Dear Folks: ' We certainly have nothing to com-- ioh 0e o raming m pore: going to complain about that, 'The experience was not only interesting but amusing and requisite to make the kind where you can run in just any time and always find the cooky jar full e Then I looked up our dear friend and found, not only, her home await-- ""u"b-z.' ncer, a dandy, pretty, little city both ad I were royally en-- tertained. A very dear friend, Mrs. %fi:tudurtw ing us for several days.. First, as there was no livery stable I found a nice place for Boy in a private barn and it turned out to be an absolutely that eve with us and we had callers all the next afterncon. In the even-- ing we attended church and met m--u'&.wmlu- Smith, who spent a great deal of time with me while there gave a re-- ception for me. It was such an ex-- tremely pleasant afternoon and I gmmmuhm of Noble MeConnehey and the next morning 1--made an effort to break away. It was hard, I'll admit. Not that Boy and I are tired of the road. We are both just as : enthusiastic now as when we started but after Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, being mnmynhmm ing juast long enuf to become ac-- quainted and then leaving when you want to kow them all better is rath-- P -mhuun:'-fl )/ wherever we want to and #% as we want to. Had lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and left town at two. It will always be a pleasure to recall each and every in-- cident of two and a half days in Spencer and I hope that some day. 1 may visit there again..; I made the town 1 planned to just the same, twenty--six. milés to : Emmetsburg but did something I had promised myself I would not do which all goes to show that resolutions are abso-- to show that lons are abso-- lutely mw&.hfl eight miles in a machine and led Boy.. We just poked in but it wor-- vied me and I don't think we will do that again. However, like all the Boy.. We just poked in but it wor-- ried me and I don't think we will do that again. However, like all the other pleasant incidents of my trip it was really for a good purpose. Upon locating a stable, we discov-- ered they had no feed so we drove the car to a farm for some. That was a peculiar place. Those in' ?'uld-' there a man with a lantern in When 'we were just about ready to gin..fl:zmntuh building bn:'.hnhn-ul all-- . As 1 passed in morning I tried to pick out the building where we did eventually find the oats but scouldn't do it There must be a secret door or some wuch thing. Then I was nicely delivered to my Ilogud'ar kind friend drove on to 'destination. C "'{lmhn to take back & I said in my last letter about the tity boys and girls--being satis-- fhed: with such insignificant things rheamatism a in the last half iess uk What's Rhenmatism? Pain only. t npou the Srender sor" and relief comes m Jacobs Oil" is a harmless . and sciatica liniment, which never disappoints and Writes REGISTER of Interesting Happenings On Her Novel Journey Rub Rheumatic Pain, Soreness, Stiffness Bub Pain right out with small 6 trial bottlse of old U 0_ HBt Jacobs Of1." Waterioo, lowa You know, reason. We had heard in : burg that there was a most atk stopping over see. f was. 'It is the most unique, beauti-- ful thing I have ever seen. It is built umu.-,d.u:'u:tm ing a small lagoon uhhtmflm with -- ' beds and shrubbery . in between. It has been built entirely by. Father Dobberstein, with his own personal savings and unsolicited do-- nations. 'It is entirely built of odd stones, and shells, petrified wood, etc. gathered by him from all over the world and made into beautiful dedmc;-.'j;uu:turndfm a w a collection of mmh etc. worth over one thousand dollars. There the most beautiful blue and green stones from Arizona, white corral from Mexics It was only twenty--two r toe West Bend and we arrived at three o'clock, the next day but we had a 1 -- y | :'.::""'....,..."'q'.:.m thusiastic over this sort of th ":;,:"""'u.'.""""* «6 '|.' as ." Mmuuhlgqqm Mlud"" great desire to take a t thru Wyoming and Montana, noticed many on the Grotto that L feritied, but they ane really Jost n » y are &A rock formation and, 1 believe found in Arizona also.> 'The parsonage is literally full of these rocks and in his work room in the winter he spends all his spare time, making up the de-- signs in sections then when spring epens up these are Added to the main structure. --There are two rooms now besides a den for black It would be impossible to describe tieboutyi:.ltbdoflm':ctlw gazing at it, trying not to migs one detail, and at the same time know-- ing there would be many that had escaped my notice. Father Dobber-- stein has plans for several more 'rooms .and is adding a little more at a farm, While there they wanted to fill up Boy's nose bag for him so, you see, they. are not at all like those between Larchwood and Lester. As we rode into Renwick after ways kept my distance, howevet, I got up courage enough to pet one of these and surprising as it may seem it didn't kick, And still we can say, "Everyone is so very, very nice." I got nicely set-- hy «riikg when '&.""'..u"".;:..""' wri c-lhdtoull&hhwltw be alone in the 0 and would like to have me come down and talk to her. novige 10 the merning ihay wates to stay over Sunday, -- A~couple of miles out we--strayed off the Diagonal trail which was not marked at all 1 had an idea that it would be all right and that we In Emmetsburg, Boy had the barn al to himself but in West Bend he had the company of a couple® of Mnin@xdtlufirum we came to, 'hflp;rn;dtohtb mail, carrier, for a stable, he stopped and stood gazing off for a minute and said, "Just a minute, I'm could turn back on it later, but it would not hurt to inquire so stopped thinking." Then he added, "Now 1 ho've a barn but no feed but I'l take your horse over to the other mail hll:vdhhn. h"opfil: td we t and fixed Boy up besutlfully Then he took me over to the hotel, the lobby of which was full of --dandy young Tatest, they --enterthined. nothing they entertained, nothing smart or fresh about them at all, Later three of them went over with mules. "We see ever called out his best wishes to us a corn fiekd the next morning. a good laugh when L--went after Boy, I went in the back door of the and after getting him ready, started out the door toward the house just 8ide and there stood other mail-- carrier, Another real man, and you could see the kindness, good will, and love for mankind just chin-- ing in his eyes, One just knew he would give anything he could to make them more happy and comfort-- able. He and his parents decidled it was too cold for me to ride that day and invited me to spend the day in their bhome but much to our sor-- row that little thought of winter kept urging us on our way. them all through here but I have al-- We made Rowan the next. day and ag~ we entered town, after dark, again, incuired of a boy for a livery stable. He said tbzmvufl any but there was the 'pa " iOX I didn't want to entertain, m was I looking for entertainment, but I followed him and found a new kind of a pavilion. It had two double FRED GRABBE Address : a North A-v.s Auctioncer _ Farm and Livestock Sales Telephone Wanukegan 2588 year as his funds and young lady who has a o take a trip lke this i e and one of them *"Booster lt.';w .udv:ndd"ot wm er h:a'no;'&m like a samail amphi tre s round PR Mngintoflb"flm' ofimformom"g stock being sold. It was very * esting to me having seen , the kind before. Of course, in S0on of these towns where they have reg-- front, a small book cases. There was a § office so 1 called and the conversation ensued : do want." "Is this a CR T' does it look like." "Like a second hand store." That brought him out and 1 discovered: a little Jew. He said "Who are you?" I said "You would not know if I told you."" So he picked up his lantern, squinted at me and said "I know you. You are from Sioux Falls." He wasn't much of & stableman but 1 expect the sales were the most important part of his To return to Rowan. They had no feed at the pavilion so 1 hustled over to the elevator to get some oats, The mnoverthmtookn.mln' did the rest. 1 found in a hotel run by a Dane. 'The cooking was wonderful and so was she, I spent the evening writing letters in her parlor and the men of the town who were not in the "Booster Room" gossiped and argued in the Hotel office. After they had all left, the young man came out and said, "I put wood in that stove and did everything to keep the fire going but they spit into the stove so much it put the fire out." *% rows of stalls in the basck work. Just made twenty miles the next day to Hampton and took the after-- noon off; -- Just out of. Rowan our friend who brought me into Emmets-- bur'inih'mu_fldlyl?u', showed up again and I guess I was no more surprised than he. . How-- ever he gave me a very pleasant evening in Hampton and I found him just as interested in this country, pomphkallr y, as I surmised at irst. stopped at a farm again. This time the lady questioned me a little at first and asked me what 1 was sell-- ing but eventually let me in and then they all became much interested and made it rather difficult for me to break away. Parkersburg is quite met a man and inquired for a stable. He said there wasn't any but he had an m?'prMNn and were led right back to the barn mentioned above. -- T got that reom I had in mind too, had breakfast with M"uhfiufinbn'n&o day and have Thanksgiving ner ¥ith them, Again we would have in . Hampton, a: new, bufldlng,anddt-rh'uhm the clerk of my trip, the hotel man-- ager looked me up to talk with me about the western country. The last two days have been cold-- er jand it tried hard to snow. did, in fact ahead of us but not on us. Al-- most thought it was too cold to trav-- el day before yesterday but 'on. The wind was in the south and west and as we were making our trip south got the full benefit of It. As I a pretty town and as wec--were wind-- ing our way down town we passed a large home and barn. 'There was a light in the barn and I thought there might be room for Boy. Then I de-- cided the family surely couldn't oc-- eupy that whole house and, no doubt took in roomers but we went on just the same. One block further on I en foyed staying but ltmlhfl' _" ecapomencs ky >-- nicer day and we had even a greater| Do You Want to Buy, Sell or Hire! mentine io wake @atorieh | that aice Oo, Waset Ade the Qiike Over rl mli.,e N4 <" CMV%M?Q a*' h * S t 1908 and 1600 fs." [¥ 0lel.~-- MEHOGS-- -- ar ; 8 sows (1 with » grmnz ;:tta, Pk') _ All ate thorough bred Durocs 8 Goats 75 Chick: Having decided to quit farming 1 will sell at Public Auct mmmmlgm;mm.m, 1% fhiles south of Long Grove and 1% miles west of Buffalo Grove on _ _ JIM HANSFORD, 1 Monday, Dec. 10th Big Auction #8 HEAD OF HIGH GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE All of my own raising and are young, t BEINCG A LARGE SA a beautiful little hotel FROELICH, Auct,. . GBORGE WEIDNER, AT 10:00 A. M. SHARP, AS FPOLLOWS Torward -- to < in tlv ecompany in the e we had 'so very muc Wo thate page t C « MMQ&' terloo. --Got in just sights of Waterloo. nqu&.fifl:: and shryubbery to . of lowa the air seeams the further we get the o oi ind A reallghe is look now we have seen and malhrbl'l'!'flfi"_flifllfi tice more general mostly cormn and oats are railsed) . A school tudm'uldn"% 8# unable to get a handful of wheat for use in her school work. 16 thing I notice is that al-- though there are gome very nice looking farms and horles, there are, also, some of the OB shacks re-- mt homes. This $ much older of course, than -- Dakota and certainly shows it. e of the small towns are full K delapidated vacant buildings an me of the country 'places are cofered with de-- bris which has ' mulating for years. Even the $Hlds and road-- sides show their a 1 suppose even South Dakbta Will grow like this sometime but I rely hope not. I like it the it is. * WelH, tomorreow g we start out on what we fe the home-- ward stretch.. We about nine days travel left . st of that directly East as ave come as far south as A 1 David "1 mtvlw.i'--w' % mm- n Tur , 1 seeder, 1 sulkey culti-- vator,|1 2--section harrow, 2 8--in. truck, 1 buggy, 1 teaming harness. 1000 bu. ear corn in crib; 400 bu. ut,lohn.w. Household Furniture 1hw&m1'h- imhrhatl:u 1dining table, 1 buffet, 1 closet, Termsa--Over $25, 6 mos. T%. : John J. Wick, Auctioneer. J 8. Schminke, Cletk, Saturday, Dec. 8, 12:30 p.m.: KEar] Frost, having my farm will sell at auction, 1 mile west of Deer-- field, % mile soulk of 'Wilmont school, the w Other articles too numerous to men-- ' "- m * 4 line of farming imple-- i and fodder com.'e *A 18 hay E> MA Is oats ' Bushels barley La eoal heater «o Cook: and other * t to menti@ 12 Guinca hens Each farmer has a Row cows but qi ee . 0 :n'm 2 yearling WILL BE SOLD Very We i meie J. Rouse. seeing the h of trees our view thick and k ', My a | a quantity of liquor was found in his place. Complaint had been made by m-id. in the neighborhood, it was Fri. morning se entered a plea of guilty and was given the jail sen-- John Mines, aged resident of Lake Bluff, arrested on a liquor charge by the sponge squad, entered a plea of: not guilty in--the County court and was released in bonds. His case will be--heard Dec. 3. ' , William Nriflcnylhh. was -- sentanced to. 60 days in the :;uhrl't:rhf;lmmonam ' possessed liquor when ar-- ranged before Judge Perry L. Per-- sons in County court, 'mfin.mhuulnr ::' ies ie f . m' 'w l'. and Mrs. Marshall Norton in Chica-- Mr. and Mrs. Snetsinger were Waukegan callers, Sunday. Mr. Er-- nest Gowdy returned with them. llr.ladln.mxmch'.ta tended a birthday. party on Mrs. Kratch'g mother in Chicago, Friday even!'ng. g+ sheriff's office some time Mrs. James Cornwall and little sons, of Valparaiso visited several days iast week with W. C. Prehm Sr, Mrs. Henry Branding is improving from her recent illn@ss, dm -"fuy'vfim'--i{b'ind--;. GIVEN 60 DAYS IN LIGUOR CASE Peter Me of Wauconda, is vis-- thcon-'hlm brother, Clarence Snetsinger is driving a new Ford coupe. 'Mr, and Mrs. Henry Schaefer and little Jean, spent the holiday with Joliet relatives. Mrs. C. R. Weaver spent Saturda with her mother who has been it\ lrndlu.:.d-luru:alnuud sons, -- attended funeral rs. Hartman's father, Mr. Hamker, at Palatine Sunday. Do You Want to Buy Sell or Hire?] t Gh'axwmAd-hOmOnr Kenm;lgdy EBros. 1916 Touring ... 1916 Roadster _ 1917 'Fouriftg :.......}....................comlaladea. 4. 1918 Touring oo Minahs uin netaike 192) Touring -- Starter and rims . 1920 Readster --Starter and ritms One Big Day----Saturday, Dec. 1st 1914 Touring . and Margaret, Landwer and Xi\ 9t _ Fort Sheridan basketball men tri-- umphed over the Graysiake quintet 28 to 22 in one of the hardest games in the histery of the Post gym Thursday night at Fort Sheridan. Taylor was the star for the Army men, popping in five field goals and six free throws. Johnson, guard, featured the game "with splendid _ Fort Sheridan basketball men tri-- B. umphed over the Graysiake quintet| Hooks, r. f...... 8 28 to 22 in one of the hardest games | Harmon, 1. 1..... 1 in the ~histery of the Post gym|Frazier, c....... 2 Thursday night at Fort Sheridan. |Odell, c......... 0 Taylor was the star for the Army |C. Pester, r. g... 1 men, popping in five field goals and | R. Pester, 1. g.... ~1 six free throws. Johnson, guard, seee Scores 23 to 22 Victory in CRAYSLAKE FIVE HORIZED FORD DEALERS . Phone 32 ibertyville, Hlinois The Pester brothers. Cash and KOHOUT FLOWER GROWERS, Inc. um watine adie s es us e nmamge is a+ 00504 c mommmnne n Greenhouse Telephone 174--J BOOST REGISTER ADVERTISERS -- . doing ing. Ray, were the stars Lineups follow: m mame oib iaraies coue practically alD Fort Sheridan (2%3) Grayslake (%2) 125.00 ¥ gost 30.00 39 FVT" m\ B9 o 4e > ¥i PB