w e wan C1 AREA 4+ ~~----Edna Rouse ente twelve . friends at the MMW 'at nwd Lake --Wednesday, with . Miss Clara Nelson and Miss Ethel *"B. & Smith of Loke Biuft was an * Lake Bluff was an M\um- , »!fldymedbdtom by serious illness of his mother moved to the hospital, but is still 18 visitors Wednesday evening. Mrs. John W. Beese of Chicago is gpending several -- days visiting friends in Area. &A'gu. Nelson and Miss Ethel laines as chaperones. , They hiked to the cottage at four o'clock where they partook of a bountiful supper. After supper marshmallows were roasted at the fire place and games were played until eight thirty when three attomobiles took them to their homes. seriously ill. _ John Irving made a business trip to Area Tuesday. KA Mrs. Anna Lathrop of <Liberty ville called on old friends in Are: in Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kueblank and sons visited relatives in Barrington Sunday afternoon. -- . Choir Practice Friday evening at 7:80 at the Church. New members sociation will give a Waffle Supper at the Community House on Tues-- day evening, Nov. 6th (don't forget the date), following the regular meeting at which we are to have a speaker from out of town whom it will be well worth hearing. J. W. Chandler and Joel Chandler motored to Belwood on Tuesday. ~--Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stark and son Buddy attended the family re-- union of the former's family at Miss Edith Wirtz and : George l-n_rwmqiatlymnicdu':P home of the bride's parents in TIvan-- hoe on Wednesday at noon. . After the ceremony they left on a trip to the East. Only the members of Both Mr. and Mrs. Mever are well known in Area' and their many friends wish them happiness in the wedded life.: Rev. --C. A. Jevyne officiated at the ceremony. Big Hallows'en Dance at Liberty-- ville Town Hall, Wednesday, Octob-- er 31, given by the R. N. A. and M. W. A. Prize waltz. Smart's erchestra. 88--2t Mrs. S. L. Tripp entertained the committee at ber home at an infor-- mal afternoon on Tuesday, who served at the Woman's Club last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Brewerton. . The following ladies were present: -- Mesdameas Waukesha on Thursday. | About twelve women from Qet. 30 at the Area Gymnasium. Each one must bring as many pen-- nies as they are old. Come out and Mrs. Morris Chandler and daugh-- ter Ruth spent Wednesday after-- noon with Miss© Grace Steele.. of Lake Forest. Nesn t e M A little daughter arrived at the home-- of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cham-- bariain Wednesday, October 24, 10;:00. were entertained ut the ~homeof Mrs, Viola Caldwell on Wednesday bfternoon. The afternoon was very agreeably spent playing Five Hun-- All young people who belong or intend to belong to the Society are invited to a Hallowe'en Masquerade ladies were present: . Mesdames Brewerton, Noble, Sayre, Miller, Ellsworth, Ross and Bluhm. T30 P. M. Evening Service un-- der the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society with special address by Mrs. F. W. Wileox of New York City on "Work Among the Mountain Whites and Negroes of the South." next nearest is an average of 264 pounds in North Carolina Then eaomes Callfornia with an average d-'rhfiom. More than paouole moved into South-- east Missouri last autamin from the South to raise cotton, as it is north Of the boli weevil lTine. -- _ moir new uniforms. . RBoy Scouts will be their guests. Talk to Scouts *"Be Prepared." P Thursday, Boy Scouts at. Com-- munity House at 7:00 P. M. Friday, 'Choir practice at church. Saturday, Girl Scout Meeting. Important notice: On November 4 the time of the morning church ser. vice at Area will be changed from 11:15 to 10 o'clock in accord with 10 A~M. M-- ky 11:15 A. M. Girls' Girl Seouts wil} atte their new uniforms the agreement entered into by the Area Ivanhoe churches. Sunday achool in Area will be held at 11:00 Dr. G. A. Jonés, our local dentist, visiting his father at Bangor, Al Neath fell from Tripp's wagon hile working on Tuesday, and in-- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baumgartner d Frank, Jr.. were Libertyville Morris Chandler spent Thursday The Area Parents--Teachers' As-- Missouri ranks first in the amount AREA CONGREGATIONAL MRS. M. L Young Peoples' Arthur Jeyne, Minister. ._ Sunday School. M. Girls' Seouts Sunday, s will attend in a body in wt "the ~home--of ids Mr. .:g Mrs. John Weish and children Chicago spent Sunday at Mrs. Sadie Houghton: and "little daughter Thurzé, of Waukegan, passed the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Daley. ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beckman of Wheaton passed the week end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mré. John Daley. Mr. Beckman is helping redecorate the new home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Daley. Ann Baseley returned to her home here Sunday after spending thqnmeratthohomofhyr brother Tracey Baseley, of Phila-- culled on friends here Wednesday. . . on friends here Wednesday. . . : _ J. L. Baseley and wife and Harry Baseley and wife, of Union, spent Sunday at the home of their par« ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baseley, . Mr. and Mrs. Farley Wade and litéle daughter Betty, Leigh, and Mary Baseley, of Park m"'" Sunday guests at John x . /# delphia, Pa. There--wil be & dance given at the High School Gym. Friday night for the benefit of the C. P. & W. R. R. The one given two weeks ago was well attended, and a goodly sum of money was taken for the same We are pleased to say that Mrs. Mary Monahan was able to visit re-- latives in town one day last week. 'Fred Dowel! motored to Wood-- stock> Wednesday. 2 --. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Prior motored to Crystal Lake Tuesday evening and spent the night at the home of Mrs. 0. C, Colby, , 3 Mr. and: Mrs. George Blackburn entertained quite a number of rela-- tives and old friends at dinner Sun-- day. 'They were all-- residents of Chicago. f --'Mary Baseley of Park Ridge passed Tuesday with friends here. _ P. B, Johnson,-- wife, and son Donald, of Crystal Lake, 'talled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carr Sunday afternoon. _ Donald Johnson is getting -- around on crutches on account of getting hurt phyin{'football. f Dr. L. E. Golding:and family, of Libertyville, called on relatives here Sunday aftérnoon. «t «24 Mae Maiman passed the first of Mrs. Hank was a Chicago pas-- senger® Wednesday. n Myron Deitire, of Chicago, was in town on business first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haller re-- turned to their home here' Sturday after passing the last two weeks visiting Mr. Haller's home in Ohio, and with relatives in Indiana. -- orchestra. BY JOB OR HOUR Calling Cards, WAUCONDA of * Edson © 9e ;'fi' P at 2nawP & A large crowd of people MH old time fddlers' contest and ' given at Hertel's pavilion last Sat-- %nhy evening, for the benefit of the ernon Cemetery Association. & younger generation, of course, a back seat and their elders pro-- Naturally the juniors are not in-- terested in cemeteries and old people, but a certain respect is re-- guired of every well--bred person in regard to their elders anywhere. : It may be wise to remember that somebody's grandpa once said, "If you don't want to get old, you will have to die young, and that is the only remedy there is." Ben Cooke celebrated his birthday by dancing at the old time fiddlers' contest at Hertel's pavilion last Sat-- urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George 'Stancliff motored to the city last Sunday and enjoyed themselves immensely, -- _ -- Last Sunday morning, h")'ml:; Laughlin started : on way South Dakota with a few Waukegan friends. He expects to stay through the hunting season and come back with a car load of fat geese for Christmas and the holi-- Mrs, Chester Gilman, Mrs., George Stancliff and Mrs. H. Holtge attend-- éd the Eastern Star meeting at Wheeling on Tuesday evening. _ Mrs. Kelly attended -- the funeral of a relative at Warrenton, Illinois, last Thursday--a cousin to Edward, Mary, and Grace Kelly. * Russell Schroeder : and William Gerbert went out hunting last Mon-- day over the river and all through the woods--but the squirrels seen them -- coming! _ Well, some day they'll.come again, and. so will the hunters. : Maybe your'e right and maybe not too--anyway, you have another guess coming. Who was the bride and groom going through our town last Sunday with a "Just married" friends saw "The Midnight Alarm" at--the theatre in Highland Park last Saturday night. -- & Arthur Shar took several friends from here to a dance at Palantine last Saturday night. 4 sign on the back of their car and speeding towards Prairie View? ~ . Roger Rockenbach and a party of HALF DAY -- Lee Benwel! Anc moved back from C are ].? with . the family at pr+ .. Ernest ;otm will h"' auction quit farming. Ernest Poits and JOoln / LORZON] -- Waukegan's high school's ::a have suction sales 'W?'Wl:m of C:;::lbm ieming. Li will be robbed uncertainty M)'Qunm Trombler m.:uch featured former games with ren had theiv tonsils removed l85t| o__6.13 _ According to the dope on Saturday. -- _ the books, Deerfleld should have a J. H, Curvin is having a furnace walkaway in the coming game at installed in his house. Ed Bacon "W" park next Saturday. hu 'h h'd one pnt l'! M'- _ t bet C o M io a ol en e on o o io k m The Volo Young People's Society held their mceting at the home of Lew Lusk Sunday night,. | Archie KFoss was elected president. Wilfred Groves has moved his family to his father's farm south of v°l'l. for the \\'inh;r ma'ughc. r. and Mrs. Ben alkington spent Saturday at Woodstock. _:It is reported that Lester: and Mildre: Davis will be m One--fourth of the golf balls used in the Unite! States, or 8,140,000 g fajins on ngert m ng imported from n Sceotland this yvear. j only ~semi--week!y ~newspaper in the The Lake County Register is the Your. savings or your surplus money deposited with us mllllli absolutely safe and convenient. * The Wheeling State_Bank FORT HILL When Will You Get Your Money Back? the Mabel Benwell _ l two deadly --rivals in action. For ety | about ten years straight, Deerfleld of | has defeated Waukegan in the an-- hie| nual games between the two insti-- tutions,. Next Saturday will be the: M# first time Deerfield has come to |-- "Of| Waukegan as long as the veterans can remember. ton Deerfield Always Wins, ----Time after time, Waukegan has ised travelled to Deerfleld full of con-- 000 fAidence that she will come back with pe.! victory. Just as many times has ang Deerfield managed to down the lo-- cals, sometimes by luck, Bbut mostly * 'by superior -- football. No matter the | how poor Deerfleld has been in the Waukegan and Deerfield Have Annual Contest on Gridiron Field In spite of this, a large crowd of fans will jam the field to see the opening-- games, she always picks up forWaukegan, and, vice versa, no @3 e _ | »ejuvenated team will face the .. Therefore, fans have hope In Southern luxnnmonu made to avert hail storms by bomb-- arding . the clouds> with cannon shaped like huge funnels, land Parkers Saturday. WEDNESDAY f SATURDAY Area Cement Road Telephones: Residence 165--J Works 50 DecorateYour Home Let Our Flowers Liberiyville Cement Block Works ~ -- IMPORTED DIRECT FROM HOLLAND Yellow Daffodilis ~ . 50 Darwin Tulips Poets Nareissus ° for $2.00 Hyacinths Early Breeder Tulips Cottage Tulips 9:00 -- 12:00 A. M. 1:00 -- 6:00 P. M. AREA, ILL. _ 123 EAST COOK AVENUE Next to Franzen Lumber Yard CEMENT BLOCKS OF ANY KIND SPECIAL ORDERS FILLED ON i in her first games, she FAIRHOLM GARDENS ° H. C. BURRIDGE & SONS Nurserymen & Florists What an asset to the appearance of any Foont are these beautiful pos-- ies. And what a fragrant aroma they give. You will find the best specimens of your favorite flower here at a price that is sure to please you. Delivered promptly to any part of the village. ir spirit to the fight-- Deerflield is in pros-- Libertyville Flower & Vegetable Company Dutch Bulbs . A. Jones DENTIST All kinds of Auto Repair Work VERY SPECIAL Green House Phone 6 Varieties 2t it e cac t «%