medical 0o 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Miss LoVerne Gilman is suffering attention. week visiting the members of his Congregation. -- He left Sunday after-- noon for Canton, lilincis to visit his parents, then to Indianapolis, Indiana to visit friends before returning to Chicago where he will again reenter the Seminary and Continue his studies for=the Ministery. -- 'ad many and the church was packed to capacity with relatives and friends. Members of the Royal Neighbor Camp officiated at the grave. ° On October 3 the annual P. T. A. Convention will convene at Haven School, Evanston. For District 21 comprising Lake and part of Cook counties, the meeting begins at 10 a. m. and will be very instructive to those interested in P. T. A. work and should attract a good Delegation from --here. If you plan to attend communicate with Mrs. Smail for particulars. A meeting of the P. T. A. will be held at the school house in Half Day on Friday, October 5, at 7:30 p. m. wW. C. VanWormer, of Homewood, District Health Superintendent, is to speak to the children, as well as to the parents. A good program is be-- ing arranged and & large attendance should be present. ' At a Business méeeting of the evening services during each month. These evenings are to be designated by the pastor. : We are pleased to hear that the Deerfield High School at Highiand Park has reconsidered their action and is again permitting our youn® folks to reenter school there and with same amount of tuition, al-- though several of the 'Prairle view gcholars had already made arrange-- ments to go to Iako,zur!eh. * Latest reports from LaPorte, Ind., are to the effect that Miss Cecil Bluhm is still on the gain and well on the road to recOvery, i aim Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wickersheim entertained their son Herbert and :amily, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weland from Chicago and Mrs. Friliman and daughter Bertha from Aptakisic, last Sunday afternoon. Albert 'Wildhagen Sbas just re covered from a severe ilInes8 com-- posed of Hemorrhoges W with an operation for tonBOHUS,. ___ . congregation decided to continue the ment.. : Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cook are en« tertaining the latters sister, Mrs. Harder from Chicago the past week. worship together with two ? m:":.{-!; » ,fi;fi, Efis---fi .;;.E, The little boy and his dog were playing on the norch df the home when suddenly the tiny animeal leaped upon the boy and tore at his face. The upper lid o the boy's eye. was torn completel. off and the eye ball badly slashed. The screaming child was treated by Dr. J A. Ross, who declared that there is little chance of saving the child's aye: -- Te physician did all that was possible for the child and then--sent him, with his parents, to an eye specialist in Chicago. Wheth-- erornotthtlnsnhtvmbocbh to save the eye doubtful accord-- ing to Dr. Ross, who said that the eye 'had beew badly torn and with the upper lash gone, even -- though the eye were saved, the child will be disfigured for life. Upper Lid:Torn From Eye of ~~A¥ Year Old Boy While Playing at Wauconda Mr. Morris VanNatta, of Franklin Park, called at the home of his sister Mrs. Paul mogt.'nl Mrs. Erwin Moody were Waukegan cali} ers Friday afternoon. PDr. J. &. Ross and wite and daugh ter Jaqueline returned home Wed-- mneaday from a two weeks trip out o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mra. Henry Shaeffer and children, Round Lake, visited their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Asa Crabtree and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Grantham spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Cook. Mr. Frank Meyer, of McHenry and }'laloodyvmcumom ness callers Thursday. > _ Mrs. George Case eand Mrs. Mar shall Smith spent Thursday with lunvhclufilole. ville. * » Ronald Geary, of Gilmore, is spend-- ing a few days with his grandmotier Mrs. Alice Geary. -- ---- Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hughes spent Wednesday at the hqgre of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hughes at Waukegan. -- Mr. and Mrs. H. L Grantham 8r., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham Jr., and children spent Wernesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mort Ritt at Crystal Lake. s * Mr. and Mrs. George Jeager and children returned home from a few days fishing trip up at Shell Lake, Mr., Bugene Pri Wm r. Prior was a Wa' caller Saturday evening Miss Alma Geary spent Sunday at her home at Gilmer. tw' 7 turned Tussday after spending two weeks in northern Michigan, f ~fMie: Ledies' Auxiliary of the Fed-- 'erated church met at the home of Mrs. George Broughton, Thursday. 'There was a large attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ~Lawrence 'spent Thursday in Chicago. ~ L Mrs: Wm. Ross of Davenport, la., is visiting at the home of her son, Dr. J. A. Ross. _ ©._. _ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baseley and daughter, Louisa, and son, Claude, ter, Mrs. Alma Now at Antigo, Wis., Tteturning home Tuesday. Miss Lena Bonin was a McHenry 'Thursday evening. . %aflm George Stroker spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. Ball, a former pastor of the local church, spent several days at the R. C. Kent home and called on old friends here. f Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gossell spent Bunday at the Owen Paddock home, ) 'Mr. and Mrs. Omer Hoeszle and daughter of Volo were callers here, Friday. ' Miss Martha Hughes of Waukegan spent Wednesday evening with her Mr. and NMrs. Herman Molidor of ville spent Wednesday at the Arthur Mr. and Mrs Frank Meyer and son Donald called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham Ur., Sunday. © Mr. and Mrs. Er#in Moody spent Thursday evening in McHenry. -- _ Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Larson enter-- tained relatives from Chicago-- Mrs. George Broughton entertain-- ed the sewing Society at her home Thursday Afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. L Grantham §r., and Mr. and Mrs. Harty Grantham Jr.. and children spent Tuesday evening witt Mr. and Mrs. Amos Keeler at Barrington. -- _ Mrs. Albert Macetber: and Brother, of Libertyville spent one day recent-- ly with Mrs. Mary Maether. . Mre. Alice Geary was a dinper and supper guest in the home of her son Lee Geary at Gilmer, Sunday. _« -- :-l-o hn whuctrdnt inalisicadiediulins.,... epinizzich ced --"" """'.j-. ,,.t'"t,ifi".'m nco was play-- odndadoudouhnchmurnd. Park spent Monday evening with s slster Mrs. H. L. Grantham, Sr. Several friends and neighbors of Mrs. George Broughton gave her a Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sorenson re-- WAUCONDA o though | Thureday. 14 will Mr. and Mrs. W home Monday af tives in Missouri. 000| Mr. and Mrs. F tertained relative § O | ville, Saturday. Miss La Verne Wheelock and Ann z'v'anoodstockeaflonm lrnd Mrs. Henry Beckman of Wheaton spent Sunday at the John weeks here. Mrs. Joe Hett spent Tuesday in Chicago. Arthur Powers and George Scheid were business callers at Waukegan, H. L. Grantham home. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bristol® of North Chicago spent Tuesday eve ning at the John Brown home. her sister, Mrs. Sherman Davis at George Jepson, and son, Stanley, attended the ball game in Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. tertained relatives from Liberty-- ville, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn talled on Mrs. C. R. Wells at the Mrs. George Brown and daughter visited friends in Crystal Lake on Ed Daley just spent a week with his daughter, Mrs. Fred Kammes at Berg spent Sunday with Miss Berg at India Harbor. and Mrs. E. H. Dabhms and Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cook attended an Eastern _ Mr. and Mrs. Auguet Hapke, of 'Waukegan, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin i]'eh-po of Kenosha, called on Mr. and Mrs. George Hapke, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith of Nor-- wood Park spent the weekend with ax:"mumxr.m Mrae. Van Natta and family of Kigin called on Mr. and Mrs, H. L Grantham, Sr., Sunday. Kenneth Van --Natta and T. Hoy spent the week--end at the H. L Probate Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be holden at the Couht House in Waukegan, in said County, on the first Monday of No-- vember next, 1928 when and where Miss Matilda Brown enjoyed a birthday party at the home of her raine, called on Mrs. Joseph Vogt at Round Lake, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Houghton anu daughter of North TChicago called on Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Daiey Tuesday. . Mr. George Blackburn ana son Robert and Mr. Manning returned bhome Saturday after spending their said estate are notified and request-- ed to present the same to said Court for adjudication. Waukegan, I!!1., September 6, 1928 John Almond,: Rxecutor E. W. Colby, Attorney. 'Mrs. Clara Smith of Slocum Lake called dao Mrz. Joseph Haas, Wed-- Public Notice is hereby given that the Subscriber Executor of the Last to Waukegan after spending a few days with hber daughter, Mrs. John Hironimus. C. P. Thomas returned home Mon-- day after spending a few days with relatives at Gay, Mich. Myrs. Roy Loomis, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomas and son left Wednesday for Waliton, Wis., to spend a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. W. Schneider. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gossel; spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock in Chicago. r Mrs. Leslice Turnbull, Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fink returned me Monday after visiting rela res in Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golding en-- Mrs. TLeselie Turnbull and son, Lor-- Mrs.. Jos. Hett spent Tuesday in ADJUDICATION NOTICE at 18--20--37 up tar and gravel roofs--Asphait composition roofe--Asphait shinglies and ready roofing--If your reoof leaks see us--No job too small, Estimates Free All Work Guaranteed * 1300 QGarden Place * Phone 6853 WAUKEGAN, HLL ME FIR8ST "TUESDAY OF m&flfl'fl! AT TOWN HALL C€, C. HOSKINS, Commander Libertyville Post 329 Office in First Nationai Bank Bidg. . . Houre: 1 to $:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. "é LIBERTYVILLEK, ILLINOIS 'fi E. W. COLBY ATTORNEYAT--LAW Office at home on W. Cook Avenue Telephone 188J LIBERTYVILLE,: ILLINOI8 The morrig dance is an old English dance of Moorish origin. When danced umaymnm@ elaborate costume dance. There were several variations of this dance, the two most 'popular being the sword dance and the ribbon dance. Dry farming addresses itself to the _ problem of saving the rain that falls -- D._]INTIOT Office 589 N. Milwaukese Avente Over Wairond's Store Telephore 67 _ LIBERTYVILLE ROOFING DR. J. L. TAYLOR Estimates Furnished Free TAR ANUD GRAVEL ROOFINQA READY ROOFINQ OVER OLD Dr. C. H. BETZER LIBERTYYILLE ILLIMNOI®R FLAT ROOFS RECOVERED WITH TAR AND PITCM _ "The Quality Store" GRAYSLAKE ILLINOI8 Work Guaranteed $1.00 $1.25 A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF "KAYNEE" . Shirts and Blouses Libert'yvlllo R o o f i n g Compa n y West Uake Street R. B. GODFREY AT LOW COST We do ail kinds of roofing Dry--F arming Principles Dance of the Moors seeing that the roots of 'Telephone 248J $1.50

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