ve * EAERL FROST AUVC m.h.fl.l'mm having sold my farm will at anction, 1 mile west of Deer. % mile south of Wilmont the following:-- *~ All cattle T. B. tested. , 2 apringer«, 9 milkers, 2 yearling a;muyunumw 40 organizing and directing re-- ligious education in churche=: where w lacks the tinte or the to supervise this important t,Ph@ Moody Bible Instituteé of Chi-- ?Mw.wm -- Religious 'Education which will eatmply--with the international stand-- :dhflufibhfluhfl mxu-'-a v'il: &: um.m in t and departmental superin-- twading and in particular, directors of religious education. The aim is expetially to train men and women of executive ability who do not feel g to inspec* the Mquor aneept 't!:"wb-flt-u\ o o 4 m instead : '~*Yex, I went to the ware Poir0.,s0 ic (oine » es masine ut 1 dion't. wint may saying n't want any qwors--cordials --and <the like. wanted only brandiés and gin. reeeive "Three--Star Hennessy' bran-- dy.. Later,. however, Tansey in-- forme| me : that= there was no "Three--Star' in: the warehouse, but Ahat the stock there: was *just as * Mr. Foster, the Lake Forest mil-- lionare, was one of. the first gov-- reet e m i He admi'&:! baving n?lfi't «uor v 7 »n' * ° esns wm.?% "sample" during conyversation, prior sem®ation in ther, 45i-- Barry ave., who, under | cross--examination by. Mr. . Everett. ...:zn'llea of the w wnt. $ way you : to ~_put -- it, ~I ~was <~buying Hquor through the mediam --of stock." 14 horse, five years old, 4 "'m was overruled, Judge Evins stating that anything he may have raid certainly could not have "Meod the jury against the de: * K.. it --1 *T hn __ [ley's famous w"_hlnines"'f'o'm;i;- A third development today was. i JP JE * P win-- the testimony of William W. flw-r_: ' + dk __J_g # I""__W. ean spring be far bahind i6 # .t this con s m h. 4 de messes' . "for; Evans, . Attor e414, of couns moved, when mesday that moved, when ' gonvened Wed-- mesday that the gw be dismissed and the trial either --proceed without a jary or that a new jury be impan-- In this connectiop and because of m seathing denunciation of the wit-- nesses' "forgetfulness" by Judge Evans, Attorney E. Warren Ever-- e44, of counsel -- for the defense, against certain government witne»s-- es because of the apparen 'reluc'-- auce of these witnessen in testiiy-- _A Volney Foster, Lake Forest millionaire, clubman . and societ y Aportsman, was the first. witness ealled Tuesday in the Grommes & UBrich : ~$200,000 "booze : dividend" «epvspiracy trial bafore Judge Evans khed A jury. in the Federal court, Several Lake Forest Men <Involved -- in Great Booze Divi-- An assistant United 85 steos Jis-- iet 'attorney: announced© 'hat . in-- mmments charging. nerjury are to -- rpequested of the: gruarjmey 1 marée o T oo cata. t» INAUGU-- a minor -'-:Ihu. because: of his fitness It will pay you to hanr him. Meet 14 '-NMbm&. Meet-- ings every night . Monday at of the Bible that may grip the Each churtch in Chicago Presby-- , large and small, are to have ts 'weeks of thene intelings doring Mro. Bartiett is a g assistance intlnn-dh:tthenofiu ly.all of us can be--benefited by get-- ing back to the old standards of the gospel. This is what Rev. Bartiett Mh&m So you will not. «an :ermotionalism which passes when the meetings are over, but 'the truth which must en-- the m --dn""':-':';'.z"'?u rch. _ Tpe | Polp J the jather i':ua.'?'.% sectarian Ideas wilt be auoo | W# Presbytarian church :d..'_.ll p% 4 , On Thursday 'WI)M Iy.all of us can ted by get-- be a. selebration of the Holy ing back to the old standards of the | _ gw grog, 4* * * J gospel. This is Whak Hev Rartioer] _ D"~ Priday, St.<Andrew's xsny | EVANGELISTIC: MEETINGS AT: ' . PRESBYTERLIAN: -- XCHURCH Rev. Robert A; Bartlett and wife | mre in Libertyville for the coming | two'weeks to engage in special evan-- | gelistical meetings;© They come at |_ Direct distribution of 'their milk Tigst panjoger Whiig atoidyery adens Ipal s ussed t | National Miil:Producers' Federation 'jin its annual meeting in Pittsburgh. What: can -- be aecomplished by -- co-- operative associations was' shown i figures and Alustrations," including 'tbc ubove photo. = The plant shows Trucks and wagons read ,,,'"' iver day's a .' man's League plant in r'q'..' of 8T. JOHN'E LUTHERA N CHURCH Subject for this Sunday "Ancient and Maodern ;'-'. and 6.. Begin by coming to the Cafe-- MIMQW'*; then come to the zales in u-Pm." and evening of both ' ind . end with the chicken pic pupper on Thursday . (5:30 to 8} dance afters Alins MM"M:M ofmh'.m". Mmm!mh'% the exnenses of the choir. thoi will sing at the C«-tym route at 7 o'clock. t¥ to Bazaar ° on ednesday ' Thursday of next week. December® service on Sunday evening. It will "" service of worship rendered by such fRISTIAN SOIENCE 80 Third Floor Kirst National meal, lovable idealist, always in min--| .. B ority on every question, beupd to be . NC !, 2 f misunderstood, and most of all by "'!'* /. ** &'& 4"' '.0 b m !l'm' Wl" be pl without hamor or imagination and a | / "*°K"FiVing gnob. In loneliness and misfortune| ! * War' character develops till it becomes| !° ®i"d. UP really (}m 'There is real m ninth win. and :inspiration-- here. ~Come ,w' n o oY bring your friends . . _ -- _ _ ithink of the The hero of this R;;}'};'fi;. sical, lovable idealist, atways in min -- ever. is a / million--dollar one » sociation, mfiw . men who r to the a which is a member of the Only a -::n part t?{. ud sold by t iation in . is handied flmzh this q We want everybody to come to the M1I IN .] # of. milk 'from Dairy-- (ew ?:r'k 'City. . Kiessling, Rastor Holy and faithful. oh thanks Thankagiving -- Day. . far . Coach Teed's warriors ha it but one wame, that to Elmht are out to wind up the sem@on with their wnth win. + # & ;mL' Nigh : i eleven |~--Chicago wm'; pAk d its winni ; streak Fri.| rational éonvent z?m at its . own field! This --was the when it made a thrillisg comeback| Fred W. Upham i the last m-' l W{npobliun nation togmed (the iscal migB senoora tew |returned to Chic ord to eight victories out of mine|!°"> Where he : games, a ~ J of a subcommitt Woodstock led: thr@ughout . the|®D& bids from first three quarters dBid seemed to | 2P!%. : Cleveland. " AVve . the.. game---- einefi@d, <until "the Libertyville lads awe in the finat sossion, § t In the: first quar it )Woodstock Fad a 7:to 0 edge a) \RBt the end of tie half led .13 to 6. §3.> _ Intercepts 1 The third 'Btill saw the visitors in the Jead, ) to 13. In the fimal quarter, Austin intercepted a pass and ran 40 for a touch-- town, tying the ®e. Englebrecht then smashed through the line for Downs After .. hurst, ar ason. wi y gamere 33 to 19 Upham Brings Back Word 8 Take -- After ~Conference In wIN' 6. 0.P. POw--wow In addition--to the. tentative . res-- ervations made by friends of Presi-- dent Coolicge and Senator Johnson, about 400 rooms 'at the same hotel have been promised to others ex-- pecting to --attend the© convention, according to John Burke, manager af the Congress hotel, | James Reynolds, former secretary of the republican national commit-- re.nad'elm&nm!c1 Coolidge -- headquaiters. _ Senator Johnson made his own reservation. " Washington ' and shrine for bird lovers, the 4 Theodore Roosevelt | hhs been made a wild bird sinetgars eentral and the country . Wiliam W p Ir., ol be in charge of the: ?'i in lilinois --and &h enatire counvt rea) 4 $ed o hoer . . 1 Span sorrels, 6 and 8 yer Having Gecided to quit farming I will.sell at Public Angte on the premises known as the --Pfifer farm, IK*m Long Grove and 1% miles west of Buffalo Grove on > Eleven and a balt Monday, Dec. & m BC p4 d . 5 e h F5 S d & + whr y ul h flical # 5 £ 1CB P 4: C 4 3 <uds * P * a"*~ $fauh 28 HAEAD OF HIGH GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTHES Ald-ymnfl'"m.m AT 10;00 A, M. SHARP, AS FOLLOWS im sections of % *4 L *t \ P 18 Tons hay.-- *4 x S 900 Cale ' % . R mfim 4 cCYy . 100 Bushels wheat f h M'« | county oo count mics. . This is per county, tto 2850 agrtic estimated the "Ots _ country cerving App n farms t d