far c , ueermyiiLe iL ® '" . Mré elt, Jr., entertained ~at & lunm% The guests. were Mrs, J. W. Flianders of Aurora, Mrs. J. H. Beebe, Sr.,. of Lombard, Mrs. w.g.m%}:hm-::' H. . * | Mrs. l:.:.nld:olml:;g&.u* Mrs. H. Hood of: Heigats. Miés Kathryn Van Aken, assist-- ant state leader in the home econo-- mics extension < service, and -- who spoke at the Wilmot school, several months 'ago, about : organizing a Home Bureau, has been --advanced to the position of 'State-- Leader, [ DEERFIELD | to the position of 'State Leader, due to the resignation of Miss Lita Bane from her executive position: in the department. The announcement naming: Miss Van 'Aken, state lead-- er, also 'states that Miss Bane will become executive . secretary ' of the American-- Home Reonomics Associ-- ation at Washington, D.._C. Miss Van 'Aken received hber bachelor's Hillsdale, © in, and her mas-- ter's dégree .cE' Columbia Teach-- ers' College. Before going to the University of Iilincis in September 1920, Miss Van Aken was hospital dietician mtx University of Mospital at Ann Arb:r.uo 'r.huflw Sedan and a Buick ng car ~were completely de-- molisned Friday evening, on Wau-- kegan Koad near Everett, . Wien they collided. 'Ray Prendergast, an official of tre C. M. and St. P. R. R. who lived in Libertyville was killed, and his wife, and Mrs. Lange, fl! aunt, were seriously injured _ and. another man. and several children were badly cut and bruised: /Those seriously injured were taken to the Lake Forest hospital and the others were brought to Dr. C. J. Davis. Both cars were total wrecks. * wW.de ton, the week end. with her mother on ner farm on East Deer-- teach in Gross Park this coming daughter, Jean, Mrs. J. A, ".',._mfl ana . Wanacs IDCRINCIEp motored to Crystal Lake, Sunday. ' Mr. o,n':"ln. Edwin Johnson m< moving their new ow on vacating is# owned by Fred Méyer, who is having it made into. two Mr. and Mrs.. Emil Frederick nad ns --their dinner guests, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Getke and two caildren of Arlington Heights, Mrs. Elienmeyer, who has 'resided in the house fjust south of the Unit-- Mr. and Mrs. William Scninleber bad as their guests last week, Mrs. Arnold and daughter, Miss Frances, of Chicago. The Deerfield+ Royal Neighbors were guests at a Bunce ty, last Tuesday evening, given by Northbrook 'Royal (Neighbors ¢ i Beautiful Flowers : The Always : Acceptable Gift "ToONIGAHT-- Tomorrow Alright ind Mrs. R. E. Pettis and WI Scratch Pads, all sizes and good ISALBAER & 1 paper. Register office. We Deliver in all parts of the U. S. by Let our fresh, fragrant flowers inter-- pret your messages of affection and love. Every flower is a faultless q_)egi- men carefully selected so that there will be no flaw in the bouquet. Our prices --as well as our fowers --* aré fair. t ' waukee. is visiting Mrs. @rs wore sila h Oe menr Poneiterinn church : Inst a..g'-m with service was. & is is oA en o memepnn aenie ham Ti ue nechoiche rrime s ds wmm(fi spent the week udntfiom& his daughter, Mrs. -- Frank Saeman, --of Cross Plains, Wis. Hiz grandson, Jerome Saeman, returned with him and will remain for several weeks, Mrs. Frank Lillie and daughters, Creek Farm, and their guests from Saturday, with Miss M Homer tas ts MP puost, ber sephew ome, as gu r of Evart, Michigan. When /you step carelessly to the wall and push a button that floods your living: room with light, you ac-- cept this ~service as a matter of course. . Few persons ever stop to mentation that has made this form of illumination possible. ,thu'wnu the air he and from . the voured to imprison it in one form or anpther for his use and pleasure '--in the wush light, candle, kero-- f'une..uud lamps. _ Though the story qaf the lamp ex. tends over a period of thousands of years and history reveals it to you in one form or another from anci-- ent times to the present, little in-- fldtywudi:playodlnthnsk- of a device for the use of arti-- ficial lignt until 48556 --when the ficial lignt until 148556 _ when the kerosene -- lamp was introduced which -- produced ~fifty per -- cent more light than the hitherto gener-- ally used sperm oil p or candle. Crflumendddolmhnmod &tmunmalym»d Yet when all was said and ~done, these lamps were not one bit better from an . illumination standpoint than the stone or earthen receptacle Sor grease which was man's first notable lighting devite after the Yet when all was said and done, these lamps were not one bit better from an . illumination standpoint than the stone or earthen receptacle for grease which was man's first notable lighting devite after the ed by the average family is equiva-- mnu»mmt of 360 eandles or about -- 18 times the a-- mount of illumination. used a .cen-- tmm.mm.hm able less for, the increase in the -- amount of night lighting a-- mounts . to 1700 per cent, . the re-- duction in the cost of year's light-- ing is about 40 per cent. The kerosene jlamp held sway from its introduction in 1855 to 1885.-- From -- then, until -- 1905, it "Watch your water mzly." say s the Joliet Herald--News, "if you are drinking surface water. It will be safest to boil it. Watch the fly: Swat him. Likewise the mosquito. Keep garbage cans covered and screened in your home.. Hunt up the hmtlm places of the mosquito and pour ofl on them or drain them. It is surprising how much of dis-- ease is caused through mere care-- lessness. Nine times out of ten,'if Ordinary care is observed there will be no disease, particularly of germ "Five cities or combinations . of cities, outside of Chicago sanitary district," says the llinois Journal of Commerce, "which have complete iarcth Nammal, " Décater--" Downers in » Grove, El Paso and Urbana--Cham-- paign. Elgin is preparing tovinstall one. A new state law gives cities the righnt to establish these plants." EVOLUTION OF LIGHTING ki neve J. D, Mey COMMUNISM STRONGER Anti--Religious Attitude .. Among Russian Pea s reads in part as follows: _ -- .. . | month containing 96.1 lbs. of fat. "Having done with splitting the| The third Righest cow was one of church, the time bas now come for -p;&rl Aenry's ne@ Ruecun:.,ag' to destroy. In soviet Russia there li,mdmd 795 lbs., of milk and 84.2 no place for church reform, and we of t_,' m sweet clover pasture. must complete <'lquidation. of the| _ Mr. Hen f,_'mqh'o the church and religion.. We have no need | third highest in the state averag-- of a soviet church, We --must sweep | ing 112 Ibe, of milk and 44.5 lbs the church out of our path, for it re-- fat for the month ' f tards progress toward culture." E 'I' m § me is ay n -- wane'h -- HEnY WYA T 4CR Pennsyivanian Left His Money Scat-- DEAD MAN A SILAS MARNER Bradford, Pa.--Some time after the death of Fred Smith of this place it wak discovéred his home was a sort of treasure chest, with money hidden in unsuspected places Smith, who lived alone in simple fashion, was an aged carpenter. No ons who knew bim suspected hbe had any money,. .. covered, the majority of which he had hidden about his 'home. 'There was also $750 in a local bank. 'The Prst finds were made in an Ol4 clock and a bureau.> The two hiding piaces yield-- @1' more than' $3,000, «> : The last find of any importance was miade by a local undertaker, who un-- earthed an old sugar sack in the ceb lar which contained --$640 in silver dol lars, linlf dollars and other change. Bo far as'Is known Smith left ao will and had no relatives. This is the Arst alrcraft carmer to be specially designed by the admiralty, and bas the wnusual feature Of for-- starboard side amidship, instead'of in Ing--off and alighting space. . _ . -- British to Launch New Vessel Espe cially Fitted for Accommoda-- tion Aireraft. * 1nulion.~--Fitted -- with two hangers and designed to carry 20 alrplanes which can be railsed to the fAying--off deck on electric lifts, the Hermes, of 10,0%M tons, will shortly be put into commizsion for the roya) navy. _ WARSHIP CARRIES 20 PLANES The first things that can :'rcpa eartly In the season without 'dan-- ger from frost ate rmhm-."rhu and lettnace. These are the A :uu wanted and usually withstand any kind of weather that follows u" the ground can be worked. Tyo*t -- Another alreraft carrier Just . for use is the Eagle of tous, which has been converted from bat-- :l;flb originally laid down in 10918 for tte.. -- x s« WHAT TO PLANT EARLY lt oi o oi t o o o o o h t t i o s t ts mt s wl Found. REGIS | The Y ) "Tarmugur:cfl':t y mfio + w' ¥ oun C A 'made: that a min& of 200,000, f of wheat be withdra r American farmers from this year's visible supply, a . view of large us PLAN rm:o FINANCE on n se ds c rslicuses cader that it be d i1 warehouses s combination examination to you and ukillfol that DR. F. J. WILLIAMS Sapcand Sulghur Compound you will found, therefore you take no FISK in -- trusting -- your g«m to him, He will not advige: glasses unless l rafenerresre To hak +o ,,%.,&W foag oo Bs Bb aries brash with it and h'nr""l' LADIE&QARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR Use Grandma's=Sage Toa & ~Wiil KCnow €ork modern P is -- & n hard to beat. . His m is without obligation nd is 4@ thorough at . the LM '0'."1 Farm Bureaw Fed-- "DNESDAY., AU ; l o 'i j"( * f EDITED BY J J. DOERSCHUK J County Fa A_'!Lhfl'- w whis k. * . fall and spring seedings so. that no unduly W need> exist plan * p an orderly marketing and lift wheat from . 75to BO cents, (the <present price, to'a,'" or $1.50, and,. would continue it on that basis tnroughout this consumptive year, thereby be-- ing> helpful &Srodueé and consumer & minating specula-- fio"' m« f '&"' ' v4 "{k;-xi" L for dumping them on the market favonbwme'"" rican ~Co--operative Manager. . y France. .A horse was inmunized by successive injections of | poisonous animal was tried successfully ;miecendrfibm'how.hoenfed the deadly amanita mushroom. yet live, thanks to a medical -- dis-- fl'l'hom;' A: Edison ":y;;. "1'::', is something wrong w | J 1 don't. know what 'm' Is; that's not.my line. . L--can tmtels cortalns the--promen yoiem . ce : the : of edueation in the colleges does not j » to think. :I am in favor of college. 'That is where I get some_ of my best men. I have 60 of them now, _but they are 60 culled 'But of 2,000. That's a pretty low VETERINARY SURGEBON -- Telephone 66 -- . LIBERTYYVILLE Telephone <57 Laee Bldg. Office in First National Bank Bldg. --MHours: 1 to 8:30 and 7 p. m. ----Assistant State -- Veterinatian DR. 0. F. BUTTERRIELD VETERINARY SURGEON 161 Lincoln Ave. . _ Phone 85 DKR. OTTO R. '% An'om-u.la" First National Bank Bullding. Assistant State Veteringrian C. B. OLNEY, D. ¥. Professional Services LYELL H. MORRIS w4 ROOM 9, DR. J. L. TAYLOR YOUR , Broadway, opposite park LIBERTYVILLE , isn't it ? LIBERTNYYVILLE Th.wmmlnaforflllldnmhll" s e--mptognts M g o been hustling around for several '~ Assessors from the various town« days with : the result that a fine ::ip- in %eae::&ty"wm be call« program has been arranged and lots ¢d before Rwla-% 2 Tok uit ©" Renaes s es Poue to was se ine i $16 lamp donated by the Wflx. The board has been busy for sev«+ dance. . Old time dances, Waltzes, values placed by the asa@ isore . on Square dances as well as others will the'properties in various district be given. This is to boost the and the assessors in theig trips be BIG FARMERS' DANCE AT of Review ] RAY'S PAVILION, WED. -- , NESDAY, AVGUST ISI'.I for M.np buried, the governor of Maine or-- at half--staff over the state house at FOR SALE--Our home. on Stewart In honer of his dog MS'"'!"" quick : cash sale. Immediate. po&-- FOR SALE--2 beds, mattresses TOR SALE--Six acere farm near 1A« FOR SALE--Six roon w home in excellent sewer, water, gas, el , -- eement all in. Nice | '.(plm bushes. Good size Must be sold ;uickmd is according-- ly. For further see A. R. SCHNAEB Register Of-- fice, Libertyville. ~~ 56--+4 FOR SALE--If you have $800.00 in cash to pay down you can buy a five rovom at a very !z mplgn d o o A. R. scn'fiu > fiéimr Office, Libertyvillo, ~_ _ 89:" FOR SALE--Baby Thorough-- bred assorted odq-c&dcdu con-- sisting of Leghnorns, Barred Rocks FOR SALE--Five pai tour« w car in Al. Price ms."s.u mm 7 'm -.: p p. m., 835 Chfih street. Phone 188--R. N&SMW ble Inquire Qr. C T. Pliine $5. FOR SALE--Five nm. cross-- Q#m"u- ':.dnm Pd'l'- eX $ FOUNI»--Watch. Ownt@r can have FOR RENT--7 @* . hot water heat. 538 Ave. Call Satorday or 89 . _ OO.1¢ FOR RENT--Comforiab 4 on Greenbrier V'W h«Yflh. Tel e : & F 1. 3 ons /. 74 Miniimum charge, 25¢. <6 insertions for $1.00 % Rates: be per line per insertion. ° 5 i Q}Maltl lamns. You will get r e is no way you i1 se short a time and a your known here. : If you want 46 buy"anything renit @r exchange, or if you wan Avenue. All udu'n'nd in fine BELE, Register Bldg.,: Liberty-- ville; aatoe es & * 9CC springs> _ 201. So. Libertyville, n& house; tnrge mw&sm drocy of Irule se thake oek n Anzibutdl.?_nh.l.m- NAEBELE, Register Office, Li-- and White Rocks, &fl bloods, $8--100 postpaid. check for quick delivery. D" T. Farrow Chickeries, Peoria, Ul. 54--+f Phone 288--J--2. same by proving property.= nie Limberry, 1LO8T--AND FOUND Classified FOR RENT want %6 buy"anything, or if you have something to is w,cu,.mub.--humwa-ij You will get results. j 4s .is no way you can reach as many people in Lake . t a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you maK® s known here. A trial will convince you. . . 0. B. Ol-- ----~ 12x18 1--Car Garage $50.00 =' o 18218 2.Car c....m 50--1t 'CALL MEETING .. ---- OF AsSESSORS Will Convene with Board of Review Next Week Gar: BARGAIN SALE -- _ _ NOW IN PROGRESS Complete® material to build a good substantial --Garage, in¢cluading glazsed Sash and Roofing < Paper. 10516 1--Car Garage $49.00 ---- cPaide. Decrficht. TL . _ eluding his . Bull i F8 ~a thk He would not nflk& 'again > He was satisfied with hig first --Bul. Ceme and get your choice. E 1--3 of, new. ' Buy Now and Save Money so he bought another, -- _ |--_.. ©) [ . Get one and you vilh'"- BERT ; FINSTAD, uqJ ville, :\ _ WANTED--For eash, in a residence lot, with all e R. R. depot,--nothing near Lake or cemetery, or abutts R. R. tracks, for attention give exact location, size of lot and lowest price. C. F.w 2204 N. Lawler Ave., 22nd St. at Sheridan fi GORDON WRECKING éi & LUMBER CO. i aCBREENXN YOUR HOME NXOW Screens MISCELLANEOUS -- -- > PAGE we for #