iF 45 MANY EXPECTED IN LITTER CLUB roll in the Hllinois Ton Litter club to try their hand at making 2,000 pounds or more of pork out of a single litter of pigs in six months, according to .W. H. Smith, state :m'olfu-ldvhor';:tfluct ege nnrdt! mhoh.x.hum of this work in the state. Farmers and breeders are now signing--up-- for the project, which aims at econom-- 'ual pork production, and from pres= ent indications the enrollment this in 1928, the first year for the ;proj-- leading ones in the work with ten, to their credit. J. R. Deputy, Keensburg, Marshall county, won the state championship with a pure-- b>d Etter of Durpe Jerseys that weighed 3,283 pounds at the end of the six months. URBANA,HL. Mar. 1.1--One thou-- sand Blinois farmers and hog rais-- ers this vear are expected to en-- matic in--control and if serious trou-- ble arises in its mechanism, it shuts gw-uddnnlhudovnmfllu- perts® make things right again. It has a capacity of 6,500 horse power. serson will be far above that of last year when 600 undertook --to make one or mare litter on their farms weight a ton each in 180 days. _ Enroliments will continue until April 15 through the farm .mhflnvm'ewn&l.. vl».nrollmrm-; m: litters of 'pigs farrowed farms between Febguary 1. and <April 15. These entries can be. made until April 15 on cards fur-- nished by the farm adviser. Those vho wish to have their litters offi« illy nominated for an award must for nomination and. inspection July 1. -- . National Duroc Jersey asso-- ciation again is co--operating with the College of Agriculture in fur-- thering the" project this year by serson will be far above last year when 600 unde: make one or mare litter -- farms weight a ton each days. -- Enroliments will April 15 through t in the vartous: co v who enroll maye! litter or litters of 'pigs liters im the various counties will receive the regulation gold medal awarded by county farim bureaus and livestock breeders' association, while other co--operating agencies in the various counties--are expect-- ed to follow their practice of last wear in ra'sing substantial cash prizes for those who succeed in rais-- . A woman in London created a sen-- Hog 'Raisers Planning to Get Into Organization fia total of $250 in cash A i for county and state winners. In addition owners of t .n Full line of machipery and tools. Jso bn wate. 44 inck of $hte Hatis 64. sf Alage. 85 grain bagh. -- -- -- _ 50 chickens: 15 Barred Rock roosters L _3 Al )N -- On the Morrison Farm situated one mile southwest of Rondout on the Bradley road on » a 13 of eat , batance freghen in 7 e 4 3 Horses: 1~brown mare 9 yrs. old; }u'-an_!mold;lmm' '*Usual terms of sale, MARGARET MORRISON, Adn. Fred Grabbe, Auctioneer This Year 30 ton litters. y ton litters representing 30 ~were . produced in --Illincis ~-- The decorations and favors were red white and blue.-- A lovely two course luncheon' was served and each guest had some of the birthday cake. The teachers are Iookinlbmrdl to spring so that they can have a ;buehputyngoh. L. T. H. 8. vs MAINE FIRST TEAM ~The heavy game was a good one the smoke cleared.away our fellows were on top by a 24 to 12 score. One feature of the game was its rough-- ness almost "brutal" one might: call it. Several of the fellows are limp-- ing around this morning, bruised but . _ Our: fellows got 'in their work the last part although we led 10 to 6 the first half. mmm He seemed to sink the ball from anywhere on the Floor. 'Htrrhm'rkhtbehindhinwith'hi- three ringers and two free throws, and played a "whale" of a game for his size. Bracher and "Bugs" were |right there whenit came to breaking lup Main's plays and keeping the ball out of the basket. L. T.~H. S. vs MAINE 2ND--TEAM Last Thursday night our w entered into a hard game with Maine had trimmed our lights on their floor now ~were out for re-- venge and got it 12--11. **~Immediately after the whistle the i game started with a rush and it was You remember that Mah--Jongsg party that the teachers were to have g-m&. They . all. said .jt Was & party and. declared that . Miss Quirin and Miss Davis are royal hos* tessess. In the first place, they cele-- brated the birthdays of three dis-- tinguished men, "Pa" Hawk, Julian Aldrich, and George Washington. mpfimd@onv-b'nuehh- ese favors and were awardel to Miss-- es Aurell, Smith and Kisch, mt free throws, _ ... 5wl a2% zl > +A «4 +* + +« . -- LIRGOP. Snpebaarigar! a While the students .zL'r.u.s.lm_ and Wilson, and, Sawokin and had a holiday last Friday, the teach--! the baskets seemed to--come in 'a ers were enjoying the Institute at whirlwind. Dizzy seemed to be most-- Libertyville:--W. Horenberger Barron--F., A. Hor _,_," y McDonald -- G. Snyder--C., | a fast affair all the way through. First Maine would get the lead anl then we until the last part of the game when--we managed to sneak in a free throw and won. F., . Harris--F., ~ Engliebrecht --C., Bracher--G., Wilson--G. _ * EME RRER T CR EIECCIKD . C / BR 0y . RACEOEC TE 9 Baning--C., | Brehems--C., McDon-- Libertyvilie:--Austin--F., Rich-- 7 ~$*® 85 A":-' J v% E. mis 'i y '&m L M BUY NOW! Every spring the demand for Ford Cars is oevetdm& thousand greater than the available supsly. Place your order immedi-- ately, to avoid delay in delivery. CARS--TRUCKS <+TRACTORs -- Bee the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer Tanls does Lies u900 Peigraie aat y n P the teachers at u';:'l'ud «made visiting teachery feel home, © The P, T. A. served lut : about 200 teachers. The the morning session were; .**Educa-- tion--and the Times," -- and .. "Main Streets East and West." The themes of the afternoon session were "Teach-- ing as Salesmanship's" and *"The Happy Teacher." Thursday Assembly . period: was mbm. to a talk by Mr. Under-- who spoke of the danger--of carelessly disregarding health laws, taking cold andthe like, % We have no right to disregard the| Green says he'll help me. I'm gon' cautions and entreaties .of:others.to| to make some hills that will.turn up wear our top coats and overshoes.| side down. p'gv'"",'_a Where one takes a cold and is con--| ton on a tree at top of each hill fined on its account he:--infringes on lld--.ld.z.atfi.mm athenmanymt:'mos. o;h:;-mde-aqm m«m:nflu pendent on direct] indirect-- can press von ly. When he loses time, he is not mmmvfl'mufiw the only one who loses out. and they can coast down . 'so's 'Onlh'doyhatthomiorchuthqm't&an"_j i was statistic blocks were passed out. To|a lot of by up 4 know the results come to the class Yep, that's what I'm gon' ter do night exercises in June. §« v.|vbenlmtobo.flgm?'~ statistic blocks were passed out. To know the results come to the class night exercises in June. fes\. 36. + L. T. H. S. has had a number of visitors this past week. On Monday, Mr. Nickson, principal of. the High School, Green Bay, on Tuesday, fourteen -- school superintendents from Arkansas, and on Friday, Al-- ma Bauman and. Viola Waters.|© Don't forget to come to the Jun-- ior Benefit movie, "Ashes of Ven-- geance" on Tuesday and Wednesday. ket--came a little bit harder, but it came just the same. We had many more shots than Waukegan; but due to the hard game the night before they were unable to score mo're than 2 points the first half, while Wauke-- gan scored 15. + Waukegan is second in the lead in in the Suburban League and without miracles it is too much to expect to win. uvmn'hm tried u: the few f tactics she did, : 'would have been | mt. . <, in en m i phon ie 'Wlu'-in-" }t\::nc.fig.r: the biggest --sucsess for us. -- + Ahe second team captain went in for NOTE :: A small down your name on thm*flvm'f: Pléase come to this exhibit at L. T. H. S. next Thursday A. M. at 8:85 and visit the various sewing classes, The reasons are these:royal display :f.bloune:ednn.d"otb&?ym will exhibited, P n'fl-u-- der the supervision o;mns Nallace, All :are not merely welcome, but Kindly urged to attend. ~The second year girls are remodeling--old gar-- ments. C WAUKEGAN vs > LIBERTYVILLE Revenge is sweet; so thinks Wau-- kegan. 23--18, but still we have the edge, for in football we beat them 12 to 0 and who is there but will ad-- gittbatgszhmthanzsto The. game started with a jerk and Waukegan made a basket so quick: ly that few saw it. The second bas-- Blouse THE LAKE CO ~RECISTE ¥. MARCH 5 enz wl . ~ WHEN PM A MAN "Aw, shucks, us kids ain't got no place to cost anymore. We wern't hurtin'* the ole hill any. Some men 'm'as ever & boy."" : . -- when I'm a man I'm gon' ive a whole lot of hills for all the kids in the town to play on. : Then I'm go-- ing to do a lot of inventin'. This is where --my --inventin' comes in at. I ain't just thought it all out yet but ly resp for this. w:\ext yea ain't just thought it all out yet but I'm mfiw and ~Grandpa in the world is good nature--the . a~ bility to smile, to laugh heartily, Nh,o&efhnlnqu"" True fun is that which bubbles up imnaiienn io. Tan'knnd so others happy as we';{yr glari"as Have you ever noticed the first hour of the morning colors: affect mm day * -- Start out grouchy everyone gets edgeways; out cheery and in an oncannm frame of mind, and others will try their best to please you. s tss., the-- disposition to see the pleasant sikle of things, life becomes dreary and a mere--treadmill evistance.: --. It does. not make any difference who we are, where we live or what we are engaged in, a happy sponta---- neous laugh'is a tonic we cannot af-- ford to neglect. t _ x % To bob or not to bob--that is the question; whether 'tis nobler in mind ;o sut::ra'the hairpins and discom-- orts gilken strands, or take up shears against the sea of trouble, To bob it--it's gone, no more; f by doing so to say we end the head-- GOOD NATURBRE . --, | One of the most pleasant assets BROBBED? 11 ctuds o uit idns i: asi ie en t locks, that it is helr ¥r to uhu(m\rfi:\*m?hf speare.) ©-- _.m"?' m.mmun-dumhu aihht ltmtluuunhl:h fin '-hot,w%g mfimwu& vital importance. On stealing up be-- hind them, fragmentary parts of the w.wuhomm "Wouldn't recognize 'er on the street if L--saw 'er.". a n makd , wot ?" a o h n t /. P emntienty Iny time | Inftrmingina * any nte ed ejaculations © portraying > surprise, The ENttering Foms of 'the morning 0 mo UGew" and as soft 'and deep as new moss, to a multitude of flut-- g-»mmmmm and enthusiasm with each shake of those curly heads! ! "Tis a move townrd that trend of modernism that youth and vitality of American wo-- The largest electric light bulb in thuutldmmatllyuhifltodh East Orange, New Jersey,> at the g'ntdthcemnlmxmgCo.lt 22 inches high witha diameter of 156 inches at the top. Thirty thous-- and watts were 'required to The British Ambassacor at Wash-- ington has a salary just over $12,000, but in addition has a completely ap-- pointed --embassy : at his 'disposat--and an 'allowance--of: more than $85,000, thus--totaling $97,850. The Ameri-- can Ambassador-- at London has a o rend must pay, upkeep of the em-- § A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR STOCKMEN AND FARMERs To oBTtAm 1 " GOVERNMENT BUILDING MATERIAL FOR BARNS, HOG HOUSES, A CHICKEN HOUSES, BUNGALOWS, COTTAGES, REPAIRNc, E1c 1 i --At Less Than 50¢ On The Dollar' "Saome people have sense, ch *" nualy Tt s tigs * 1 8. ce Ts -- | o NS F * i 5 S e Ptmes eac ie inss sc inllite d eoarer oo eifernatiins s ut it veah s ie 3e aains i ud n\ . +s ) + 0 . A LIMITED TIME IS ALLOWED US TO CLEAR THESE CAMPS AT A FRACTION OF ACTUAL YALUE Everything Priced for Quick Sale! ; ~Millions of Feet Choite Yellow Pine At a Big Cuat Under Come t o the Camps, Bthgyourlht---- + Estimates Furnished P¢es#sent -- Market BRING YOUR TRUCK We WILL LOAD YOU _ _ PROMPTLY (€; Large Stock of Closet Outhts, Lavatories, Bath Tubs, Etc. L U M BE R ; ROOFIN G , P LV MB IN G;~ ETC. POULTRY HOUSEKS x 191.25 heat it Highland' Park 'Police Ar-- rest <Lester--Tolsen -- for Hwfi, Park police '.lon.club ed up the final threads in a baffling md:fiubrMth perpetrated at the Exmoor Coun-- try > club over=a;time of. three or Chester Tolsen of Chicago, 17 years coanty: Jon, tharged mith burgliny eounty + s % Efforts were being made Mon.--to have the youth ~released in <bonds. 'Three companions of the lad, all '""'&fl prelous occasions, Jo-- 'sepr De Jonge, Russell Saizman, on owever, he had not be caught when 'the others were taken. Last Baturday when De Jonge made a confession to ths police, he named the lad as the ore who disposed of the goods taken at the club. Tolsen is charged with selling a set of golf clubs: for $10 to Chicago man NAB YOUTH IN --~~CLUB ROBBERY up with the March term grand jury. SALEY OFFICES:;-- SHERIDAN ROAD AT 22nd 8T. NO. CHICAGO COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED CATALOG FREE! wRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDBRESs oN THIS COUPON AND MAIL IT TODAY -- FOR OUR COMPLETE CATALOG The Tolsen lad-- had been in the Burglary Gordon W & Lamber Co--, Gentlemen: . Please gend your Compicte Cataieg Neo. GWS i:nht and Building Materi#t of all kinds. 'Nexttoan'unanberYard' SPECIAL ORDERS FILLED ON sSHORT NOTICE Telephones: Residence 165--J Works 50 Libertyville Cement Block Works PIPE Standard 2 in. * Pipe, foot * ® lnnzh other aizes. F eot will 20 gallon heary riveted steel wa; . s i aia s * * Sal Others, 70 to 1,130 Gal, Capacity Aistoired, we pallte hok o ane was h w trail of the Tad and Anally ran bim whose name he »does ' to R. F. D. or St. Town Thonbhtfl.ltthoelubkm the Highland Park: police on jump. . Due to the fact that De Jonge had gecured a job as care-- taker about the place, he was en-- abled -- to assist ; the others, The wingenrsand raided the iechives who window, and raided the , tak-- ing sweaters, golfng suits,--and various. other equipment. Name The three arrosted in the first elnm_pby-tboWMp-- lice were taken after they had ran-- sacked a-- small sottage near the club taking a watch, $50 in cash, an:! cther things. -- They. appropri-- ated an automobile in an attempt State time, baving remcsined in Chicago. Monitor roof style, complete ma-- terial furnished including new Size 20 x 20 t -- 14 ft. high. Additional 10 x 20 ft. umits. Building plaa FREE. -- @PF > Easily erected By U. 8. Government Veterinarian FREE OF CHARGE . eseape, but were caught, . Tolsen was not with them at that CHICKEN ~HOUSES CATTLE for Tu Inspector In Charge Phone Libertyville 329 Big 'stock of heavy steel +XA **'(28)y $157 y 4