+ Te T -MI i6 i . _~ <I;~----~ -- -- DIAMOND LAKE ~_~--_ $ * It gives one a standing in the business world, it saves many > t 3"(&,%'. grocer, butcher, Ilgfit:;mu-miu Mn&k&n'ymm:auh it B]b"h" i your money bank instead of carrying it on your person, the me«'q.'hhuudm"fihdhann'o 1. time that you are much money ahead.> This bank invites check-- §*~A 'ing accounts of all sizes from men, women and business: houses. i ~--«----*~~~Our Savings Department would also be ied to have you op-- ° i * en an account even if your first deposit is one dollar. and we will clean them the NAPTHA WAY. BERT SMALL'S NEW BARN : . ; : HALF DAY : | The Reliable Laundry U{ Tuesday, July 10 --Launderers, Dry Cleaners & Dyers |. , , ty ..3 Libertyville and Highland Park Proceeds to go to Half Day Church --Mrs. Ju:' of Omaha, Neb., is visiting at Aljb,atrlhgi'm Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wessling and son, Kenneth, have . returned mt'o-wk'n visit at the home of Wessling's sister, Mrs. Isaac .fl of Payton, lowa. Cunningham -- is erecting a large Colonial home on Rosemary Terrace, opposite the new home for be given by the ladies of the Presby-- brglehomh, on July 11. If the 'ud\trg:ufll,flunb will be given on the Woodman Todd lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reeds and two na-,gmn ufl'mton. llll;and Mre. ,&'w . Son, Ray, and Mr, and Mrs. 8. P. Hutchison, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hutchison of Irving Park, -- Sunday. ~--Miss Busie Easton returned Sat-- hy ladines, whore Nee where she has been ~Miss Olga Carlson. _'Alvin _ Meyer spent Sunday in Mr; and Mre. D. E. 'h'd: :nd two &i'dwfi:fi'm Virginia, l of Mr. where &qfiu rigit relatives Kinder. George Karch has purchased the ,M.dn.'mfionslndhnd from Herman Frost, who recently bought it from Fred Meyer. The lot is 50 bout $2,700.00. ts + lr.':'nd Mrs. 8. Salb/ and children were callers at the Elmer C, Ander: son home Tuesday afternoon. . 'They rranry Worien of Hetvey, Tincis, m-smhy.:u' t at the Fred Meyer home. _ _ _ A delicatessen and linen agdie will feet by 300 feet and the price--was a--~ . The Satisfaction of A Checking Account * 9 N [ 085. ¢ DE There is much satisfaction in having a bank account and paying all bills by check. * % * y purchased a ear and drove The Wheeling itgtg Bank You will soon want to have your RUGS cleaned and of course you want them cleaned in the VERY BEST WAY. There is ho better way than NAPTHA DRY CLEANING. _: » ' This way cleans them thoroughly of dirt and spots and renders them free of Moths or: a possibility of Moths later on. ~_. .. Call Libertyville 67--R when you are ready and we will clean them the NAPTHA WAY. Wednesday, July 11th HOUSEKEEPER the Elmer C, Ander--| Miss 'Adrienne Reichert of Holly-- day afternoon. . 'They | wood, Calif., is visiting her grand-- ised a ear and drove ner, Mrs. Kent and le. and ~to Cnicago, to spend | family, Mr. and Mrs. "fla; Kent. 3 Per Cent Interest on Savings Accounts MUSIC BY McCORMICK Given by Rainbow Girls very at ... Mrs. George En1 and two children, gone to Marion, Onio, for a visit; * . * $ ,""""-'"hfi"';{"'""%?:{ m w u::unz birth: of a second daughter, last week, *« Mr. and Mrs, George Frye and three daughters, of Boone, Towa, t Tuesday and Wednesday with Eu-nmm four children motored to '(:lmtm@. of their 3« Carl Nelmon, Wed. nesday, Te > & Julia K%mom. who attend-- ed Kemper , Kenosha, is spend-- ing the summer . with her mother, Mrs. James Howard Kehler on the Deer Lick Farm. ' Mr, and Mrs, John Koftsky have moved from farm, to their new home on mmary Terrace. * Mary Hoffman has returned from a two week's visit with her grand-- mother, Mrs, &ub of Chicago. Her two smaller rs, -- Katharine and Elizebeth'are in Chicago now with their grandmother. Helen and Bobbic MagWade were hosts at a plz.aon the Fourth, in compliment to ir two little guests from Detroit, Mich. ~ 5 R. R. Lowdermilk has returned front Bloomington, where he expect-- ed to take a summer course \at the Normal school. ; Mrs: 8. 8. Love had as her guest over the week end her mother, Mrs. I(r.andlu.GoflhnC!omrnd son, Billy, have returned from a two week's trip in Indiana. They are Hvintg.,:t the A, J. Johnson. home un-- til their new house is completed. 'J:",y"g' . Mn Tuksioe prssed away Wedflesday morning. ._ _ _ _ Adrienneé's Mr. and Mrs. A: J. Johnson and M 4 |\ Dr. Williams J HH can be seen overy 'h--.l._ ?Al-.' un-'?,'_ '.."_t.: The L. B Misses -- Helen -- an |mutor~l to l'bf ' | .Elizabeth Gabrie! was a Chicago | business visitor last Tuesday. . in trusting your eyesight to-- him. He will not advise glasses unless one day lass week and was injured quite a bit while plowing near . a Tence the plow got caught somchow and 'the horses became excited and broke the beam pulling Mr. Stah! over the plow; hurting his side. ukillful that the slightest defect is THE DR. F. J. WILLIAMS Mr. and Mes wm sem"\vbmt und two dnughters;, Iml:?d "'l" ¥ ein, have gone to Cherokee, lowa,| | MY," for a tw?mk'l"vu with l'llfl""t Alice 1 Mr. and Mrs. ~Pettis had asd their guests hg%"lr snd; Mrs. W. A,. Whiting of , ':"l::, The Maszsons had charge funeral of Peter A at Nfl'fll*l brook last Mn& Mr. flfdi his two sons, at the home, a number of years ago. l Harry Olepdort left <Wednesday evening for Minnieapolis, Minn.,; on a businesé.t&IP. > .0 8000 _>; and spent the week end--wil n.sw:,pm-. Edward Colbert. Mics Bertha Push of Chicago, who spent the past week with her aunt ;I'rs.";:fiw, 'veturned to her home turday. ., L Nf Isabelle "Weidner 'and 'Victoria Kester were visitors at Fremont, last week, at the home of the form-- ers sister, Mrs. Fred Obenauftf. On Saturday noon, June 30th, oe-} curred the marriage of Fred Busch | and Bertha Miller. The young folks ; will for the present reéside near Half | Day until --a suitable loafi_qn-,i;,; found. We wish them a world of ; Mr. and Mrs. N.F. Busch -- and! Mrs. Gabriel left last Friday on a trip to St, Louis. ---- ~ _' ' The gats crop in this yvicinity -- is notnea?:podunmlutyur at this time. © ® Donald, also Mrs. J. Matousek and Donna Mae, were guests at the wed-- ding dinner given at (the home: of Mrs. Charles Meyer of Waukegan, in honor 'of the newly weds, Mr. and .. _ Den Schiey who had befit' gtaying Aat the home of Mrs. Mary -- Schley has returned to Waukegan where ne intends to go to work.. > C ©~Clarence Busch, Alice and Alex-- ander Bunton, motored, to Liberty= ville, Tnursday evening. _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kulbinger of :mnv are now . reésidents . here.; Mr. Kulbinger is employed by Joe Keisler while Mrs. Kulbinger is staying at. the home of Mrs. Albert Stahil, where she is taking instruc-- tions. in domestic science, beadul':s acquainted: 'with the . ways and means of good old U S. of A. @ a &nller at the home of Mrs. A. J. Raupp, last Tuesday afternoon. / Albert Stakl Miss Nikol of Buffalo Grove was m, What might h ewb'o:n-;--l;d ac-- * \ | cident occurred o day last week on Milwaukee avenge, when a supply lams can be seen @very | train going at at speed, left the a. m, 2--5 and 7--8 p. m.) track. Some of the fellows junped 10--12. Offices |Upstairs | for safety, but thh engineer stuck to -- A Commerce© Bailding, | is post. -- Bysténders, say -- they St., Waukegan, u wouldn't have givtn two cents for his imaites, MB | life at that time butthhoe was 'game m and came out sat in end. moNE s l Louis Ariderson was a caller at the Crestmore Monday, £ & . is ~withont lara -- Mau v@, . Wis, with their aceident of uo, Huhn | His ha4 | merning to at Cl B7 . Al Bunton, Jr., and Miss Alice, spent Sunday morning, in Liberty-- ville at the Max, Miller home, Mr. and ."hh Holub and Frank Holub spent Sunday at the Holub farm, & *+ id C3 3t " ' We were informed last week that tr!u| Mlflflmf":f::'erfingh:: Palatine, formerly 0 ace, has not yet been sold as was thought several weeks fl& The parties con-- cerned changed their minds and the purchaser bought. elsewhere. . . + w_'d*)"h just about as busy as he needs to be, with his twenty--five acres 'of corn to tend to, besides one hundted and two other necessary jobs awaiting his atten-- tion, he surely ketps moving. Never a'i"d' Robert, thath all in a farmers' fe. _ Several ears of frushed stone were shipped in here f¢r use on the hign-- ways in the i iate vicinity thats the beginnin ncrete next. Jacob Wolf is on the sick list and we are sorty to say, he is quite low. all Geest\ was a business caller 'k and al«d cu.sting the grass a-- 5 he wa' ki last week and say, he & s n.v.h . o P "'g Cargill, was a caller at the ;."',u_'{; "ix # Tuesday. Henry Pabike was a caller at J. N. Buseh's last Thursday. . 1" ByscH is the proud owner of ;hN-rl' y every f'i{ei--e}'e'm a:':';.' nee at Herte!'; park, s'nd.' t music was excellent. We are anxi-- ously awaiting the next one. caller :raller at Geofge Pfis.er's Thursday. ~-- Rmil Geest i@ttended a Masonic Trim "%"'z rville, Sunday. ---- Mai ;&" erger of -- Prairie lew, was aljealler at Sturm's last at Arlington F ts, s m heim with his fami-- Iy, have m n the farm recently p ased of| his fatrer. -- Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wickersheim, will reside on %' me place, having re« tained & cou of rooms for their n' < ,,'-'),' 28 s "d. {; luscWs health is greatly im-- proved at tids writing. AbJ on Jr., was employed by ;u."i."' foaturday. f he southdro part of Milwaukee avenue wWill be completed on or about July 4th.. Now you folks at Liberty-- w up,, we 'are tired .of traveling all dver the continent every G. M. Weidner and Miss Hannah, spent --Sunday at Kenosha, Wis., at the home of W'!::d Weidner, vb:; a good time was celebrating the christeningof th@ir baby. | day 'at Miller: loaded hnrry B and wh 'hl s but no the sick list and is taking treatment A flfl athering was celebrat-- ed at the Miller, Sr., home near Half Days, last S y, which might also EGW as i Ford picnic as every pmmmmlonic" Anlr=anis i l _ im a Ford car, and : it real good to 'see all those little dekrs,; parked there, : Al Bunton, 6r., and Peter Sievers were w: pin: Sunday, We pre. sume _were nitting only the Nfiz'xm ofi tyville is work-- ball fan and has made many friends here since his arrival. wille, wllrm A George ~Miller, of Waukegan, e in . this .viunit" o Sunday. . The gold théir home ' w%a will go on a vacation in some of northern states. > at Libertyvill$#, Tussday night ; ind the job ofi cleaning the Jé a our number., liman giso was with aturday at the doings Ne piece, presented to y by Emil Geest, have them, Emil?t We'll was a caller at J Buseh and Mi#s irded No. 5 Monday thence to l']beny. i l&iflltu?]' #riend h: and J. N. Busch, gallers at Prairie o spent F his parents. TURDAY, JULY woaded with straw-- whipped cream t not when they y is somewnat-- A AY \, _ Was A Phursday., _ Masonie Hours 9 to 12 a. m. & 1 to 8 p. m. MyllflolidtnbyA DR. OTTO R. 'With ~the payment machinery once in operation, the treasurer ex-- pects to pay off at the rate of' 1,-- 000 claims a May. A total of 236,000 oR 0. F. HOUJ 1SRRIELD + VETERIN 8 Telephone 66 mmu.s Office in First National Bank Bidg. Hours:.1 to $:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, oppod;'nt IH d Ngt of 1 ractic . Kaiser Bldg., om Phone 26 A pL This information --was obtained from State Auditor Andrew 'Rus-- sel's office Thursday Just how long the delay will be has not been as-- certained. The auditor's whole of-- fice force will be put to work on bonus récords Monday, it was said. Russel pmmbl'l:s to work ut;'nhp.id- ly as possi and hopes ve the first checks in the mail within a few days afcer July 1."------------ 161 Lincoln Ave. applications are on file with the bonus board. The claims are still coming in at the rate of about 200 a day... The maximum bonus is $300 age check will be for $220. From the list that has been turn-- ed over to the :guditor it appears that 26 per cent of the claims are fatilty for some reason or another. a few days afcer July 4."---------- A list of 5,700 valid claims has been tnrn%,over to the auditor by the service' recognization -- board, which promises to O. K. 25,000 ap-- plications by July--1, and turn a stead stream mfun auditor's of-- fice daily thereafter. 9+ 8 ty The service recognition 'board. is on!yfltefiutuglnthhonz:d?'i- ment hinery, it is ex After the approved claims ~ go to the auditor they are recorded© in three esparate sets of, books. The checks are to be made out in the lndm: office, and countersigned by e Nelson. _ ut SAVE-- YOUR BONUS SET FOR JULY 1, Is DELAYED SPRINGFIELD, IIL., July 6. Illinois world war veterans must wait later than July 1 for their SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND DRAMATIC s&. C. B. OLNEY, D. V.M. VETERINARY SURGEON. Assistant State, Veterinarian Assistant State Veterina¥ian ; oProMETRIS noon s NURRAY J. H. HESLIN DR. J. L. TAYLOR LmERTYvnu'f ATTORNEY--AT--LAW B. H. MILLER Telephone 152--W 57 §¥ Coroner Taylor:held ' an inquest Twnilbtufihhw'mu his death was d to -- accidental drowning while swimming in Lake Zurich. The drowned man was a Chicago printgr.. He was married and had a three mmonths old child who were at the lake at the time of the drown-- The tragedy occurred at.3 o'clock Sunday afternoon on the west side of the lake, a short distance from the Whitney farm, The testimony showed he had been in the wate> for about an : hour rowing and swimming. He was alongside--of a boat occupied by a man and woman when he drowned. He had been holding on to one side of the boat FOR SALE--Five head of Poland elhn punbh:d brood sows due m mare, five y-r-qu + § mm, Area, ~Phone 277--3--2, FOR SALE----Nice little ten acro Young orchard. New buildings con sisting of a six room house, good m...'}?"' ok:fmvuym cheap. ouse. See A. R. SCHNAEBELE, Regist-- when he suddenly lost his grasp and went under the water. Hei dis-- appeared before the man in the BABY -- CHICKS--Barred Rocks, C. Reds, $10--100; < White lnh.: : Rose Reds, $12; Orpingtons, Wy-- :n:ow;u, 8;:; Leghorn's, $9, Cata-- log. D. T. Farrow | Chickeries, FOR SALE--Oakland A Inquire at Library. W TOR SALE--Six acre farm near Li-- FOR SALE--If you have $300.00 in cash to pay down you can buy a flnmmduttnbr.y::; sonable and can ' FOR SALE~--Kindling wood by the m os t o Apply at K Green hnouses. Phone 174--J. 28-- @P--UGE FOR SALE--W cylinder motor boat FOR SALE--Fourteen acres good FOR SALE--Portable bungalow, 10-- x11% ft., pine floor and three feet on sides tla gcreened, -- canvas top. Irving Payne, Area, phone 318--R.. ** / B b2--tf FOR SALE--7 head grade Holstein cows due to freshen in Qctober. «HMBMW , for T. B, Also bull all ages will sell subject to test. Am rouinieed saitle" Rart Padiock, e $ Round Lake, 111. Phone 10--M--2. FOR SALE--Cherries. A. M. Casey. Phone 283--M--1. 58--2t floor, nearly new poultry house, plenty of fruit and shade trees. A rare bargain. See A. R. SCH-- NAEBELE, Register Office, Li-- bertyville. 35tf Office, ine, manufactured by -- Gray Tioter cn.:"nm:té 'Mich., One ,@&m,rdcbhme Libertyville, . o n miikEDEL E: hepiniee timothy ---v!. W'g ding, Phone 418 Hmaotin C rom, ArciK DF C151 If you want to buy anything, or if you have something : to sell, mtwmuummmmuhmwu? columns. You will get results. . : -- . f 'There is no way you can reach as many 'people in Lake county, in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make, Mininmin charge, 25¢. _ _ 6 insertions for $1.00 ; Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion.> .=. -- -- Classified Ads Buy Now and Save l.:q .; :fi Gordon Wrecking _ & Lumber Co. ---- _ boat realized the danger, according to Coroner Taylor. _ _ _\ : _ _ _ It is believed the _ m@a® 'a.q from eramps. | The 9 he growned waglaboui 20 «deep and is 'Aled with weeds m i 22nd St. at Sheridan Road-- _ Daily excursions between: Wau~ kegan and 'Chicago 'will be . nade by boats of the Chicago--South Haven Steamship Y will 'start operation on Thursday, July 5. 'The. excursions will b made during the summer months, and the price for a round trip . is 75 cents. Lo + Oe t amie dane a faline | t is 'fAlled with weeds s anaud. > . :.)( awg This was the second w1 uk : £ l the season at Lake y WY & i;*@ Chicago printer drowning m'.P« j fell from a boat a few weeks M 9 s The boat is to leave Ch _ ew-- ery mogning at 10 o'clock, arrivin; in Waukegan at 1:30 p. m. The boat will stay here for two <hor . leaving at 3:30 p. m., and gett back to Chicago at 7 p. m. -- _ GARAGES Building Plans furnished Free 10x16 1--Car Garage $49, 12x18 1--Car Garage $59, 18x18 2--Car Garage $78.00 EXCURSIONS TO : START JULY & The Chinese prefere to see their own 'people acting out Chinese plots in the films to the most distinguished foreign talent surrounded by all the marvelous technique of the Nm as we know it in America. : is fll'lfl.fi?'hfl. & Scratch Pads, all sizes and good _ _' paper. . Keister. officn . * . d FOUND--Sterling silver bar pin. Owner can have u-.fi:y calling at wAmD"B * family. _ Inquire xm"'g 'Thong 176--M, after 5 p. m« .' R--2. Gordon Ray, Area, HII. 522t HE BOUGHT HIS SECOND BULL Mr. Dorband of Wheeling used a . j set 'to his & his Bull maching. -- _ He would not milk. by hdifi He was satisfied with his first so he bought another. s oo Get one and you will be satisfied. PURE BRED JERSEYS MONEY TO LOAN--By a private <--. . party on town~or farm > property. _ Special Offer This Week No commission. Address P. D., A. LAWRENCE MILLS, Owser LOST. AND FOUND BERT* FINSTAD, Libertyvillie .--__ _ WANTED Thoue Wweukeges Te Material Build itial Gm:s hw FOR RENT PAGE 3 Resister of Merit Stock O e kn We e for two 'hon ; , | *k attcs 48 idwasa 1 vig