s Aer, of M¥. and Mrs. Ross ::!tfllc back : and. one-- hand by a ~Roman t ?,ou the Fourth of July., . -- ie t _2 3 K ds > fi.' to spend the summer in the West, . Mies Laur: Mohike of River For: "ri\"" en ndas " hercaistér, Mrs. + Vunt.m in 8t Past ) A Pn 4 9 & n ce As Bunday, where he underwent a ma-- Jor operation. 4 Miss Edith Stryker of Oak Park, spent Saturday at the Irvin Stryker Mr. and Mrs, Robert E. Pettis and are opu T CA c lherpime c c AMaatore Meayer, icft Friday Loans and discounts, including rediscounts Real estate owned other than banking m._.___ fewuresd Lawtul reserve with Federal Reserve Siermermialinree Checks on other banks in the fame foim as Efi:' port Charter No. 6670. _ -- 'Fotal of--Items 9. 10, 11, 12 and 18. 95,895.27 :E-imm..t:__" Vexvimas Cimnome e i ie o e e c o ces 2l onl noiriior e( inpasite pagable Rithi® 90 days) Capital steck paid in ' State of II1., Co. of Lake, as. L P. 3. wna.'on:u of the true to the best of my knowledge Lake County National Bank t e on e ut mirté } AT LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS other United States Government securiti¢n. 34,34250 _ > ._°. _ _/ BEST DANCE FLOOR IN LAKE COUNTY _ AND'BEST DANCE MUSIC -- _ _ This beautiful dancing hall has been taken under new management and. . 'will be open each Wednegday, Satur-- . day and Sunday evenings during the balance of the season. / ® Arthur TICKETS $1.00 _ | . LADL P Hertel's Pavilion At Half Day, Illinois of deposit (other than for money bor-- DANCING {| HOUSEKEEPER inb ameapueetipniiennammememenenetnetn en en CE CE N C CCCE C C ol L CC L a g es t _ ;. Reserve District No. 4. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE i wl deposits subject to reserve ... 563,34343 civenlation (U. Wednes-- My. and Mys. ¥red Labahn, 40406 Toom the Delkay .Graimifer school in Chiui'oiheln fllo';nnbz she took . Miss uw%. "Bo is an Ioonding ns simiket mide taf past t A 'at Bt. Paul's E IM: Park, were Sunday guests at Teis Colhitrine Faples of Positine, DPr. J. P. O'Connell, dentist. . Of-- .-m Lutires" dnc B iniionitivay t ts n i g:o ,- r- M' w_.w. fice over Deerfield Me Steore, m., to 9 p. m., on Wednesdays and hi rik dage it aly, 9eR / 0' ~Flora A. Staples, Notary Public, Mr $6,241.10 LADIES FREE Fid Labam Sermdest es m l&no Grammar school in nmcmhwzabohfi e P ons n o onl is and Hagel) William to visit [their/tary of the 10 ~ K entucky. next six $1,029,864.02 $1,029,864.02 $510,528.69 $ 60,000.00 ---.A" PW" ","9'1 1,989.08 166,238.17 397,104.686 1/\ The Reliable Laui fag onl e Aiipves. M 0 . ~~Miss MW patient at the 1Der 8 Sanitarium : of . spent : the week end fifi%"'- and Mrs, Peter Petersen, T Mr. and Mrs. 'H. Wilke M'r'. and daughter, of Two Rivers, Wis., / Guests at the home of Mr. and uies of O'Conomee wt-..'~'-"a'u:¥'éj udlni.&Cliri.'A e " 'h;r. and . Mrs. ~ Almon m} (Mildred" Whiting) of Irving. Park, have a son, born Saturday, " [ Paul Udell of Highland who nainted, by that aity u&% dication ceremony for the opening field and Highland Park, m sited in Deerfileld "last Tuesday, ~Others on Udell has asked the Deerfield offic!-- als to cooperate with him in making Reay and Charles L fi';;;fi;; July 19th,; g success, ship that exists between the two towns, and which will be so closely road. -- Lincoln 'Pettis; president _ of e k n e Park in making an approprinte pro-- honor of her third birthday anniver-- 'a Mm-unflm Mlnhmfidphdh'zz Mrs. James Stearns went to Chi-- m,'&vhwhm Miss Esther, who has been hn't;:-&vflhnhflmn ' . * :r.mdln.A.B.Jolmson-u'r- tained relatives from Clinton, , the past two weeks. ~Mrs. G. W. Jensen has been-- gick for several days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Willie of St. Louis, Mo., visited last week at the home of l'l"in':-.m;\mmv f Mrs. Fos. an tored to Kenosha last Thursday .. _ Ir.undlummm dren of Burlington were : sahoppers Friday. 1 Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Lasco of Salem motored to Elgin Monday to ¥isit Wm. Lasco, who is at the atate the latter part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson of Kenosha, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Kier-- stead of Milwaukee visited over Sun-- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Will Christian. . . a5 Mrs. QO. W. Kettelhut and the Misses Ruth and Irene, motored to Kenosha on Monday. Miss Louise Dupre of Evanston d'vlntad' her parents here over Sun-- ,' " f Will Hunter, who has been laid up Clyde Wentworth, who has been vaydckvhho:rl'm& present getting along fine " and ex-- pects to be released from quarantine © Mr. and Mrs., Jos. Greenwaildt gall-- ed at the W, F. Lasco home Monday evening to see how little Raymond snouldered from We've heard of getting round-- shouldéred from %' over 'the dishes on the table, we've never yet heard of a girl getting round-- cleaned and--of gourse you want : them cleaned in the VERY BEST WAY .: There is no better way than : NAPTHA DRY © CLEANING | | ; ns _ _' This way cleans them thoroughly of dirt -- : and spots and s them free of Moths --~. or a possibility of Moths later on. | Y¥A L Call Libertyville 6R when you are ready -- -- and we will clean them the NAPTHA WAY. Launderers, Dry Cleaners & Py ;."" & You will soon want to have your RUGS time with rheumatism, is 'Phone Libertyville 67--R -- Thursday, w3 "TESTING _ IATION & JUNE 192%. #4% ; ed and: var times a day. ®. :a"f, 8| 1112 | 39.36 . ~Mo. Cows{Breed|ibs. milk|\bs. fat Barl _ 'fl HBJ 1125 | 4450 Hawtin farm$Bipbbs| 1029.4 ©40.45 es .\ NPb &) 0 3t3 T. Graham-- 191 GHI 947.2) , 32.89 Th rn'. far PE 615.6) ~31.08 i%""; righ h '{J id sweet clover and bluegrass pasture with about 4 ':'\;mm&mz;i'?a.:&w M cow per day. It is easity seen that the production from | '* was made at a very Lc tb nc nc 1 Lt for the ligneg of sweet clover as F;"Z ,':fM!, |_ &A large number of ike 'County 'dairymen are making use of asweet elover, as it is the un-- INFECTED BDAIRY (CATTLE _ wUST pi§ says COOK Co. Cook county dacing milk un eaves m 0. Ar '. ra k 'M 4. £o hm Te Torke r biep t ws ty produce advantage of the $1,000,000 indem fund recenély & propriated by the :fim: state legigslatw s and are fall-- ties included in the black belt of this state. £ $V +4 -- The four cattle slaughtered at the demonstration by: . Dr. Augusberger and Dr. C. P. Draper were reactors found in the first extensive cleanup test made in this county a few weeks z' Two hundred ufilomfim? Tlrare abirnt man cevaily seactes seven ;..a.mm.:;imx . 9. Tolinbordts" fowlld -- vistnie lesionsrin the carcasses of all four k.ahnh-huthundandmlnodtt the demonstration held in the forest <-- C ' nry of near Rosecrans, has the nigh herd for this month, which is quite an hopor in a county like k -- aode . & k & (~ i9g | 0 y 'in_qo"_t" _testing . association _ work wq line up for better cows, o ts £ *l"l;:ds and tests farm bureau knc itv;'oz;l:tnnt% 0 mfi ren Take m io I O Omaie &n in-- vestment of a membership *in the preserve. 'The animals ranged in age from 18 months to 18 years, showing that cattle of varions ages may be seriously 'infected. Herman Schwake of Arlington Heights, pre-- sident of the Cook County Farm Bu-- nineteen reactors in . his -- herd of twenty--five purebreds, . W'OM l;l;D':'. tnullleu:: W) % "u-..'m" flomdc,thqtaz.udhdu'du- credited herd plan and found that nineteen of them had tuberculogis." said Mr, Schwake| "I raised every one 'of the on my farm. Evi. dently I bnu'.it disease into my Fack 6.( uh ESDAY, JULY 11 1, Tester. ncing Cows is making fine being shown t# COUNTY FARM B EDITED n{rfi DOERSCHUK County Fartm Adviser. Test| years ago, I I was fiot fami-- liar with the re of the disease, :nd my cows had not been tested be-- Ore. L h e herd with the J eattle I bought,| market for mill in Chi is the years ago. | w I was fot fami--| belief 'of several who AtP the liar with the nature of the duouo.lchmomntionm under the direc-- :nd my cows had not been tested be-- ::;l :' the farm bureau, , the state ore. C m' m "The old, akinny cow hanging in[inx. Some MM under the tree over ehere is thirteen years W system it will work a old. 1 raised her, and until recently ; ship on ~them, especially . the she has been one of my best milkers, | tenant farmer, if he has to test his Less than three years ago she was in herd. Some oppose the test because, fine condition--not a sign of being| they say, there is not enough indem-- Dr, Augsberger np Te PS 'fi:"bu Fresh Start . Augs r te was one . § of the worst Mnin:'; The eradication ..:movement has it is rnlapen hawe it permendetionis matrent t or ing, an to itory during the la or know the truth. In spite of being, progressive dairymen (believe it paid indemnity, h my herd test-- ed will mean a .. %to me, but I'm going to get rid of every cow on my place, clean 'up, and start over with a healthy he It will money to me in t! ', 'I'" run. As out farm 1, T1 am ng gerydd ian in the : 6 ve his g'i"fl' W A animals known to be free. tub= erculosis, a dis we have been fooling along with for years at a heavy losg." _ . & : s TOud line Herds Clean.<. _ ne : tested represented total of 136 head of cattle--had been Augsberger applied the test he found was found <lean. been having my cattle tested locally ¥or four yufiufl thought I had a clean : herd ~until Dr, Augsberger came~ along and found twenty--four reactors out of ,Mntrmt," said Mr, Busse. "I could y believe it. _ I have confidence in the test that is made by -- the government men, and I'm going to sell all of my cows and start over. Every cow will be tested before she comes on my farm and she will wto stand a retest in sixty days after I buy her, too. T'Hl mever have anothéer t. b., on my farm if there is any mupm off." _ Attacks y -- Flocks. Farmers' wives who attend the de-- monstration believed they have found out why mmonen'g by the dozens. Dr, Draper exhibited & white leghorn chicken infested with e on . ow and ; y enlarg-- been lame for several weeks before A. H. Busse of 'Arlington Heights owned one dz six herds. "I have it was killed. It was found in a farmer's flock which had been fed nery in Cook county. Dozens :lfmhnmunmim: f yAMdookcuunty farmers. op-- pose the test. Within a few years :;i!mhfllflmtyyfl}hdgm. tb;w\iiilmhn&t_ C"m.. Telephone 57 C. B. OLNEY, D. V. M. 161 Lincoln Ave. Phone 356 Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, 0»'-"' park § nn.J.L'ruK):t Office in First National Bldg Hours 9 to 12 a, m. & 1 to 8 p. m. Sundays & Holidays by i T . H. KESLIE DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY SURCGEON DR. OTTO R. gaAVE YOUR " LYELL H. non*) ATTORNEY AND COUN R Telephone 18 _ Assistant State Veterinarian Assistant State Veterinarian ROOM 9, MURRAY PHONE llfl ATTORNEY--AT--LAW B. H. MILLER _ LIBERTYI 1x909 ing what indemnity . is offered _ so they can prepare for the time when only milk from disease free cows can be sold to the consuming public.© would . be impossible 'to the work. Most of them e Aoamain is ewnere who. B8¥e already . leated, mt es are able to 'fiz_m g elean future they are working with healthy animals. "Dairymen realize they must get the & 'out of their herd toundafloa'or.g can never j with -- thirty--one Illinois . countie signed up under the area test plan, Cook.--county must get in line. If it doesn't, IM;"E&M be .vnfllbhhijor ces are <that m' state is largely cleaned up, will become com-- pulsory to all selling milk : in the 'cities, and in the rush to clean up will find 'state and federal indemnity funds depleted," zsays Mr. Heller. More herds are being signed up in this county for tests every day. > USE BORDEAUX MIXTURE ... Bordeaux mixture is the 'best spray you can get for potatoes, to--. t;emdandd:d" !tpuvf-: eucumbers Ons. : ® : bweonmmmm% when one pound of powdered ate of lead is added to 50 gallons of FOR SALE--Cherries. A, Phone 283--M--1, FOR SALE--7 head grade Holstein FOR SALE--Portable bungalow, 10-- x11% ft.; pine floor and three feet FOR SALE--Six acre farm near 14-- bertyville. Good . eight room FOR SALE--W cylinder matoy boat engine, manufactured n Gray Motor Co.. Detroit, , One FOR SALE--Oakland _tot car. Inquire at Library. m FOR SALE--If you have $300.00 in cash to pay down you can buy a fiye room cottage at a very reR~ balance the same as rent. You've got to act quick to wet this. See FOR SALE--Ba Thorough-- e ce ioi and v'V:i{te Bwh."lfl tall $5--100 postpaid. Send m .&d delivery. D. T. Farrow C ekeries, Peoria, T. bA--tt FOR SALE----Nice little ten acre farm near Libertyville. Good soil, Young orchard, New nga con . aisting of a six room, hogs good sized barn, garage, . chicken house. Off: -- Ste A. R. mNAF._' »A BR -- cows due ;i:;;i \i-;v C onl ho -- e |'7 1 2 for T. B. Also registered bull all for T. B. Also registered DMH ages will sell smbject "i selling -- as registered cattle. Earl Paddo 'l:gnd Lake, 111. Phone 10--M--2. " M you wans to bay anything, or'if you have something . to SeH, mtera&ln'flfl_fl-mu'-"hnm columins. You will get results, pncate ue o Mhumm-mfln'-fiumhm[m; h»'-honuunouunm:butnmmum" your wants known here. A trial will convinee you. . : |. | _ 'v'f; $18--R. ind harge, 2¢. _ 6 insertions for $1.00 Minimum Wfie per line por imarfion.s* "aA¢ floor, nearl¥ new 1 hou8se, plenty of / fruit figg A rare bargain, » HMe* NAEBELE, Register Office, Li-- shafting. Telephone Libertyville, 990. W . a 49--6t er Office, Liberts FOR SALE RA * R O M «€ a 3 : Classmect | ville, in all Dissolve four pounds of BB or copper sulphate in 4 t0 & gallor of hot water ih a wooden J {: f in another vessel olzck 4 pounds of fresh stone lime, and~ k the limewater -- and w stone solution together into a ba: 83 as to mix well and make up gallons with water.. ¥o amounts use | less of ' the blue ' and lime,. . To the mixture may be added one pound arsenate of lead to 50 gallons mixture. This is a gocd spray for cucumber and melon beet, les, but a dust spray of nicotine sul-- phate seems more effective for then Hydrated lime 'and turpen ',fi;t,-; ture is a good repelient also, but the Bordeaux will do the busini@as, anc on potatoes 'is offective for f beetles, as well as for the C oxved4® bectles, when arsenate is added. .___ Bs sioo. "Bomicsce n ahrfih.tmna may be made up as £ uymmtp'mnf_!h'" of . -- h" for v'mb' e« deen * &mad -;ma The deen :< i color P beans k 79 1 (hrough incculation, which -'k,i'i..,mlz The Farm Bureaun handled --nearly 800 bushels of soybeans this spring compared with about 60 the year be-- bay are to see a big: in the -- milk flow nnd'm feeding timothy hay. who Buresu were able to geta supply of inoculation when clover and al-- falfa froze out badly, and timothy, a Pn on e nmithan dnesrane Ammmmu'?\'unu here for. Are you using it? mmnv:al oth«fi in that vicinity that look good also. Alfalfa,. of which -- we have % sands of acres in Lake county has allly 'over. On many farms the gecond crop has made a fine start, having a rich rank growth of almost a foot high, which on some. farms where cutting was delayed too long, it is Just t':m,t"" start. (The pro-- per time to cut is when about one* fourth of the plants are in blossom or show blossom. MONEY TO L£QOAN--By a private HE BOUGHT HIS SECOND BULL Bull 'Milking© <Machine < for. 6 .. ... months; lightning set fire to his | _ d hi' m Illfih. PV n se 'f,;;;":fi'f Hqgm!wl ) not--milk by hand m y ya .. m '.'i« atisfied it Di - "i;«t?"::t"g so he bought another. . .. . * t > S Get one and you will be satiafien $yoee. BERT FINSTAD, Libertyvilia 3 %%_ HAN c onl . WANTED--Work a8 ekeep Inquire at Register office. 90. i9 : * EPW WANTED--One or two fresh milk Mr: Garages! Complet terial to i'1 a gt ..u..'?.n"cm.-. ine flg 12818 1 Car Carage ar 18x18 2--Car 8% fudin, Plans Fomhhad 22nd St. at Sheridan Buy Nfl and Save Money -- °_ GORDON zw 6 & LUM CO, <oa. o mmoapttih n 5 " cert SPECIAL OFFER . ; THIS WEEK _ ; + NORTB ~CHWICAGO Open Sundays for Your CGREAT LAKES, ILL Phone Waukegan 3086 PAGE FOR RENT -- _ C Ainanct ar &+* 16 1 0G 3 ( T h e LLL EWC mpr m ie F3 .79 x* ¥ YVe x a xi t 2 ? f £ £00