«-- Moving picture stars have told of the mmc without the help of # It is equally wearying .floa"mnma and to be just as animated and ful as though the crowd were thate wn wndience. It is equally wearying .*l"tonmg and to be just as animated and ful as though the crowd were thate Moving picture actors have learned the dificult art of --pantomime, The auccesatul broadcaster will learn to *mcrogs. The result of this state of mind is apt to be an artificial oration of the old fashioned type. The speech comes out at the end of the apparatus, somewhere in the United States, in the impressive but doleful tones of a man throw one's personality into the ¥olce in front of such an ence as a broadcasting ms hy . P3 mpeaker faces the machine and w out with a clever story which ordi marily would put his audience into a responsive attitude,. He tells it as ex-- pressively as possible, and then auto matically he pauses for the response. In the thick silence which follows he his as well as his express "'.'n&m" in may be developed in iInteresting Interest in Voice Increasing. -- . Whether listening: to radio volces, good und bad, in going to make us mwore sensitive to defects in our speech the radio lately, and while she could mnot hear berself talk she made some experiments with voice production and persons listening in reported results. mmmu% When she made aserious #! , ahe tried to put serlousnéss into her «wolee. . The listeners reported that the andlience had really been and bhiad greeted it wnm:uw :. Personality is Transmitted. She found that personality can. be transamitted by radio no less than by telephone.. The best effect was ob-- tained when she talked clearly but in through to the end without any help MRpeech was organized less than thro® years ago, few people gave a thought to the techhique of taiking. Scarcoly an article written 6n the subject could be found in current lterature. Now, the apsociation says that speech is a URve aubjact. Speech clubs arse ftormad, lectures given. Hchools, weifare con ters and women's clubs are arranging courses in speaking. & g, dressod. His brain understands the Mituation perfectiy, but the funny story If you haven't a million dollar face to bring you fame in the movies, don't be too downhearted. Maybe you have a radio voice. : * 4B With radio being developed, and with all sorte of entertainment and in-- formation broadcast over the country, the profession of talking appears to have a brighter future than ever be-- fore. It may even be imagined that in a few years the movie--struck ele ment of our 'population will be re-- placed by & few million individuals all eager to send their goliden voices out to a breathlessly waiting world. Perhaps this is an ekaggerated fore-- cast. The fact remains that radio is bringing the human voice into greater prominence than it has enjoyed for If you listen in often, you are aware that all ~kinds of volces are sent through the air. Some are far more distinct than others. A few have that indefinable atmosphere that we call p i@lity, while many seem fiat and x says the Chicago Daily News. Miss Dagmar Perkins, president of the National Association for American Speech, says that radiodemands a apeech . technique of its own. The apeaker .. ho faces a broadcasting out-- At is often painfully aware :of the great and 'unseen audience he is to address. He realizes that he must speak clearly in order to Bé heard in Arkansas And he is Only too con-- scious of the fact that he must depepd on his voice alone to get the message vates and pronounce words dAlstinctiy. Rut Ih encounters with other human _a plessing wvolce is an ansot Collars and cents valuation. and public speskers have al-- to make their volices fex-- this and resomant because they could mot help seeing the direct conneition between their voloes and the effective wass of their work, More recently par-- swae aengaged in other Unoes of activity have dlscovcred a relationship between The association is trying. to show that language is most useftul when it in used correctiy. A".wh able to get through lifs with siipshop upsach anmd a nasal twang. He can undounbtediy make himself understood without bethering to modulate his much in that direction. Miss Perkins miys, however, that interest in the PERSONALITY IS TRANSMITTED Opens Up New Field for Those NEEDED IN RADIO ~ I| LUIBERTYVILLE having a good time! We have oranges, ~milk, graham g\ l;:'ihlm of fun. Come on A and us in our feast, folks who are underweight, If z:: ean't drink milk, eat fruit. . High School is as fine as silk, _All thin pupils drinking milk « Eixcept those eating -- oranges r:.&' T.~H,. 8. has had a number of ':z&.m » ' .G-MyMSMcamoto; M Oe mm Puomes , in e \.m'uhm Gerda Thorngren, a former student, having a good time! ':'uui- other Beach Party 'night Because of the good players on both -- the teams the tournament games were long and hard to: win. .;l&flnkey Dinks -- deserve much 4 'as to éomingfout the viectors, m h mwon 4 out of 5 games, .. chosen the best players for the dif-- ferent class teams. -- > -- -- ® Well, what do you know about it folks, we've -- started _ a Nutrition and "Our Gang" with Leone Whight man, captain. The Tth hour class had two teams; <the "Red: Hots" with Pearl © Herschberger, captain, and the "Black Sox" with Florence Johnson, captain. j Ole:unewehadtoutatm Nearly bought out the place! If any one wishes to reduce, forsake your records and try dodging cars on the roads around Lake Bluff. Florence says she lost 50 pounds. We arrived at Lake Bluff and flung o_urm artistically on those luxurious, f benches that line the depot. The noble hike representative called the roll and then we-- all departed . in search of food. Personally speak-- ing, L had a worn out nickel when T arose from the remains of a cup of ghocolate and ham sandwiches. The rest of the girls had gone on the car so the four remaining ones, being broke and happy, started for homs. The sun went down and our feet gave out, but we did it. Arrived :~ at 6 p. m. dead tired, but oh, grex Al . . At first of the year the 6th :zd "th hour gym classes were divid 'into Volley ball teams by Miss McNicol, 'The 6th hour class was so large that they had four teams; the "Wearontoits" -- with Lillian Brown, captain, "Rinkey Dinks" with Vera Morse, captain, 'Cyclon-- es" with Rowena Grandy, captain, /. THE G. A. A. HIKE "~Kuithe press agent would 'way, the hike was a "stupendous . success!" There were fifteen of us and we surely "talked off" the weary miles, High School Notes OR PH EU M The only Vaudeville Theatre in Lake County, starting October 17 and 18th, and every Wed-- nesday and Thursday to follow First RunPhotop]ay 1 5 Piece Orchestrin . Three "A Ows daily, !tdevlo M ron at Photoplay 1 hour before vandeville Watch papers for program. Our regular Saturday and Sunday vaudeville runs on the same schedule ... nourishing foods! NUTRITION CLUB L. T. H. 8. NEWS ~ Anna R. Heyman, Mgr. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS heavy on their feet. ship, -:g du.-- o i"br k : as $ r teipation in schoul ractfulliee ohios In order that all have a fair chance in m% eontest is lows are measured by the Next Saturday, the team will play Waukegan at Electric Park, and we hope we will be able to win that game as easily as the rest of the games we have played. tss . last yea In the first quarter Englebrecht and Austin made touchdowns. The 2nd quarter Austin and Rich nfade the touchdowns. <In the last half Baumgartner made a touch down. * Miss 'Winkler, one of last years teachers is now Mrs. Wiltard Porter lt;dd. She is living at Fairmount, Last Friday the football team of the L. T. H.--S. was victorious over Antioch with a score of 82--0; the Ity. _#A & Prfly Instruction was held at L. T. H. S. October 4. It was in-- teresting and well a t How many hot dogs you eat last Friday? Help t* Juniors -- Gladys Swan brought a . piterer plant to Botany class. Charles Lan-- dis brought a calchicum or an au-- tumin blooming crocus.-- . The Freshmen are learning a lit-- tle. So far they have translated, Boni legis caesaris (The Bony legs of Caesar.) > -;;n--r. h"fh' nvhylnt.hmrm is to be an all girl cast. Watch for the ~Miss Eleanor Porter.of Chicazo, formerly a science teacher at L. T. H. S,. visited here last week, ~ ---- The students were dm'ith the musical number by Miss Smith at Thursday's assembly. I am sure that we all ) Pevi!g s'uch a splendid ? nist on ads --furnished Science classes. -- Miss Harriet Dawson v sizter over the week end. _' The Grayslake Times ::.uhd for school notes. That that tg;! must be pretty good. _ _ _ _ _ Miss Gronert years teachers, NOTICE und ability and character. * A certain number of pohz are The teachers athletics points are given ac-- K --to games played and in ATHLETIC NEWS 18 Dawson visited her appreciate by the : also of last at Olinb, JMNi« RESOLVED--that emphasize the hnrumgt!fiflnm we. call upon the mbcuu WMW to inform tha:' " 'so that they may be prepared intelligently meet~the .apposing arguments, > , t#3 --RESOLVED--That | se ops . mcuiieatinn MOHR 0 Law <cwhich. would . admit arguments, . , $ .$ A ¥, --RESOLVED--That .we 'Agclare mmy mM ' ad Law which. weo P Snet win@ or beer or otherwise wea Mm its enforcement; and that we will Whereas, the element to in the Uw'm is y and insidiously flood-- ing the nty with wet propaganda its enforcement; and that we will do all in our power to insure the upon the h%flum of ; who vote work for the re--tention and enforeement of -- The following resolutions -- were e by the Lake County W. C. T, U. in --convention in Waukegan: W&n's Christian 'emperance Union, in convention assembled, gratefully acknowledge the guid-- ance help of our Heavenly Fa-- thu-"fldthe activities of the past year, herewith . renew our alle-- m'g the principles of our or-- to invest in so -- _---- than ren many Theifollowing are only a few of the many prcg:erties we have fo'rfi;g' Considering the times cr%:;ren of prices, they are being offered at remarkably low figures. y with wet p D--that: we emphasize rightss ) giecl w rep upon the members of stueco residence located near Mil-- waukee Avenue. _ Oak trimmed. leaving town and must sell quick-- i9-- Piiced very low." $1000 'cash, IFYOUWANTNM.OIIFYOUWANTNSHL!TEYBN Kreal Entate & Inomenmnen restrictions. You can buy one or m ore of these -- ment down and a few dollars each© month,. -- W1 mmrhomemwmflunaymf"h why @hammflwt': you to becon %UformmfiAcm We are selling a number of large b eautifully located homesites, with County President--Mrs. C °P. Tibbetts, Lake Forest. Ree. OW' iives nd; f ; # Corresponding ----Mrs, Margaret E. Mercer, Treasurer--Miss -- Stella Waukegan. ~-- Delegates will attend the State Convention in Freeport, October 28 RESOLVED That we thank , the y xc ¥ ven us pu y a= . RESOLVED, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of the County W, C. T. U. and that copies be sent to press. Respectfully _ submitted $ Orpha B. gmgl Jennie A. Miller. RESOLVED, That &:n'w kegan W. C. T. U. the wome of the First Baptist church and Tor the beautiful flowers which decorat-- ed the platform. * V Believing that the April primr'-- umd'flmw"w our members to vote and to do a in their power to induce others to ¥LKD, . 'That a copy of lutions be spread upon the ' the County W,. C,. T. U. copies be sent to press. Respectfully submitted, Orpha B. Harding, _ Mary B. Lake, New Real Estate & Insurance tool house, all new. Small pas-- ture with some timbér," ~Balance in crops and meadow, Priced far below its real value. FOR SALE--Thirty acre farm locat-- ed near town, on fine #goad. Fine FOR SALE--Modern Bye room hflvl&tml- Large Mdflhi-m FOR SALE----Good six : house with two lots, o---?»-u. Only $8500, 5 Good soil. It's a real bargain. Records! wi 4 c DECKER & NEVILLE We are closing out our entire stock of Edison Records. $2.00 -- $1.50 -- $1.00 Records Halt C inss aRecords! JUV@s Phone 55 ---- mnu--uo:- farm near town _ Large reom house, mmm&.ma Toh 7. vargain for the man who buys it now. 4 orchard, Priced very reasonable. FOR SALE--Sixty acre farm near garage, chicken house, otis. ¥Fine OR m.--:m:: farm near Aren. Good with elect-- ric lights and running water. Soil m' to kitchen and laundry. barn and siflo, and all amailer buildings necessary for a place of Records! A+