is £« _ _ [ e=--_----~--..COME TO GREAT LAKES _ k : _ BIG SAVINGS HERE! _ _ __CANTONMENT LUMBER--SASH . DOORS--BUNGALOWS------COTTAGE ---- _ HOUSES----GARAGES! ----_ M6%. 298 night, : Something valne every minu! Starting off with ing of the Blue B eattle, swine, dogs valoe every minute ol-x day, ing off with live Judg-- ng of the Blue Blood horse stock, U swine, dogs,: goats, pt'c;. :;: ' demonstrations by flmfl" Livestock Judge, Lake Villa's Horse Shew and Countey.. Fair avill far '-'t;:'"' previous show of the past. 'The en-- tire days will be filled ,from .10 v'clock in the morning ustil mid-- niwht. -- Something of interest and -- The beautiful shaded grove sur-- rounding the grounds make an ideal location for people with picnic par-- will: be cared for by Ladies Aid So-- ciety and home made food will pre-- dolm- * f f No horse show in the . Unite1 States can boast of more high class entries than the Lake Villa: show; Hunters, Jumpers, high stepping FRED GRABBE Aug'tioneer Farm and Livestock Sales Specialty Telephone Waukegan 919--¥--4 Address: '0928 North flt M« Waukegan, DL GORDON WRECKING AND, LUMBER COMPANY GREAT LAKES, ILL. PHONE, WAUKEGAN 306 _ ©____ A4--Room Bungalow Size 27x32 Ft. Including Front Porch 8x20 Ft. ; SBereens for all M:J'ordl and new 90 pound roll Green 'slm Roofing Paper 5--Room Bungalow, size 27x36 ft., large and spacious as above Wwith front porch --Sx20 ft. ...--:::....... .. ... .cc SE _ _cI. . large variety of screens, wall board, ventilators, &m{ pipe, fittings, etc. In fact most everything to build qdinmvett'bi'muving prices! es us 24 +4 *« yom ho m l o C k > c Summer Cottages at Greatly FR ""'e ¢---------t'----o----_---'-----b-n-.----q'-.f-m-h-:;-%:-t---------d'?------ NOTE w:mthh-tnwdcovemw_ hflc and millwork to hu:owsf.o.uanntuebucmthkq te BUILDING PLANY AND SPECIFICATIONS FREE _ ~~ BUILT OF THIS MATERIAL AT 50% SAVINGS . OF ANNUAL eating stands Come to Our Sales Headquarters at the Camps Now! DON°'T DELAY! --BUY NOW! Bungalow, size 27x43 ft., with large porch and screens rig®'".s 3 years. ( #7 l There is no entry fee sonnect»d with any of these classes and rib-- ! bons will he awarded. (In the class | for chilJren under 12 years, a tro-- phy will be donated by tae Cedar Crest Farin <f Lake Vi'a and cvery entry wiil ; eceive a nrize i Any chiludrcr, wishing to enter the pony selasset please noti'v W,; M. iMarks :of Toake Vil « or the Anti och News at once© wthey amay. en-- one of universal importance. -- A ribbon at Lake Villa is equal to one at the State Fair or the National Show at Madison Square Garden, saddle horses, with 18 classes each afterncon . _at 2 _ o'clock, . running through til 5:30.. National judges, authorized by the American Horse Show association makes this show Early entries show suc h animals as" Great '!utt. world's champion high jumper, record 88--4 inches, World's : Champion, Field Marshai, Glen Haven Choice; Flying Eagle, Legding Article and many ather of show . ring fame. -- Special classes this year for children's . ponies (show ponies barred) -- for -- Lake eounty' children.. ---- _ --© ~~-- ----Lake Villa Days this year will have .md»m for ehildren, Saddle . ; . One class will be for »kildren under 16 years and the other will be for children under 12 Bring Your List--Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. M Open Sunday. for Your Convenience RATION Builde e Wer ts l Mr, 0, W. J1ehmani has consent-- ed to show euch famous four--in--han'} coach, whita 10 xears ago traveled from L/ t» Bath With our prusent travel this is / a sizxht wel #orts> sgeing, Bands --and--orchestras "of highest standard .will be: on hand through-- out the day-- and evenings.. Dancing in the open air on & good floor. An &A sm talent 7 m'. to be held at 8 "?" 10:30. Among the artists will be the pop-- ular Ernie Young of"the Marigold Garden Review and some of Ameri-- ca's highest class flflr."?h acts, acrobats, And dancing singing numbers; also the Q!tu Nightin« gale of the West. f It takes a marrlage license to get married on and an outo.license to The management has planned two big days with a change of pro-- gram each day. A $ 1500 cars. Lake Villa myl'#lll year offer the oublic a real full day's> entertainmeit *af flhm class. ~One thue: :'he alma.szion price, $1.00, for adu'ts and 25¢ for children could not be duplicata!, at any time. 'The chasre for eve: ning's show will hbe . 40¢, chi.'rer 25c. "The $1.00 ticket is good for both the 'day uni evening shows. The sanitary -- arrangement-- har been improved and enlarged, !"fl water, -- enlarged parking space for It is .expectal 'hat #ll cement roads will be opzn'to Lake Ville that day..----Do1s fypget the durs, Friday and Sata--Jas July 20--21, _ D# 116. close July portant of which was the matter of iOCKFORD, II1., July 13.--The ner is not suffering from a lack m from the lack of some means of Paying the debts he has pady contracted, according to a yfl committee on agrieul-- selations of the Illincis Bank-- ers' gssociation. . y ~The report said-- the committee . * o ao t stidit, t : ists Suffer from No 'unds to Pay Debts $615 $675 NO CREDIT Nit *, *3 4 / _It would be interesting to © if Carpéntier bet anything on psey to whip Gibbons. '"People will marry, if --not in this state, in some other," was the com-- +ment of Judge E. D. Shurtieff upon , the camended divorce laws of the -'mte. "If, for any reason they can-- not get a license to wed in Illinoizs-- lthey will go over to Indiana or qgmo1 other state, . so the' amended .law permitting them to re--wed inmedi-- ately, after getting a divorce is | probably no: a bad law. You can-- ,tnot change human nature and hu-- . man' conduct «much by passing laws," *3 $.,* x Jrdge Robert K. Welsh, who has | u great deal to do with domestic re-- |lations, is of the opinion that the smended divoree law is a good' thing.. "I do not believe that a law. should arbitrarily fixthe length of |*tween the granting of a divorce sndi re--warriage. ~I_do think, however, that the chancery court should have: the power to fix a time limit, if the eourt sees fit, in certain cases, but, \generally speaking, so far as pub-- |lie morals are concerned, the old di-- | vorce laws of the state were a fail--. ure insofar as they limited the time | for 'remarriage after a divorce was ai., 1122 Victoria street, North Chicago, arrested several ago on an assault charge d by his wife, was dismissed today n his wife failed to: appear. inst him in police court. At the time of 'his arrest she charged that ick-- ed her in the stomach. j ASSAULI CASE _ -- ISs DISMISSED EDWARDS TELLS DIVORCE EVIL "A b -- should -- not extend fl%ham ex-- urer, or any other line. When he does he is doing the farmer an in-- justlice rather than a kindness." Sounds Wming to 'Hurry Up Decree Brides' of Danger Pits® . Judge Claire C. Edwards, for the judge which grants a divorce may vacate the decree of divorce at any time during the court term in which the divorce was granted. buted to the present conditi of the farmer than any ozfo:: Couples who are divorced in cir-- cuit court in this county and who contemplate an immediate remar-- riage to someone else, should use some caution, .1 the opinion of *"Most divorces, it has been my observation," said: Judge Edwards, "are 'granted on the grounds of either extreme cruelty or desertion. In the divorce cases where adultery is charged, is made about equally in the cases filed by the women as well as the men." -- + / The case agmast Joseph Martia-- See our wonderful ~ ment of different weaves, Sleeveless Sweate *"Brightest Spot In To LA NGWORTHY PRICED MODERATEL A Gold Mine In Lake County For Women and Misses Are now all the race! A garage and filling station located at a very prominent cross reoads on a main line of auto travel b&ween Chicago and the lakes. 'The build a con lotegoquped shop, and stock of parts and accessories are offered for immediate sale at a price far be-- low their actual walue. 'There is a good local ghade as well as & Ne vyt::nsient busui.neu. is a rare opportunity to a well--pay-- ing business & '5: 0 fitvfll make you real money. Fer further particulars s¢e PHONE®Q . . _ LIBERTYVILLE FOR SALE isnotefil!udto ve the structur conpleted, of course,--just the seat Now more than 300 men are work-- ing and the monthly construction bill for labor and materials will be a-- round $100,000. . With this to meet | subscribers are urged-- to hustle in | the fourth pledge installment which | is due on July 1. . . |/ | To pour the concrete for the: seata |----ar rather for the glabs and risers | to which the wooden . seats will be }bolted---!n the big: undertaking now-- | adays, (Two--thirds of the structural | stcel is crected.: The playing field. ! is 'being sedded and will be doused with water nightly. -- It will be ready {;;flenty of time for the Marcon--I!-- i combats : .. ; vhs h. #¢ > m&fllflh'l. Many anxious fans have already written to book their seats. George Muff hopes that all of the 55,000 seats will be avail-- able on November 3, which will prob-- ably mean that no limitation on the number purchased by one person will The Illinois--Nebraska: game on October 6, the biggest earl battle of--the west, will be pm Anotner big job is the building of forms for the ~concréete, which is keeping --a small army of carpenters busy., -- Bri¢ck and -- W- are building. the north ~"ra towers and the eombination of red brick and um will be a hnandsome structure, : Complete moww : of : plans for ticket distribution will be mailed to alt subscribers and to others who orderly processes> of the law was changed in a twinkling into » polit-- ical camp meeting. The shouting lasted fully five minutes. : "What's 'the matter with Fn'c Lundin?" one of the "boys" cried. . Judge McDonald had left -- the benm_thbmarhbledm- onstration began,. All had been quiet during the reading of the verdict, save for whispers and sup-- pressed sighs of ecstasy. Lundin and his 'friends 'had been turned €ree. completely vindicated. great stadium will be ~ready for homecoming November 3, when Illi-- nois and Chicago meet in football, unless construction -- encounters un-- expected snags. : . :. > <:._ and yelled. _ Women cried. . This place of decorum and silence and orderlyvy processes > of the law was ing RUSH STADIUM FOR OPENING NOVEMBER 3 URBANA, ILL., July 17.--Illinois' It ends an investigation and pros-- ecution that began in the spring of 1922 and which takes rank as one of the three great cases of this character in the' history of: Chi-- The end came suddenly, after Lundin : and his -- attorneys and friends had resigned themselves to a wait of many hours. Like the flooding of a dark room with elec-- flooding of --a dark room with elec-- tric' light, the scene| shifted from one of depression,. weary patience, jrritation, dawning doubt, into & flung in the air. s The "Boys" Go Wild. _ _ Shouts burst from a. hundred throats. Men climbed on chairs This --verdict was returned -- in Judge Charles A. McDonald's court in 'Chicago, after the jury had delib-- erated four and half hours. _ Stage Wild m in Chi-- cago Courtroom After Graft Verdict ' KFred Ludin and his fifteen co-- defendants were found not guilty yesterday--of the charge that they had conspired to defraud the public "He's all right," came the UNDIN AND ALL -- HIS PALS FREED ebele Hats . were cheer-- _ Juad Salts is inexpe Jure and makes &t' have your phosician, mt,:.hfl twice a To help mnme.~u= t 5°?E: ?b'r:':w' srhons wae, off t $ % f::ur ounces of Jad Saits from ) far macy here. Take a R J in s ':nd:f water inst . ¢ in s« thihismon oinB at Flush idneys by. ig a quari o on s oo e says -- & f * 4 tells us that much itimfarente wiag: in their efforts to "expel it from blood.. -- They become .W dull misery Th the knincy Tegron, ghate m e kidn ion, sb pains i:l':rhzhlckor nick'Ku izzi 6 ness, your stomach sours, ue ~ it eoan':l. and vhegcthe_ ther .is bas rhenma twinges. T m' c'i;;dy.f!iof nels often get sore and irritated, oblig to seek relief (ees during the witht. The early chick is stronger, more B on mt coee maikg ater--h@l % as, worms and green feed supplement his diet, And because eggs are not "Jjust emf'thcudaya,ndh&ug:'ul'u ty are the only ones t ret the prices, the wise poultryman takes every step to put a super egg on the Young, ducks seldom . thrive on wholx: ":::3:" m and leg weakness, the worst snecess-- fu} duck ralei l',': gure to 'result from improperly rations. --~The windows of the Ford were tLroken, and both rear wheels dam-- aged: The top was cracked--and the fender on one sgide: was badly torn. The Dodge took a slide of 150 feet before it struck the Ford and finally stopped about 50 feet from" the scene 6f the turnover. > !__ -- _ The Dodge was only slightly scratched, the rate' at which it was 'going saving it from serious in-- Egxg markets of the country are overloaded at this season of the year, and thus eggs are 'gold on a. quality basis and not siniply as egge. -- .. Cover the eggs up when 'on the way to the station and keep r\m of the sun at all times. ..' ; high prices. Stephens was coming from & . northerly direction . was in thp . act of turning into the diiveway ie . the Sheridan Park resort on She#l~. dan | read, about a mile somth . Zion City. According to Stepl Smith, who driving the Dodge, Wa traveling 40 . miles an hour" aAf@ erashed into the rear of the Ford. . The car' balanced itself for a mo-- _ ment, and theén turned over on its . side. -- The occupants of the. car . braced. themselves for the fail and . no one was injured.. One of Steph-- . no serioues mishap occurred. . _ juries.: Smith said that he would pay the damages of Stephens' ma-- chine which amounted to about $40. toni o gathered twice a day and kept in a cool, dry, clean place. Eggs should be fixwdofleaandindma'm mot ie faure case of cage. Bs m'l?'" :iéd':nb: and +& w¥3 eep 'the nes id clean,; as washed eggs will not keep very long in warm weather. >-- (> _/ =_ Be sure to grade more earefully during this season if you wauld. get oNLyY qQUaALITY EGGs GET _ HIGH PRICES IN SUMMER Bruce Stephens, 8¢1 Grand ave & nue, his mother and. two sisterg _ luckily avoided any seri sedan which Stephens was drivi . ing was struck by a \;J"';','. ound © . Dodge tourihg car, driven by W, E & s Smith of Clintonville, W ... [\ a few hours. Quality eggs are produced by tak-- irg the male birds out of the pens usoonubudinqu'giruflj"" $ very. particular to keep broody' hen: off the nests, for a Take a Tablespoonful' of--Saits it Back Pains or Bladder is ~~ --Irritated -- $3 :A Bruce Stephens' Family in s eanes on HITS | { P C Es"cié «7 w hy t#