-- STATION MASTER FOR YEARS DEAD This is the type of model dairy xn urged by delegates to the World's Dairy Congress, in ses-- slion in Washington. The light, air Frank Pettey, 62, Well -- Known Wadsworth Res-- ~-- ident, Is Taken _ j _Petty, who Jlived ---- at . Riverside, Chicago <subarb, ~for the last' few yeara, died 'of heart trouble Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Petty is the brother--in--law of A. G. Taylor, #24 Thir] Street, Waukegan, groc-- erv and meat market owner. Oldt;imen of the city and county' in m es + were surprised Tuesday to hear of ; IMPORTANT L. T. H. S. LIBRA-- the death of Frank Pettey, 62 ye;rsi RY CHANGES, FOR BETTER-- old, formerly of Wadsworth where' MENT OF SERVICE .. ho was wtation master for ml' 1.. A. request for any book will years. ; Sier be made out on a slip found inside Pottey-- was station agent at Wadsworth 20 years -- and from there_ was sent to finq City where he was made head bookkeep-- er for a railroad for 15 years; He was well know about Wadsworth and ~left. many -- friends when he moved to Kansas City. _ °" ons Dgpekae rannk a widew Burial was at Milbourn cemetery at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Masonic --services were held. gate Inn, Waukegan road near the county line, was fined $150 and costs in the County court Friday morning on a charge of having violated the prohibition law. He was taken into ecustody Sunday by the sponge squad. LIGHT FINE FOR OWNER OF HOTEL Joseph Reynolds of Brier-- gate Inn Assessed $150 in County Court Reynolds pleaded guilty to (a charge of possessing liquor and was shown leniency because it was his Arrested with him was Max Stet-- fell, employed at the inn. He did not appear -- Friday. The sponge squad purchased $11 worth of .liquor in the inn Sunday ::;'wd the proprietor into cus-- @« Reynolds declared ir that he purchased the the usual "stranger." ord in the navy added in court _ Jerry Wanka, North Chicago, also taken on a capias for alleged viola-- tion of the dry law was rseleased in bonds in the County court, He *is arre«ted some days ago. Joseph Register Want Ads bring resul's Trial Bottle Will Convince DAIRY CONGRESS ADVOCATES MODERN BARN Interior of the model barn, showing light and cleanliness of building and stalls, , owner of Brier-- Hi "Rheumatism h described under many tie f mu:!d'r flige and nue: ever, * ular rheumatism. mflmflmm' affects the joints, but no matter where the trouble seated, it is the same disease, and n&n' practically the same treat-- THIS MEDICINE can be obtained at Pearce's Drug Store and Curleec's Drug StolenbgnudNo.CMu"o,Duhr & 'Neville, Libertyville, 1!1., or they do not happen to have it in stock you can get a bottle by parcel post by addressing . Some Things You Ought to Know About ~ RHEUMATISM rom li AV BEBB JONES end extreme cleanliness obtdubh' in thistype of barn makes it ideal, say dairymen. The congress is the| first big world--wide Congress held in | If you-- want--an interesting News Department and. of course ydw do, help it so, by sending in well writ-- ten, snappy items regarding. school Let us have something of inter-- est to all readers of this paper,. _ 1.. A, request for any book will be made out on a slip found inside the back cover © = * 2. No book can be. returned: with out: the librarian's notice. . . Classification ~of Books in Library Library service this year, under the supervision of Miss Aurelle, has proven -- very satisfactory through cooperation and special efforts to-- ward betterment. -- The above plans 4. Do not fail to have the two--| as a distinct class, being termed as week time limit extended in case| somewhat vulgar, This is entirely more time is desired for completion.| uncalled for, since it is not a diffi-- GET -- BUSY, MAROONX . AND 3. -- All books may be easily locat-- ed as they have been classed under different headings. * are on a few weeks' trial and we trust aid ip progressing the use of| *The first report cards of the yeat made their appgarance on' Monday. Can . you imagine all the "Oh's!" and "Ah's!" that were echoing through the halls? Of the 230 stud-- ents there were four who received "A" in al! subjects,. Myrtle Hubbard Alfred Snider, Seniors and Margua-- rite Brumn and Elinor -- Coreoran. mophomores, were the ones who re-- eeived the highest grades. Why Librarians Go Insane One. of our high school boys asked the librarian for a copy of "Viens--and Adnoids," a search thru the books on physiology failed to reveal any such title. He was asked lbh"flnmthorandhen; plied, "Why, Shakespeare, I guess. It was discovered that he wanted "Venus and Adonis=." --This is comparable to--the woman who 1 "She Sat in the Wood Box"m was found to be "The Satinwood Box." LAKE ~ High School Notes FREE OF CHARGE By T. LIBERTYVILLE CATTLE TESTED for Tuberculosis y U. 8. Government Veterinarian D. --C. GRINNELL l--m h Charge Phone Libertyville 329 LIBERTYYVILLE, --ILLINOIS OWbee. with Farm Bureau as well as speeding up the JUST CHAFF GRADES Washington since the agrms parley very topic of interest to dairy own ers is discussed. 9 You are dlways welcome. Amons this week's -- visitors were, Luella Hook and Caroline Butterfield, on Tuesday. 12 ~wr. a cult :matter to stop and say a word of politeness, when needed. _ Brush Up On Your Manners Tov=often we find people in 'so great a hurry that they forget to be polite. Generally this type is set apart from the rest of a community, as a distinet class, being termeq as Lila day One of L. T. H. S, most interested' _ When sponges of friends, Mr, Averill on Thursday. --| became popular they Mabet Hans from Long Grove, on | ten cents a J now Friday. %> hBR 9 .. ,eommando'nt K p Del-lveryoné in the Domestic Sck::e partment is rejoicing over ~the fact that the board. has presented them with two new ovens. These are @tuipped with the Sarraine Heat Regulator. Under the capable instruction of Miss: Wallace, they are planning to bake some wonder-- fully good things to eat, --> Personals _ . _ C Every day is visiting dayeat L. T. The Reliable Laundry Launderers, Dry Cleaners & Dyers LET US D0 THE FAMILY WASH Umbdenstock, on Wednes= 25 Thbs. Wet W a Rough Dry, Flat--Pi Ironed, Wearing Appare! starched qv ed 25 Ibs. or over 10 cents per pound.. Under 25 Ibs. 11 gents per pound. J# =" Ki Family wash finished complete. \A Let us Dry Clean and Press your suits. Dresses, skirts, conts, etc. _ -- We also dye beautifully. ue Launderers, Dry Cleaners & Uyers Libertyville ? Highland Park > Phone Libertyville 67--R --___-- News 25 Ibe..or under for $1.25.. Over ents for:;gqgh additional pound. 2 FhFPk? Ironed, Wearing irched flU ryed 2 lIbs. or over r pound.. Under 25 !bs. 11 gents M The .fi".. . Ya | Are we on our henor ?" Yeu | are all proud to say that w well--as--providing that you have had I t son, but it is w "',« tient one to'! excuse us. Let us, then, try to be more careful and 88e if we cannot | improve our manB@®® by "bringing' them along with us, t leas: once in | a while."~ / ~---- t¥A A2 A G | ridor Bince so much mds, then, or your manners, | it --we --are s( slack ? e is may be a rea Mr. m "Antroduced the} honor system in (, H. S. and it is proving very beessful as well as teaching the s to be honefit] at all gmfl. Do you know what it means to be on y0Ur honor?" . It means that we c ' left without a teacher at any tim during a test or otherwise, and Can be «<cpended upon to study or W¥ite without help just as we would if the teacher were there. If during a test we are left without a teacher, We are asked to sign a pledge ofi"fir papers. 'The pledge.is: We have ncither given or received aid in this work. became popular they were sold for| ten cents a mow some grades command-- over $6 & pound. 4 areful Cé mt'l lfl ifl ' to 'i)! w assortments, sty quality : and especially the es on our price tags, will #0 you the fact that you _have known this store before. ~ -- ; We Mluh our work and truly give better service thaa the average furniture stors. We Furniture and Rugs are Our Specialities. > ng else. * COME IN AND LOOK AROUND Ne should not be polite, however, the teachers yisi; A lllu & prac-- : of it among _fellow class-- n ~as well,. to display a od set of m in the cafe-- RAY FURNITURE & PAiXT STORE s. -- Watch the result has said, instead : r"mt'@: deal more ) "y. mm' Or "f ly you D* ra' 1 in your ':ers Mjn'.uyou In Hl'im" *' t -- or you'.". l what the| of saying -- it soundl} | and cul--] 'sir?" Im.] la--first | the Cor on y Reduce Your Fuel and Doctor Bills " _ Built like a battle-- ship of Rudy Char-- eoal Iron these mas-- sive castings absorb all the heat from the burning gases and fil a constant, even temperature. wal 7 The matv corru-- g ate d _ combustion chamber causes the gases to mix and burn more completely. With 35 square f radiating surface to eve uare foot of grate sur-- face this powerfld% GEN%RATES and D%IgquERS more g:.t with less fuel. _ It will save 1--8 to 1--2 on your fuel bills and keep the doctor away. That's why we recommend and sell it. s " 8 Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee RsR. Co. . 2 -- was gwarded The First Charles A. Coffin Medal Th e This award is made annually Competition is open to all electric lines in the United States Not an Expense But an Investment . ~*~*~ at "Xhe. convention --_ _ --." American Electric Railway Association October 11th, 1923, at Atlantic City LIBERTYVILLE TICKET OFFICE , Telephone Libertyville 74 K HARDWARE CO. North Shore Doctors tell us that ordinary heatinig p thndomtwh.hrhumidinamm'K?o the family's health. -- Breathing ffi poisonous g& thm vgtfi.ins ofrtd bro me the easy rmmonh, n-- chitis, tuberculosis. They tell us seventy per centbfi: our children have adenoids and tonsil trou e ; The Rudy Hy--power Furnace is indorsed by doctors and users for its ability to deliverd:: mo(i)skt; invigorating air free from dust, gas smoke. LIBERTYVILLE % K4 99