d y [**t -- AREA * H. C. Meyer, Harry Pfannestill ~ afnd R. J. Lyons motored to Chicago on Thursday. . f $ ha ~~* Miss Rose Weise and Miss Han-- \*nab Schneiderman of Chicago were mmu at the home of Mr. Area Congregational Church Rev. C. Arthur Jevyne, Minister. 10 A. M. : Sunday School, % 11:15 A, M. Morning Service. Sub-- called on Mrs. Zersen Tuesday, Mrs. Viola Caldwell entertained her ¢lub from Chicago on Thursday. Townsend Smith . of Winthrop Harhor was an Area visitor Tues-- The Area Ladies Aid Bazaar will beheld on November 15 at the Com-- mammmw Dolph and Mrs. Will Vickery were Waukegan shoppers Monday. Mrs | Scthroeder of Libertyville Harbor was an day. Smith, Mrs. C. G,. Small, Mrs. Henry Kueblank and Mrs. E. Wilcox attended the county meeting of the Royal Neighbors at Libertyville on Wednesday. -- Mrs. Frank Baum-- wartner was one of the new mem-- _ Mrs. Walter Stark entertained friends from Evanston Wednesday evening. . n u. bers who joined that day. 8. L. Tripp was a Chicago busi-- ness visitor Monday. . Dean Aynsley of Highland Park ealled on J. H. Aynsley and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Burdick Sunday. 1 _ Mrs. George Ross,-- Mrs. F.. M. Harding and Mrs. S. L. Tripp at-- tended the Wednesday afternioon meeting of the Woman's Club at the home of Mrs. Brewerton of Liberty-- ville.: A!ll the Area and Libertyville Grammar and High School teachers 'were guests of the club. Mrs. Wm. Eddy returned Tuesday after spending the week end in Chi-- ject, "The Art of Living." 7:30 P. M. Evening Service. "The :~Courage® of Jesus." 'The young people will meet at the Community*House, Tuesday evening at seven o'clock. +. "% The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts will meet at the Community House next Thursday evening;~ ° OUR XMAS PRESENT --TO YOU For those who will help relieve us from late holiday rush work by coming early, we offer a gift worth while. For two weeks only--Octo-- ber 18th to : November 5--we will present with each dozen e phsyohrdtdeeotlbuim :inudm eolor _ portrait. or minous flesh--toned sepia. These are ten and fifteen' dollar styles, for use with or without frames, finish-- ed with handsome ivory--tint, plate-- sunk mountings, 'Can be had in M.Mc--hflmm&o original of "your We invite you to call at our new Libertyyille studio and see these and other late styles. C. A. HONEYWELL, En-- mm.tunu_nn.m MRS. M. L. CHANDLER R. D; Cook, Mrs. Townsend BIG * GVAUDEVI 2 ACTS ORPH EU M Vempsey CGibbons Fight Pictures July 4, 1923 WAUKEGAN , ILLINOIS Monday and Tuesday WATCH ANNOUNCEMENTS im Every Wednesday, Thursday Saturday and Sunday Small, Mrs. O better grades SINC® _ "" Credit is earned by wn who raise &A g, dust our desks an drinking water, The new 'janitor we have for Our school is William, Zimmer, He started work Monday. By error last week our editor 'mimfiuwolloa'h Fincut-- ter from the list of those who were moettuutmd'neeforfiom name makes the list fourteen in number, © _ Joe Ptagzynski was cutting corn with a Johnson corn binder: He was cutting Monday, Tuesday, Wed-- nesday. and Thursday. till noon. Half of the corn is shocked. Gilbert Haismg was . filling silo Monday, Tuesday and. Friday after-- noon. s Charles Ostick was filling silo for Gilbert Haisma. The name of the filler is International and they used a Titan tractor. t it Albert, . Marie -- and . Robert Schwandt went Sunday to Chicago to visit their relatives.> They jour-- neved in their Chevrolet., m&l--rfi(m cography class is making a record of the temperature, wind and weather conditions each, day. _ ~ Alex Skwarkowski hada . cluteh for an International engine made at the Hardware Foundry, North Chi-- .._ A LITTLE .BIRD_ Once there was a little bird who wanted to learn how to Ay. The bird's mother went out into thWesfield to find something for the bird to eat, but the little bird said to him-- self, "I'll learn how to fly and get .The bird. started from the tree anil fell to the_ground; he ealled his mother; but.she did not hear, #o he sat there and waited. The mother her baby bird. --~The two stories this. week are written by Bessie Miller and Gert-- rude : Schwandt of 'the . seventh ecame to the nest and did not know what to do when she couldn't find The bird saw his mother in the m and he said, "tweet, tweet" and mother saw her baby in the grass so she went to the bird and asked him how he got down there and the little bird said he wanted ""flyr M hm M_. t.n'__ ."Well," said his mother "be «a good bird, and eat your dinner and I: will teach you how to fly." s The 'bird ate his dinner and was very good, so his mother said, "Now I will teach you how to fly." _ --~ Effort is being TRUCKING W. E. Volkmin BY JOB OR HOUR PHONE 2%2--R. MADDEN SCHOOL med by the willing raise and lower the desks and provide the ring made to obtain :il:gethow-fl_l In two hourg"the little bird--could, _ PR AJ! fly very well, and he went, and hel _ _ _ & went out into the world and got the! ~ Everybody rest of his food. 8. 8. Conventic LITTLE DUCK TRIES HIS V t".'.'d Frida Once a little duck wanted to g out into the wide world to try His voiee, As he went along he met a dog; who said, "Bow--wow." The duck said, "I think I'H talk. that way." He tried, but could not, & ----He. went. on and . he. méet _A _6 who said, "Moo--00." -- That is N pretty sound, I think P talk that way" said the duck, but could nots He walked on until he saw | his mother, coming toward him; she said, "Quack, quack." -- The little duck said, *I think I'll talk that way.". H: very well, The fifth grade is ' lowe'en. ; § 'Mr. John. E. Barrett is fixing his vacant house. j $ Bob Rockenback hauled two loads of coal for the school on Monday., The lower grades are dramatizing their stories. t 4 © Mr. .and Mrs. Farner and family are moving into their new house. The dance given by The . Jolly Four was well attended by many and: enjoyed . by all. . :. _...=:. . ~Mr. and Mrs. J. Catlon and sons and Sam Wolf of Barrington spent Sunday at .Mr. and Mrs. A, O. Rockenback's. & ® ~*Emilia Wendland"~is. attending German school at Wheeling. Mr. and Mrs, Mehmer and sons spent Sunday at-- Mr. ~and Mrs. Spragues of Prairie View, ..' .. ~Mrt' instruction is practically un-- known in --~schools of Turkey, but it is< expected that water--color paint-- ing will be taken up in the near fu-- Area Baseball Club In Ivanhoe Hall® WEDNESDAY NIGHT October 2M4th . > Everybody Come! Good Music Tickets $1.00 DANCE Millions of Feet Choice Lumber FOR BUNGCALOWS, COTTAGCES, GARAGES, BARNS, CHICKEN HOUSES, HOG HOUSES, km\mmc. ETC.--FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES IMMENSE STOCK CHOICE YELLOW PINE Wflm' o j wide, 8 l-;a- (homrders accepicd for lesk $1 65 Thak 500 89. fL.), per 100 ft........................DW1. U : -L'iq.w«k and Roofing for 1 Room Bangalow.....$445, Special 4 Room ACOOM rRoo 4 Rno% Ran ealaw ~ | mfnun.ow l m?nug,z\" l COTT;)(?E He tried and could Wiy~ BUNGALOWS! COTTAGES! Come to our adguarte # these dert t Phts Areched ts Chtaage & Northwektern R. R. or North W" E!flv&'fi direct "%':.fl':: :[,'. mV road m" ro J -- Ol+ low m_'(fl u'éam #14" Write for TRIPP SCHOOL Given by the coOME oOUT TO HMlustrated Price List B23 couron $625 8. 8. Convention at Deerfleld Thuy: day 'and Friday. You will profe by so doing. t l %"! M ~ 8. Dagner was a city visitor Sat-- urday. % ic ,.8.:'-Wakefiold spent and | Tuesday at th _ Harry Knedler and family. from Montana are visiting nwa in this Vkinil_\'.huw:h.hm . lo: than ¥ '"fl M & Inopf of Alamo, Ga. is eall-- ing on friends and neighbors yet. t . in Prairie View. We sometimes ; hear of eniremes meeting as it has H. Stiles, W. Buher and families &lee Zurich and M. Heischberg-- er and family were visitors A. Voss home Sunday. _ at. te in our town -- Mrs. W. Stancliff, who has been to Des Plaines the past few weeks while her sister was in the hospital, returned home last Friday, leaving 'her sister much improved. « It is rumored A."C. Richards of Park Ridse has purchased the Eas-- ton place. here. Good luck to our xn{ghhma'. we hope to see them Mr. and Mrs. Mouldenhauer and daughter Florence of Long Grove Libertyville _ Area Cement Road vlad to see old friends back We have lots of rcom Hyacinths: Early Tuli Darwin Tu Yellow Daffodilis . 50 Darwin Tulips Poets Narcissus + <for $ZO0 _/ _ > Crocus * 6 Varieties CrocUs _ Breeder Cottage IMPORTED DIRECT FROM HOLLAND Dutch Bulbs FAIRHOLM GARDENS ild and Repair Now! at the F. Stanclif CAMPS! H. C.-- BURRIDGE & SONS Nurserymen & Florists §$248 for tey t tos at Deerfleld. m&'fi as it will be a Proftable ers. T c + visited with Mr. and clif Sunday P. M. Mrs, L, Holtze and Ernest Luca were elected delegates to the Sun-- Making ends meet is a difficult problem ltibut for most folks. A case of p table dcknm of-- ten been the straw that broke the camels' back. Diphtheria never goes on strike and it refuses to lower -- its price. Why not boyeott the merciless pro-- fiteer by using toxin--antitoxin-- asks the state director of public health. It's free and it's a sure pervention, All kinds of Auto Repair Work PORTABLE METAL BUILDINGS! We a of TRUSCONX®" Ferbly "well! Wlidhngs sevi l ts o4 iC tong/price $179 Size 20 ft. wide x 112 ft. bn.o pri O aemamenn n n OO Wharcs ce 1 & condition and .-fi*fl' are off ered Garage Garage \AAIABEE -- T wo Car ¥*VY We furnish complete material to build thess substantial Including serv-- .e 460¢, l:t u:'.'g'.'-vy'nlln papet, M gr yout _ tru Te' but hark uetres, ds Bad 5s Re svery seat of Seraiing and do RICF 1187 SEND *** "*iited beiow out ouT ANXD MAIL courox TtoDaYt he. rirt? "-" terial BRargains Complete Battery Service Competent Mechanics Weldiag Day and Night Service Phorfie 317 -- _ Bargains in Garages! THE STAR stitien Wrecking & Lomber Co. Great Lakes, HL + wE SMIP EVERYWHERE Green House Phone Libertyville 3896--J HEALTHGRAMS Large Car 19x 18 18x18 + 10X 186 ONnE CaAR GARAGE $49 . $59 $78 t e c a* 44 ## .: 2l Let Our Flowers sos. It will be made to last as long as possible, until you are ready to DecorateYour Home 9:00 -- 12;:00 A. M. 1:00 -- 6:00 P. M. AREA, ILL. BATTERIES WEDNESDAY Citizens Bank SATURDAY Building :'-&dnum--a-m-, & battery, P + Inves: a faw minutes in a call, -- _ __ Libertyville Battery & Electric Co. What an asset to the appearance of any room are these beautiful pos-- GeobE{}me ones they give. You will find the best specimens of your favorite flower here at a price that is sure to please you. Delivered promptly to any part of the village. Libertyville Flower & Vegetable Company $51 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE And what a fragrant aroma , Phone 10