4e * ------ LAKE VILLAIN _ sECOND DEFEAT 1¥ i *' ERRORS COSTLY * _ 'gidelines as his finger. is still in bad * _ Dorfler pitched good ball through-- ; . out and was ?c strong at the %fr. "Rudy" is going to pitch for &?'mt out and afeer a little prac-- e h itte m o mA o ol < * + . econd-- was the hole thrpugh '_"'y'_ val n crawled to viectory 'W 4 + ie m'.tznd for Libertyville had a bad day, mak-- ing three costly errors. He was re-- Waukegan A. C. Wins Ag:in 6 to 5 esn Reme C onut S o CCC C oo is c t Cl Ts ue red by Dictz in the third, but the f team had already seored &ix runs, The "Lights" fell one run rt but it looked like Waukegan got away lucky. 'The Lights out--hit j Waukegan, except the all the breaks. --It was anybodys game up until the Jlast man Was out in the ninth. > ' Snyder ':&.flfin fched the game from the ; &irbflls--ofllohmon 1; off 2; Willys--Lights 4. Jess® Davison's pitching and the consistant hitting of his teammates . Great Hurling game of the Lake County champ-- Sonship series at Antioch Wednes-- day. from Lake Villa, 9 to 2. '%wmmmuhu put _ghgthb-bcxforh tlock. -- consecutive: pop --Hite which seemed to land <safely hbe-- tween the infield and the outfield Thiee more tallies eressed the piak ter in the seventh. Lake Villa's tailies came in the second and the seventh, when Davi-- couple of bingles. ~'Murphy, an imported hurler--from son eased up enough to Jonate a Kenosha . was on the firing line for Lake Villa with Hollstein doing the . «A erowd of 1500 was at the game, this being the largest crowd in the . --The game . of the series will he: at Lake Villa on July 29. did good hurling. --Kingsley-- was the receiver for ut Lake for the last two years have arrived h aring the "UMited Staten, 'and" oho M 0 hmmu&ufl'& tion laws, are still in Mexico. A -mlnulnd!hu-nfiey wettled . in various rflod Mexico, in towns where no Jew w@ver reaided before, and are now #upport-- Ing themselves, * i + Score by. innings: Lake Villa--=--0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 00-- 2 Antlioch ---- 0 6 0 0°0 1 3 0 x-- 9 A jJail, a chapel and a morgue will be included in the Chicago | Union Station now qyunder conftraction. The jail will be tsed for holding pris-- oners passing through Chicago and will eliminate tho nesessity of pri-- Thile waiting For trains. _ The chapei Th io tamplote sea en be anly. Jews from Poland and Russia who innirg, but Wau TO "WILLYS--LIGHTS" mu_'l M.'o m' will be the opposition FRED STERLING: I$ 4TH WINNER Travels into First Flace in Feature Race at Lib-- ertyville 1 Frank Sterling, enterea by Louis Tewes of Waukegan won highest hon ors in the Free--For--All--Trot at the horse race held at lie Wed: nesdav. fishing m a mark of: 2:16 14. Harvest ?nun. ano«» ther horse entered.by .@ local man, H. Sells came fourth. ~--'Gene Aquillan and Genetta, en-- wubyx.rmndn.&n-. of Waukegan, finished sec-- Mdmo&rh the Free--For--All--Pace, In the 2:25 MMM.M% 'Sells finished third and Dora in the 2:30 trot came fourth. " Other entries and their --records nesday, follow n%muuni-am * Entire Shipload of Big, Arriving abroad 100 double--length railroad cars !ornlsa':rflm more thin ore and one-- mifes Jong, 'and made even greater than in 1922 "}: addition of many. .big, new r & Bailey Combined will ex-- bit at Chicago, July 14 to 22. 'Mvhomdfilodlflvgm" vhonintwehwlfi movie the shipload of acts and animals re-- baby elephants are now joined with the forty . adults of the mommoth nerd. _'l'h'n:en also ©100 -0: E'-p'.pm-mflm wild: some of witich have L vbecome part of the -x eently i during the weeks that it exhibited in great trains. It is a third than rhinnceros, the FOR . SALE--17, meres -- standing timothy and few acres sweet clov-- or'nj alfalfa. «Call at farm 1 mile southwest of / all day Q-ndnxy ar 1 k Holob, 21456 So. Kedasie: Chicago, 114. More than a million persons saw WANTED ~ TO . RENT--Modern mbymm.n- Mlimmm Leave word at. er Office, New European Features. Phore M. Too Late to Classify Free--For--All--Trot. Three Heat Plan. ceros, the only one known and alone worth $50,000. 58--adv 538--1t KFirst Methodist lg-a'll Church CHARLES J. DICKEY, Pastor, MRS. LYELL H. MORRIS, Organist Miss Addie Miller, Mr. Glen Hu%n, _ 'Mrs. James Davis and Mrs. Wal« ter A. Lightbody, Music Directors. 10:00 a. m--Sunday school. _ Mr. ml service. Mr. Fred Butter-- fleld, Pres., (Topic: "The World Ter ,uéu.rh:fi"' people era _ 4 young are invited. ~ __ Nok > 7:80 p. m--&n&m service in the in-- terest of Near East. Three PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV.:GUY SMOCK, Pastor.. Sunday school at 945. The Super-l intendent Mr. Wells :pech to be away for his vacati Mr. For-- rest Smith, his assistant, will give us an interesting session. | Morning worship at 11:00. Lessons on . "Obedience . to . Government Drawn--. From Jeremiah's Teach-- ing," will be. the morning subject. Young People's meeting at 6:30. Union Service at the M. E. church, at 7:30. Motion pictures showing 8t.-- Lawrenca's Episcopal (Chureh mm. H. B. cm.r.fi:;.& 'services on Sunday f (6th Sunday after Trinity) will be Morning Prayer, and address by KHast Relief. The service will be preached : by :Im Of'; ?minud%'md fell 'M ' ie m ow i 2s' Mr. : and 'his fenily will u:'"m, '.cm'"llw where Mr. Gwyn has charge of the services at St. James' church "'in the ;i:" of their --rector; During . Gwyn's absence,. ser-- vices will be held every Sunday at Bt. Lawrence's church . Among : clergy officiating will be Rev. W. n.gm-n.um"ma --"*The Witness," one of our Nation-- ~ al church papers. Rev. D. E. Gib-- 'Rev. D, W. Wise, 4 3 A cordial invitatior is given to all to attend these services. Mr. Landwer living ~near -- Long Grove, owner of a dog of which he might well feel proud." 'The other day Mrg. Landwer fell down the celar stairs, landing at the bottom 1 and only for the dog ht have been in & much worse eondition. Mr. er was at wnki:n.finmmfl-t up to him # sadly: and would Dog With Aimost Human condition. Mr. er was at work in the n the dog carte up to him nfix'm'wnld pdhalu'gpor'hiw barn, but Heas Mr-- Landwer thought thais .. Mr:Landwer <thought --this very strange bd-t:hul left the barn. The dog led him to the outer cellar entrance, but the door was 'h"hufimmm became Puorious and thisg led him to the kitchen entrance and into the house down the cellar stairs where 'Mr. Landwer found his. wife in a serious condition. Mrs. C. spent the. Fourth at nfiw'm anCEmng AABJO*p -.nurc--- d the the _ Near EKast m The service will be Libertyville Cement Block Works Pearce, General Super-- 123 EAST COOK AVENUE . > Next to Franzen Lumber Yard _ ENT BLOCKS OF ANY KIND--: e o c sHORT NOTICE av» + Residence 165--J Works 50 Intel. CHIEFS JOB _ ~THROWN FROM City Dads Favor Cutting Veteran from : Payroll by Voting 3 to 2 for \mta *w,.at; , "h depart-- mert 'Monday 'night by the Wauke-- showed the standing at $ to 2 ballots for the elimination of his office. The ballot of the council was tak-- en after consideration of an ordin« missioner J. V. Bal¢ ex--officio head of the fire Wu well as of the' police deparement. -- .~=.~. ; o RAFNE, Nee en lCs M+¥. Bals moved that the ordingnce Commissionérs | Balz, Yager,. and Pearsall . lining. <up-- to eliminate and Mayor. mgainst its elim-- ination. © The motion® carried. The ordinance becomes effective in ten days. Until: that time O'Far-- rel_lmyrgmdluhudotm&- partment. The law, as held by sev-- eral attorneys, provides that heads }ofdoptrtmmtlmhadlmb!' majority vote of the city council. -- Over in Waukega ganizing a society f opinion we ought bo stop--letting mnfi-wbmmbflfl because the local water works is be-- hgmtoitlihx.fl'd"- | 4 %¢ The wise mother knows how to get the lawn mowed by bragging about umm-m "Bill the Coal Bin Eatly" says the goal dealers. You can sing that 4o the tune of "Keep the Home Fires What we would like to know is if you would refer to Ford as a middle--of--the--road be the reason them "&mhwmd- ways chattering. permitting his And that other one. who is of the A.lot of foreigners seem to be ming@ over here these days to see STATION ROLL A lucky man is the one who, after The Best is the Cheapest * In the Long Ran H. C. DOWDEN in Waukegan they _ are or-- GIVE US A At 1 was definitely <Ks *f FMR BOARD READY ~--FOR RESERV ATIONS ~*"The different members of the eke-- edtive board of the FairfAssoctation have been working like beavers to get all plans for the 'big three--ddy thit Rrg thing toulg by pot orgueh eve cou pu rflt a hitch. They announce they are now ready to 've. rmlll for the different of stock, machinery, etc., as as concessions along the midway.. They fl' to start reserving space early this year in order to avoid the usual 'eonfu&sion incidental with the last-- minute rush for places as experienc. ed other years, when many exhibit-- ors were disappointed in not getting advantageous places, s 2 chaUTAUQUA SEASON N & > * ; ~gqJUVLY "14° TO-- ~8%, Bepe s se i ce is Toin, thee making. ar to put on the best pro-- in yet given in Libertyville. Tal-- musicians, artists and ~elocu-- ' as well as the --play "Turn to the Right" will appear on, the ed tickets and sell to those who not sign up.: The cooperation of the mublic is looked for. Let everyone help to make this a successful en-- thusiastic season. It is backed by 'public spirited citizens who aré bring mto Libertyville something con-- ive to the enjoyment and educa-- tion of all. ; <--= --_> *\ *' ing how the De Laval Milker is made _ over any size of teat; pulsator is close to _' to suif the temperament of the cow. -- the udder to assure vigorous milking, ~ . Everything is just right for the greatest _ and the alternating action is such as the production of milk in the shortest time. mhfibwmdtoduin's The malloh.pultttor on the Pube. . band milkme : * \-- Pump assures an absolutely uniform We will gladly tell you more about Schanck Hardware Company Your Buy Lakeside Lots Now New G. M; Ray Subdivision at Diamond Lake $200 to $500------Your Choice: DON'T WAIT ------ INVESTIGATE Ray BrRos. & Company Telephone Libetryville 2906--R--2 '~ Postoffice: Area, HIL Telephone 39 FOR SAFE INYVESTMENT WITH QUICK RETURNS _ Learn what competent Ioulm men are doing ACT QUICKLY en watch your earnings grow! Beautiful wooded lots 50 ft. by 100 ft. Libertyville Flower--& * Vegetable Company Libertyville, 111., Phone 10 -- > _' WE DELIVERr _ You will find it a pleasure taking care of a few of these beautiful potted plants in your window. Each day their fragrance will more'than reward you for your trouble. over any size of teat; pulsator is close to the udder to assure vigorous milking, and the alternating action is such as the cows have become accustomed to during Our Prices are Fair'® * of a Libertyville, III. t#X _ Kept A" Window Garden' Have You: Ever wl we h T]