10 + be x & _' ~,. A. R.SCHNAEBELE / «>' Real Estate & Insurance -" '4' ','i':-.;.: ; f M A". m m e CC 5. ¢*> w Tlts above. Lot 100 fest t * ~.~ . FroRk Modern two story brick y block on prominent corner. Steam &._' heat. -- Everything in fine shape. ; Two stores with fiats above. Ren-- tals bring very good return on in--| ;'ijyi.\_'fi ~-- Priced far below actual value. Bn; 002 OR SALE--Two story brick block *4 4 & SEEK TAXICAB BANDITS HERE North Shore. Nurse Police of Waukegan Mon. joined with "otherNorth. Shore authorities in a search for four atmed bandits who early : Mon. morning held up Miss Heélen Clause, an employe of the North Shore Health resort in Chicago. The robbery took 'place at house with four large lots. . Barn '.yn'utmuhsAmu.m .. for quick sale. FOR SALE--Seven room bungalow, 'Garage and thicken house. Fruit. More land if desired. A. batgain. « with two lots. Centrally located. -- FOR SALE--Modern . ten romh house on good sized lot. Oak isimmead. -- Can be made into two T"m'"',-;""vw ardv trim, Sew-- er water, gas, electricity, furnace, of His V aluables us tell about our plans . * 1 maAE--rorvmfamw "KArea. Good buildings with--clec« tric lights and running water. Soil in high state of cultivation. 'Good FPOR SALE--Sixty acre {farm near town. Good seven room house with #nrnacs. Large hbarn. silo, double ,Hywm»hymyfih'.or\flmhnm&m to sall, ;dcadnm.nnyouunidp.n'inhmw&m columns. You will get results, a -- There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake -- county hn-hflatiundatnmabhacutunhmumuh mmhwnMAamvmmm L2 j + tric lights and running water. Soil in high state of cultivation 'Good FPOR SALE--Sixty acre farm near town. Good seven room house with furnace. Large barn, silo, double garage, chicken house, ete. Fine bearing erchard of pears, apples, Minimum charge, 25c. ~--6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. FOR SALBR--100 acre farm The only way to get the home you want is to bufld it. We will sell c&olotndflnmmm apetrations. Come in and let A, R. SCHNAEBELE Real Estate & Insurance Phone 90 Register Office with easry termas. place which 'will pay for itself in ahort term of years Price low dairy and horse barn with modern er, Large tile sllo. A full of amailler buildings. Stock, tools, feed, ete can be purchased with the farm. Immediate possession, Price of the farm only $200 per aere, which is far below its actual Clymer Spot, stop light, motor: gdmmwh Phone Z13W . 98--6t SALE--FINE HOME FOR SALE aAyf # Classified Ads Libertyville 14 P m\q{! : sppec w A few blocks away ) uu&:u'hh-mtgt man reported 6 pdmofmflofih'm"' tified a woman had been Kidpap-- 'ed,. As the motoreycle squads got busy, the girt appeared, Roman was robbed of %5. Under the: American law, & wo-- muthmnmm1 rying an American since September, 1922, does not obtain American ¢it-- izenship thereby. She must estab-- lish a year's residence in the United States with due formalities. She may enter America either accompanied by her husband or not, oaly as an mxkunt depending on FOR SALE--All kinds of live and dressed poultmy for the 'holidays, de-- livered. Ray V. Moss. Phone 286--M1 A'W for 1924 liconse are Ei iton SEdNZEBELE: Notery Public, Keg: ister Office, Libertyville, _ 97--tf FOR SALE--Geese--Toulouse and Endem. -- Sealbright bantams and Japanese Silkies and Cornish pul-- FOR RENT--270 acre dairy farm on Hiam Whigam. Phone 152--]J. ___ LOST--Ladies wrist watch, on Sat-- urday, December 22, $5 reward. Please -- return to Andrew Huss. Phone 370R--1. cows, fresh, the cream of 35 years breeding. 3 and 4 years old. Fed-- eral' accredited Phil 'Donegan, Washington St. and Donegan road. Waukegan Ill. . . (B7--6tpd WANT to hear from owner having months; lightning set fire to his barn and destroyed everything in _ cluding his Bull machine. ' He would not milk by hand again He was satisfied with his first Bui o he bought another. Get one and you will be satisfied. BERT FINSFAD, Libertyville MONEY . TO ~LOAN----We have special funds to loan on improved farm and village property. We in-- HE BOUGHT HIS SECOND BULL Mr. Dorband <--of Wheeling used 1 Milwaukee Ave. 55 acres timber pasture, balance all tillable, -- Good black soil. Fine set of buildings New fences. Everything in good shape. See A. R. SCHNAEBELE Register Office, Libertyville. _ _ mmnom"h,&.: nummv N4 :mumu ; you o« s mal Wt of Bly's Crcn €, for sale; give particulars .::'wm. John J. Black, Chippewa ~Falls, Wisconsin. | . ¥ite your ealing cream in your nostrile Jt j ie eb e ereemtiatis wuccus -?m and reliet comes in e puat ns en io AUTOMOBILE OWNERS little of" this fragranmt, a caling cream in your nostrila LOST AND FOUND MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Wyandotte Area, IIl. on the 1----8tpd. 8 THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER. _ _ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9 Congressman L. J, Dickenson, lowa, leader of farm bloc in the House of Representatives has been """;';qb""'mm --J8q puy uf ninth annual me&thMr. January 16 and 17, according to in-- formation just received by Farm Ad: hn ~ Dge"um"k will speak on the . on kecond days program with the sub-- FARM BLOG LEADER ject, "Legislation for the Farmer." ¥e will undoubtedly tell what the indications are for helpful farm leg-- islation at the present session of ~~There will be approximately 175 voting delegates at the annual meet. ing representing 90 county farm bu» ation of Kentucky; George E. "lI] er, ~consulting-- accountant _of the. A. A ; George Wicker, cooperative finance expert, Minnesota Depart-- ment of Agriculture; 0. B. Goble, a: director of the Indianapolis <Pro-- ducers; John Camlin, President of the Tilinois Chamber of Commerce; Besides Mr.. Dickenson, the fol-- lowing men are scheduled to address the annual meeting: James C, Stone, president and general manager of the Burley Tobacco Growers Associ-- HARPER STUDIES WORK OF POULTRY AND EGG CO.OPS reaus of Tlinois. -- Several hundred more are expected to attend the ses-- Dr. J. P. Tilden, president of Lom-- bard College; B. H. Darrow, Ohio county ¥. M. C. A. secretary; Rich-- ard T. Ely, professor of Economics at Wisconsin university; and United States Congressman C. A. Newto: from sions. policy of poultry and egg -wb% suitable for Hlincis counti¢s, J D. Harper of the Illincis Agriculture Association has been making a study cooperative poultry and ege market-- m to word received by. Farm dviser Doerschuk, of the Lake County 'Farm Bureau. Mr. Harper visited associations in 'mfl' Wv Unhl lm' Washington, Orewon, California, Tex-- as, and British Columbia. sls 2 , a + . Eon CC it . OB 0.A o F mw Mm:lm,ubqut profits© were suffi-- Te marpding or fiuwg fi2e,e, ciently increased to justify the con-- is the 'E'f" ts wehdonthtondhfiouhnexed- Soul pewing and selling on the hasis! .. For _ the : protection : of _ piblic of 1."" "Where: this is m;hedthun{;nmtubaeflods.l received and 'm_l"ythltmmflk.'nomh k in *'""-"Mmmmuuwdfooa,m duce a better i j3 : be abtained from dairy herds of mmm,g.ummmmm 'ations noted m er is order _| berculin test or that it should be pas-- '"F"b» & +5 Wfl"w; teurized under competent . official ...m..m..,m«u..,. supervigion. crop is produced during one third of Very respectfully, the wear and rushed to market and| (Signed) _ Dr. E. C. Schroeder, into storage, bringing prices down.| _ Superintendent of Experiment Sta>-- Cooperative marketing makes pOS--, tion. + aadihoyh'mmflnh the can eggs on [ market as they are heeded through« FRED GRABBE out the fall"and winter months, 1# «Producers who belong to market-- Auctioneer ing associations are not, i El Aeal x is e * than non--members are."* Mr. Harper states, "But it is a fact that both members and non--members alike are getting considerably more than they did before the association existed. 'The independent dealers are paying on a much narrower margin as a re-- With the view of working out a states are responsible for the suc-- tess of poultry and egg associations include: good management by ex-- perienced. men; @A foundation of nmund Finance and sound business ukess o Phone tA Tack c wholesale handling, and the lack of "hot air" or sentiment in their oper-- principles; a ation. The following two letters received by Adviser Kline, of Boone County, written by two of thedeading guthor-- ities in the county should prove val-- uable and interesting. We are copy-- AS :# e cement from Dr; Bramé of Cti-- Letter head; "The Chicago 1« bune, The World's Greatest News-- corine C ho Breond M D) . _ r* C November 28, 1923. Mr. J. C. Kline, Boote County Farm Belvidere, 11. Dear Mr. Kline: LAKE COUNTY FARM BUREAU -- Replying to ember 26th. It has been positively that milk from emrm m' Whfinh-n subject, and, 'particularly, tubstculosis in children. This is true when the milk mmtnurmm- gular involvement of the ndder. as well as when there is. AT I, A. A. MEETING EDITED BY J. J. DOERSCHUK County Farm Adviser. | your letter of Nov ptlendam.' makes pos--| t rurplus. into | .. ; themselves on + montha. z to market-- g MtaC C s as a tule, Tr-- The proof consisted in finding bac-- &"tfi'x:'...'"""'.m':";:&..'."'m%"'" tives. The opinion that bovine tuo erculosis is communicable to human beings is now universally held n h * Puins'.i'nmwiod:; dm search work on the problem arg: York City. + iy='s, Cag 5 % 'B. C. Cotton of the U. S. Depart-- ment : of : Agriculture. o"I 'Efforts to make milk supplies safe MQMMI:\ milk herds and 'pasteurization have re-- sulted in decreasing the prevalence of tuberculosis, particularly among of i Yd:.r l:t:r of December 1st, rela-- ive transmission of Bovine TubErculosis to children through the ; Very truly yours, i+ _ . 3 ~W, A. EVANS. (Signed): @.* WAE;C. United States Department of Agri-- culture, Buteau of Animal Industry, 'Experiment Station. ... Bethesada, Md., Dec_ 3. 19238, Mr. J. C. Kline, Farm Advisor, Boone County--Farm Bureau, 8 Dear Sir: i In plain language it is exceedingly dangerous to permit children to drink the raw milk or cream, or to eat ice cream, butter, or fresh cheese made from raw milk from tuberculosis cat-- Apart "from this, looking at the subject" ho{ . purely: 'économical standpoint it has been found that it ig much more profitable to maintain healthy than tuberculosis cattle, In tle. fact, several owners of cattle at con-- siderable expense, informed me that the subsequent" profits were suffi-- ciently increased to justify the con-- clusion that eradication is sn excel-- lent investment. $ ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National 'Bank Building. Telephone 567 _ LIBERTYVILI Telephone 66 DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD --Telephone Waukegan 2588 Addreas: 928 Noerth Arvse DR. J. L TAYLOR Office in First Mational Bank Bldg Hours: 1 to $:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park Luce Bldg. Auctioneer SAVE YOUR EYES ---- CONSULT DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON WAUKBGAN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Assistant State Veterinarian LYELL H. MORRIS Ravenel, of the University B. H. MILLER MURRAY BLDG. on oo on 5 ho 199 .. mio roderal. ue of railways is paid to the Federal, State and local governments." As to taxation, however, Presi-- dent Emmons declared that "almost wide variety, and many..communities demand that the railroads carry free of charge their policemen, firemen C. D. Evans, president of :0 American Electric Railway w ation, in discussing the conditions of electric railways says: ol n & tvie any :::'tboWuil\Wunthbo the public." WAXATION BURDEN HEAYVY -- and other employes. In some places .« HOME BUILDERS! This is Your Opportunity to Make a Big Saving on BUNGALOWS -- COTTAGES -- BARNsS -- HOG HOUSES -- CHI HOUSES -- ALL KINDS OF CHOICE MATERIAL FOR BUILDING & .0 ------ REPAIRING -- BUY NOW! ! ! Telephones: Residence 4 Room Bungalows SIZE 24x34 FT., INCLUDING 8 FT. wummmm. x °C ¥entilators Skyieki® Ph®bat *' Libertyville Cement Block Works DOUBLE OR MULLION 8 LIGHT " size, 5 ft. 7 in~x 9 ft. 2 in. Special PTIGG .........sscccoummsmamicccaiiac * a better understanding with 0.-c~ bm*bi;;m';aboo-.fl."."l"" 'via Chicago & Northwestern or mm-mmwanumwap N Mtin. Also Mc take Waukegan road direct to ane afthees, Folow out lk"'.", At Less Than 50c On The Dollar! . -- 123 EAST COOK AVENUE . NexttoFranzenLumberYa_rd CEMENT BLOCKS OF ANY. KIND SPECIAL ORDERS FILLED ON ~-- SHORT NOTICE COME oUT TO THE CAMPS-- BUILDING PLANS FREE! sSEND US LIST OF MATERIAL YOU NEED OR TELL US WHAT Tou inTEND To BUILD -- ESTIMATES CHEERFPULLY PURKXISHED '__ wWINDOWS 8 "_mvfir WM" .w with frames equipped with malleys. Over al size 4 ft. 7 in, x 5 ft. 7 in. Special price this Millwork, Plumbing Material, Etc fees of mot 'pay for the transportation of letter carriers. Nonoe of us object to fair taxation, but as matters stand today we are unfairly taxed and im-- posed. upon," 4 the United States government does FREE OF CHARGE By U, 9. Government Veterinarian CATTLE TESTED for Tuberculosis ws, $445 I¢[TJ4: BERTYYVILLE, . ILLINOIS $x22 fear' ... YMM TE 2."!7&0: .I-I.INGAM)'. porch 8122 ft. __§_6_;§ SPECIAL -- FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW, size 27 x 32 SIX ROOM BUNGALOW, us 10 t : $GO0 porch 8222 ft.. Phone Libertyville 829 $4-- Works 50 W all Board, CLOSET OUTFITS, LA V ATORIES, PIPE BRING YOUR TRUCK! WE WILL LOAD YOU PROMPTLY AS LIOW 5 f 15'05 AS Boar Cl 54 .. You simply. must lt adiiaa n thereamnlre 'sol an ache. or pain in the h t nu-poJ:l in a glass of . '::. b:lm breakfast u: & hl""; Aush . glogged kidneys § l:.nwm'-'l uflflq.-l'tm neutralize, the acids in the urine so. no longer irritates, thus helping to se Toee mitk Tihin and in Haomikes n lieve 1. piens 26 *4 mde hm makes a delightful «Hervescent lithis tm asa se t l Tey ts uduyoA m R : selle> 10ts of~Jad Salts ghq; balieve in . "{l'f- to correct trouble while it is ouly trouble Salts Fine for -- Aching Kidneys Jad Saits is harmless, # akee a delightful 'm D. &, M. Flooring, Dressed & Matched Gordon Wrecking & Lbr. Co,, _Great Lakes, 1L Gentlemen: Please send without obligation, your _P List No, 7 on Bungalows, Ba: AT LESS THAN HALF Cat Out and Mail Coupon Today STANDARD 2 IN. BLACK PIPE the Kidneys, then the Back hurts,