K4 Public Auction on (the farm $ known as Hecht Farm No. 1, locat-- _ . ed' one--half mile south of: Liberty-- %: '%n Milwaukee Ave. on : _ _'.. ~ ~SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 T --Commenéing at: One O'clock Sharp : --Bix horses and one Shetland pony 9 Purebred Duroc Spring Gilts.>~ 1 Pursbred Duroc sow and 6 pig# farrowed in August. Quanity of Hay, Grain, Straw and corn. X A full line of machinery and too!s e cR in, C F. K Owner, Communication«" before the Klevin th Anpual Mceeting of the Chamber PUBLIC AVCTIOX f On the farm known as the Charl-- es T. Bartlett Farm,-- on the west shore of Diamond Lake, 1/ miles southwest of Area, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11 , Commencing at One O'clock p. m. of Commerce of the United States, John J. Carty, Vice President, American Telephone-- & . Telegraph The shooting occurred at 1 o'cloe! Saturday afternoon several yards to the rear of the Hillside garage in a vacant waste near a small creek. // Claude Warner, 14 years old, 2716 Flizabeth avenue, Zion City, was the owner of the rifle. He was detained by Sheriff Edwin Ahistrom to testi-- 1y at the inquest, but was exonerat-- ed from blame by the jury. -- _ Commerce L and | ( is becoming more Good line of machinery and tools., Usual terms of sale. ; -- B. H. MILLER, Propriector. FRED GRABBE Auctioneer. trustworthy Young Warner told the jury that a cartridge caught in his rifle and that he sought to loosen it with a knife, when the cartridge exploded, The charge entered young White-- side's head behind the right ear. He died instantly. .. The death of George Whiteside, 13 year old, son of George H. White: side, 670 Carmel boulevard, : Zion City, who was killed instant!y Sat-- urday afternoon by a bullet from &A companion's rifle, was accidental, This was the finding of the jury--at the inquest held Saturday night by Coroner John L. Taylor, "THE ELECTRICAL COMMUNI CATIONS® A Claude Warner Cleared of Blame for Death --of Geor'ge Whiteside 4 '"Ihe natursal characteristies of A0C that way, but then sCcience is rldlo#end wire transmission ave|Ketting so wonderful now--a--days! fundamentally different. Each, dve| : Elmer is going to be a hero some-- to ils "nique nmb"m_ is pe-- '"'. His M m h m formine a service for which the bétter and better, as the cheers pass other is unsuited and each is sup-- UPWard. Everyone has been croak-- plementing the other to fi."'habmmoh"'Mn that there may be provided all the little bit of dried up spirit the facilities necessary _ to extend | 1 has. AMWM throughout the whole world a com-- *2ys to everyone: "My, a loud prehensive system of electrical com.| YOi¢* you have!" "The yell muntcation. |with, My dear!" comes | doep "There never was .trm-h.ml. mhd-mm-i for clec--| And the team, when someone men eal communications were more tore its array of brawny arms enterprising -- and enerprising . and more able and more intelligent and more success-- ful in extending . communications throughout the world. "The progress of th's country hs been so rapid that, within the last few years, American has taken the foremost position in the art, prac-- tice and administration of electric-- al communication." * 'hat:neon!for'rlv-ufnm.- tive and preservance as contrasted ;'l&elutflulmm Q':i benefit of average citizen in other parts of the world where the developement of the resources is handicapo-->d by the stagn~tion poli-- ='fie governmen's which con-- rol them and where their service is limited largely to the off cal or 2 Two--year old Heifers. 2 Yearling Helfers. Beed time and harvest apply to :n':ofldn.'h"nh-&:. Faile adjartnet o mb i Four Horses, 1 Registered Ho'stein Bull. 4 Heavy Springers. , 2 Cows in Milk. Registered Holstein in Milk. In & recent address on "Electrieal "The natural IN GUN MiSHAP JOHN ROUSE, Clerk. JOHN ROUSE, Clerk. of : infor-- d a com. Says to everyone: "My, wha a loud rical com.| YOice you have!" "The better to yell with, My dear!" comes the deep riod" when | growl. aiy for clee--|\ -- Am| the team, when someone men rere more tion« its array of brawny arms, able and rumbles, "The ~better to squeerse m m-t*'n Mv dear!" And when it hears P/ 'time reading jokes that seem stale after his Wonder if the history *tencher's arm is cork? It doesn't mt that way, but then science is |u§tin¢-owondcrfu|_n¢w_-a-dln! «**-- "rep Meeling in Assemnily, . "College Humor" has been go'ing? the rounds for the last week. If we'd known that Mr. Aldrich was so Yich in that same fun many would jmtonhnlfidwfllhclmm-' ed with a fence outside of the track. The boys physical training classes are meeting on Wednesdays and Fridays. s Last Saturday the team went in-- pe o Rk" The Optimist. «"Bite off more than you can chew anid chew It," : --:.~ c it cone. '*"Plan for more than you can'do and do it," it / "Hitch your wagon to a star---- -- Mr. Teed--*"John, define . water." ~John--"A -- white -- liquid . which turns black when you . put . your hands in it." 48 man from last year and came out ¥ictorious over New Trier with a ow score of 70--0; John Butterfield (better known as Grunt) made two touchdowns the first quarter and Austin, one touchdown. -- Eimer brecht made two, and Winfred Wil-- son and LeRoy Quinten, each made Future Footbal Games of The: }"i Since spring the folowmg have 'Soined the bobbed hair souad: Vera 'Morse, Julla Gagliardi, Stotlz-- 'man, Helen Russell, ine Ku-- blank,, Minnie Hapke, Muriel Pierce, E:"t'l'hadt's t:achin'. 6 Jest a drawin' great big money, ** 'An' a livin' like a lord; 135 Jest a makin' folks pay taxes 'From their hard earned stored up _. --~(hoard) * s Keep them buyin' books and fixins That they no ways really need. --_ Lot a questions from a book, _ Spectin' kids to know the answers Tho they're not allowed to look. Jessie Knudson, Agnes Sorenson. Jest a settin' in a schoolroom, In a great. big easy chair And a keepin' things a movin' With a lordly sort of air, Not a thing to do blt.u_kin' highest in her class. IN¢ 1OWeS® mark she received in any subject was 95. * Miss Aure!l enjoved a visit from her cousin, Miss Thurson, of ~Mil-- waukee, Tuesday. Piee. s ' L.T.H.S.\vu'hdton.lflr- &t. and Alma Churchill, Thursday ; Big'svgrise? Well, 1 guess! " L. T. H. 8 first school> paper, edited by the Social Problems Class, appeared Friday. . It certainly had its share of attention. _ Mildred Lusk, now'A Junior .flml at the Chicago Memorial Hospita), originally the Hahneman Hospital, visited school last week. We are pleased to hear that Mildred ranks finn, My dear!" And when it hnni ' its many big. mouths it answers thunderingly, "The better to eat'em, My dear!" And we, the 1' the #ehool, really believe that latter he use for cnuing. and Whatihg onl or em Q_'"'o "'mbo gully, stronger than ever before. sociation almost everyone came out, who were interested in kind of m.nehnw&w ball, hiking, track and gym. i; The officers were from The cleven girls who J "L's" Mast year. They are AS t An"'le in lt?! is\ 4 « Wel ess we s * Relrmamsi WHid under the direction T him ho .. That's teachin'. ommb 20-- Hamos Tech. October 5--Antioch here. \ Fine husky fellows--that never get: October 1%----Waukegan, there. _ | yellow . f October 19--Marengo, there | That's Libertyville! October: 26--Blue Island, there. --| orrmntmesinsmmmpestare en nmntie m November"3--Elmhurst, here. | Bootleggers of New York Cg\, November 10--Maine, here, | &re offering for sale, at one law . November -- 17--Crystal ~+Lake,|a collection, photographs of ali pm} @re, _ l a {'hlblfifll .m w in the me--' November 23--Woodstock, here. tropolitan area. The wary barten--! A ~formu'a for-- Success: me in the back and less Keep your keat and there you We! ;fl We "Pep Meeting in Assembly p, I'll say so. 'Gosh A'mighty! LIBERTYVILLE High School Notes Some Ideas About have had him speak e does love to} than t autin Just Chaff. We\ ~CvEL be larger and More in the to . us pictures on guard against arrest. Circulars are kept up to date and gubscribers are supplied with photographs of new If theilnkenb(gp-'emrytime Fine llok' fellows-- that never get yellow That's Libertyvillet Miss Dawson has" proved. herself a genuis and a life saver. She has written three snappy songs for L. T. H. S.. We were all tired of the same old songs. Below is a copy of the. songs, , If their suits are maroon and white That's Libertyville If they're fighting all the time,~ ' The faculty wish to thank all the students who have brought flowers for the teachers' room,. Reminds me of the big red apié little boys used to bring to "teacher." > Se M, n. Taking college wE Out for football prac tice. He says the line averages 190. Gilly is playing quarterback. -- . (That's Libertyville, ~_ ---- If they always smash right thru President, Evelyn VanZandt; Vice--| loag in this matter. wAwp'zl:e't.louu ion > nt, Lvelyn & * af 5 matter. President, Leone Wightman; Se¢--| blanks may be obtained At Farm retary--Treasurer, Gladys Egar; Re--| Bureau office, at Libertyville, and cording Secretary, Vera Morse.|'Dr Grinnel may be rsached the '~ There is a girl in charge of each first few weeks there also. of the different sports. tm There is a strong undercurrent ----C'mon girls! Win your 100 points among the farmes in Lake county and be a member! ". . _/ _ _ | to the effect that testing. cattle for ~ Irene Cole '23 writes from Mus-- kegan, Michigan, where she is do-- Ing office work. : . ~~"/¢. ~. Prosecutor's Report Shows : Record Number Jal_led! and Fines Collected t In the last quarter a total of $18,956.55 was collected, this cov-- ering the period between June 4 and October 1. : © ; _An interesting feature . of. the colonel's report is the fact that 107 persons have been confined in the county jail for sixty days or more for violation of the prohibition Col. A. V. Smith's report at the opening of the October.term of the. Circuit court Monday revea'ed that a total of $112,414.79 had beent col-- lected in fines since he tock office. The figure is a record for the state's attorney's office in Lake county and renders tongued--tied the opponents of law enforcement who make a practice of criticising the prosecutor's methods of "showing favors to none." % laws. Gilly wrote too. He is now in Al-- (Tune of Peggy O'Neil.) Announcing Lowest F'. 0. B. Detroit Prices SERVED 60 YS FOR SMITH FLAHERTY & KENNEDY Authorized Ford Dealers examining Chassis -- = -- Runabout, re%nlar ~ Tourinmegu ar :: -- 1 Ton ck Chassis -- Four--Door Sedan -- -- -- All Prices F. 0. B. Detroit In the history of the Ford Motor Compan New prices Zective'l'laday,October 251'25_ Place your order now for reasonably prompt delivery THE UNIVERSAL CAR mfi from herds under govern-- t supervision, which means the area 'plan as now started here. Many herds, especially along -- the North Shore have been .receiving this mm for several years, and the demand for this kind of milk is strongly increasing. -- There is no successful contradiction 'of the fact that elean milk is worth more than on the band warcn now, so as to reap the benefits later. There is ab-- solutely no auesiion. but what thevy are correct in this view. Already there is some acitation of the mat-- ter of getting more money for milk w."?"} GC, Grinnel of m fl.. has been hired by the County Board of-- rs "Yor. _ the " tuberculin '." duttlehl'h(bt:'uy u4 i area plan, coopera with the Federal and State authorities in eradication n-ong' | .. Lake county farm»rs ie s mss . 8 every | six months lt:nmd clean, free of <harge, and by up under| i on y f ag provi w ] fo%*fl and state appropriations. "Dr. Grinne!l comes very well re--' commended by Dr. Lintrer of Chi--: , who is in charge of this work mha; He :l:: had tweivi: of tice, OW z:.p qn'c;:clruquou.,tor the T. B. work. He will be ready to take nt his work in Lake county the wee commencing Octobsr 8th, Almdv &A number of herds are waiting for his work. Farmers are showing a great interest in the matter. Last week, of the first cisht men 'interviewed as to having their herds tested un-- der this plan, seven signed up. Let lug Thew "he six months (emni ET T. B. must sooner--or later be donc; and that they mizht as well get in us keep our county man--busy now that we have him, for that is our fi opportunity of 'getting the ben not only of his work but of the government aid to farmers in get-- mfidr herds cleaned upt Surely 'eounty will not© fall behind other counties. rather be far in the lead in this matter. _ Applcation blanks may be obtained at the Farm Bureau office, at Libertyville, and Dr. Grinnel may be rsached the Bottle will Convince YETERINARLAN *~ BEBB JONES "Rheumatism is described under many subheads, the chiéf being acute rheuma-- tic fever, muscular rheumatism-- and artic-- ular rheumatism. Articular rheumatism affects the joints, but no matter where the trouble is mteti. it is the same disease, and reqnires practically the same treat-- Slores. Waukugan and No.: Chicago, Decket au . * Nevitle, Libertyvilie, HL., or if they "do not happen to have it in stock. you can Some THIS MEDICINE can be obtained at RHEUMATISM A new ruling has gone Into effect uflombbn% sin. -- Hereafter and dating 'Sopmbor 1st, all grade eattle from ! other states must be Hhad 1::'. "dlytlmm' te :mparmm of Agriculture: and is :for the protection of farmers who . &re trying to get clean herds. Every Omaha has just suffered a com-- 'plete prostration of its 200,000 pop-- tended, this is communism.. The government and its agents afe "hot in possession of any resources, abi-- lity, wisdom or altruisth except that which they secure from private life. ermnment, they do not get rid of their Bburdens by attempting to un-- load them on the government." Under -- political~ adm'nistration Pasadena, California, was always short of funds nd creating deficit«. Under business management with a city manager Pasadena has a ca*h surplus. . Moral, business is 50 .per eent more efficient--than polices. _ President Coolidge when he was Governor of Massachusetts declar-- ed: "The alternative to provate ownership and-- control is public ownersh'p and control, Broadly ex-- ing and be gure that he gets retest-- ed cattle,> ] lt'k:, to everyone to see that this o is carried out ef-- fectively, so that the appropriation for cleanup will not be resisted, rCarsatiojws se R ® ulation and its industries by a munt cipal water 'system breaking down. Its gas service which is also muni cipally owned was liable to give way when .the city water maing _ Its electric'lighting plant which is 'privately owned came to the rescue of the people with 80,000 gallons a day free pure distilled water. ; . Why should the people want to unload any kind of public utility ser vice on government which is con-- trolled 'by politics! : > were filled with mud. UNLOADING ON THE GOVERN MENT u'm untested herds, ::dhh'h. ts neart o hn un mprhfion by the supervisors :: p our county man busy,. -- _ farmer buyer should know About games. j > As the interior of the Settlerment gymnasium is still undergoing final touches by carpentéers and plumb-- ers, it is not likely that the full program will begin until the middle of October,' The annual meeting of directors and members of the Settlement or-- ganization will be held Oct. 4, at 8 p. m. Agriculture --has "come baek'"' L. E. more quickly than the other arts) partm and industries, following the gmtl «* war.--(Pensacola, Fla., 'lfiu.) Call The Hattie Barwert Settlement has secured a new divector for girls' work, She is Miss Dorothy Hard-- ing 'of Area, a young woman who bas had vast experience in all kinds of recreational work. In her new position she will have charge of all gymnasium work, and will act as coach: in the girl's basket hball Miss Dorothy Harding of Area to Take Charge of Girls' Work > Let ROY'S Build Your Radio and Save Money! 8SPECIAL --CRYST '--Com with wire, headset, . is uo o. nggisens ns $9.09 12 North TD 2¥ UTZJ9 * 108 North "LITTLE WONDER CIRCUIT#" y Wrlina: aind should prove ety mm Tor sesembly, inslailation at hoven of the Evening American. I » ummmmm"m-.nd:-i it very highly, Our charge for putting it in < M&imgd%mao;rrdu.l&g Memflm ou save from on Radio buying the parts separately and paying a n-'":hm for charge for putdii® it into your home is--..___.... 93990 haven 4 the Chickge Prening: American." n witioen qhojel i & s« ROYV S s Did You Hear That </ :. 2 N. Milwaukee Ave. ioi ./&fl%c"»}, _.z'ni'on:u'n;, 9'4«.:45 * y{m/mn', %44 :%icn(a)nu( cinel Te Rrannict Peauty Vespfpe 5 PMextr M'n' For Appointments Phone Libertyville 438 COMPLETE RADIO SETS WELL CONTRACTOR RCUIT'--This set has its name implies, Our ggs .fi ito your home i8............. ¥ Waukegan installation 2904 Gideon Avenue _ ~HION CITY, ILL. Engines And Water Systems The purpose of th» p'an is to in-- uu::i lulcberiu; &u'bt'f:'{ are pu:-- chasing egys o%f the brced represent ed .J to _ guarantce . puichasers \hat baby chicks f o n state accred't ed hatcher'es will ma'ure: true to breed. , f The new plan 'pr 'kl.du for in-- srwon of farm flocks for purity of breed under the new Illinois farm products inspection act. (8. B. 460.) Those that pass requirements will be placed on a certified list. Hatch-- ceived m Lake, County Farm Bureau from the T no>is Agric |-- tural Association that'a ktate--wido eries will --be accredited under the dng':n'!'be_v will be allowed to pur> eggs only from certified flocks, : Leaders in the promntion of the new 'plan are: J. D. Harper, As~ sistant Secretery of the Illinois Ag-- ricultural Association; C. P. Scott, Chief Poultrman of the Stat» Pe-- partment, University of Of-- interest to pobltrymen in Lake county is the information re-- meeting of poultry breeders angd luwba owners will. be. held in Springfield on Wednesday, October 10, to consider.a plan of inspetion for farm poultry flocks m&- Calling Cards, Register Office. of Head of Poultry De-- $42.75 4 MQubic regy s detaey ; and Dr. do-- # ; ho cdet en