l 10¢ the bar . 12 Bars fi $1.00 --_ _ F. B. LOVELL & CO.| members.= Let all members 'try to be in attendance. After the meet-- ing, dancing will be a feature of entertainment. -- Refreshments ser-- ved. -- Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rogan have a 'hew Hupmobile touring car, "".fi...a..fi""'uu Whit. were x8, ney's brother at McHenry. -- Mrs. -- Peter Mrhoaurulnin? her sister--in--law, and little son, 0: EM"" t from head coun-- cil will be ,_....',&'g. present checks Mthnguhrmnfludfle:z (filiated council of the N merica Union Wednesday, October . « We can offer you your choice of several varieties of # The first visit to this bank will convince even the most exacting that it merits its high place among institutions of this __kin(L f §3 §Z _ We shall be glad to serve you in any way possible on yourt every visit to this Lake County, National Bank We don't know what you are going to depend on for heat this Fall and Winter. But we do know that if it's COAL we are in position to take care of your needs quick-- b-lu.amfid'flhnfodly"*y. THAT'S WHY WE THINK YOU WILL sSsHOW GOOD nmmxr'mcnmmuamm NOW AND ARRANGE FOR WHAT YOU'LL NEED who have This bank was destined from thewm of its conception to be a bank <wh gives superior banking service to dis-- criminating business men and farmers. It has succesfully lived up to its.0 , for a we know absolutely will produce the results you in-- imon. But we can't guarantee the price to stay where DESTINY Franzen's truck $ strues Dy ai" automfobile dri °€"l- Haskett of MeHenry, M > afternoon at the eomner of Mi and Cook ave-- nues. A broken shield was the extent of the dan No one was hurt. ¥*" H / Mr. and Mrs. John ~Mitchell spent Sunday in Chicago. -- Miss Christine Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mré.. W. Smith of this city and Ggoyge, Gregory were ttusiay: October p. M and Mre ¥. Gregory '}'(ill make their home in Rockford Franzen's truck was struck by an a1} 4HE LAKE COUNTY week The Libertyville Parent--Teacher Association will meet ha :Cn Grammar school.> The educator and speaker, Mrs. M. H. mr will give an .u:-.: Mrs. ¥ 18 ch.irlnn Education in Tilinois 'U'm Woman's clubs --and the program committee is fortunate in securing Mrs. Leiber to speak at this meet-- ing. All parents and those inter-- ested in the educating of children sWould make an effort to attend this meeting on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Julius i'-?t- and family and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wil-- son and family motoréd to Rose-- crans, Friday evening 'and partook of the delicious supper given by the ladies of Rosecrans church, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beiriger and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ~Moss-- and two children of Chicago were Liber-- tyville visitors on Sunday, _' . Miss Rosabelie Hagerty enter-- tained company from Chicago on Sunday. . ' . Miss Stella Langworthy, who is teaching domestic science at Brook-- field, visited her parents-- over the week end. day. *Mrs. Mamie Hansen visited her daughter Ethel, at DeKalb on Sun-- Mr. and Mrs. C. 1. Casey and family motored .to DeKalb on Sun-- day and visited Miss Dorothy Casey who is attending the Normal school in that city. 'l'bay also --saw the other L. T. H. 8. students who are there, Miss Ethe!l Hansen, Miss Narbeth Jones, Miss Adeline Ander son and Miss Bertha Wirtz.-- home of her daughter at Passiac, N. J. on October 8. We gave the initials as G, R. in our last issue in ufiertantly.- Mrs. Schanck was the widow of . the pioneer _' hardware merchant of Libertyville, *#G. H. Schanck. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton t'l' and little daual::er. who ve been spending past week with Mr. Staples' mother Mrs. Mary Brown left for Long Beach, Cal., on Mon-- day. They expect to make> their t ~present. ' w L. Sayre spent Friday in _ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Liss and daughter visited relatives in Chi-- on Sunday. 'h Whigam and wife at-- tend a reunion of the Whigam and Taylor families in Chicago. All were present except Col. m who is up north in h trying to corral a » Welch, Lil, Haariek, Sandman and Hoskins, were in attendance at the County Con-- vention of the W.C,. T. U. at Wan-- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Disney and family spent Sunday at Des Plain-- es, Ill., with Mrs. Disney's brother, F. Robinson. « & Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Peters visit-- ed Barrington : relatives Sunday. Mrs. Maud Rork of Beverly Hills, California, visited at the E. A. Aus-- tin home last week. She left for h'xr ..au" L'i;&mm Mr. and Albert Labart of Chi-- . Mrs. 8. P. Majors spent the tend a reurnion and Taylor fam the family were W.H,. Whigam the woods tryin Mesdames W week end with friends in --Wauke-- H Mrs. G. H. Schanck died at the RAY FURNITURE & PAINT STORE AR'S WORTH OF VALUE EVERY DOLLAR SPENT: s what the hou h:rrd dernands. Poo;l: o buy rags aad furniture at F less invested in fi-:'. We fi!fl"i it Interested in 10706 fuok rnot.hmlnm wan e m&nl. Furniture ' Personal and Local Items of Partieular Interest to Our Libertyville Readers Libertyville, Friday and | evenin ga & PAINT of Mr, 'and -. f orgh Cleveland and two chikire | have been spending : the: su the home of Mrs. Cl an ants, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hig U sail Satur-- day from ¥ Y¥ for their home in Buenos Aires, 'A. They left Libertyville, '-'" orning and will spend a few days in Chicago and New York before they embark. Fish at the P | Kansas; > state fish hatchery are being fed by elec-- tricity, light buibs are plac-- ed at the edge of the fish ponds and moths, millers ad other insects are attracted by the light. <The water beneath the lights 18 soon covered with the inteets which the fish de-- vour eagerly. --~-- _ >~ * Corals, whose bodies build into reefs, are car \;@., &ccording to a scientist commeeted with the Unit-- od States Geploglea! Sur:>< Beef juice, crab meat and fish were of-- fered. The _'_"' B8 at the outer edge of the goral golony began to juice, crab m fered. The tentacles edge of the flv appear, -- Then the : edge of the cor fv*flom began to appear, --Then the stimulus was UYansmitted to Other members of the colony utitil the surface of the specimen hw out like. a flower. © No "Kkind of pureiy vege-- table food mmby any one of the numerous species investigated. PUBLIC AUCTIO® ? On the W. H. Hutfilz; farm 114 miles : north@a: f Zurich ..a 2% miles southwest of Gilmer on the Lake Zurich and Wauconda road .__sSATURDAY, OCTOBER 20 Commencing M 1230 p. m. Sh: Usual terms of sale. * WY. H. HUTFILZ, Autiimn R: WEDN ¥, OCTOBER 10, the Club House -- Phones 24 .!l' EAT POR, Beginning Thursday half or whole loins Per io. ... BE ... suilalll.... .. . .. .. 206 Fresh Pork Butts, per Ib......... ... . ... .. 19¢ Swift's Wmcfi.mm averaging . .. from 3 to 12 per Ih.......... . .. .. . /~ 208 Take home a pound of Bunte's delicious olates, per lb-& «% AY@.Y ¢ ++ ndniti 4 SATURDAY IS NATIONAL ~CANDY DaAY 430 N. . Schnaebele Sunday. . Gridley re-- kh auto trip cky, and Ray, iph Bulk-- 1 fish-- onsin Fri-- reports of the to send on account '_-- shipping wisited Mil jed a. show Given by the WANTED--Young man 18 years of age or over «~to work in grocery and market, Steady employment for right l'ld be able to drive Fomv'ry ear, Appli-- cation mm{ made in writing. Address "N, KH." care Lake Coun-- Ladies Home Journal $1 per year, Subscribe now, Mrs. Gertrude Oler-- dorf, authorized agent, Libertyville. Phone 90. 3 76--t€ FOR-- SALE--Winter -- pears $1.00 per bushel. Gordon Ray, Area, AUDITORIUM Tmms TONIGHT . VERA GORDON ALMA RUBENS Fri. & Sat. Oct: 12--13 ee Ave. Iilino 66 Too Late to Classify "The Love Gambler" A THRILLING WESTERN "Who Are _ My -- Register, Libertyville, -- 79--tf JNO GILBEBRT in Rustle of Silk" rents?" TO--4t Half Day, Smart's orchestra. Wednesday, October 24. Dance at Ivanhoe Woodman Hail, given by Area Baseball team. Saturday, October 13. Dance .at Hertle's Pavilion, Half Day, given by Jolly Four. R. N. A. «lance at Hortel's . Park W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. INSURANCE is PROTECTION plus INVESTMENT - There is no obligation in asking information Or | advice. I am always glad to be of service.f,' #4 FORREST FLAGG OWEN -- Agent -- 233--W _ _ Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company COMING EVENTS ~WE HAVE ALL KINDS OF MATERIAL 9 . . FOR REPAIRS OR NEwW Look After Your Phone 47 Down by the Old Depot COAL, COKE AND WOOD Before Cold Weather Zeal In Serving You GET BUSY The First National Bank You've Wasted Whole Weeks of Your Life Libertyville Lumber Co. For The Housewife We have the ONE place---------- a safety deposit box---------------- where your valuable papers are always safe and always available. Lot of Odd Sash For Sale -- Just the Thing for Poultry and Hog Houses paper or papers which have It costs only a few cents a' everyone wastes weeks of time hunting for a valuable Over a period of years, Resources More Than A Half Good Time to Get Your A. LAWRENCE MILLS, Owner TO BUY COAL wk Resister of Merit Stock PAGER FIVHY o ¥I k ¥P