| DEERFIELD | The barn on the Carl: Mau prop-- erty is to be moved to the back of the lot and remodeled into a house. It will face Second street. _ : A musical program was given by Mr. and Mrs. Dore Ester of Chica-- , at the Sunday services :: the Evnnnlicd'm Mrs. Ester whistled four selections and hber husband played two violin solos. The orchestra of the Evangelical church will enjoy: a--chop suey sup-- per, Monday evening. Mrs, Conrad Uchtman --and two children returned Sunday from a week's visit with Uchtman's mother Mrs. C. H. Johnston of Lockport, HWMilinois. ; Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Easton spen: the week--end with their daughter, Miss Virginia, at the University of Iilinois in Urbana. The E. L. C. E. of the Evangel-- Address: 928 North Ave. Waukegan, DL FRED GRABBE Auctioneer Farm and Livestock Sales Telephone Waukegan O19--¥--4 * Watchfortlnmnnoumt of our formal opening, but in the remember we will be glad to have you come in and inspect our new Fall models. The formal opening of "Waukegan's Newest and Finest Men's Store" %pfim until Saturday, October 20, owing to an una y encountered in completing our So as not to disappoint our many friends who have already manifested a desire to select their new Fall clothes at this time, our store will be open for bisiness iin the meantime beginning Staurday, October 18. _ *%@7 . --October 19, 19 --Friesian Ass'n. is t C Wmm CONSIGNMENT SALE L':';.QE-:. * Genesee and Water Streets Waukegan, Illinois > Announcement Remember the . Lake County Holstein ----Friesian Ass'n. Sale Starts at 10 A. M. at Fair Grounds A Real Buyer's Opportunity to buy good ones at YOUR OWN PRICE Julius H. Sinykin Waukegan were the dinner guests of The other which occurred on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gunckel, Sunday, was more serious, and C,. W. Peter-- Mrs. J. A. Reichelt, Jr. attended son, the ~ten year old son of Mrs. a board meeting of the Tenth Dis-- Julia Peterson is recovering from trict Federation of Women's Clubs the effects. "Dubbie," as he is Rosemary Terrace. had been very fortunate before, in Mr. and Mrs, William T. Hutchi-- not having a single accident to the son ~and daughter, Miss Frances children while on the streets, but Hutchison . and Julian Roguier of last week there were two accidents. : Bunday at the home of Mr. and Mre. g:y Reeds were Mr. and Mrs. George Griswald, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Townsend and son Thomas, and Mrs. Sarah Kemp, of Wau-- Mr.--and Mrs. William Hellman and ._two children of Wankegan spent Sunday with Mrs, Hellman's wister, Mrg. Julia Peterson,. _ THE LAKE COUNTY RECISTER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1s, 1923 + % 'mc;: be a lesgson to the Ray _ ,.,field to be care! TLE in C Anan ,;I;-J'Mmdid, u' w ','} n into cus.- tody by the police and -Igenlt( the | week end in t ..f.: FH 14g1114 ', :!'n':a::, M e n A g) ldwb"ln:'. he live ; Highwood. ubbie no broken bones, but Dubbie l"cd'fl,_ roker a. us d, 3 was badly b ised an« 'l ,.d.\ one front tooth was 1 ken. . t was only a month ago t at he b.oke his arm while playing fwyi')w."' A_ :\'ealthy member of the Briergute Go|f/ Club, for whom Dul :fiffi;} s, hes o°-- ered E ; yer as>ist in 'f)u s h.'o h" ) Népct yosggl Th","(' two nishing the sBeeder. accidents within ~days ought to could not do i't' ' went aslvay. I waited a . few 'mi utt..- onger then . Felix (ring eame along and got the nut lo 'Z?? me --with a chisel. We the good whee} on, but it I not fit so we cut a-- ;round the hub with a chisc!, we put t on the nut and the whee! wou'}d not !'tnru so we took it Off and put some grease on and then it went well, | and 1 was able to go home. * called 'fll& bi Bycle in front of his'lu-o. on the paved Deerfield-- Highland Park B wd, when a car erashed into knoeking him un-- conscious© and ahing the bicycle. The car leaving the child lying in m'& i¥ .Barngrover, who was passing, P up the un« conscious form al .&'y- Ned him up--~ stairs to his home ',. amoned his mother who is ' we» at Kl\@k'g, The Johnston boys Wexre fllo'.paas_lng and they trailed the upeeding car with their Ford . w&, ight up to it. They demanded the man return, and he did. He: %% en into cus-- lody by the p@Me@ MRA spent the field t streets, streets. You think your eyes are a when as a matter of ~you are not efficient y caight is ocfective." be eyes is e Tair to your eyes and your-- self, why d;i;hy angha be sorry you did so; ps in the near future. P¢ ~'I went with fi";'&" lay morning and I brike one front whee! on my wago. ce s A boy from town that I knew put my milk on :i fon and he led his horse behind. Then we went home and took the eans off, and got another wheel : 4 . _ wrench. We cou!l not get th @ nut loose on--the axle, _ _ 5 WBR : A man »stopped. . tried ; but could not do it and Be went away. tal over Tortolse M" . E8 from most of the tropical countries and the an-- nual sales of-- orld do not to-- LAAA GLASSELS «2 * ME INVISIOLE CiPDCRALS HANDICAPPED D PO8ITIVELY KNOW WHAT _ AID YOUR Bw; And --Scientifically we Them Made Effcient With Glasses wom--AC§)] Gffmmeae Chamber of Commerce Building ----Upstairsg--._ sight in one pair of lenses, without hump, seam, or line, and don't make you look old KRYFPIOHK Protect Your Earnings 24; 1--8 me, on the p2 I i!'u'km:'" nto him, kn K c & sped on, t the road. Mr .Ba: passing, pléeked uy Having bmm for sudden emergencies is possible aonly when you have saved a part of your salary or wages. Start with & small deposit if necessary. In-- )? crease it as you can and soon you will have .. a substantial interest--bearing account, and . a feeling of safety, contentment, pride and _ «at We far 10--12; '2. He was a well known and much . respected ~regident -- of qg(r town. "Many relatives and friends attend-- ed the funeral from Half Day | church. Rev. Edward Wilcox offici-- 'ated. A ladies' quartette san> and the Woodmen Lodge . of which he was a member also took part in. the \ceremony. He was laid to rest in ;\'erno,u- cemetery. at Half D.y. and many beautiful flowers covered his !gnve.. T=c ) 4* tal iPueefully. dreamlessly sleeping, Free from all sorrow and care; ' Abiding: in Lau everlasting, -- Awaiting his loved ones there, . Marshall Wylie motored out from Chicago last Saturday night, with his mother and sister, Margaret and attended the dance at Hertel's, The funeral of Louis: Krueger, age 60, who died on the evening of September 20th, after' a few --days ilIve«s caused by a stroke of paraly-- sis, was held on Tuesday October Mr.~ and Mrs, William CGruik-- shank 'of the Oakwood Farm an-- nounce the birth of a baby boy. He arrived on Sunday, September 30, Herman Albright 'of . Waukegan spent a few hours in our !i'l town, making calls on folks last Sunday afternoon. They were lad to see him. s ybody enjoyed the dance at Hm given by the Roy-- al . Neighbors ~of ~Libertyville,-- last Saturday There was good ;nusihC. d dancing and good unch:; 4," to the little fellow. _ The Chi Alpha Eta Club met in the hall of the church on the even-- ing of September 28th. It was a sort of stunt night and while per-- "bnnil'" imy 7.'0 "strtnp uamt} it happened that : Elizabeth Rocken-- Friday " eveping, October 5, & | large number of parents turned' outl and took part in the program . of the -- Parent--Teachers'> Alsociltion! meeting. 'They elected Mr. Bert Small as president, Mrs. Wallace Lockhead, viece president; liu,Ly-; dia Meyer, secretary and Miss An--' na Gerbert, treasurer. Judge Per-- sons of Waukegan spoke on various subjects and a pleasant time was spent. A!! parents are requested to atten thm_m'ng'on the eve-- nins of the first . Friday ~of each mon h. Rememb'r the date of the next meeting is November 2nd, bach fell and sprained her ankle. Well anyway a real sport suffers and smiles at the the same time. | '@&Saumhymwm' went horseback -- riding in The Lake County Register is the only semi--weekly newspaper in the a comectiam ¥ . J t "prdmnalnvdho added, will turn ol Scnncd 'and Isded bair besuth and luxuriant. Just a few g':'mmnnflfl thg., streaked of gray. cage Tca and Suiphur ree TO DARKEN HAIR l APPLY SAGE TEA Look Young! Bring Back Matural Color, Gloss and HALF DAY Attractivencss a long and happy life N4 Mr. and Mrs. Anhmé" miehb" heim and family spent y af-- :ernoon with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Sa;or and fugly [¥ § rs. Henry Tonne spent Monda with her daughter, Mrs. _ Edwin Roder at Area. 4 < Miss Luella Herschberger spent Sunday evening with . Ethel Umb-- denstock. -- ® y Mr. Harth of Arlington Heights spent a few days last week with his son, Elmer and family.> -- Mr. and Mrs. John Hans were Lake Zurich callers Sunday after-- noon. & * Mrs. Albert Moldehnhauer had the misfortune to step on a nail and in-- jured her foot quite severely. -- _ ~ Mr, Henry Tonne-- was on the sick list severa) days this week,. town s-m'mgu. . Mr.; and Mrs,. W Sauer and son, 'Victor of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Vietor Sauer and dau* _~Mr. and Mrs. George B. Umbden-- stock were Libertyville callers Sat-- Lambert lvmd'M apent the week end his parents, Mr. Messrs Victor Sauer and William Geaska were business callers at Li-- bertyville, Saturday afternoon. _ ~Miss Cora Gosswiller of Liberty-- ville spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Charles Gosswiller. Mr. and Mrs. Adoiph Kalkbrenner of Palatine were callers in our Miss Lillie Sauer returned home Thursday mlam after spending several ~days --~ her. brother, William _ and family -- at Crystal Mr. Albert Sauer was a Palatine caller Thursday afternoon: and Mrs, Stephen Keiler. 4 qnl:ln Emma K:'lthbnmr.of P\::; Saturday evening Holen'mfiu. Mr. and --Mrs. Wirters' of Chicago spent: Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Umbdenstock and family. sons, Paul and Earl of Area spent Sunday with Mr.--and Mrs. Charles Herschberger, Jr. -- . 7 Some men have to haul the corn, and one has to feed the corn to the gilo filler. The corn goes througt a pipe and then into the silo and some men have to tramp it down in the silo to that the silage will not spoil. _ SBilo Filling R First the farmer has to cut his corn and when he has enough corn they start to fill gsilo. In a month the silage goes down one--slxth of its height. rFioup} Snow', Auto Livery DaY AND NIGHT TAXI SE®RVIC! FOR SALE--Winter pears $1.00 bushel. Gordon Ray, Area, fn'n'..:..n..ac-u AQ--At FOR SALE--1923 Ford Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bunn enter-- ined company on Sunday. 4 HOUSE AND LOTS----B _ Sold, Loans made, Inso in Austin Phone 16. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Roder and P Sergeren Stotk | Stock _ Awo miles west -- ~Phane 218--J--2. FOR SALE--Five pure bred Hamp-- Te oo e, fatgg n Carl Schreck, phone k * s SAue shictens. Phoue 266--#. Minimum charge, 2%¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: b¢ per line per insertion. ummunm.rummm to aall, nuncfi-mnlnmm-finhunmu eolumns. Y.'fl"'l* ' Mh-wn-m'.mm&hhfi county hu-bonna--laqmnuum-lm' your wants known here. A trial will convinee you. onions, Sugar carrots half length. Peter Petges. Phone §02--W, No Aalivere is i h'" 1, C. 1. Casey R SALE---- self feeding E Beautifully nicki¢ "ooe C w--1, Area, Th 80. ) Highland Park 208 phone 2fil-W-l. 'b " U 9 sv,f- P phone Phone Libertyvilie, 808 LONG GROVE Classified Ads MNe. We are decorating the school _ -- house for Hallowe'en. e noall., oamd Mr. and Mrs. Nehmer and sons, _ called at the home of Mr. Mr ';":% 3 Sprague and Mrs. George NXes . ; DR. J. L. TAYLOR Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park Rudoiph Vieech went to go Saturday afternoon and stayed a Sunday night. te aty. $a October 18. 2 Ey Blanch and Florence Schuler spent Sunday with Ruth and EWK-- zabeth Rockenbach. T Mr. and Mrs. Rockenbach spent Sunday in Barrington, # C Telephone 66 Hertel's pavalion . Saturday night, Mr. Ward and sons, spent Sunday in Glen View. r x\ es A new furnace was put in our school house last week. ©------ _ ----_, ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National Bank Building. Telephone 57 _ LIBERTYVILL] Luce Bldg. . Several people in the hbor-- hood are filling silo and baling z this week. hh 44° ~Evéerybody is invited to attend a Hours 9 to 12 A. M. and 1 to 7 P. M. .. Assistant State Veterinarian DR. 0 --~F. BUTTEREFTE] son, George, moved SsAVE YOUR EYES ----CONSULT DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON WAUKEGAXNX LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR . I saw it in the Register. W ANTED--Young man 18 years in o aoh . work in Riteal Electronic Method of Diagnosis HE BOVGHT HIS SECOND BULL Mr. and Mrs. George Schafer and _ _ Bull Milking l-fi'u 1e :: ::3 months; lightning set fre to his barn and destroyed everything in-- * cluding his Buil machine. f n.-..a-c-nuq: 6: He was satisfied with his Airst o.i""'""':'-": DR. J.--H. HESLIN Treatment of Chronic Diseases Kaiser Bldg., Over Gazs Office Professional Services cnmtrts * © 5 ~ Eqst TRIP SCHOOL. NEWS B. H. MILLER Telephone 152--W PAGE