& Y 4¥ 2 MOF Bills which were passed by the, fifty--third Wlinois general assembly, whichimflmufllbm are first, one that . provides that school boards ghall establish kinder-- gartens in conngetion with . public senools uppn petition of a majority ; en amaam r a a w.g&:f whom live within one| mile of the school. ' -- 2. ~Senator Swift's bill, of 'which | he spoke: at the Deerfield Gram-- mar schools commencement . exerci-- ses, which appropriated $800,000 for mnasiums at Illinois State Normal gn!nnhy at Bloomington, and the Southern Illinois Normal at Charles-- DR. F. J. WILLIAMS and Ms. modern equipment is a ukiliful that the slightest defect in In trusting your eyesight to VHe will not advise glasses 1 8. Fixes maximum teachers' pen-- sion for 25 years' service and the maximum for lJonger service at $1,« 3.".;." s m the Unawd any mwwmm"mu of the required service of ell to. mothers | penision from. Illincis provides that the tax for teachers' pension shall be in addition ~to the 4.. <Provides that abandoned wives , #11 s n., 25 and T8 p. m. =~|'}0-u. Ofices Upstairs DEERFIELD-- M Genesee St.,. Waukegan, HL BEST DANCE FLOOR IN LAKE COUNTY AND BEST DANCE MUSIC -- _ This beautiful dancing hall has been ' taken under new management and will be open each Wednesday, Satur-- ~ day and Sunday evenings during the --~-- balance of the season. balan TT Parking Cnm hae'seud Fui %, ¥ . ! Pakke Hertel's Pavilion At Half Day, Illinois DANCING Tacks, like some people, have their fine points, hi'r:o"tmfl-mufll-&m them " k » w flth What we wish :o drive in is thé importance of saving; of having a bank accouat. It may re-- is without obligation quire the giving up of certai isures just nfimfn to do mgflp. Remember TACKS exerci-- ; < Mr, and Mrs. George Whiteomb : and baby son, of Barrington, ~Mr. \ George )romnuoarm.ur. | and Mrs. Clem Merriman and family of Highland Park visited at the home iu.nnd Mrs, Harry Whitcomb, y. at with ind Ci marria s from $1.50 to $3 Gives Waf $5.00 if 'he per forms the ceremony,. _ _ ~ 6. Senator Weiss bill: increases automobile. speed -- from 8D to 35 qih-u'hfi' ' 4. : Cuts inheritance tax in half. i'ltctthmd ployes "',t | em: .;,:.a;bu-amu ;0 $150 to $250 a year. 6 y Lightning:struck the Harry Whit-- comb nome, last Friday ~afternoon and struck down the chimney to the bogzement. It struck the family but none was badly hurt. ho i. | During Miss Eleanore Meyers' io memagho anoak Mont.: Lake &:fi.'. and _ Senftle, Mont.; Lake Chalon and Seanttle, n mmtamin ame, San isgo, Log Angeles and Santiago, California,. : _ . -- _ Guests on Saturday and Sunday at the Fred Meyer home were Dr, and nmo.zea:om.wu.md the Henry Oetin, family of Chicago. Mrs. J O'Connor has return-- -- Mrs. John has as her guests Mrs. Margaret Krumm. . and Mrs. Lena Krumm of Columbus, Ohio. -- _Fred ~Meyer's brother, _ Henry Meéyer 'and cousin, August--Thate of Fairmont, > Minn., visited him Wed-- nesday, € . Miss Florence Carolan, is taking a eourse in public school singing at -- Miss Lissie O'Rourke of Lake Forest and Sister Mary Leonetta of the Immaculata Academy of Chicago were guests at the James O'Connor ual..l? daughtter of Mr. and M A r. r8. James O'Connor. ---- > the Columbin Achoot Mré. Bruce Blaine and Mrs. Henry foflacd Bicimati of fighinnd Pare, Monday 'afternoon, > Deerfield. -- Office hours from 9 a. u..eoOp.Ron Wednesdays and Saturdays. one 218R. --~Miss Gertrude Seery of Evanston is visiting at the Carolan nome. _ Mts. John Stryker is attending a chureh convention in Peotonme, I!li-- nois, this week. The of the concrete road hlt'!:a\:'hndhrkmd Deer-- field will be observed with great ceremony and _ celebration. -- The mmdfii:mnwflemonh!ym program, and street dance, with-- excellent band-- music, will be held Wednesday evening, July mar School. A meeting of the two town's committees--was held Tuesday : Lake Chalon and Seattle, ; Portland,.Oregon, -- Burling-- w\ eounty . ~--clevks 107 s from $1.50 to $3 ir 16 years of age under the Mother | for réal % ' in | elaborate were the event. -- k Fred Biederstadt was to the ;'msbz"t:l" hospital &J Mi e underwent : ns A f Mrs. Fred m lz.,mm_un the Sewing club of St. Paul's church, Thursday afternoon. | . , t Mr. and Mrs, 8. P. Hutchison 'i}l: leave Saturday for a two ".'*nl' motor trip to Missouri with the m liam Hutehison many of 'ln:lhcw- Mesiames Ray unzl and Her-- man Gom were Mm": prize winners at the Young 1 the club, Wednesday afternoon at. home of Mrs. Elmerwm- town its were Mrs, J. W. Elliott of Oak 'Park and lu.Anhl;'U Abercromby of High!and Park. Mrs, Ray Gunckel will be thw Mr. and Mrs. E. J. '::. Mrs, Amelia mt lfli'l'l visited at the E1 mfll" day. -- On Sunday :: 1g ln:g will accompany $ o New Mrs. Pyle, on a motor 3 York, where they will visit relatives. Don' rget the Street Carnival, W;dmadgynt "'-":ulnx, July 18 at the school houge. ~ The Wilmot school progressive club held it's election of officers at the home of Mrs. Almira Heybeck, Wednesday, July 11. 'Those elected for the following year are: President --Mrs. Laura Mailfield, Treasurer--;' M and Mrs. Will l(umWhloekenh'di. f fc,,.m Lake spent | The _ family motored-- miwfilpuer .. Lake Geneva, Sunday. Mr. Mm" . Miss Cora Ge "lx' Van Klavern of Libertyville gccom--| ville spent «b:; & prmnpa's~. Austin . Prigge e« qiieet -- * M "~ Mr. a rg, i ~: w * L e g'ct'to move into their nm on | '7 nl .::3;:1" turday. .« frriinnt.. [ * MF, and Mes\ Lo Translated into food, at the prices daughter, Lagrenc --V the farmer gets, it takes M--fim!m" oine Zb and one--half dozen, or T762, ez¢s to Mr. and x 0 wl maplnumrformdgyotdght ~Paul Rodep of ] 7 ooo t aemictien menth ky takes seventeen one-- 1(3 3 wa of com, or a year's receipts from in Chicago, Tuesday. dent--Mrs. James Wilson, Secretary may then act fine... is famoug 4 is made from the acid .of: -.smg half an acre, to pay a mmdgc day. _ It takes twenty--three chickens weighing three pounds each h'm a painter for one day's work in York. It requirés forty--two pounds of butter, or the ou'put from tour-- teen cows, fed and milked for twen-- ty--four nours, to pay a plamber fourteen dollars a day. . To pay a Saits, Take a tablespoonful in a glas: ig water 'before breakast each n% mg & .days our ki may then act fine.. m );tlloufi ind "stima huemed ed kidneys: also :euyualum flnln.e in tbe..,sy}xe" = a " : fon, thus often nlriev'iu'.mbhdd"'zr fi back back feels. m don't get scared. and n"*d. to load your stomach with a om' that excite. the, kidney: and i the <entire nit'fnary tract. i en "o ade on your Dy: 1 1 ith 4 thild, harmiees saits whigh: helpe t juice, combined. with lith: 'c.t'no:'u used for years to heI: carpenter 1 'day's ~work, it takes :'hogorwe?;inx 175 ~pounds, representing eight months' feeding and care. «Jad Saits in sive: can not im ure; makes a ful efferves ithia--water drink wh everyone ke now .and then to Ile_l? keep idweys clean and active. Try this; -&w the:. water drinking, and no »ubt vou will wonder what?became of \|1k§dfi¢{;'tmlble and backache. By iI means have your physician ex* mt kidneys at least twice a year. . Drink Plenty of Watet and Take .. Glass Of Saits Before Break-- .. fast Occasionally _ * If Back Hurts _ _ .Flush Kidneys When your kidneys hurt and yout LET US DO THE FAMILY WASH Wet Wash 25 1Bs. g under for $1.%r 25. lbs. 5 cents for each additional pound. Rough Dry, Flat Picces Ironed, Wearifig A(Pp'.rel starched and Dzed 25 Ibs. or ove 10 cents per pound.. Under 25 Ibs. 11 cent per pound. f 15( Family wash finished complete. . [( //' Drosies sbtsoape. _9 MA We also dye beautifully. to pay| . Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Hans and| OBR' the east : . in Nes danghter, . MAB¥L . were . Diamond] _ Vie and Jume, 3 on Piol.) o '| Blackburn -- e > pounds| Lake callers Whursday evening. . . w, m --whe m #tour--| Laurene knd Geofge Reimers' aukegan spe ir twen--| spent Sundaylevening at the Charles fi'flm f m der rg flome. N _ 'm 6 r Miss MartBa Sauer spent a few| NCWs of the deg vork," it | days this we :""' friends in Chi-- -{mflm ding .. Mr. and Mis Herman Keiskr * 1¢ m Nes is er »pltc>>. .:o if 'Slomach over &aday 9»"' > § * U f Freda and|Géorge Stelling spent|"| -- _ ~ w 3 Tuesday evdiing at the -- Charles No stomach f ...« Herschberger home. ~----~--~--~ ~Ums ean digest fo where ed for :ledhr.!'n.ell:% l \Mre. Emsting i xpont Monda y .» _!g:r. Jacob . B m Vlhm:hfi !:is "; Mn and | . Mr. Jacob Harth of Arlington . (s, & %wm days at the home 0 his , Eimer. j Mn and Mrs. William Sauer of tC "':'f'*"'fa c hom 't Sunday at the | 'w.*écon ) 'i'ller of Liberty-- » spent the a end with her {Jfir ind Mrs. Charles Goss-- day Mr, and M daughter, La callers@ at th home on Sat . Mr. and* M daughters of afternoon wi Tonné. : <The . Long Grove Evangelieal '& 'm' @ its aunual Sumh" Scehool pieni Sunday, July 15 at the : "' 'fl . and. Mrs. Albert Sauer were! Wheeling callers Thursday evening, | ~Mrs, Oharlas Go--swiller and grand ddughter, Begsie, spent Saturday at ..'w'""'" pldenhauer home, 'NVietor Saugr® Crystal Lake is nding the week at the home of a' grandfather, Victor Sauer, Jr. -- % ®. Herman Keister and kon, Lawrence, _ Ethe! and Harry -- Miss Cora Gosswiller of Liberty--| _ Mr ville spent the week end with her| daugl nts, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goss-- Mr. « . Misses Lille : ' Martha Sauer, Mr ~--_ Mr. and j'% Louis Abrens and nfl Ridge, spent Bunday at the home: + «Paul Rodef of Area spent the| dGUF week with rdlatives here. John "John Hans\ was a business caller '.h in Chicago, Tuesday. _ ---- _ | Mt Tire ErasdA® of Lake Zurich, i liu'E:laa Lafrents _ returhed m ':m w&l':l month vifl::::bu at Sheboygan, Wisconsin. We *u F w bank meet-- Ing at Tuesday after-- * Mirs. Henry Toiine spont Tuosday with her son, William and family of Fairfield. 4 f 3 'Mr. and Mrs. Eat Herschberger and daughter on, of Prairie View," were callets at the Charles Herschberger, Jr., home Thursday Greatest opti _on this earth is the man who buys'his next winter's eoal in 'this weathir, +. Miss Cora Gosswiller spent Fues-- day evening vith her pgrents, Mr. and Mrs. Chavleg!Gosswiller, . Ralph Meyer and Victor Sauer, were Palatine callers Wednesday Mrs. Ed. .'W?g and son, Don-- ald, and Mrs, Jolin Meyer, of Wheel. ing were> town caliers -- Saturday bara Cook kpent Sunday at the A. sons,iof Area callers 'at the Tonne home Stiay evening. _ «Mr. R. Rei --has purchased a «Mrs. HerschbWrger and son, Her-- bert,;d!wl orethy &yerfi Pala + "t 'm'. ¥ du!um' with Victor: Sa¥er and . daughter, Aliea® ) /1 R x Mr, and ~Mrs,. Frueldenfalder of Park Ridge sofif Sunday with Mr. and Mrai Mat: Umbdenstock. © ' Mr. Luts Edward Krueger was a Chicago Misses Maric, Margaret, and Bar-- Monday with Mr. and Mrs Rfinr spentafi th friends in Chi-- iam Tonne and | spent Sunday & and Mrs He.q :?ont Thurs. * Cinity, and of Chicago were Ales Herschberger #¢ RDAY, m ' 14 ROVE p«> W C w TVs Mr. and Mra, Harry B son, of , called at home of Mr. and Mrs. William B k'yv sm 1 in matane ~ M 4 ._ . nooi Tuesda erm R. &'m: s a Waukegan visi tor, Monday. "ut m Mrg. '.'I.Hwfi ':'n:!ui;.wd frie p seve ys last werm med to their home giu Nettie Murray ,@ntertained at luncheon on Wednesday, thirty-- four associates school teachers from the Chicago public --sechools. The luncheon was served at the Lakegide Hotel. Chicken and all the good ac-- tompaniments--were on the menu and everyone enjoyed a 'pleasant | noon at the park and on the '1 after the lunch, ¢ M A letter. Amy Baseley, who is visiting a brother living in Phila-- delphia, Pa;, states she is having a pleasant time and enjoying her visit. : Ground--w#s broken last Thursday for the new residence of _ George Blackburn on North Main St. -- Otis Potter and force of men are the . M uid". j Geo Kl'h and . rge daughter and Mrs. M, W. Baseley and little daughters, motored to Gil. mer and Argéa, Tuesday evening. Mr. and~Mrs, --Henry Schafer --of | M Hmy.lqunhyatfllobCuf ofc Mr. and Mrs. George Broughton. Mr. and Mrs. «W. V. Johns and daughters, : who motored to Mr. John's home . in Canada couple -- of weeks ago, are expected home soon. anara ind ie t o O arm, a few days ago is able to be around again, though the cast is still on the arm. Vic and James Carr and Robert Blackburn ~--whe are employed | at Waukegan / the week end at their homes o Sw'l&thcdmdnnm&:, Indiana, He had 'been ill for some Mrs. Howard Anderson and baby, daughter mvidfig at the home of Mr. and Mra. M. W, Baseley for a f"dlyl. «e Mr. and Mrs, !Ie::.rfi" Staad lge'l'd. fll? w . t at Volo. iss Wi'ma Farnsworth is spend-- ing a few days withs friends in Chi-- No stomach filled with sour pois: ns can digest food. mryt:i::m gat turns into more poison and gas. gfinmmm@m caused sour and gassy stomach. Ad-- le is EXCELLENT : to gm against appendicitis. Decker & Ne-- o ATTORNEY--AT--LAW |_ Telephone 57 _ LIB 0 thought was in your system which v1i B. H. MILLER ° mach is Sour Food Won't Digest NDA ° Libertyvillé, L &nc the | stroke and bad n# ) | health. Ke leaves a wif |----~Mrs. Emerson " the mis-- | fortune to mmmm wribger of her r, Mon-- | day morning, consequently she has a \ bad hand, * 'O'Qt:i:aahoekwuflthpople .ennllnnity. morn~ igfw the news of the death of ' Griewold was announced. He 'had worked painting a building on | the Haas property on main street Monday, -- not E:don m time he felt a in his stomach, and went to his Dr. Ross was called and found he h{uhun pros-- trated with the heat, was done Tat ho prooot pwiy tre Raviner aoy health. ~MHe leaves a wifte who was formerly Miss Priscilla Daviin and two childrem, _ | L », Mrs, Lavina Buers is ill at her home nere. She ha ,v\ t stroke of paralysis, Sunday, but she is improv-- lu"IOWlY' 4 k .v'fl_ ; @8 ¢ her painter's tools;ye begin visitors Sunday afternoon, -- _ _ work 'Pucade 'm Tis work |~ W mcanciity spent last Sunday a¥ \.. his life here and well known by| . William Kneidler and Harrie !fl $a4 all. ; Little more than a year ago On| started for Montana, Vhdu" Ider brother was dead in bed| traveling by auto where> they e :tfiomboafi., They were of a| remain during the threshing sea-- :'."uz.." s survive. N'fi: .oimmd(m:'wuad}- ¥. Gfi?Wfld'm 'm 7 old.| er in this vicinity (y. 4 ® o einia is " o Raais namel ceng s . painter's trade for 'a good many|the A. Storep home. o k & : o were 'u?m-ayi 'known, were honest| SOME RULES_FOR AVOIDING Tiae of ween, (The Ponel serbiesl .. . :. MBE j me o The | j ; meet oeee sos onk wbihn m ol o mak . lot in Wauconda cemetery. -- _ |receptacles. Rags or cloths used i time Lun: :dw, Fourth of July, Schaide was quite e serously injured. Her-- right side was badly bruised and she was hurt internally. ~Their in-- 'Y'aé;}tdcfild was bruised about the . . They were brought . to their home on the Déitrick farm just out of town, where they are being cared for. Dr. Ross is in attendance, Prof.-- Charles . Spra, Sargent, director of the Aw'.mm ie natnane ons t a -. P n .353 Arboretum contains the largest collection of trees and shrubs in the theirauto --into --a ditch --and-- Mrs: world. : The medal is named in honor of Frank N. Meyer, mw in e Ieherdain eapator m ost e : for : new FOR SALE----17-- acres -- standing FOR SALE~----Baby Chix Thorough-- bred uattd:d?ds and endsa con-- sisting of, Leghorns, Rarred Rocks IDB% little ten . acre gmmdlsu o cmd i # of a six room hwoase, E"':...."'*..fi_ fnal | A, R. . EB j er Office, L # 4t FOR SALE--If you have $300.00 in R ' gush to pay down you can buy al ___ . S [eE00E _____ L FOR RENT _ .\ room cottage at a very. Scratch Pads, all sites and ge sonable and can . L a ' " 'Mmmnnn'?( m&&.--p'p'" l e FOR SALE--7 head grade Holstein FOR SALE--W cylinder motor boat engine, manufactured by Gray FOR SALE--Portablé bungalow, 10« WA#&&, all 1 Frank Holub, 8145 So. Ave., Chicago, TL io. and aifatin oall at the fanmg i mio sruthnset of Aytakisie aff and White Rocks, all full bloods, $5--100 myda Send check for m very., -- D.. T. Farrow 'hickeries, Pooria, 11. -- | 564--4f got to act quick to 'get this. See Lx) selctotts, Regie g"ar"m Also ..m:zfl i ah lellint!'sl-l Antend© %to m Round Lake, nL'Phfi,to-l-& 2 Motor Co., um~mmnum,hnw to -- sell, rent or nge, or if you want help, make it known through these .. There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county i1 so short a time: and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. -- A trial will convince you. & Wered -- a parayletie never© regained his rcom Rouss, good| **~d St. at Sheridan Reoad » who was Davlin and in * t' 'Mr. and Mrs. F. . were ' Sunday callers at the t | er home at Half Day, . -- _ . . .. Berniece: Wakefield to h"hmth.llmt" m 10 spend the Fourth w there was a large celebration and > orks the 'Y"i'l- ©Cd *? .; Luella -- Herschberger of Lot Grove visited with in last : 'The Voss Brotpers, ~ Walter . Charles of: Chicago me visit. ors: Sunday., tKok i * us 2 * ,.xr. and Mrs. Willia dv :4 mm' 'mpd., "4 ) '}., Al { ' ville Sunday.,. _ _ _ «S T e Mr, and Mrs. M. Herschbetrger and Marian, attended the M fig' ' at Fairfield Sunday afternoon,. . _ Fike, Pm enest 1ase k wth friends at Libertyvilie:® 1%. ... . 33 and Mt+ W. otanciff apet . A. Voss and family were 1 ' J. Stancliff and family. were ers on relatives here the lnthfh cey T -- cloths used in sling foos of volshing furoiture and well. filled, for those. allowed to mothd&fltflaofl in them are liable ertain in time 3&"" uu- 5 " ; j the insulation;> this Ma'& cause a fire. Kerosene should not be used to enliven a fire, nor poured in-- to a range or furnace even when the. favd £ 7 warmiing bode on fe aryng or wa or for elothes is almost certain to start a William Kneidler and Harrie Ting . started for Montana, W 3 traveling by auto where> they will remain during the threshing sea-- son. # er in this vicinity iy. W, Brockman and family visited at . .. . the A. Storep home. _ Ao o ol Iu:molNuflonrvfi%.dxu for strict limitation pnhe: and sale of the drug under ab government ¢ontrol; Portugal to vote, and France voted against K. to stbscontialGarken." Parvh w afn glazed Sash and: Roofing Pape 10x16 1--Car Garage 12x18 1--Car G:z 18x18 2--Car Garage Building Plans Furnished Garages! MONEY TO LOAN--By -- a privats HE BOUGHT HIS SECOND BULL Mr. Dorband of Wheeling used a p : enemnatite > 00. 08 $s Ca uld --not milk by a g: ::l satisfied with M i WANTED--Girl for general house~ 'Bull Milking Machine . for 6 _ months;: lightning set fire to WMs cluding his Bull machine. conpon wiibine party on town or farm p No commission. -- Address ork. Wages no object. Call Mrs. ;. H. Miller. Phone 98. 54--2t MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL .OFFER THIS WEEK PAGE PRAIRIE-- T. mss m\ OFFER ; EEK y o build a , Aneladia rnished q rake ' KX C by es