~~ You have no doubt noticed that §T4 Brere are a lot of cases where even | -- epportunity doesn't gain anything' 3 b" Te S s h ' ' Ax:: .36 MR &# The easier a girl is to look upon | the harder a man looks. _ . f # i # [~,>~ Painti a car or a face never \-- kills thoninock in the engine, * KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers Durst and County Officials Invited; Park Project to 'Women don's throw rolling pins: when the music stops. °. . .. as they ohce did because they don't . L ; _ . ) B # @8 5 3. .0.> know what rolling pins are. 'The -- changing wutbcibfl # &# # C ldlpp'.dllp. Which have advant Tao many people give thrée} ages. They don't skid on damp Too many people give . thrée choort_ for M"'."'l they won't i lllm Or. en -- _ #% 4# # i Babies are harder to keep than autos, but they go further. . -- --: either in favor of or in to something. in mmemmwflommvamr laws and, if successful, create a t Elutflu very kind of government that'is dearest to of us self--government. Not long:g an attempt was made through propnfind&tomt, United States to can-- cel the debts which foreign nations cwhgu. This was checked. Butusoonuone'aau stamped out another bobs up, sometimes with the same gang back of it. So it has about reached the point where the safest place to hand out your money is to your home merchants, your home bank or your home churches. . Being a movie star's husband, must be a nice life, but there's no future in it. ively told last Saturday in the Wau-- kegan Daily News. uid k. _ _ Pheec is a vait emount of proprganda being sent SCAL-- m!tlahntth:-oountryanh.mtbudhm ring-- some of it into Libertyville occasionally.. This org-- ';fufioamdmmw-»ndygfiu.hwl\- uamd&emm pri tor?" h::o.nn. Ot m.m_um_amwwpr@k;gw ... Ratered as second--cl October--18, ~A916, Pao¥ YouUr.....»----.~~--...~.......-- fot a i OUR CHANGING DOLLAR .__ | wouldn't nee 'The Department of Labor tell us that the Ameri-- /it, but tore | fllmhnowwonhfificumdwififilvd-;flemdfll ue before the war. That is, it will buy just 65 per cent | destroying . u*_ehgood:,ndutnho:ud«ultdidilels.lwdem! It is well--to check up on the dollar every little while to them to Was see which way its value is tending and to fix in our to do a little mind just what the change means, To most Liberty-- letters are 0 ville people perhaps the matter is still a mystery. i'sleuths busy. CHAIN 0' LAKES DINNER CALLED $9, at 6:30 p. m. at the La Salle hotel, Chicago, forthogud discussing the proposed acre Chain o' Lakes Park in the: Fox Mayor Theodore Durst and sev» eral other officials are expected to attend a popular dinner, October * * SALEBSK BUBDIVISION| of the new park assoctatior in 'the «BUBDIVISION , will sell at Public Auction on Satur--| can Farm Bureau Federation in the day afternoon, Oct. 20 st 1 o'colck vast expanse. This is expected to p. m. the lots in B. H. Miller's frst attract all farm bereau workers, addition to Libertyville on the souh | ex*ension M advisors and side at the corner of . Stawar and county a agents to the Austin Avenues, This property is: "--ain 0' Lakes, _ & one block west from Miwaukee The development of the enterprise Avenue and four Noek- 2?)' «4 *he neovides facilities for every kind of Klectric road, and if'is the Righest snort, acreage for 'm\ ex-- plece of land on the <m 'A _ ad Libits of all wild domestic ani-- commands a fine view of the Des= =~--'s with proper Mfl*kfor al Plaines river volle _ T*~ mure@yor ~ «----~izations interested. heavy states that this land is high enough =~ ~--~me from the operation will be «o that sewer sysem can be put in 1 develoonment. plece of lana on tho <~" '42 ad commands a fine view of the Des-- Plaines river volle _ T*~ mureeyor states that this land is high qfi so that sewer sysoem can be put gonnecting ¥With Milvouk» Ave--ne, and chen to the now «--stem +ro-- the Osborne fam This land ¥®*s heen n'«#ad into lots which have been M%. that they can be readily seen. -- property will heash o-- e*«~ *aoma so that everyone on h~ve *n op-- m::fity to purchase a lot for a > site or fop investment. From in rina whie* haw» haow «an tms4 regarding this «ala it is _ 'g@ant FE XTR A! erested in securin~> a of those who *avs at Y1reageo Ayvi'le real estat before Pr*--*'s game 4@ * ole" : "a * One handicap about being port ' will l--ave the Past o*fce #t 0 p,; m. for ths a--comnd--t'on eA to be built to the rHiver thro A LONG THE CURBSTONES FRANK H. JUST, Editor. A MAN --ABOUT TOoW N which a a* many no m*'n ao" eqani« Waukegan Weekly Gazette % # te _ --*fAent prpocle in' in Ev.i'mc-dindoorw'z ancient or modern origin will be cluded in the enormous expanse of the proposed recreation park with clubhouses being provided for each is expected to be strongly repre of the Chain o' Lakes park as & pressed by the Chain 0' Lakes Ret-- reation Dzrselopment company are «'Fall dances are simply geat, but I don't see how they get untangled when the music stops. *% su halr remover, mvhg a cor on the roads at night, and even in the. city, --a careful driver often has to stop and ing lights, usually . about of them, goes by. % Try to be a bad egg and the cops will put you in the cooler. i 3¢¢ te" it . A good stiff -- drink of hair tonic should be followed by a chaser of but you get shot instead of being sued for breach of promise, .e <\* ~ se N ap-- # ; Two can't live cheaper than one, subject to acceptance to take charge of each line of sports. Embracing a wide range the new park of natu-- ral wonders will be the scene of live stock exhibitions with fairs during the year. Prise stock will be shown at all times through a plan evolved by those in charge. be the most unique and construct-- ive ever conceived in the livestock world The prices to be paid for the animals will draw, it is said, the most--valuable of pure bred an-- imals in the country. T' _ special appeal of the region " _ *e falt by Chicago, which ' _ sends its _ tourists by the 'heucands to the lake region in this rfluous hair of nded <in the-- raising of these is the proposed sale of 2,000 for summer homes along a frontage in the area for about \ development. | Third 'fl""' in Lake rded <in the raising of thes®) Coonty, IMinc ns j is the Mvuh of 3000 AL&."" ar of the NoFth or summer homes along & ) wost guarter . of th m'w.,t frontage in the area for nl'mt',mar",. of said Sect One (1), o | lying REast of the rig dm special appeal of the region ; ;}, Wisconsin . L ¢ sends its. tourists by t.h_e'wi,,mJ Central Railway nds to the lake region in this pany and Chic & % st. * Pau! Railway Compan: eunuhin. natural features of the prn-'in all about Thir (36) : acres, Nrkmm"tvrtnfi Said sale be m subject to -- river, Grass lake, Fox lake, a Trast Deed i J. F. Morse, Trus-- se lakes, Marie and Chan;wi tee, dated -- M h" m'" " ini the surrounding wooded three years af y. Golf courses ate to be not» o'f eaid :": | «1 and M m ' a recre-- 'n\a|in2 mfi " J uu ' , 1 eenter > will h attended. | per cent. 1 is -- io E + and fishing activitie go _ A13O, subject t % t saying. * ... _ _--___'E. Clapham, expiring March 18 «d and each want of a recre-- | bearing --M ; fil:lt;-'f""i center -- will. be attended.| per cent per e + and fAshing activitiee go| _ A13O, %w Charl! t sayimg..; »*/* .. / E. Clapham, . March whola. proposition will find 1024, 7 wA 3 .%* ion at the banquet in Chi Lydia Olive Roberts io "h.en * e * 'A rix % "W ""d w ty > %s m¥ med millk may Be Made ino' _ _ Leorge R) Rebe ' srial that ean be substituted LESLIE v Hk. ---- ° -- 09h a half of the share represented as nim he ' wouldn't need to work another lick. m fall for -'it»,butvonthomnp--mdthrewthemln!:: | He was right in ignorizgg the scheme--but ""l | destroying the letter. _ Such documents should be lmmodommmmster,thuhomigw | them to Washington. Very often Uncle n is glad !todoautflofhvut:g:dngonhiuownhook.'ad-ch | letters are one of means he has of keeping his Money, the fAnanciers tell us, is a commodity, just .. like corn, orf or on?l't is a ,,,.,'f* f fo}r'.whfim n-h'."nod- ke the more torn or whent or elo ' tbnb ) f to other things, the less it ' buy . *h f The less money there is, the more it will buy. i gebecgmmyhmoapl:'ntii'h:lmmm' ulm n mu in gtsubmymhnyumuhuudfl| Ofcmmummmm.u cause you can your "sixty--five cent " into the b.nkmdpt::uehm:nnuumu&m mnm.mmwmwlnfi'dw ey that the power of dollar pea to forty cents--and %M it. So don't worry when someone you t your ; doi= ioove 2i 3 tite To¢ con spams them cevmiale dus i you can, me e);ory one you can save without m'dndy ut it. .. > Toanik at warmer. e se wlhy from | E. L. Schultz, 50 years.old, 1811 Thounonfiavvenue,'_flu , :Mmd a: sudden apoplectic st e at 7:15 lWMy night whileriding home from work on his bicycle, toppled over the whee!l and fell to the side-- | walk dead. . * +. j Schultz"® body was found one blotk west of the Twenty--first street sta-- tion on the North Shore-- Line. It was m of the bicycle show -- ing. -- & + had been .instant. times of pains, but hnd'nd t thent serious, e' Te * widow and #hters and Coroner John-- L. Taylor was .ex-- pected at Scripter's late this morn-- ing _&And via hw'fia gf the inquest. It is expected dict of death due to .@gppolexy a be> returned, > _s»> <« 1 flls Nok *n« found .about*15 minutes later by women returning from work and taken to the: Otis Seripter undertaking. parlors: where sists of about 30 pieces was under the dirgction of Bandmaster Braun-- ing. ipy «lt e : an inquest was to be held Thursday morning. > _ Ns oo h menas nols LION MAN DROPS DEAD ON WHEEL The North East quarter of the South v r of Section One, (1) in v J y --four (44), North, Range Ten (10), Ea:t of the Schultz was married and lea STILL AT IT and four children, three td on each package, ney" Anton Novatny, r it ~"of the 1 ny Mortgage and --Bond as-- , said to be a d&ld at-- n y fro:n Minnesota, now un-- f 'wtmcm in MM» g m of confidence game, / [® '%tn_\, it Wllm-" in 'IM representing Jf as an at-- road is--ready «epartment, . anvounced T?hy' ] that Green Ba\ road between Wash-- Mr. Smith recommends thtfal- toists use Shcri<n road. ~through North Chicago. 54 e . 4 Announcement will be when the tomey Tic , :.fiul ec "fix" the c The. road wi'! e open at nigh fim.M autoi--ts «are 'uurfi drive cautions!v. ' * ;4 Will Be Open at Night; However; Will Put in Intersection * ington street an| Five 3 will be selosed durin« 'the day, rtir tomorrow, while an' in ction -- at Pelvidere stree is put in/. _ <-- tenged 'Tu thirty day a plea of Novatny 4 Judge C gases hao been Drougnt 10 HI8 Al« tention where attorneys _had m ed twenty times the fee, the par. ticular case warranted. _ '_"With more than a thousand pro-- kibition vic!ation cases flfihw et," said _ the judge, " the federal ecurts, once held in great respect, are today infcsted with many un-- ws bondsmen, -- 'attorneys, end _ 'fixers' resembling nothing more than police courts." _ A Attorney William H. Sexton, pres-- ident of the Chicago Bar association, assured Judse Cliffe the association would . co--operate.. in -- eliminating "erooked" attomeys through disbar-- ment procee|ings as soon as evi-- ment proce: dence is had GREEN BAY ROAD ~CLOSED BY DAY M. P. Smith o( th» state highway {Continued from page one) Telephones: Residence 165--J _ *. Works 50 Tickets: Adults 50¢ Get your reserved seats Children 30¢ from Ernest Luke Libertyville Cement Block Works M S tils Shory in enathorger'e hall -- at 8: rp e ger's . "Prakie Vice:, Biaodks. RITZ'S SAXAPHONE «ORCHESTRA Of Naperville, HMlinois RECORD OF NOVATNY * secmred 22900 e of Joseph Saikel, sen-- y by Jum,h iprisonment _ follow iIty of MA 1j ot appear for i stated that numerous n brought to his at-- 123 EAST CO#OK AVENUE Next to Franzen Lumber Yard CONCERT The variety of music and Harmony _ produced by this company of six art-- ists will be a delight to opened for.day By Heinrich fell from 'a row boat into the Fox river Sunday night about 8:80 o'clock, while returning from Jack O'Connor's place at Blarney Is-- lund to the Shoben resort. / Coroner Returns Verdict He Was Drowned While Probably Intoxicated one of the men testified that he walked to the river banks directly in the rear of Heinrich and that he saw the man fall into the water. He said he went for aid as he .coukin't ewim and that an effort was made to reach Heinrich, but he disappeared before help could reach him, The death of Frits Heinrich, ~ 85 years old, ~employe of Leonard *Shorty" Shoben, owner of the Pal-- ace Rohema 'at Grass: Lake, was caused by _ accidental . drowning, while the man was probably under the influence of liquor. This was the finding. of --a aonur'my at an inquest Hdmu'h at the Wetzel & Peterson home -- by -- Dr. John L. Taylor, c ap Two young men employed: by O'-- Connor 'testified that Heinrich had made a purchase at their--place and that he appeared to be intoxicated at the time, WAS ACCIDENTAL is a barbers pole red and M\it%)? ----because barbers used to be surgeons and displayed a red treated by crude barber--sur-- aun:gofi.m mrpn- hung on the pole to dry, were i rapves mround. 3t by "The stripes . Many ills, formerly A clear, bright laxative oil Castor Oil M LAKE FOREST TO 'MEET WESLEYAN KFour Teams Still Un@& :~feated in *Little Nine-- 'teen" Conference member, there are four teams still unbeaten. 'They are Bradley, Wes-- leyan, Knox and Lincoln. In the "Little Nineteen": circuit of which Lake Forest college is a + Wesleyan will face its first real test--next Saturday when it battles Lake Forest 'at-- Bloomington. : Eu-- gl and Augustana were easy meat Wesleyan in the opening games, but Lake Forest will give it a real 10 ft. $8.15, 12 ft., $8.75 10 ft. $9.40 12 14 ft., $9.35 16 ft. 595 14 ft. $10.95 mffti fi%.?;'.? -- __ PLAIN STEEL DRIVEWAY CaATHS . 10 ftt wide, $5.65; 12 ft wide $6.25 ; 14 ft wide $7.35 3. STEREL POULTERY GATES Eybm.......gm 60 in. high ;. . .. . .$255 ~'~-- Prices subject to change withont notice _ Autumn Bulbs Are Here 130 Washington St. _ Phone $132 MEDIUM HEAYY POULTRY FENCE 14baru.40in.hi¢h,8£n.myl 1_6burl,68in.hi¢h,8in.my| BARBED WIRE, 80--rod spools: _ PER SPUOL 2 pt. Hog ........$3.83 ~Corner Posts prices: You are invited to come to our factory for your fence regulrcmenu. You can select from our full stock of a large list of styles at the following 4--pt. Hog ........ 449 ADJUSTABLE STEEL PAFMNTED --| _ ~~~ St. Joseph's Church Organ AUDITORIUM 1T.. Wd CIRCUL C ) DAYT GasXRZ --For Instance : ' t2.# :. For the Garden-- : TULIP -- HYACINTH . CROCUS ----NARCISSUS _/ Or for the Winter Sun--Parlor-- HYACINTH AND NARCISSUS --IN POTTERY -- HEAYY STOCK FENCE 8 bars, 32 im. high, 12 in. stays . sbm,szm.mé'h.vm.my. 9 bars, 42 in. high, 12 in. stays .. 9 bars, 42 in. high, 7 in. stays ... 10 bars, 50 in. high, 12 in. stays .. 10 bars, 50 in. high, 7 in. stays ... WIRE FENCE He was mentioned in information filed in the County court© Tuesday charging _him.. with striking C... W. Peterson, Deerfleld, with his auto-- -mmmybymuh?a Tuesday night on a capias charging DAY AND NIGHT TAXI SERVICE «Wed., Oct. 23--24 AUTO ACCIDENT CAUSES ARREST Copner Posts ..... Steel Line Posts .. DRIVEWAY GATES GALYANIZED 10 ft. $9.40 12 ft. $10.20 14 ft. $10.95. 16 ft $11.70 RISTS=z