44 o t ues tfi h sat 39 P Pb ) tistaliner emiiiziin. CTTT Be ""3«-:@ rd: : afternoon in Palatine, vil-;' . .(_ spent Sunday evening with Mr. and _\ _( Mrs. John Numsen of Libertyville. _ 1@* 2. NM Drury of l.&ortyvme' 'f%a l ns .,gneotet Mrs. R.'D. Cook on 0| 0' 'MY. and Mrs. S. L. Tripp_ will \ ..' ~move Tuesday to the home of E. H. ..\ _/«\ Bluhm where -- they will -- live until o their new bungalow . is completed. i | _*. Mr, and Mrs. George Ray expect to et. move into the Tripp skouse--Wednes-- o ~Melen 'ix 'spending --a --76° days vin:m' in Lake For-- *"Mirs. I. E. Payne who has been n Fury Aig Harry Rouse's Sunday 3 class -- since she has been ill and the members of the class sut-- priged Mrs. Rouse last Tuesday after noon. The afternoon was very pleas. y spent playing games after refreshments were served. . . 'Mre. E. V. Smith and daughters, Melen and Nina, of Milwaukee who have been visiting at the J. J. Rousge § spent a few ..days with Mrs, 'o.;:fm. ,wuk_.h j ; . M. Ha spending a few days with her sister, lihfl"l*'i 5.u:hnnimd' f Waterman, HL _ geiat Aitke wif be hala on iriday Miss Irene Dm""'t Saturday 'WM her sister, . Mrs. Red-- MA %--.an-' T .- Wis A * Mr. and Mrs. George Ross enter-- tained Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rouse, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rouse and son, * .Miss Irene Dalzic! spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Steadman of 'Gurnee. Cw is day. hoags --Ad Mr. and Mrs: O. C. Jarrett and family spent Sunday at the C.--I Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mever motored . Mr. and Mrs. : ' to Rochelle on Saturday. _ Mrs. Paul Rouse and'son, and Miss Hulda Mey~ er returned with them. Mrs. Rouse m to visit Area friends and re-- tives for about two weeks, . --. . :3:? ;Jarrett was a Waukegan 5 or Monday. " Teky uts + ~ 'The Ladies Aid society will hold a bakery sale at L. A. Murric's storeé on Saturday afternoon of this week. Billy and Bobby O'Connor of De Kalb are spending.. several . weeks --with their aunt and uncle Mr: and Mrs, F. C. Daiton. . 2 John Albright's sister from Min-- nesota is visiting at his home. : _ _William Albright, Morris m? ler and Joet Chandler left J 'morning for a week's . fishing moto trip through | Wisconsgin. '"'fl"'" about forty. milés oa;!lahon-pem&omkead ith fis son at Loon Lake. 'Mrs. wmsfi mug: and sn Mrs. Bert Mills of Gurnee. + Henry Voltz of ; Chicago .spent Sunday with Adciph Meyer. :« _ Dean -- Porteous of Libertyville ~-- Miss Mary Rouse spent £ wifil'.made_B;h;nl of Liberty-- ville measles Ralph Russel!l is delivering papers fer Joel CllandlarwhflethahMisI, away. Mr. and Mts. Henry Ferry: and daughter, Alice, James Van Plew and Alico. Van Plew of. Wheaton, motored to Area Monday morning We Afesement O | the Gunderson's . and one with the All Stars., : > +/ Te following : were entertained Sunday at the home of Mrs. ' Lohman: Mt. and Mrs, Henry Kane and daughter, Genevieve, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kane and t-fily of Dia-- mond Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Seward| and . visited. Mr.-- and Mrs: W. D. Porteous and attended the funeral of Andrews of Lake Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cain and daughter, and Manford Cain of Maywood, Mr. and Mrs. P. J,. Andrews and daughter, Helen, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Koy Andrews and daughter, of Auro-- ra, Mr. and Mrg. Charles Strong and son, Harold and Mr. and Mra, Orin Mitchell of Elgin. The occasion be-- ing Mrs. Lohman's birthday. . _ _ Ruth Chandler is iB with . the m hk sad Pucvang July theater, Friday and Saturday, July :&&W Grove Evangelieal Sun-- School picnic was m Sunday, S:Iy fl: Mrs, W. Lewrents and children of veatlr ce Cty, Ts eatlet en hi Te Soauk ns heel eadiit the wald few weeks but has improved now: * ~ The Rev. and Iln.gdn enter« tained Mr. and Mrs. G. Behrens of Des Plaines, last Thursday. The 0¢-- easion being Mrs. Heise's birtaday, Willian E. and Otto Nage! of Chi-- cago, were Sunday : guests at. the Edward G. Nagel home. . . Migs Marie Knigge is enjoying a vacation © from: hey duties ' in Dr. Youngs office at Lake Forest, HL _ :-- Miss Louise Heise left for Ka J City, Missouri, Saturday where she will .h':rM a fiwm w ' r, Mrsa. Bi n en en Fg! Weber -- accompanied by w;:!uawr. Paul Consoer, Elmer Schwerman and Herold Rabe enjoy-- ed an auto trip to The Dells Wiscon-- sin, Saturday and Sunday, -- ---- /. Miss Lena Havens returned from a week's visit with friends in Elgin, + n ig Grove Evangelical Sun-- m'picnic was postponed Zfi d.gom of rain, to Sunday, July y Everybody come. --©, : .. i Miss Lillian Bartliett from Chica-- go, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson. '¢ f Mrs. William Einsmann is spend-- ing a few days at her home here. . George Tnatcher has purchased a . Mts: Sophia"ToWner has been as-- ihfinx Mrs. Jensen for a few days. ~'The Ladies Aid -- will meet .fi' Mrs. Will Coopér, Thursday | noon, July 19. Mrs. . Chas. Butter-- teld and Mrs. Dawson will nelp ---- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wehrenberg {bm Libertyville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Bartiett.. . __._ hine spoil Bonint . Aftcrnogn with imon, ' y afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sage. _ .. _\ Mrs. Krucges's sister and _sOns, 'Mu their home in St. Louis, after spending a few days with her. ~ Hiram Bartlett has purchased a Ford.s s t $yX -- Tae Long Grove Evangelical Sun-- account of rain, to Sunday, July Everybody come. > --~_ Adv. The gravel trucks are very busy in this vicinity as they are busy gravel> ing the main road to McHenry. i A few boys from this commugity ettended the barn dance. _ . «: l Missess Margaret and Ruth Silje-- strom of Highland Park spent a few days at the home, of William Loh-- 'The movie and vaudeville show at 'Bert Mason of Berrington is vis-- iting at William Lohmans. . _ ~-- ~ Mrs. Wright and da Myrtle of Eligin, rfim at m'm of ner ~' Herbert and Peta Ulbrich attend> ad the ball game at Diamond Lake, -- Oral Oberlin returned home Sun-- day after a few weeks' 'visit with 'his folks. k4 t Bert Tarnér and family motored to Palatine, Thursday evening. ~*_Miss Mayne Meyer is visiting at her home. .= .. ~_ .. i t Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gosgill ntertdni ed company from Waukegan Sunday. --'Ducks should be 'fed wet mashes, DIAMOND LAKE A . _WEDNESDAY T _ SATURDAY Hafer spent Sunday at ais WEST FREMONT Carnival Dance Wednesday Evening, July 18th 9:00 -- 12;:00 A. M. 1:00 -- 6:00 P. M. ~Geo. A. Jones Ray Bros. Pavilion ~ DIAMOND LAKE . daughter -- at Free favors will be given to everyone dancing \| . © DENTIST un : RLROE the Charles Sauer home J t home July 8 has ever been : held. Bve ;om. lfl 3}1!'&:1\. Nflm Tend e a are invited to,bringmm friends.. Long Grove will welcome you. j "A 'picnic in the summer § When troubles are few. We expect a good time ' And we want all of you. On July Twenty--second, . < Come at the hour of nine And stay till six bells Won't that be fine." . Seeks to-- Adopt Oak Ter-- -- race as Moniker by Peti-- ~' tion Method-- ; Highwood, neighboring to . Fort Sheridan, once had a bad name. . It was a bootlegger's paradise, a clus-- ter of poolrooms, roadhouses, and dance halls, the one oasis and vice spot between Chicago. and Wauke-- gan. . But times have changed un;,. 'der Mayors Thomas Welsh and Jo-- seph Severson, and _Hmood wants the world to 'know that now the only bad: thing about it is its name --and it wants to get rid. of that. Joseph Ori was circulating a peti-- tion last night to have the name changed to Oak Terrace. Mr. and Wirs.. Gustave Popp and . Senie it ons iin. No obio-- YRDL AT and Long Grove Evangelical Church Sunday School will hold its . * _ ANNUAL PICNIC _ "You Can Always Match f w_blt'gh Town" Largest and niost comiplete stock Silk and Cotton Embroidery rloss Perle Cotton 'We have just the shade you want' ANOTHER NAME on account: of . rai GROVE Gustave anc Snd Mrs, R. Robin-- of Eligin, called at &b # ~x_'* Little Wog'k, No m, {," "Meaven'" f Zion City,-- Wilbur Glea VZoliva's stronghold, has a :rival. . Over in Hartland ' township in . McHenry county : another "holy tity" has sprung up, ~. Albert J. Moore, founder of the new colony calls it The place does not resemble the pictures which have been | painted for us of the pearly gates and .the streets all paved with gold, But it is heaven just the same, at: least that is what Moore calls his little eolony of about 100 .acres of farm land on which is situated, a very common looking farm house and the usual number of outbuildings. Maybe when the founder gets through ~with his plans, as . out~ lined in a 50--page pamphlet which he' has been distributing 'through-- out this section of the country, the modest country home. will be trans-- formed into a beautiful city, fitting to its name, but it will take time. He paints a word picture.of a col-- }ony to be made out of the Hartland farm, . which will accommodate ap-- proximately 250 -- people, . working about two hours a day, bandling no money whatever, but enjoying. all the good _ things of life. > : ... It looks: like a beautiful dream which will appeal to a large num-- ber of folks who are looking for ;xg easy, simple life, and is called T eaven. _ YA --"Heaven Everywhere" is the title of the prospectus whim Mr, Moore elaims is put out by The Life In-- stitute, of which Mr. Moote is the president © and founder, : -- In . this ANOTHER hsC ce § dn ~live©® I sat ed > can live and 'have' everything free. . "No rent to pay; . %**No food to buy. "No clothes to buy. s No school books to buy. "A place to live and be happy." <~This is Albert J. Moore's 'heaven »----as he pictures it _ "No doctor bill to pay. _~ *No--dentists to pay-- "No nurses to pay. "No taxes--almost. "No insurance to keep up. No death to worry over, \ . "No fidmm f "No , like most people "No "No heaven to go to when you charities to keep up three--fourths 'of the world's popula-- tlowlv&hvipfiut." ' '." #After that we shall see the new dawn. x COUNTY SAVANTS T0 HAVE EXAMS "In the new era, which will be heaven, there will be no. political lines nor 'alliances; no banks 'nor bankers; no churches nor preach-- érs;.no greed, eraft nor-- grind, Shere will be no big cities, hospitals, doctors nor prisons. 'The world will County Superintendent of Schools a theocracy and --all will be tral school in Wauk teachers® are expéect in the examination. '*The tests will be open to Jiose who have not taught in schools. Most of the candidates will be per-- sons who have finished high school and | preparatory -- school : courses. The State Examining board <will have charge of the examirations. Three ~examinations are ~heldeach year, for Lake . county _ seachers. They come in July, November and March. k# \ JLL. All kinds of Auto Repair Work Competent Mechanies Weldiag Day and Night Service Phone 817 d THE STAR Garage to 45