it !'% P Sm *. n * Training given by Uncle Sam in es :. the Nation's~ military college at _ _ .. -- West Point, is as commercially ef-- _ _ . WWeetive as it is from a military * »gb andpoint, it has been & _ --_--__" Balaban & Kats, in giving to the ,5{.--'}' " it M m' M' J e ; "Chicago", -- ~*Tivoli," "Rim: "Roosevelt" and "Central . theaters, <selected a nduu of Ees West Point to assume ge of the leva €re fl'/ f h P & We en "* fi Bs c"m_ 4 w » A Pfiket 93 i M tw k f . e . \;','»*'"f ~hed 6 :v-'-"J h 14 z. Ccms t ':':%g ye T Kha COURTESY AND AEINI'ION TO PATRONS AIM THEATER j 11042%. . -- The Long Grove Tigers: jumpéd on Lee Sweck, Lake Zurich's pitch-- ing ace for 18 hits, and with the aid of a few errors were able to defeat tham in <a wild ©came 17--12. The Long Grove sluggers were on the fibiw ng hard at all times. . :z-mll of their theaters. This ex-- icer, -- who: served clhlly in high crank flnfi'o orld © War, uis ts o oo movee n es sults t N i is* "We :in :-hhn Lnx.f. .;g 18: "We give Balaban & Katz ser-- vice." In the few years of operation under his system of trainingz, which is very similar to that at West Point, the Chicago public nas been delightfully amazed. ~ 'One of the most talked--of points of interest in m Balaban & Katz theater is "The souriesy and attentiveness of the by the secretary of the Balaban & says, "It will take five years to 'lh.omh'unm!;t (-'x:ln.d-muu- the BStates «hould bar those who :uflu.ha-za'hudd W "a war which they brought upon themselves." _ f Alvin M. Owsley, national com-- fl/} _' PThe University of Hlinols not 3 earries on research and finds new better ways of doing things which are worth untold amounts to the people of the state, but it makes this sort of in Yormation available to all who care to have it. BULLETINS SENT ten and then put in printed form. These publications are known as "bul-- letins" and "circulars." They are sent to anyone on request and are mailled to ; people who have requested the unt to place their names on the t mailing lists. Both engineering experiment sta-- tion and the-- agricultural experiment those published the past two years were the following : & wne 'W' ut Mimals on Ieath'"Nigous: thoves "or lrate Profduction |"A Urapnical Prew: As Tast as an important plece of work is completed and the investi-- gators are certain that their conclu-- slons are correct, the material is writ-- ldh,"""'&i&n unty Bolls," "McHenry ty ** _ \BiZ: ~Fxeding_ Phrm work Horses 88 Results of University Research Available to AllL _ uates before Iilinois logislators--large ty through fi%fi : Mr. J. B. Turner--ests ed the«:University of Tilinois h,'m gounty. -- Al-- though it was the Jast. of the Corn Belt universities to find inception, the Champaign school has developed un-- Wevemitintrbent m t Ahote only md':l;mw University sf California and Columbia university n New York city--which surpassed Ilinois in #ize: ow moklenic * "chatrn i imescip in" * Bince its establishment, the Univer-- sity of Illnois has graduated: more than 20,000 students and is continuing this laudatle educational work at the rate of 1,000} or--more a year. In June, this year, 1,344 wearers of the orange and blue--he college colors--received their cherished sheepaking.. To train students fir.A dozen or morg techni-- cal and I voentions 'as well as to equly others who do not special-- Ize in thiir studies .in the funda-- mentais the Jdetters, arts, and saci-- ences on genle that is evccessfolly and tly pursued at IMnois re-- quires lahd areda, bulldings and equip-- than tound in many of the lead-- {mm cities, At this writing the 'mdal of the university com-- prises 80 --buildings, a campus which fllau.uwonupz experimenjal farm of 900 acres. At : the Twin Cities--Urbama and Champaigh--which are the seat of this great in@gitution of learning, 4,335 cover the sone of all educational sub-- Jeota z the intricacieon 'of arche ology the 'completities of machine design to the practical fundamentals of snccesiful agriculture--the ability umm'w'nnfiu the market--topping of ftarm ani agricuiture of the state will be in the Aeld of research." _ s E. Da¥BNPport, Pormer Dean, Oollege Of Agriculitaré, Univeraity « Iiinols, Ite Bervice to Agriculiture, "In the future, as now, the great sorvice of the University of IMinois to Olub Traveling Is Difficult. Traveling facilities are bad, a main railzoad line . having buot two trains n;iu each day, one in the morning and on at night, -- There are not emough ecaoches to carry passeng-- ers, making it necessary for those who wish a ride to run for their trains trusting that they will have speed enough to beat ...the others. When oh'zlp the mh'.'.-'fl;eyi m that _ it isis--necessary, for..over of the passengers to stand up. clothing stores can be purchased for $20, but the style which characteri-- zes American clothing is not found in Germany. --. _ .: +. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. GUY sMOCK, Pastor. .. 9:45--Sunday > school. Mr. _W. G. * Wells, Superintendent. j 8 ll:"-;::rulng wouhll:i'm pas-- tor wh on e w _ "Cleansing With Snow wz:" Young Fms meeting at 6 Union Se at 7:30 at the M. E. church Rev. Charles Dickey, r_gu-u the features of the cloth-- ng is that there is a great pocket on the inside of the coat, like that ofahutfi;as is used for stor-- ing money. en a person goes on an average trip, he is bulging like a mattress with banknotes. George F..Pearce, . Bupt. 11 10'-'--éloming C Ser-- mon by pasto sie by the choir. Election of La . Delexate to the Lay Electoral Conference. All members of the thurch sare urged to be pmdfi Priends and Sml'l are nvi ; 6:30 p..m.--Epworth IMague devo _ tional service. : Mr. Fred Butter-- . Power of Jesus to . Lead Men." 10:00 a. m.--Sunday~ School. Mr. ' It cost Wile 300 marks to send a letter to the United States and 185 :::ks to -:d.; posteard. These s were in effect . July 1. iq. thy price han doopled: .. day. Fires were continually burn-- ing in the stoves in order to heat the houses enough for comfort. Lat-- est reports from that. seetion re-- eelved over United Press wires atates Izn terrific heat wave has struck country and that scores are dying. This weather is a reac-- tion from that whith Wile exper-- June was an unusually cold month, people wearing theit overcoats every many in the George Washington of the U. 8. line, and came back in the Resolute of the United American line. He reports that outside of one day of bad weather and two days of fog, good weather and pleasant sail-- ing were encountered.: says: "Plans are being made to ho{doul&rln the summer at Swanwick where péople from Winkile, Jamestown and any other part of the country may bring their children for ex The best guit that is found in the preaching the sermon, LIBERTYYVILLE CHURCEHBS Wile made the journey to . Ger-- n: 1e thurel sare t. 'Friends and invited. . devo-- oi Butter-- ";,! w %1 "The consensus of opinion . among m':?qunuowumem try who are intimately familiar with the slow, steady, and 'successful de-- vel \the Unive of Ilinois is that ".,'3' *'::} €i as the Dacy, a magazlhe Writer Of Washing-- education. WFurthermore, it has been active in uplifting and improving the scholastic standards of the high schools Magazine Writer. Says (IMlinois Will Be the Pacemaker in -- Next Five Years. -- i ~The progress that has been made in ::hebcbm'c_m-b reported by the state agricultural authorities to be _"On land where no treatment was applied there were 10 'to: 20 wheat throughout the state and in creating elvic pride and developing--community ideals. It is co--cperating in an. ex-- haustive forestry survey of the state which has as its program the establish-- ment of a permanent forestry policy. '~'"Many people think of a state uni-- versity as merely a teaching institution --a sort of an enlarged high school. And just so many people are in error,. Teaching is only one of the many fea-- tures of a 'tremendous, complex, and yet Wholly efficient establishment like the University of !!linois. Such an Institution is a clearing house for old «and new knowledge, a forum for the discussion of present--day problems and an organization for the »solution --of these robhl and for the discussion of | truth. It teaches the under-- g'iuu students; it trains recruits Its faculty and executive staff ; it undertakes investigation and--<research for the sake of gorrecting old beliefs and for the discovery 'of new facts with which not only to improve teaching but to advance the industries and re fine the arts of life ; its representatives attend «meetings, conferences, conven-- tions and conclaves where lpading men mane'fiunmumq progress and at which the univeraity's advice and at which the univer and assistance are sought. "Bome of the most extensive: lHime stone es perluieatse 4h itre--world are be: Ing--conducted on the University of Iili-- anois 'experiment 'feld at "Newton. In fertility experiments are in progress on this field, ns well as drainage ex-- periments . and. some crop -- fertility work, ' 'This 1s the Jargest soil exrpeéeri-- wment field in southern lIHinois. Pennsylivanian Left His Money Scat. tered About Home--$5,000 Soil Fertility Work at the University Experiment Field at glhiocks per acre, while on land where g:" m.?;'é" : e." ere 0 ocks per acre. '(mmufl ta¥d' the corn plants were 8 to 12 inches high, while on treated land the growth was 8 to 4 fect in height. Hgkp "Sweet clover showed striking re-- #ults from the use of limestone. Where no lime was appliéd and sweet clover seeded, there was nothing growing but a&pplied, the growth 'of @weet clover was 4 feet in 'height. Bradford, Pa.--Home time after the death of Fred Smith of this place it wak discovered hig home was a sort of treasure chest, with money. hidden In-- unsuspected. . places, Bmith, who lived aloné in m@simple fashion, was an aged carpenter. No one who knew him suspected he had any money. . Such things as these will convince the most skepticat that there are great possibilities and fnancial returns from the university's resenrch." HELPS MAKE BETTER CROPS 8Bo far nearly $5,000 has been dis covered, the majority. of which he had bidden about his honme, There was also $750 in a local bank. The first gmmmnhhmfl'm&nd. reau.. The two hiding piaces yleld. ed more than $38,000. . The last find of any importance was made by a local undertaker, who un-- earthed an old sugar sack in the cel-- lar which contained $640 in silver dol-- lars, half doliars and other change. So far as is known Smith left no will and--had no relatives. DEAD MAN A SILAS MARNER OF UNIVERSITIES to Says Grayslake Premises Are Being Made as Safe as Possible * The -- Liberty Onl-- Company, Grayslake, offers an explanation of court action before Judge Perry L. Persons ~yesterday, in which it points out that the company was given one ogfll demands in the ap-- peal when it -- was granted | twenty days to remo¥e alleged fire hazards in glvlai% position to lubricat-- by them for the storage of lubri-- eating oil in stee! drums. _ Also for the housing of their trucks. Re-- u'fidnh n';'onyh owner : an & P v $ deputy state fire marshall, . issued &n order that the place must be va-- cated in ten days. An appeal was taken by'the company, in an effort to obtain time enough to construct a fire--proof warehouse of their own which matter is ~now under =~ pro-- gress. 'The --court however, allowed only an additional twenty days in which to vacate the property, thus eausing the contents to --be moved before a new structure can be erect-- _ The Liberty -- Oil Co.,.: nas since 1919 rented a large barn in Grays-- lake, which building has been-- used .The court plainly<stated --that in ard will still oxtet rep ':f"""" C o uk it is mp"dm company con-- tributing only a small portion of wfll as no explosive oils were in the building. The action did not involve any tank or tanks as reported but involved only the lub-- ricating oils, greases and the trucks. DeKalb has a 310 foot communi-- ty swimming pool. The chief of the division of sanitary engineering re-- cently inspected the pool and the with the situation and . pronounced the water in an excellent condition." _ The Kinawis club at Aurora has beencampaigning for some time to secure the passage of dn ordinance requiring the pasteurization of all milk sold in that city. it¥ The : explanation is i letter zied by L. lake of the oo 3 % which reads in ©$175,693,000 in Farm __ _ Buildings: msnswa.qmufilg'm--.t--u" AA\ / % M 4 t + ECH, Dist. Public of 'l;?-%ue;'m 81. ww%. ILL. NB w%}narg,oéom' GUS KRUMREY, Local Representative, u&::.l PHONE 141.W PuBLic S »7 Buildi 'The trick bottom and back of a ten gallons of moonshine and re-- sulted in the arrest of two Chicago-- ans, Peti Cesari and Gelo Mandoli, both _ 'charged : with . bootlegging. They were nabbed by Brune and his dry raiders in front of the home of Rose Orlandi in Palmer avenue, ols mfonng . were con-- fined there at noon Wednesday. pened along Cesari and Mandoli | tonceded," Tocks. Phe Tds emteind" teudt | ns _Book their. sutomobile and then descend-- | Eyphoig ang ed on the mystery car, As they ap-- "'"?":"- proached, one of the pair slammed ' milk supply. Raiders Find 10 Gallons Concealed in Stephens Roadster; Arrest Two o Ray Bros. will give a $5.00 gold piece to the YIELDS BOOZE Wednesday Eve::Aug. 1 -- Proceeds to be used for, skies. Erected at vast cost is building stands a monument t ten national banks in SPECIAL rogress. Just mentally pic-- : fifty Wrigley Buildings and ~will gain an idea of the se of farm buildings in the 15 nties served with gas:or tricity by this Company. farm buildings in this terri-- :u.;mvdmdatstl';s,mm amount equal to the com-- d capitalization of the larg-- admiringly at the Wrigiey Building, with its huge ISITORS to OMPANY AT . Though many of the employes are being cared for in subdiviszions of the companies north of the city it is expected that the rooms of the proposed new hotel will find immed-- inte occupancy. 'The project is be-- ing pushed toward realization by Durka and supporters. An investigation is being made at Danville for the purpose of deter-- mining fow much raw and pasteu-- rized milk is being consumed, "It is conceded," -- says the Commercial-- News, "that apoor mmyoln!lk means poor health to consum-- ers. . Contagions diseases such .as typhoid and tuberculosis, have, in many cases, been traced to a poor ERECT BIG NEW coming from, . Milwaukee ~with the Manville company and the made to the tannery force gre be-- lieved to have prompted the plans for the hotel construction, -- / shut the door.. It was ten minutes before thnlhl:o"u able to find the booze cache even after watch-- ing the men unload it. -- . ;. «... HOTEL AT ASBE8TAS (Gentinued from Page Ofé) 1AMxas i PV T ©%,