ie 4 # & « /. ~'Many radio. fans are familiar with the Long: 45 hook--up. The Long 45 Bs is one of N_!«_v tfiu are capable® of _.'_« / Amy Well--Working Set| * 19 Toge metion of the grid leak must be | y in conmection with the ac--| a vacuum tube. 'The tube fila-- / when heated: gives off a ml /. of negatively charged '..g The '~ . MItract and !ike charges repel, so the Sgnchl en slim c Alv t a loud speaker with 'mod-- 6 inventor of --the circuit now ntes that he has found a method " the cost of construction can be alightly reduced--and the eficlency of the receiver gréatly Improved. -.mlhm-offlohpm:dm 45 receiver is shown berewith.. -- A .glance at it will show that the variable m"m"' used has , ,fll',nm'mphm , )0 p or rheostat the con-- in is very likely to cut through thus ruining the instrument. Also there are very few rheostats and potentiometers which have* smooth euntacts. To eliminate these while the regeneration can easily be eontrelled "by "the tickler coll of the Long 45 tuner. _ The 00825 condenser will be found to be as good, If not bet-- ter, than the variable condenser®for-- .-Lr,wu and : the possibitities for leakage will be reduced to 3 mint . Te replace the hbole drilled on the amnel for a 21--plate variable condens-- _ a Oarter inductince switch with oriee tor the pat fet =B"--pattery tube selected by the operator to meet W In the case of a | soft tube, such as~the WD--11, WD-- 12, or UV--200, the best results are _obtained when the switch is placed at eontact points marked 1, 3, 5 or 7,, 'When using a hard tube, such as UV« 201A, : the contact . switch. --should be; plaged at 7, 9, 11, 18 or 15. The.rea-- vm improved and ilmpw "Long 45" Hook.Up, Which: Employs Carter $gaeks ... switeh and 45--Voit "B" Battery, > _ ; cells of (the (Long 45 "R" battery. Waph or switch contacts 2, 4, 6, 8. 10, 12 and 14 are left blank. _ tact arm of a rheostat a small roller t. This arrangement has proven 4 efficient ~and> has: given much !"-L'm'fl"fl, how this arrangement can be ap pliled to various types of theostats and potentJometers. As seen, a small brass zon m other switch point or polint is not used is to safe-- nard against short-- ¢ireults, adjacent or roller abont one--hbalf--inch in in fantened to the end of the cont arm and placed so that it will make firm contact with the resiatance wire either on the ond or on the side Of the winding. This amaill roller is mttathed to the arm by means of a mmna"'mmunb awitch or --binding post bush-- ¢. The alider contacts on all these atro i are made of spring brass, # is an easy matter to bend iham #so that the roliers can make Arm dio Kews How Grid Leak Aids tionally 8mooth--Running Contact. with the resistance wire--Rin | X% * Pig 1 ve: <the> volume Great care is usually exercised in *mmmumm usually very little thougbht is given to £, the matter of a ground,. 'The two are ,,Whthon-uv . |experimenters--an aerial is supposed * i<to do one function -- a ground is :;mau&.&mym 6 Terent. But, in reality, the aerial and the ground perform equal functions ) |'and act as the two piates Of a large < 6 Aul in securing a good ground as you are In securing a good aerial. The im-- proved reaults will repay you. It will be found that in a <great many cases where stations are brought in faintly, that :a turn to increase volt-- ago in a unit of: 114. volts will some:-- times bring in a station much Jouder and clearer, without any further ad-- justment of 'the tuner or the variable grid leak. mm&.n& as condensers u%m made today. : In a great n ~of -- instances -- where fixed '"B" battery voltages could. not be adjusted, it was found that some-- nolses and blocked the tubes or--made them ' inactive, preventing the very best results that« could be obtained. . <~A great number of Long 45 fans are reporting excellent results from sta-- tions that they never could have brought in «on more. expensive --and elaborate sets. "~--'One of its constant users. advises In 'using this . Carter-- Inductance switch It will be found that finer ad-- mnt of regeneration is <applied, nillar to the vernier control on any plate from the negatively charged fOla-- There is a mesh of wire bel the Mamett soy Bivi tirsich whieh the electrons must fow, and this is called the grid. 'The incoming. signals . cause to become pd:z:o;.wmmm fMament and plate and being positive adds further inducement to the elee-- }m:omvemmocm Alament and flow to the plate. When the grid is negative this places a bar-- Hiér between the Alament and plate and practicaliy stope the flow of sléc trons, and consequently the signais in For an inexpensive set, it was found that it was easily tuned and selective,. and that there 'was 'no difficulty in good locations, Jn --cutting. out . loca} broadcasting stations 'with a ~con-- denm&b@;nfll%« this kind were ) m }cofldmouat right mfi'n the--in-- denser attached to the inductance coil. Volume of signais and npr was then lwhm the prop-- that the Long 45 "has no respect for distance, and--that stations are got-- ten --by: appointment © and not by switch., C we Sa)" Beginners often wonder bow the energy is transferred from--the pri-- mary-- to the secondary cireult of a Induction Explained . . .. for Radio Beginners sald to be Induced, in distinction from conducted. 4 However, If the current in the first eoll is steady and the relationship be-- tween the two colls remains Axed the induced current will last but a moment. But If <the current is alternating, or waciliatory, such as is found in radio waves, the current in the second coll will: be continuous and ~will follow closely the changes of current in the Arst eoll. f Efficient Ground as Important as Aecrial SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1924 11:00 a:m..--Central Chu N Chicago. Dr. F. F. Shannon, pastor. Musical program under the direc-- tion of Daniel Protheros. ~T:00 p.m.--Chicago Sunday Even-- ing Club Service broadcast from Or-- chestra Hall Chicago. : s usical under the Sn masteal piatham ander H . 'The speaker of the evening will be Hon. F. O, Lowden. \ 6:15 p.m.--Dinner Concert by fll'! KDKA Little Syniphony Orchestra, Victor Saudek, conductor. | 7:80 p.m.--Radio Girls Scout meet-- ing conducted 'by Laura Holland. 7:45 p.m.--The children's period. . 8:00 <p.m.--Market reports from the studio of National Stockman arq Farmer.. w $ 1 § g: p.m.---;M\i're.b' the eA .. 8:80 p.m.w----Concert ~KDKA Little symphony Orchestra, Victor Saudek, -- conductor,' assisted . by Charles °L. -- Billeter,s tenor;--Ashley 'Brockett, basso. i , . Program: Selections by orchestra, Overture -- Miniature, ="Nutcraker Suite," Tsachaikowski--March charac-- teristic; Dansge Russe; Danse Chin-- ois; "Danse Mirlitons; "Canzonetta" a -- Turkish ~Tea Garden." Seide; *Coronation march," Kretchner.:Ten-- or an basso solos selected.. ~~ ~0:55 pm.--Arlington time signals and weather forecast. | TUESDAY, FEBRUABY 19 > 1 Station _ KDKA--Westinghouse -- | 6:15 p.m.--Dinner concert. | 7:15 pam.Address by E. Blower, T eaD panrertfeniencion in Aingt-- :'30: h mer-- ican !z::;:" D. F. m Dean of the Faculty, I nati Pa., under the auspicer of the A burgh Personnel+Association. ¢ A:Ab p.m.--The Children's period: ... 8100 p.m.--Market Reports from MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1924 xoun;fia. HL, Feb. 18.--An-- other search for the "Grahnt Park Bank" failéd today." State Senator Search _ for candidate for governor, was un uhé-hwhnbv"th:u Kaikakee county village. )'l;;»-_g the 459 inhabitants could F % to him. ® mnnmgpoflni&.&ut Park, _They LX wmww 000 of public funds were placed by Gov. Len Smail while treasurer of Tilinois, but the site of the only *"Grant Park bank" that the oldest villager can remember is a wind swept» lot oceupied by u 'bandstand where the village errnet band holds concerts in the summer time, LOT HIDES SITE OF SMALL BANK Bank Disappeared in 1998 The bank disappeared in . 1898 1nd, like $2,000,000 interest money that vanished twenty years later, it hasn't been seen since. Not far from the site of the "Grent Park. bank" -- stands --the Grant -- Park © Trust ~and ~Sevings bank, whetre the late Senator E. C. jurtis, ~"Smail's banking associate mmdmfllm: business. -- The bank is business, with the late szenator's brother, Vernon --S. Curtis, in charge. 5 % 'Another search for the bank 'flll be made tomorrow when the mem-- bers of Attorney General Brund-- age's staff, headed by Charles W. Hadley, arrive to take depositions in the $2,000,000 interest recovery suit against Len Smail. w Senator Eesington held a* meet Ing here ton'ght to present the is-- Sues of the camnaign to, the people of the east _side of Small's county. The Essington organization in Kan-- kakee, under the leadership of Bert Miller u".'m':..b'h-. state's -- attorneys, Iaunched a wm\m'm gov-- ernor in his own _ "Cesington wu atrength aaily in his downstate Evi-- md&uug _by the open indorsements he. is Feceiving from mmmlmm F '""Wl We . P "' "*an about the Oglesby ma wive Eszington a .bid lead . over Bm:H." Mr. Dyer gaid. | "From this oo io eetatety Sill 40e Baaing Failed® Again, Candidate ,"* Mathe; i# gave "In the studio of Nationa! Stockman and soprano: : Mrs. Gertrude <Centorbi, contralto: Walter Pease, accompan-- | Chicage 'Journal --of Commerce and |United 'States Department of Agri-- ist; Louis Glugosz; violin; from the studio--of ' Margaret . Horne, --Pitts= burgh Pa. x *3:g Program: Selections for contralto: "How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings," Little: "Lungi dal Caro Bene" Soe-- chi; "Open thy blue eyes,". Mas-- senet; "Perfect Day," Bond. Bm'o, solos: ' '"Before the Dawn," Chad-- wick; *Little Winding Road," Ro-- land; "Thou 'A'rt Mine All,". Bradsky; "My Song,": Brahms. Violin solos: "Hejre --and Kati,"~ Hubay; -- "Moto Perpetuog' Bohm: "Oriental," Cui; and weather forecast. 11;30---- > Special -- late: _ evening Concert by the Queen City Orchestra. culture. 7:00 to 7:30 Concert furnished by the Congress Hotel, | : ~8:01 to 8:20 pm.----Program will be xeau : FederaSion: The speakers of the evening 'i;::: R. A. Cowles, bject, Business Aspects of'b_ l ores sented by the" American Farmg::' _. Louise Fitzgerald jee:f the National lz', ,"'?.: u.! ,ation' To National «_ Courtesy of the Chicago Musical Cohoge--disuction of 1. Poul Breit: 8:80 p.m.--Concert by. Sara~Peck, 'he Wd-tg:"»- F«-mmm Winois, . prel minary estimate of the © ---- lu®, Dec. 31, 1922, of the principal,mw'.m rms of wealth, the total amount-- with $15,204,979,000 in 1912, and ANNOUNCE VALUE FOR ILLINOIS increase of 45.4 per (cent,. Per eapita values increased from $2,-- 627 to $3,295, or 25 A per cent. -- All classes of property increased Lvulu from li:hu to 1922, except stock, which decreased from $886,701,000 to $319,025,000, or 17.5 i¥ cent, The estimated value of zod real property and improve-- ments increased fro $9,158,336,000 to $11,526,981,000, or 25.9 per cent; exempt real property from $887,-- 983,000 to $1,041,845,000, or 17.3 per cent; farm irmplements and ma-- zracy from svuu;:::o $159,-- 667000, or 100.4 per t;. manu-- Lacturing machinery, tools, and im E' from $451,209,000 to $1,« 4,798,000, or 164." per eent; and and their mmn $042,118,000 to $ , . or .mm"m w'Lnl transmission n and en-- terprises, other than railroads, in-- and stocks of goodr, vehicles other than motor, forniture, and elothing from $2,640,355,000 to $5494,828,-- creased in value from $748,718,000 to $982,002,000, 'or 81.2 percent; 000, or 108.1 per cen'. No compari-- ;: is possible I; the value of w«:- which was estimated in because _ no -'Tflufimo\o was made in 1912. n making these «estimates -- the department follo'd: general m methods employed | iN _ éstimates for 133. mfl" Meved that in gome respects the work in 1922 has been more thor-- ough. 1t should be borne in mind that the incru'u.;fl,'w}w ar > to a large extent due to the rise in prices which has *h place in recent M 80 as that is the Mrut 1 resent corres . Ancreases in the qoanns, in e o o 9:55 p.m.----Arlington time'signals ive Our Want Ads the O The astimated values of gold and silver coin and bullien, the . s Of the Navy, and w'\' tely ow waterwork; will ® pear only in Cale for the Unitad Sintes _ * 8:48 to 9:80 p.m.--Musical pro-- WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 14. gures Given United . States id o .----Bedtime story 'for the ze extent due to the s which: H taken #, financia} and fi-- port summary fur-- on Trust Company, + by wiser, Artists and program wil} be announced by radio.. ~ Station _ KDKA--Westinghouse WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 ~6:16 p.m.--Dinner Concert by the Pittsburgh Athletie Association Or--. chestra, Gregorio Scalzo, conductor. vw1:80 p.m.«--"Feeding the Infant," by a representative of the Sanitation Committee, | Allegheny Medical-- So-- / T:40--~p.m.----The children's period. ~~ 8:00 p.m.----Market: Reports from the studio of the National Stockman *'00) pm.----"The Holuscoming of :00 p. n & of a Great m English Exposition of 1924," Grayce Druit Latus, Tra-- vel Editor of the Pittaburgh Post.: _ 8:80 p.m.--Concert. arranged by the McKinley . Gregg Automobile 'Trust Company, Chicago Journal of Commerce and the uuudmu Bu-- reau of Agriculture. 3c i .. *:50 p.m.--Bedtime story for the and weather--forecast. »mn.h 6:.30 _ ----NeWs, Tinanc al --And I'-- nal matket furnished by the Union 7:00 to 7:80 p.m.--Dinner concert furnished by the Congress Hotel. Josks DeBabary and his orchestra from the Louis XVI room and--Clyde Doerr and his orchestra from the Pompeiian --room. -- ~8:00 to 8:58 p.m.--Musical -- pro-- Mr. McClary's numbers will be an-- nounced by radio. : # 9:00 p.mi. report.on road conditions Turnished by the Chicago Motor Club 9:06 pm.--Reviews on. the latest books by Llewellyn Jones, Literary Editor of the Chicago Evening Post. ~Q:15 'p.m.--Program furnished by the Federal Health Bureau. Artists and program will be an-- nounced by radio. c On the--Lill farm 1% miles south-- east of Area,.2 miles south west of Libertyville and 4 cmile north of WEDNESDAY,~ FEB, 20, 1924 Commencing at 12:30 sharp CATTLE: 19 cows, 2 bulls, 2 year« HORSES: 1 black team 9 yrs. old. '~4 wray mare, T years old. 1 black m-'llln.qld. t HOGS: Tall shoats, 3 sows, full blood durocs. All hogs can be n ACHIRELY: Pull ling NERY : Full line of farming Telephone -- 57 DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD YETERINARY sSURGEON Telephons 66 LIBERTYVILLE ----~ DR. J. L TAYLOR Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park SAVE YOUR EYES -- CONSULT Lecture by-- Morgan L. Eastman-- Luce Bldg. DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON WAUKBRBGAN 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.--Midnight m'« 200 bu. barley, 600 bu. of dats, 300 baskets of corn. R. J.; LILL, Prop. Fred Grabbe, Auctioneer, € .> John Rouse, Clerk:. 30-- ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Telephone 18 ~ Asslatant State Veterinarian LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEY--ATALAW B. H. MILLER Station--KYW LIBERTYVILLE FOR SALE--Seven room house, screened porches." Furnace heéat. {:fl»xmhuormh.fiood on. this is a real bargain and if--you are in the market for a ~home you cannot afford to pass this' one by: ; | FOR SALE--Modern six room resi-- dence on the south side, Lot 50X * 200. A nice home in a good loca-- tion, and it's priced right.;: ~_-- FOR SALE--Fine -- seven 'r"' strictly modern home on Cook Ave. Hot water heat. --Oak trimmed, Fire place. Extra large lot. Garage " and : chicken house. fine shade. Most convenient locat'on in town and the price is reasonable. f "-- home en full sized lot located on . south 'side, Hardwood trimmed 'Garage. Everything in fine shape. FOR SALE--Modern five room home -- with four lots West of Milwaukee --A. R. SCHNAEBELE Real Estate & Insurance FOR SALE--Fine seven: room: bun-- mmwm sewer, mf..n;hdddty. bungalow on double lot with lots 3f frait and berries. It has bath, sew-- er, m,_alcetrlellz tsa. Conven-- fent : location, Only FOR -- SALE----Nice strictly. modern seven room home on lot 100275 ---- . Garage, chicken house, Fine shaie . and shrubbery. © Very choice Joca-- tion. Priged right. .R ge FOR SALE--Modern seven réom home west. of Milwaukee Ave. FOR SALE--Six room house near stores, etec. with whater, electric :y, Minimum charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 ~~-- _ Rates: 5e per line per insertion, _ . brick mercantile.and. office bui ing on Milwaukee Ave. Choice | cation.-- -- Immediato --possession. Priced far below actual value. Buy " before prices advance. ~'% FOR SALE--Two story brick block on Milwaukee Ave. Two stores with flats. above. Lot 160 feet deep. Priced for quick sals. Good incomie property. FOR SALE--Modern two story brick =Mnmmh rnmmx-um Ren-- tals bring very good return on in-- vestment. -- i FPOR SALE--FINE HOME SITES --The only. way to get the home you want is to build it. We will sell you the lot and finance your build-- ing operations. . Come in and let us tell you about our plan. . . FOR SALE--Sixty.acre farm near town. Good seven room house with ; mmmnm 1 orchard of pears, apples, Soil black loam. Self supporting place which will pay for itself in short© term® of years. Price low with easy termas, FOR --SALE--Seventy © acte farm If you want %0 buy anything, or if, you have something to-- weoll, ¥ent or exchange, or if--you wint help, make it known through these columns. : You will get results. £ . There is no way you can reach as mai.y people in Lake county ~hmnbtudnumnhhumt.nyn;nflm-¢h your wants known here. A trial will convince you. % f Also lm Hat: of other homes, farmas, »sountry homes, acres, homesites, and tracts ready for sob-- FOR SALE--100 acre farm neat FOR > SALE--Two chorses; dw of: frait and berries. Lorga"" Three car fi This is an ex-- ceptional _ and 'the price is A. R. SCHNAEBELE Real Estate & Insurance oqdmnt' mt including wat-- o. Laike theatlo." .A Tull line of er._ Latge the silo.. A full lins of smaller buildings. Stock, tools, feed, etet can be purthased with the farm. ~Immediate 'possession. Price of the farm only $200 per nere, which is far below its actual A bargain to the man who buys it m:zh-c'm:m-fi sell before 1,..Fred Car#: tom, 1% m of Wilson station, farm known as the Lam-- bracht Farm. _ _ A10%, Barn and chicken house. A Classified Ads FOR SALE , mice shade. Price only r % op ¥D FOR -- SALE--Clover and . timothy hu.bndmmdlhom.c: work horse, 8 yvears old,.-- Pb FOR SALE--30 acres--of standing corn, Phone 260--W--1. : 184. FOR SALE--Pure bred Bronz tur-- key® gobblers, some -- Roan : ducks ganders, Phone 278--J--2, Bergeron Stock Farm, Lake Street, 2 miles west of Libertyville. -- _ 18--b . FOR : SALE--1200 'Egg Candee In-- eubator. -- . 1000 -- chick ~Kerogene brooder; 1 cook stove; 1 pair osoll-- lator sleds; 1 light sleigh; Rhode Island-- Red ,dd:u.l.:".m, FOR SALE--Goad 80 acre farm only 2%% miles from town and cement road. > Good set of buildings. Must be sold quick. Frice only $1% per ---- scre, See A. R. Schnaebele, Reg-- ister office, LLibertyviNle." * 10--tf FOR SALE--Fresh_ sterile,: selected eggs, ut the Greenbriar Farm, Phone 286--R--1, Libertyville. 7--6t. FOR SALE--Nearly new five room baungalow with an extra lot.. Con-- . veniently located, It has city new-- WANTED--Two--or three furnished or unfurnished rooms with conven-- FOR_RENT OR SALE--112 acre farm near Prafrie View. -- Inquire Frank Mitchell, Area. Phone 191--w cum'n' nmc--sm: Fob-- . oi n Arodera for ns SITUATION WANTED--By middle aged lady. -- Situation as house-- keeper for a widower or bachelor. write H. J. % Lake County Regis-- WANTED--By married man, job orw 261--W--1. W ANTED--Smail farm., have cash buyer for a small farm of from 20 to 80 acres. Must have good Gtayslake 111. Phone 298--R--2. Mr. months; lightning set fre to his barn and destroyed everything in-- duding his Bull machine. » He would not milk by hand fi He was satisfied with his fAirst 3 so he bou¥ht another. Get one and you will be satisfied: AUTOMOBILE OWNERs Applications for 1924 license are here. Apply for youtrs early oo as to wet it by the first of the year.: A. R_-- SCHNAEBELE, Notary Public, Reg-- ister Office, Libertyville, «t heifer calves. °M. H. Peterseon, In a 'gpeech to British einema'?rhndwa re-- marked that "the.Chinese mo-- tion pictures of a sort over '800%8 er and water, house, Lots of.fruit trees. It's a ulnlufloh-oand ean -- be are all full See A. R. blacksmith shop, lumber : Feed and flour mill ete. CGood house with furnace and 'ronning water, &hflu Fine young orchard. i T mc -- -dhto'_pouud':n. ' See A. R. Schnaebele, Register Blodg, Liber=-- tences -- for _ light -- housekeeping. Leave word at the Register Office, farth. ~Good dairy man. Inquire Ave. Phone 314--J. A. R. ibele, Register office, BERT FINSLAD, Libertyvillia-- or 169 Chicke s A%