ing----an eloquent: speaker. with -- a c e oo ts maliins Who bruke into :o&?.%m'mhu: over w",- !W!M ted they wanted to get money as the in af m«nfin_fl; al-- ?mmw% &olz.'mmfiauz;';n-- ~In Response 5. Vidhe ture of the decade was made, and. 'onoofpt; We "The Call of the WNd" ____________..... Jack London And hundreds of others to choose from. On sale PHONE 5& To a Demand Only 75¢ Each E. B. LOVELL CO. The Epic Story of the West -- Like 'other public instititions, banks are ectablig;d in résponse to com-- fjmunitydemand& x f 'They are maintained to satisfy these demands and their life .and growth depend upon how well they do this. mhasmmmv?gm has main: tained a -- 'since it w; established. in gt!l:s commur '2 proof--that it is giving the public all that can be desired in ting ser-- We invite you to do your banking :z'.wm t dor xt a-,:;'&: sweaker. with © a "Wiliam Alcorer busi-- R j transacted }m:Wthoqui t Company in Chitago on % oft -- Waukegan was a \ ille visitor Wednesday. ..Fred Smith rec¢ived a telegram Ffihy%hhm uum od"'"h.'""'flo lowa, had passed away. She was 76 years old and had visited here sever-- al times ahd made many friends in This elty, _a@ ~ '~.s3 s : 2 ¢/ o. Mr. g.uu. K. P. Schnaebele at-- tended auto show at the Col-- THF LAKE COUNTY RECGISTER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 1924 :Z'&cr points before their return. home from Notre Dame Col-- %fi('mf" 3;.,1,,,," will give J dancet in the lodge rooms 'h-';J APE BM Psny Iedicscatrtzizgadk V ePA mUOR 4 Juidges in the contest were Mrs. Fr ' "itien neitk d & w Yeidel visited Chicago relatives Thursday. \Robert C. Higgins is still confined to his home with sciatic rheumatizm The names of the winners in the Mc-flm~mmufd;3 . The Epworth League of the M. E. church are enjoying the series of 'studies on "The Youth of America 'by Daniel L. Marsh. Workers in any sphere of legitimate --activity are co--workers with God. If they ap-- _/ Miss Grace M. Smith of Liberty-- Churchill, Mr. Paul Kélier and Mr. as director and. Misses Mary an Hildegard Hapke as accompanists. ~Dr. O, F. Butterfield is attending at the University of Wiscorisin this ville, IIL _ and Mr. Ira R. Andrews, dlsm'mmquhfly-afilod at Belvic HL. on Jan. 17, 1924 The young couple are housekeeping at : 319 North Ave. Relatives and friends are just finding it out. About 200 were present at the sa-- ered. concert given by the St. Jo-- seph's choir at the St. Joseph's church last Tuesday night. The se-- lections were very beautifully ren-- dered with Mrs. George Mc Donald audience to hear this dn-'iflAnu-fi- mon next Sunday evening, are * Ray °N. Smith and William~Fen-- dick, .':lt Wednesday <in Chicago, taking in a show. * Mrs. Glen Sayers® attended : the Ficholn in Chick wm"'"" ln'JMWM' and duclkr. f Mrs, H, H, Horton, left for Mrs, Hor-- ton's home, Rocky Mount, North Carolina, Thursday norning. Mrs. Wilson will make um vialt Mrs. A. W. Lindroth and little son 6 9+ abe ¢ io aT % <f fl ekek nged for a basketball game with the-- egan team Thursday. Date will be : unced later. Stanley Eaton has purchased a half interest in the Auditorium the-- i1 for sometime is somewhat im-- oved. Her & #rom Kewanee is ir tor hek." ©-- _ ifmds HAH Langworthy, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. orthy, is ' y , :'{; ) '("k of pneu-- Te anld MER Babert Odom ar Sr w:& $y Time mak ~The lndies 0 3, ;Ibihefan church served a deli :'& &st chicken sup-- per, Thurs. evening to a big crowd of H8r. - rk ' and Myron Riggs at-- MM on Wednesday. Jagék Dollenm&Ir And Silvan Duba& wore visitors at The acto show on Saturday Night, February 2' Don't Forget the AnmualMeeting in Chicago Next Monday MILK PRODUCERS MEETING Every local in Lake County is urged to be represented Farm Bufeau Office PeC meeting next Carlton ar« Pretsky attended a dance in Chicago Th:lnh,dcht : illiam McGavic, of show in Chicago on Thursday. Wabash, Ind., by the flinges of he to Wabash, Ind., by &r niece, Mrs, Katherite Coleman. John Butterfield, Walter Engle-- brecht, Carl Weiskopf, Morris Swan and Burnel Casey were Chirago vis-- itorsy Wednesday. : . 4 gn. Ed. Weiskopf was a Chicago vi'jtor Ihm '.,, w5\ :*% * -- Mrs, Homer Hubbard is on'th: sick -- list. e m ¢ Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Smith vise-- ited Mrs. Meyer at Lake Forest Thursday : evening. * The Boy Scouts: will meet at the Presbyterian < Church #+on --Tuesday ns reide Curfolf tun-- Chfih. Helén Carroll wu.t':om cheon guest of her sister, L. Club at Town week. Lake Forest, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Schanek, on Friday, Mrs. George Wm"'" erg and Mrs. harles Klepver spent y 'in Friday Feb. 22 Mfl!fld;h_fi'&e?' Lee Walrond took in the auto [d "22° mw.w-u..u:s-l--- or Friday in Chicago. m MO Illhoh, He went on Thursday. . Bear in mind the treat in store Tor Libertyville people next Friday evening Feb. 8 at the high school when Mys, , Bonnin will speak on y " Mrs. Bonnin is an Indian princess. She is a talented ¢peaker and the Woman's Club and P. T. A. organizations are sponsoring her appearance in Lib-- *W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. There is no obligation in asking information or advice." I am always glad to be of service.. Better Be Early Than Too Late "ZINCO®" REMOVE SOOT FORREST FLAGG | « -- B3--W ' Those who save regularly ; GET YOUR PLANS. OUT NOW whether for House, Barn, Garage or remodel something. We can help you and now is the time to go into it with us. We can save you money and wor-- ry. Time soon slips around> and everything points to a busy season. Come in! Our experience and help costs you nothing. f Wool Chinese Prints in Crepe de Chine 40 inch Width -- -- -- --~$2.2%5 You are the Mastgr Of your Destiny. | The First National Bank Financial i INSURANCE is PROTECTION Those who spend freely Usually end _ Chained to 'their work; AIBERTYVILLE -- ILLINOIS Resources More Than a --Half. Are certain to win te 84 YVILLE PURE BRED JERSEY3 A. LAWRENCE MIHLS, Owner ocoa and j+4 Register of Merit Stock PAGE *yex . *