it Jt i ~% * + : $ ! h [ § B o | ces RREE _ ., Sn "g K : « . y ufi:l" 4 / 2 J ' | % K ./ A baby girl, believed to c C L oC coud mond sw m 'Years ago, on the 14th of moment 1 une, her father, Edward L. Hasler, |Hasier 1a ch 'commission merchant and not-- |away. | poloist, was thrown from his my and killed not. far from. the | . Miss . C 9e * .c cs=inme > > _..____ (to the Le i0 the dheing, pste yoro, 'Black C ng pony, Diamond, of the John Borden stable. bn', with the .""'ly Te "aen oJ t h ho Lale n to the after birth and had 1 been there for a woek. The babe was a well developed girl, about ten pounds. store conducted by Anthony ~Cerk and informed him of their--discov-- m'--':' > :"1:."'.5 vis. 4j F are s mm They .made the trip in two days by auto. Libertyville, --relatives. North Chicago police worked . all vight on the mysterious desfs, but _Aeting Chic?: of Police Frank Ga-- belts, is of the beffef that the child nay 'have been murdered b of mm rather than heo,p::i'ble containing the deal. tabe while lock: ing for a lost baseball. The mnh'fim_a,g.;fi been about one week old, was Eleventh -- street and. Wads-- worth avenue, North Chicago, at *Z FIND SLAIN §smmrm w RABES BODY _| DOLLAR WHEAT NN. CHICAGOQ . . . --== . _ YEVENTY--THIRD YTEAR-- NO. se migden -- in ~Fasiel Box ; Hunt Parents The 1 A f ter LEADER MEETS DEATH ON IAY HORSE AT LAKE FOREST Hasler making wheat. The farmer pays for *m,w,w % hauling. ""mhm"a It is much the 'same as if a fac-- tory owners made 11 percent on the value of his industrial buildings, without counting out the cost of raw material, labor, taxes and & At the farm price whica will hold in Waukegan with dollar wheat in Chicago, the Lake county wheat grower will get a little less than $15 per acre for his crop. $ wheat in Chitago cuts the average The average yalue of plow land in Tllinois is $126 an acre. . The ies make farm land value. Some i : make that mach bushe! in Chicago, it means 85 cents a bushel in Waukegan, after freight €rop, according to "dirt farmers" in 'close touch with~ market move-- trade, the ruling exchange in the Wheat has dropped below a doilar in the Chicago board of trade. July md at 990%. and closed at 99%, after : getting to 100 per cent and W.g of n;-o.'"Gni men. are not optimistic of highet prices with a bumper crop coming: \ Northern Tilinols~ farmers-- de-- But land is not all that goes into Dollar wheat means ruin to wheat ake County Farmers Can't Operate on $14.50 Per of dact, however, if on the Chitageo law of Fredericksth, 80 years was the r-lhuly in jured the party. The aged woman sustain a broken arm and two fractured machine. nnuna-vumzoz- motial hospital in a serious % Thomas: Fredrickson, 45, was u-.o'imw..n&'fim. ed deep cuts about face and head, but was not serionsly hurt. He was able to leave the hospital ?wmm wife their four children escaped with mm':'a'aw"" Two were seriously injure and five others, including fo@ children, were -- slightly hurt Sunda ing f $y y"d'lflo';;oa}% b zon, 5188 Christiana ave-- ie n.ui En' ool -- of Waukefan ff.a_w' d over in the ditch. * has out of office for the last year. He had held office in Chica-- go during his terms. faas s iatee in. Contress: Te died year. % hibition law, it is predicted, will face a more intensive and extended l'"l;glmuub:.uqofwn- trict of Illinois. They are: . ~----John M. Pfeffers, Aurora: Har-- Bootleggers, liquer runners, and violators .of h'im &re planning to w% i Aheir ment 'that --a United States had been appointed/to sit in erations from Waukegan. [3 Federal Judges James H. Wilkerson, Acam-- C, Cliffe, and George A. Car. ppointment of Lewis F. Mason" to Have Office Here Means More Wor-- h.3 :: g : @ h p } o 4. + -- PP {"\' it a | % 7' ' § R j 8 / K P whes. 4 j ' .' .'? | v'": w vie 4 f MBERTYVILLE, NLINOR w men were the PABSengers in thal 6 $ they had just been m gar as it fell 20 ° h}w" the| Dundee and were making > F t, One of th W : :4 4'.@':&, trip by , benkment o. of e atazne m | the northem p«rt_of the j f ills 985 mag eonsidera uning PTM« I the sides of m.", were . riding turned ditch west of th?i bridge at Gurnee. \' poad gave way ~ the car and ' | the car top' o itch, landing on the from some of the famous estates a-- long the North and summer homes in the lakes ns, #§ it is a well known face that ing finer can be obtained ahywhere in > this broad land. -' Two young ¢ "DN &A honey-- moon trip through Lake .count: norrowly -- escaped . death Sunda when the lutom%"_ ' Wwhich the; Grove, is epending week with Miss Mabel Schiey. h'n I TWO H0 There--will be many other features NO HONEYMOON COUPLES N. WHEN AUTO TOPPLES OFF B 1 NESDA Y¥ JULY ort of the hi fk i. hnd revenied uint foor men Wlare in --@ + t to moa-pfifim.m': + wmto Flaster speeded up and wl. It was reported.that the bandits several shots after his machine but he kept on going. f Flaster is said to be a mota for the Electric line, and to hhhdqumnnw.g..;fi _ Fear was expressed as the th went over that the force .* mtmdimmeuta thi water of the Despiaines Biver. . Dr. Young and others in Gu® &Minthml ' ' the names of the yoi It was learned, howevar, the time., It was said theit juries --were not serious. of r eonsiderably, -- the . gaides of the car s NOf the tumble.> It was r'ir. and placed on th " I#t was driven to C ¥wts Tt &A mo an | 77. . CAmrence nd tot.l':ko other ©doctors ukegan, have told you done. It mus science. Prov R "Dr, Krohn and has --been ' In -- opening T Block dwelt s ; . | ine actions C P is not to be lb "The verd : Mver. | will make You have to iled There is co '| terjected he » T in 21 in ea*e,." thelr| ~HMe review guarded against a comes mlong and attucks anJl ridi-- "Krolhn told you tha: ha cun tell whether a man was mmz e 3 :' th:' & nd"""' know.-- and not know ifl&omuutflm.\'fl other <doctors have: come in and have told you that this cannot be done. It must be a new phase of "The verdict you wl bring n will make history," ns declired You have to decide ma«r questions. bre is considerable evidence i~-- here <that must be dis-- sounted in srriving at thea real fact» Proved Mm'. 4 "Dr, Krohn has been impeached and flsinn proved a perjuror," In _opening . his ,, argurnert . Mr, Block dwelt at length on 'the din-- portance <of the werdict +o be rend-- ered by t}e jury in the casge.: . He declared that the rights of ail god people were to be safernardedl hy the actions of juries aad their work is not to be tampered with. i¥ Mhhdh""eaq ) he had been summeow«= for jory Countsey snd" 3. i. ahivkds are thareed with oJury foang . in the Case of +« o f case &w. Len Sndl h'flufi&fi{%.d&d Monday morning in e court M T es fls S was followed by Special At 1as Symiimes. All attorneys, three for the state i for the %fi:'c scheduled to argue and the anle <<*~ ""mmfiwa'mmo&hmw argumeats for the Poee *WOnehed Paedeotimeny of Dr. Witem 0. Kroke. allenist for the e« Assistant Prosecutor Calls Defense Alienist's Testi-- mony "Worst Fraud Ever Perpetrated from Wit-- ness Stand" and Urges Jury to Disregard Political Appeal and Find Three Defendants Guilty > C hk , + > S & AL'HN } "':, N d * * * 4 1 i ' '} 11 9'1 A k | ' 35' JIIERING DEFENS . * A n 3b , lh & Cam whina a ,::;,}s - :FIXKING CASE NEARS END _ case; he hal read much . . He, who. met in March, 1928 agreral manths after Rlley left this county and Hy-- ' menky." Ino es tor uanten e sounty. Yot the ) introduces tails of Kautman's and: ner's activities in ~Lake f deny thint. No.-- He says, 'Call Con deny this? No. says, 'Call: Co» Shea.' An denies the thing. -- Does that k #e -- any» thing ? Antioch in~-- 1906 and Wt shere in that Somerville's is the same. Reporter Gave Valuable Testimony. "And we have the testimony of Chn-luOv.n.npq::'qufii- cago Daily News, has told you that he saw Kanfman hi_"r jail and he told him that be de-- "Mfidef-#'z this tuthg:' No. m:fii- icule ! They bring in wit-- resses to declare--that his reputation for truth and veracity is bad, and le t" "state job in it." 2 ns "But poor old Riley. gets C mn.n."b.-im'-z cut --of many' situations..and is blamed. f Averst ahke -- wipighoute Rhey other men went to Haln's 'that eve-- . > . _ -- ning and one of the companions of _ -- Riley told Hahn that he must get -- .. summeons . for jury service on Jo-- mmd:%-s.-u.u in the saloon dm&v at Antioch and that the papers were served through others after it was found that--Hahn at that time was not at home. + se eopies wfter their.issuance. ~At least, he said, the lists were in their hands 48 hours after they had beaen jurors in--the Small casd were pick-- ed--in:groups of 100. He said that lists of those selected to be called e mrwm in Attorndy e 's r"'& Block 'said. "We now va juries of twelve men ' m'om And in m:: stancé it involves the case of Gov, Len Smail tried in this county. . guilty© or 'he may m As far as this 'casé is concerned we do not eare. about that. 'The question is now whether or not this jory which $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Mr. Block told of serving of the Mr. Tells Jury System:. PAY a T8 £S +1 on Jo-- ty ¥4 P at m&_'r i3} 64 Fays