Lh o " e tioch, was proved and admitted to Z record showing holdings of. $5,0060 in real estate and-- personal estate ul o 8p . % '/_. Stop and WWWWM _\ 'mever gets a slap on the back until| ried life she actually knows. where "\_\/ "he quits buzzing around and settles| her husband is at night. _~Ubhe STake Cowmmty Register s #¥e t WATCH THE SIGNALS ~ We've heard several Libertyville auto drivers com-- fldamdydmdvrflomms- tomary hand while driving about our 8. They eomplmm drivers make left--hand turns in a hap--hazard manner, without m:'tb arm from the car as should be done, to he driver in lack 4 Terh. wnnoditiles wholly th as. anonld . DPe ugi'h, i U in 2 lonien | L. olle nenahahly will make it nossible to ride on far g:m"'"-';&':%m&?%fi Tee. sainls the ons io [ line uit erecarel thike a %&u'r % stop withou of every | car through reduction in : and at the same time: show that they are going to stop. 'The driver him ; comfort to passengers. . All of : i car should remember that the man driving behind afl_onhntm-ge & about possibly without: sacvific-- is wate closely for such signals as he may give, and ; things w b"'?' about pos: Carers are it t io 1o xpatty the onty aareeuard seninet on decident int eeouurrcoetuetals be is tio of erester ©990 itt ca u. A o q h Py 14c grmes may result in a bad collision, o ie non. I0e oday io ?aethg fot aon uonree to forecast the measure : of signal, and it's only criminal carelessness B : ctamiu!fw will be toned down yone from ddn{ so. Remember that the next time | Irregularities C Tthat :!I go to make a efgahand turn or when you stop your fi that tlt\m Mfie wmte o}t :Mw .;:i- f oae: :: dertctpmmoneaionmimmiin Brintimmnien«n Aurioms * | ;g'soebnt cofl'fimmfl:m m:il&-:;z' isure sc coUNT YOUR COIN ons c iornith of Approxtmaetaly Arteon pountda,) of Citizens of Liber:hyvi'l}e s'fm be interested i&'t;?fff: 1:;:1}::}:31: goveimned b!?&odhmswr and fi'mh * e V, lw'n, | a h k feg «i4 + wamwi?mwindmhfionm,for everyifll'fiflmm' we are certai 'nbseeailr.etiu man, woman and child in this oo\ntz uk g y"srt:rt"cg change im% of tires in the next year or so than .&htu":tflth '57'"'""{:?&:7"@&\% are in the style of cars. | And when America makes it was but $14. As the business of a country expands | we are in the siyle of ears, And when Srbblls MACC! _ ~Meredity is that thing -- which makes a boy act the fool very much as his father did when he was the C3 , P PWR . ATCCCCR yeoomtty .. 2 es s K E7 signal, and it's only criminal carelessness that keeps mmwfdso- Remember that the next time you go to make a left--hand turn or when you stop your a vizit from the Stork, My idea of a waste of breath is to tell the average local man not to let his religion interfere with, his business.® © °> ~~ td returns. Heavy Rush of Business Transacted by J ud g e Martin Decker Citizens of Libertyville will be interested in a state-- m&wwmu&m'm_mmefi fect that there is now in cipeulation for every I.'m"dchildinthhoomm Three years ago thh!.'ut.fihwuflfl,udvh» civil war started it was $14. As the business of a country expands the amountof our currency has to be increased or money THREE WILL3 IN ~FROBATE COURT .Muu\mscood"dullfilu' automobile--the = harder the climb $% . #s . it Three wills vere admitted to re-- gord in the Probate court of Judge Martin C. Decker Thursday, 'The only thing some married cou-- es around this town hate more an a visit from poor relations is To enc maln t id m". Thonsands of folks recommend this ready--to--use hmnmum tifully, besides, no one can possibly tell, uh"n"d.fi You moisten a or soft with it, drawing this through the hair, taking one u-lauht.? mornmng the gray hair disappears; af-- Some men flirt with trouble, and en seem surprised when trouble SAGE TEA KEEPS 'J YOUR HAIR DAR Why is it that a widow will} weep KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, When Mixed With Brings Back Its | | Lustre At Onee The will of James K. Entered as second--class matter October Succeeding the Waukegan Weekiy Gazette b9 Fhoms Libertrville, 208 ALONG THE CURBSTONES A MAN ABOUT TOW N FRANK H. JUST, Editor. ie, lllinois, under Act of An-- |._ No man ever got as*much satis-- | faction out of a jug as the modern | girl can get out of a vanity. case. -- esn seaMt eA ry time they build a new rail-- | turn out moré cars. % many of the places are Take m.mmin ymflm_ ' to . your your > uy' your home. . You can'}'x?lai this old work without enthusiaam-- put some lifé into--your work--it dgesn't cost any more, but pays well on .your investmenkg.. =. °_ . .. ; a l(anva?m_-!whashdhofl' * ence v"r!th eourts wonders if the time wil} ever come. when a fellow can oxtlive a lawsuit. e 4 # &# f A discustzion on a "Man's Place in Church" reveals the fact that mentary were issued to Lottie. M. Jones. r ; Personal estate valued at $3,000 was .shown in the will of George Patterson, Gurnee, which was ad-- mitted. No real estate was listed: tolhmnt"l\oru.'lh?hr. % The will of Michael Wolff, Lib ertyville, wm Real estate was at-- $6,000 and personal estate at $1,000. Andrew Wolff, a brother, was: given letters testamentary. --~-- > M "Thofind'mmh the estate of m Van Bergen Ames, --Libertyville, will be heard The final report and aceount in the : estate of James Hayek, m' were approved. The -- estato was Do You Want to Buy, Sell or Hire? Give Our Want Ads the Once Over will of Joseph Miklik, North Chi-- cago, was filed and set for hear-- ing Nov. 19. A citatio : to close the estate of John Richardson was issued to Na-- TRY OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMN' TrRY OUR CLASSIPIED COLUMN Calling Cards, Register Office. Petition fer the The IM' described mvaty:, P e pige mw..:'rm Cook stove and 'pipe, Cribben " h Vnz'hht.hu and JStnh.ut.gvil Timt mattress . -- . > 12 Chaity &"m 1 D.vr n onp W f Fern other lodll n tem ut i9 Un nor e o 0.0.3." crous to Auction Sale Saturday November 10 I will gell at Public Auction at my home at 230 Lake Street, Libertyville, Hlinois, on ...... .. FMP.l q :;" 4 » a M ' | #te _ _ 4 . s ies o . 1 . ES i9' * y # 18, 1916, John Kells, Prop. i (tih. lllu]ldl';?:: ;vt esn nty '-o;l-t: .*h'd-fi-v- 7 ~7"'\ | dents need no surprised mm% iwm. the new "balloon tires" rolling m our 4 ' ,befo:l'e la;ny moons have fill ed aadi;vi_' Aealy : '; n proposed improvemen likely }uord construction will be utilized because it has j jits durabilty and reliability. A much larger w . 'thin walls probably will make it possible to ride on far will be "tight," prices w to a disastrous poInt. R raee 6 If too much money Was xi we would experience just;| | B VJ <37+¥§% such conditions as now confront m-y. oney | U P M 1 AT ENO _ wants to be just 'm" enough sc will have to | _ e im' j s t work for it and it :'g-fllhto-npylym eds--| . } 5| NP CA . But keeping it at the t point is the problem we will |~*~*~~* * * T always lw&:nd always we will have those 1" Eit t i ul LHHP plain that can't gt hold of their share. 'long > '~; **' connonntaltize "~ s utheperup{u o(thisoountryhmm Phakk:: COs Jt ciers declare the nation is in good shape and on a soli C&d Says A t t orn e y xfxo tiwx-t fAM $42.85 m'tli;eh th: financiers | -- &fll' 1 ~--G CZ ave a part of our , we ope #* s t' T« are right about it. " en ie t Melaie andidacy ~Is entnmenmmntsipeninnetianpegremmsinmnnncmmganmesioa ns ...------1 ~MNews to Him * Indications are that the tire: industry AT 1:30 OCLOCK P. M. of the BALLOON TIRES when he opened the Lake --county | ::ge. Revy, McC jail W'fflmbtelh" Mike Boyle | Smith was the and . Newmark. >The Republi--| torney in office can editer~--says: > '|the ecolonel's : It must be a great thing to be | Which Lake co. a friend of a friendly governor.|-- The followin: If you are a friend of . a mmuy!unéguomx governor and are in jail you might | :"Col. A. V. get. out. ' If you have ,.do.or\an;:- :'e' #.hb e thing to earn his gratitude, or |iv mentioned anything .to 'eall' yourself to his | candidatefor busy attention, you: may be re--> W membered in the day of trouble.. > |I"US "M '_-L' Rockford Editor Says There's Something Funny in Newmark--Boyle Deal Umbrelia 1 ' 1 Ben New« mark, in tbonl'i&lv jail 'lé, six months, sang their du«:: When & Feller Needs a Friend. T eym Mdi'fle with 4 i ,fnr'""'-" they not in nieed Of & friend? But no° one p"l > to them. The Lake ty -- judge turned them down. _The supreme court turned theni down#* Chicago judges turned . them down.. Judee 'Shurt-- leff --turned-- [ ¥n. Thumbs down all. und. . j Robert K. Welsh's sentence for contempt of court held..> > . e i REPUBLIC FLAYS SMALL PARDONS ' The Rockford -- Republic.--along with most . every ""?M"f newspaper in the stat'e."thhif that Cov.-- Ten ESmall went 'the: limit At last %"e arxd Ben Newmark-- Mt their cells and fi*fl * \"%wzht and thought w"mzmght of & friendly governoi who had always fionmh_ho poor . and hAn"hdqam and Ben are free pardon of t, Smaill who charges "m :ent't. jail m&.manmty court was prejudiced and in a political plot to destroy him. -- «w pnnu:'fir --r'nm for com» tempt of court 'flh iminal cases, :':fl'd 'u" wby t Porg P -- was n a story in this paper Tuesday nicht. 1 Davenport rera and other wn mower : Aml other crous to ow There is another chapt: T3 Y r likely ory, No 4 T mfi.. from the pulpit of the k" )lmmlll d"ll" M M-tmrc'rsYl\' B"l'd.d mw A. V. Smith, Lake county's state's 'Wo enter the race for AEtor: Mml State. papers w Ethg.thwk Sentinel, w (Register--Ga--+:-- and Belvidete Re: m"ml State. papers : the. Woodstock . Sentinel, m 'W;Gazvm- and "Mm 5"% Tuesday m' a M to which they predicted that the col-- OM wbe forced into m_m w opular opinion if Edward J. Brund. .p., v 'm.'lll( i"c!mben f xt £ NVs »"'%frov public mm vate practice of law. _ yite the golonel's record ... was one of which Lake county should be proud. m followin: article appeared in th.-&uonl Recri--ter--Gazette: . * d k. ¥. .~'w~{t'n.' state's attor-- ney Lake courty, is being wide-- iv mentioned' over the state as a candidat®»for «:torney: general 6 the republican primary next April His induction into (the-- ; whirlpool depenis largely on whe er Attorney General Bdward -- J. Krundage decides to abandon public life and rétire to a private 'fi of law, If Mr. Brundage follows out x ¥° L :o nee= ref-om Mr. Bm: who has been-- linked-- with him in the famous Small conspiracy trials at Waukegan, is certain to be a "As state's attorney of Lake coun-- iy Mr. Smith has made a state wide reputation for Jaw enforcement. His sucéess in suppressing gambling, H-- quor violations and general vice con-- ditions in the Iike--regions, has un ed him the aupport of the Anti--Sa-- "It is all news to me, I had not given the matter. any thought. How-- ever, 'I lppteciate what the papers ure saying. |t makes me feer that wf'"velvl-ment of his propds ui%cy was news --to um Wf;'iw!(»r when "' " about the articl«s appeating in st ate my work has been recognized. As for me being an announced candi-- fAate for attoney general there is nothing to it --! am engaged every minute in the duties of state's attor-- xnyggl.fle county and I mt' be a candidate for re--election at the Republican primary next April" _ *./' . Praise For Smith. _ In 'his lecture here Rev MceGinnis touched on the political situation in Illineig, and _mcntioned the fact that many quarters throughout the state *s a possible cuccessor to Brund-- uge. Rev. McCGinnis said that Col. Smith was the (ovemost state's at-- torney in office t«<ay, He--said that the: colonel's record _ was one of Decker & Neville for ick d healin i s c h. it 2o tions for Iw and . Evory' Nem the pese onl acil the face after shaving. _ URETEST GLYCRBRIN, clear as a Crystal" is the tleat as a orystal" Is the One of 200 Puaretest prepara ow ... TOSk . .n;: ¥in in Te n enc se mane LIDBRTYTYILLEA fra lv sounded mm de (hwd "'. '\m Lake eouatg'.mm the race for. Attor, on a ¥H on ABnliv en NeCn aloanlnt hrcanct agint 19927008 # w tmame. R ie miow is aal hn t hn boe » . P from that faction as well as among 'the ex--Service . men. im | | war broke out Mr. Smith laid aside Ihis law books and enlisted,' serving 'imu with the 149th Field Artil-- Arry as lHeutenant colonel." 9 MANY TO BIG STADIUM > Urbana, (Hl----A it « was . rapour ce fop, nol8 E o hoi ies and are . iud some: procrastinators may h{ --disappointed. ~It is regarded as certain that there will be a sell--out, but when the last ticket will be sold Manager F. H. Beach cannot predict. ~ Although the battle with mcz naturally holds the center ~ of ~th stage, there is beginning to be much talk regarding the game with Wis> econsin a week--later, Nov. 10, in the Stadium, > Many enthusiasts. will see both games.. Others, who for some reason are unable to come to the opening, figure that they will} see just as good a contest, 4 --Nov. 10 will be Dad's day, and an intéresting program, including -- a military: review "of the un!nr::z brigaile of $,000 student ~sold engagement is the last conference game in the Stadiam. ... . _ / --. Although : the Illinois :looi for a big 'crowd, there will be plenty of seats to go around, and this will be fans. There will be no limit"on the number of tickets sold to one person and many parties are being organiz-- ed over lilinois, Indiana, and --other a 'boon to ankious or last--minute _ _Fort Sale, --Modern two--story hficfi!fl!flflh'mmgn main eornéers on . Milwaukee. ~Avenue, Libertyville. Choice ~~location. Prices on Milwaukee Avenue busi-- ness property are going up. -- Buy now before they go any -- higher. See A. R. Schnaebele, Register Of-- fice, Libertyville. Too Late to Classify wide, 8 l'-itln,b (no orders accepted for leng than 500 aq4. ft.), per 100 ft.l.. HOG HOUSES, REPAJIRING, ETC.--FOR ALL BUILDING PURPOSES IMMENSE STOCK CHOICE YELLOW PINE Lumber, Millwork and Roofing for 4 Room Bungalow . ... 9445. Special 4 Room ;> % mulinige ~| nuunworitow | aungatow | corinuk AT W 'l"bohl.umbor and millwork u.d.l'n J:. ooootr::l':n of # camps wias M best. * mmufi m't.m gare, all nJh are drawn, and the :'Eu nton "!}Mb': M dorrl':ld mtmp:r. As ca ment lumber, wh W # Tlon. All BrIGhC and sesconed matecial and louks tike newt. Thousands of windows, soresns, reolifg D&PSON, / i oo iepoaepenn s maa n i arar in rhtae V¥IH g ESTIMATES FURNISHED--BUILDING PLANS FREE miy BUNGALOWS! COTTACES! J Come to our sales headquarters at the campe and see these wondart ul values. lnl:":mhd_vi- Chicage % Northwestern R. R. or North Shore Milwa lhc:n: R&od diract to North Chisageo w ;l.o'o excellent ake Wa road direct our * low our o'u'i'ufi Méfll of 1.-:::.::' k .' l ced 4 45. K¥ for 4 Light Glazed Sashw BEADED CEILING--D. & M. FLOORING --DRESSED AND MATCHED LUMBER-- DIMENSION LUMBER--SHIPLAP SIDING cCcOME OUT TO THE CAMPS! Mustrated Price List B23 coUupon lonke bie"" GLAZED SASH, 3 LGHT * : "hoagh i y $1.25 86--6t Mrs, James Fagen, 'Aged 70,-- Had Gt!eved Over Daughter's. Death Mrs. James Fagan, 75 years old, who lived on the Half Day road a mile west of B#l"nod, died sudden-- ly at 6 o'clock Wednesday night while sisting in the preparation of the sisting in the preparation of the evenirg meal. While waiking from the dining reom gshe complained of feeling faint. In an another second she toppled to the floor. > * Members: of the _ family earried her to a bedroom. Dr. Robert Jacks, family physi¢ian, was called, but the woman had succumbed -- before his orrival. .. Mrs, Fagan had been in il}l health since the death of a daughter, Miss Neilie Fagan, last March, She griev-- ed a great deal over the death and tris is believed to have hastened her ewn end. <Heart trouble was prob-- ably the direct cause of death. Mrs. Fagan had lived in the wvici-- uity of Highwood for many years and had a large acquaintanceship. DPr..John L. Faylor will hold: an inquest Thursday might. ¥ BOOST REGISTER ADVERTISERS Do You Want to Buy, Sell or Hire?* Give Our Want --Ads the --Once Over 1 Build and Repair Now! HUNDREDS OF BIG BARGAINS ' 1N PLUMBING MATERIAL Autumn Bulbs Are Here MAN DIES OF BROKEN HEART ifories -- _ $] ; .. For the Garden-- ---- . . | TULIP -- HYACINTH -- CROCUS -- NARCISSUS HYACINTH AND :amms IN POTTERY For Instance: LAV ATORIES White ; orcelain smam-- In | BROADCASTING 1B Broadcasting is referred to con-- 'suatly as a public n'o'nlu.k'flut | is its aim and its function, with the additional distineton of filling spiri-- tual and economic needs in a man-- 1.« which no other medium can re-- plished in the span d;m years of actual service in this . has no paraile}; for now there is not a village or hamlet in the length and breath of the nation so isolated that the tube--equipped receiver can-- not bring it in touch with the cen-- ters of civilization. . Half a thousand transmitters: and millions of re-- eeivers are the constituents of this t network, and a sizable percen-- ::: of th::.:o;nflnpop_nhflu ha:; gaged i ascinating twisting . dials v:;t!ch' brings to the home-- gratis--information, culture and en-- tertainment. Thursday Evening .. November -- 8th i io er mt Nite» . -- --------CARDS AT EIGHT ~~-- out oUVT AXD MAIL CoUPON Tobay Cordon Wrecking & Lamber Os., COreat Lakes, HL. ? s o. miketiee Yoor 'Price That Ts Warh# ... .0. Building Material Bargains. LUNCH --Given by "the-- WOMEN'S CATHOLIC ORDEX 6 OF FORRESTERS $ CARD P PORTABLE METAL In WwE 8HIP EVERYWHERE YOU 44 + w OWQ-"."W w t w n 0 dh e m w m n k t t n in d n t wh PO, a #+ To 6 uen on 6 e a i i o a nia n w t w PUBLIC SERYVICE Waukegan ¥iip d