:F B P | DEERFIELD | Mr.--and Mrs. Edward Colbert _ of Luake . Geneva and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuemeriein . of 'Milwaukee, were the week end guests of Fred Mau. ' l."a'umn G::bfl'l'l" hyw NGy were success-- 2mvlmu at the Young COlub, Wednesday® after-- noon, at the home of Mrs. Ray Gun. ckel. Mrs. J. W. Elliot of Oak Park, will be the next hostess, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Richards uuthdrwoet.u\d'mll'- and Mrs. Carl Haber of Park Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Boyle and 'qny wiat gm-o». noon, at the ho ckel. Mre. J. Park, will be 1 Mr. and Mr# had as their : .r # "-'nr. 1 L -- ":ijy;n:'. reemmate® WoP P 0 Park, ppent. _JM;' 53:1:: 4% | Risinaalal i Mrs. James Mailfald was Jostess to: the Wilmot : School ve club 03 Wednesday The next meeting will be held Wednes-- day, August 8th, at the of Mrs. Jicob Meintzer, The -- Wilmot -- School saive S PMTSBURG 44i LION YET? IT I8 THE SIMPLEST, CLEANEST AND MOST RCONOMICAL . WAYX: TO HEAT ?'fl:n; EASILY . ATTACHED TO YOUR PRESENT BOILER. YOU ENJOY THE PLEASURE OF HAVING ALL THE HOT wWAaATER YOU WANT wHILE YOU PAY FOR of Au-- Wilmot THE LION. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PASS THIS OPPORTUNITY BY. ,!Yu{y 95¢ with your or« der.. We connect the Heater ready for service. The bal-- ance is payable in monthly payments of $1.90 with your anotaer CAF,. .. 4s w eo land| 'Mrs. Auston ww of her| Chicago, is visiting m 4 c Little Marolyn Gayne is visiting and| her -- grandparents, . Mr. and Mrs. Cardt William Plagge. -- . . . llllol Mrs. ~Walter Vw 'brother, ligh-- | Mr. Wiliam Bergstrom, has gone Installs One! =--. m sgirl friend, to Michigan for a much needed rest. The Franken family of Deerfield and the Gunnie family of North-- brook accompanied by Mr.and Mrs. Saxe of Detroit, motored to Mil-- waukee, visiting thwl;':tu syauy aPOon AHBX ue SCce C Pss e week. Everybodv d The little son of Mr. and Mrs. vfl%oo last halbss i e f" Herte!'s Pa-- Corbett. north.. of town bas been|to tell their frig iFel) your friends. The little'daughter of Mr. and|-- Fortur dianeing again, tonight. Mrs. Warren Robinson of Channel knows . just _ a& mother . never Lake is sick with the measles. think of her ehild the -- neighbors The little granddaughter <of Mr. ~--Great sport # faming t and Mrs. August Johnson, Georgean| in old C ng these days is quarantined at their home-- with| without some SQrt ut hever come "4¢ o Hhtet on wn o+ ce ass is slowly w':fi"mmm W-" . Herrh part of this 'Thonth Ir. and Mra. H. $. Beebe miotored| who is the ow hk oinkesd us . ie Tarcin matoind to Ivemsion fartm, here, conté Orchard Place Pacini motored to Evanston| New York, to m e -'M a trip to on Monday . and his father accom.| from abroad. . He is wife coming Sanied him 'home for. a . visit at| for some reason. ies cnrint the John Pacini home here. about the mide is wife arrived Mr. and Mrs. Harry Isaacs visited| their home o P fi this month at on Tuesday at Maywood and Forest| Visiting live Forest, after Park. Seotland, sing® and friends « in To mh linilt 1. ndogs of Can dn it 0T *4 * ;-p visited over" Sunday at 'the| -- Julius frooeftma® took "nts filecé; ome of Mrs, George Webb. Blanche and : _nts «lece: Mr. and Mrs.: .Baethke -- of May--| f0r & joy a Scnuler ou! wood -- are spending . a couple . of| Blanche, has a' pc o . uis weeks at the home of their daugh--| 2t Highland Pm oC never offic \ter, Mrs. Conrad Buschmann, ._ __ |to visit the home hever forget ww mea ripubes (te s ° PW CC .id::'. s eE e otet. ECAE GCCCETY : RCCCE nosmdnieafiiien cutisattiihctnt t d " T P , R. Rosenfeldt and George Green all|running, shouting and fighting fire of Chicago on Sunday last. | on the Wing place. The flames of "Mrs. D. B. Papper, Jr., of Chicago| their big barn shot skyward and at-- is a guest at the home of Dr. and|tracted people from many miles a-- Mrs. G. W. Jensen the past week. |round. 'The bucket brigade . were Mrs. William Boudor of Chicago,|the busy boys and saved both bun-- visited the past week at the home of| ®*!0w$, bit the barn burnt to the be! mrg Mrs. G. W' '"'!'- '"::d'__.a rea m.i:. -W' 3 Mr. Ed 95c 1 Jacobson of California, is Miss Vida Plagge. ANTIOCH h Bunday . set place at H. July ml,fi, A few of crowd at W street dance 18@ --Bat Bil}l Ge qm caller last week and a or this,. weel and pleasure Charlie Herschberger sure is the| busiest fi 'Q ven states, as they| say, ut rying to dig up funds m. O V er. the church debt. | Deerfleld. and -- Highland _ Park road ning . @gremo y-- was cele.} brated Wednesiay evening, July| brated Wedneminy evening, July 18th, and . wi _remembered as a wh"'n.d ir by many. from here, © Julius . Hoeftmantook . wis --eres. Blanche-- and Florence Schuler out for--a joy ride last -- Sunday. © Miss Blanche, has in an office atmfii-nd Park, but never forgets to visit the home folks. . A report of Mentho--Suiphur, a&}:fllm will soothe and heal skin that is irri« tated or broken out with eczema; that is covered with ugly rash or pimples, or is rough or dry./ Nothing subdues noted skin sp«:ialist."', .'. s The moment this sulphur preparation is applied the itching stops and after two or. three applications,. the eczema i:remdtheskiaiad&hflufl;dflt smooth. Sulphur is so precious as n_ski.!rel'm:dy\n;luseQtlfly'wige rasites that canse the bu -- :';W flmm always eczema right up. € _A small jar of Rowles Mentho--Sul-- '_Iumthau-ypd" and his mode>n equipneent :s i combination hard ~to . bert. . M examination is witheut ahlizatio to you and i= so thorough an« eKillfal that the slithtest defect. { ;({OIN'. there'o>e you take no FiS: kh «rusting your eyesight to him He will not advise glasses unles DR. F. J. WILLILAM 5 DPr., Williams can BA seen dsy 911 » m, 28. id 78 ;-": Sandays 10--12." Offices Upstairs Chamber of C ¥ee Building 10 N. Genesce St, t l': FIERY, ITCHY . SKIN QUICKLY 'S0O0THED BY THIS SULPHUR views are fine reminders PHONE 3036 | Foad opening, or k y night. was a Waukegan Day churecn and which . took on Tuesday, pear next week. Iks. mixed with the g and helped cele-- y ~about midnight, i leverywhere ~ were ATURDAY, JULY DAY | _Now a Chicago visit-- was a business i9 4¥ hifs Meres | daughter;* | . Somebody said the other day,' , "When we ; our 99th birthday,| we will artive at the age of good ' "sense and . " anyway its up| to us to find out. |_The camp sheds at Prairie View : are soon to be torn down. \_.Vernon Cemetery Society an-- | nounced a meeting at the home of Mrs. John McLaughlin, Thursday, \July 26. We have not received re-- |ports of the meeting. _ -- . Now hw new bell which io naamgean wonen 0, is. the Half Day mh waiting for its dedication mmgumhy evening, July m wt nd Bm' Of Berwyn, Illlnfi&nprinwnd'd the job of putting it there last Satur-- i' You are reminded to attend Sun-- | day School ai'?!ifi't'n';ud'ne: ning service at 8 p. m. Rev. Wood day. Mr, and Mrs: Roland Hinton,| were the: Of Mr.-- and lu.{ John umdndnx-wr_;my; here Post eardg from --Walter Mc-- Laughlin in Jowa, this week tells his relatives and friends that he is enjoying 'his vacation trip. Our N4A towm is making improve-- ments. 6 Rev. ph E former pastor of Half Day church is a fre-- quent visitor here and everybody is glad to see h has charge of the church until Rev Wilcox returns from Colorado. dren from Chicago, : are -- occupy-- ing 'Frank Wegner's: cottage this ..John Baséley, son, Claude, and d.nghmifil'lm'f and 'her-- husband, Will Daley, for the 'D;l:s. Vga., early Sunday morning, where they will spend the Q%y will eall at the nome of Mrs. Connor, a sister of the late Mrs. John Baseley.© Mrs. Priscilla Albright and chil-- dren, who have spent the last couple of weeks .at the home of Mrs. Mary Davlin, mother of Mrs. with her sister, Mrs. William Lam-- phere, of Elgin. Cement road 'workers with teams and equipment passed thru here Tuesday -- to do work on the Mc-- Henry--Volo road. > ' A Albright, -- is © spending . the week ed:> the: Woman's Auxiliary of the Federated church, last Thursday, A delicions--luneh--was _ served at five o'clock. ~There was a good attend-- wall to the foundation of George Blackburn's -- bungalow on North visited over .the week end at the home--of Mr.--and Mrs: Eugene Prior. The Aormer are parents-- of Mrs. Prior 'and~uncle and aunt of Mrs. .Mr. and Mrs. Faulks, Mr. > and Mrs. Davis of Marshfield, Wis., Mrs..Henry Shafer and little son, of. McHenry, spent the fore part of the week at the home of Mrs. Shaefer's: parents, -- Mr. -- and Mrs. George Bronghton. < e . ATTORNEY--AT--LAW ;,, Telephone 57 LIBERTYVILLE Telephone 66 LIBERTYVILLE C. B. OLNEY, D. V. M. VETERINARY SURGEON 161 Lincoin Ave. Phone DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY SURGEON Office in First National--Bank Bldg. Hours; 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m.. Hours 9 to 12 a. m. & 1 to 8 p. m. Sundays & Holidays by A A party of{eight people and chil Luce Bidg. Doctor of Chiropractie . Kaiser Bldg., Over Gas Of Phone 26 .. ! 7 DR. OTTO R. BAVE . YOUR Mrs. W. S. Farnsworth, entertain-- ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Brick masons are laying the top Assistant State Veterinarian Professional Services Assistant State Veterinarian LYELL H. MORRES J. H. HESLIN * P 2ONE 208 PHONE 988~ -- _ DR. J. L TAYLOR WAUCONDA B. H. MILLER LIBERTYYVILLE y 'Bro-rdny, omm-it.7 ptl't Telephone 162--W _ .' Telephone 18 LIBERTYVILLE Mrs, Alice Geary, who suffered a broken arm a few weeks, ago is able to be out again, as the cast has been removed, Tae first summer, € built on Homer Gm is under construction. h'l'lr:h :diu of the +Federated church have announced annual sale of useful and ornnm home made goods for early in August. A bakery sale will be one of the draw-- ing cards of the occasion. Mrs. Pear} ©Dickinson of : Wood-- stock, and a friend, from Waukegan visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Carr. + y Lee Perry: of: Shenandaah, lowa, was the guest of Vie Carr, over the week: J Mrs, Harry Mathews . spent last Thursday . visiting~' Mrs. . Henry Schaefer, at McHenry. Clyde Golding and family of Chi-- :qo '-nt Sunday with relatives ere. [ > ' Ray Seymour and daughter, lu.' Omhddoek.mwlmdvlflt- ors with Chicago relatives, . ----.-- Dr. L. E. Golding, wife and daugh ter','wbt:'zvo just -gd-"r;dfm an auto éhroughn of Wis-- eondn;ndihunfieflle'fllfl' latives here, Sundays' _ ._-- . _' FOR SALE--Sixroom stuceco home in excellent condition, with sewer, FOR SALE--If have $300.00 in rivemmflmm'g balance the same as ®ent. . You've FOR SALE--Six acre farm near Li-- bertyville. _ Good ): eight -- --room mb:'eas -om?i'zd-mgfl ends con-- FOR SALE--Horse. (Inquire . St, _-- Mary's Convent. Ph 412--J--2. FOR SALE--A good chunky team, FOR SALE OR RENT+Five room , bungalow at Diamord|\Lake, "Ap-- | FOR SALE--Ford tou car in good running conditi Reason-- able price. Inquire C,. B. Of-- ney. Phone 35. b8--3t FOR SALE--Nice little ten acre farm near Libertyville.| Good soil, Young orchard, New #s con sisting of a six room good -- sized barn, garage,| corn--erib, chicken house, Offered yery cheap. ro':' SALE--Republic quarter cmbmp;':m Telby R bertyville 286--R--1. ~ 57--8t Minimum charge, 25¢. ... . 6 insertions for $1.00 *' Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion, | |._ _. . FOR SALE--Five male gups, crosa-- ed Airedale and Ge Police. Will make excellent dogs. Priced ~right. Fred urst. Phone 283--)--2. f s9--2t :'o'fi""w'in"d is priced according-- ue A' v4 -scuumm Ooft-- fice, Libertyville. + * Dt uyouwmsobnynyfihc.ornmmmm to -- anll, Mormuuyu'mthb.nnhkhmmw columns. You will get results. . °® ' e There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake county hwmnafiuudunn-.bb.aoflummnm-lh your wants known here. A trial will convinee you. . water, gas, -- electricity, . cement all in. Nice shrubbery and berry bushes. Good sized lot. Must be 5 Soaliatntih, Resier Office, Libertyvilie,, 89.--tf house, large _ barn: with cement floor,, nearly muodtn house, plenty of fruit shace --trees. A rare bargain. See A. R. SCH-- NAEBELE, Register Office, Li-- bertyville. ~ & "A~.> OME dairy cow. Heavy +d persistent milker. Price $150. |A. Lawrence Mills, Higland Pn# 111, --Phone d08 ¢ 58--2t sisting of Leghorns, Rocks and White Rocks, all full bloods, $8--100 postpaid. check for quick -- delivery. < D. T. ~Farrow Chickeries, Peoria, L. b4--tf ertyville, Phone 184-- See A, R. SCHNAEBELE, Regist-- er Office, Libertyville.\ _ 52--4t ame LOST AND FOUND a Classified Ads o e se aos uay [ C# subdivision 'ollett, Lib Menry was not badly tnough hm:mm&mrm and had the skin scraped off his Garages! -- HE BOUGHT HIis SECOND BULL % t FOR ~~RENT--Furnished '-- modern . conveniences, . y located. Phone. 138--R.. . " Mr. months; lightning set fire to his * barn: and destroyed everything imn=> . --~< cluding' his Bull mackine. |_ > -- _ : He would not milk 'by hand again. --_ . mmm&umwmm j so he bou another. --.. _' 0 BERT FINSTADy tibertyville: _ --. . WANTED--For cash in Libertyville "ma ¥residence lot, with all improve= ments in between Electric St. and R. R. depot, nothing considered near Lake or cemetery, ' or that abutts R, R. tracks, for attention f Ighe mgx.ouéon.'.dn"d lot and owest 'price, 4 + aals io. pngies Ave, Obleage mt BARGAIN: SALE . NOW IN PROGRESS Complete material to build a good substantial ~ Garage, ~incelading FOR RENT--Comf Mm ige _ ... on Gn.nh?-farm. east of Li--' ... ; s GIQ'""\Q wm 1'?. mgx...' b7T--3t . ! FOR mm--mm or furnish ed office. 1 Register office. FOR -- RENT--House -- T--rooms. In-- quire Will Ray, Area. B7--6t 10x16 1--Car Garage $49.00 12818 1.--Car Garage 18x18 2Car Garage Come and get your choiee. Pric« 1--4 of noew. ""EP o wdBR Co. _' L f . MISCELLANEOUS 22nd St. at Sheridan Road . NORTH CBICAGO -- M s# / Phone 90. SCREEN YOUR HOME NOW Screens GREAT LAKES, ILL Phone Wankegan 208 FOR RENT PAGE vus. m mfi% d ue P v & ; &'1 al his car-- C ulders. . l ; roud c . c F3 e oo § F s s for 6 varlety. 57--tf »} KS 19 {*