ol TA M&m.lu.l-nshm, and Martha Voss were Libertyville visitors Wednesday. G. M. Weidner received a car load of wire Saturday over the Soo Miss Pfister of Chicago spent Sun-- day with her folks here. l Joe and George Leikam attended a sale near Rondout Monday, l Emil Geest was a business caller at Wheeling Saturday night. 'The Miller childten on Second St. Libertyville have all + been on the gick-- list the past week with severe .Bmil «Geest and Caroline Busch motored to Libertyville Sunday. Chester Wolf of Deerfield was in The local was held in onr town some time Monday, while doing some switching they ran a car off the track, with the help of some town folks got it back on with a lot of a few moments at Punkin Center, hopped about on the snowt'nenshook! himself and flew southward. -- Let us know when he returns there C. B.] Mrs. Liectzan spent several days last week in the city. _ **/I M. F. Wagner returned from his several weeks stay in California got back Monday evening. He got back in plenty of time to enjoy some of our elegant winter weather. *The Libertyville robin the harbin-- ..dmmueso'n--ytosayhu flown south, yeh! He stopped over o " n t 02y 30054 _ Emil has all kinds of Jumber.. "Get m' 6. on e + Herman Tatge now has more milk to déliver to the city than his truck can carry has to hire another truck to take the surplus to the city. Lawn-- _MM'M up & lot of millk from dairies south of Area we were in« formed hence the over load,however ?:--huwtm ~will be able to.hbemdal! when it arrives. | > L. B. Anderson and Mr, Williams were business callers at Mrs. Caro-- line Busch's Monday evening.. . . <-- We hear Long Grove also is on the Boom, a bungalow is being erected and talk of another soon, get your Tot early and avoid the rush, whats * matter with our town it might we can't afford to be dead any __N. F. Busch and Ray Busch--and fdmily motored to Arlington Heights Wedneslay. --_ > A ol .-- Will Bunton who 'has been visiting his sister Mrs. N. F. Busch, since ?m-.ummmu-. Lioyd {Ihmthkr was a caller at the Crestmore last Tuesday. 'm_lfifim a busines caller in the city last Tuesday, pm.wmhmh- day morninng. C Mr. and Mrs. Ray Busch took their daughter Shirley Rae to the city Thursday for an xray examination and are having her treated by a chiropractor at Arlington Heights. Peter Sievers spent Sunday in the city. | Mr. Ward was a visitor in the city Sunday. . Al. Bunton Jr. and Clarence Busch spent Saturday nite at Schley's lis-- tening to radio reports. Mr. and Mrs. Frel Busch and Alice ment at Bunday nite. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Busch and Shir-- ley motored to Arlington Heights 10:40 south bound train on April ist and will discontinue hauling milk -dr too, we are informed. for sale, automobiles and trucks get most of their biz. f When we hear them called "Puddle Jumpers," it makes us weary, "ever relinble" that's the name. _ t _ Last Wednesday after the cight grades finished reciting their history the lesson being about John A Logan, a jady who then with Mrs. Rhenmatism, lumbago/nevritis, back-- stiff neck, sore muscles, straind, aacflq Mi. When you are ioh ied Pogee * chabbupimes i-*-'.:t: e oo ' Tb comes at once. _ Just as soon as you apply Red Pep-- per uh you ec! the tingling heat. in atgh ant through and the tortare is rea yerperty con fite, at yany drig flore. 4t 'k JHF t once. '.'.,!"." get the SAYS RED PEPPER HEAT STOPS PAM iN FEW MINUTES APTAKISIC will take off the hew of John A. Logan, this is & vas in| Sthe, wat oge "of his relatives is sm-' Mrs. Lietzan presented the school tyville with a large box of lovely candy c:-dhha.w-fibht occurance not often while a class is having some great man for study that one of his relatives is Mrs. Lietzan presented the school with a large box of lovely candy Jast Wednesday, much to--the delight of the scholars. 'They eagerly look for her return. Henry Shimmtodel, Lillian Mat, known that her husband was a nt-- scnool Thursday afternoon, Mr. Victor Sauer and daughter Martha spent Wednesday visiting in Chicago.. Bessie Gosswiller had the misfor-- tune to fall and sprain her wrist one day last week. Elmer Meyer of Palatine was & town caller Saturday. & »Mrs. Charles Balling and children of Wheeling spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sauer. ~'Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Jefferies of Chicago spent the week end at their farm here.-- f ? The Henry Stelling: family have installed a radio 'receiving outft. . --Mr. and Mrs. Otto Obenauff and children were callers at the Charles Herschberger Jr. home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Tonne and daughters of Fairfield spent {d« nesday afternoon 'with Mr; and Mrs. Henry Tonne. i ie t "Mrs. ~William Umbdentsock and daughter Ethel spent Friday even-- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Matt Umb-- denstock. e " . o ~George Stelling of DesPlaines spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stelling, -- _ Miss Ethel: Umbdenstock®* spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Henry Walter Gosswiller was a Prairie View caller Friday evening. -- .. Mr. and Mrs.-- Richard . Reimers entertained conpany: Sunday after-- callers on Monday. #7 5 'Lmella Herschberger spent Sunday afternoon with --Mabel Laseke. . | -- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gosswiller ;mnwmwm-m . Henry Smithyof Diamond Lake was a business caller at the Charles 'Sauer home on Monday. _ ~ ---- _' Mr. and --Mrs. Philip Proésel entertained company from Chicago ove.t fl;&:«k end. 9 k . Ma Sauer apent fauie "at the Charles Hefachberget Ir John Pohiman Str. were _ Mr.' and. Mrs. (John Hans spent Sunday evening at the Victor Sauer Misses Lillian Reimers and Lillie Wolff of Chicago spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Richard Rei-- Miss Runyard and Bessie Goss-- willer were callers at the Albert Savuer home Wednesday evening. ~ Mr. and Mrs, Adoliph Kalkbrenner of Palatine spent the week end with friends here. * 76 George Stelling was a caller at the Richard Reimers home an Sunday Miss Ethel Umbdenstock spent Saturday evening with Mabel Hans. About twenty.five of "our m_:z people surprised George Meyor Louis Butt Sunlay evening at the latters home to help them celebrate their bfrthdays. A fine lunch was served and a good time was had by all present. Misses Esther and Marie Berin spent Saturday hnere, $X A .'. Mr. Alhum was a 1iDerty» ville galler afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Umbdentsock cf Gilmer spent Sunday with the for-- mers parents, Mr. and Mrs. »Mati Umbdenstock. Mry. John Hans trip to Chicago on -- Mr. and Mrs. George Megor were Palatine callers m afternan. 'K"sfi'."v'.'" Carl Stadier and Herman Fuagwer gpent-- 'pm afternoon at : Libertyvilie. * : >>* .. *%: * Miss Nettie Bunn is visiting with home folks. : 4. Edward Krueger spent Tuesday in Chicago. TE 20e $V . e Franklin Meyer spent several days st week visiting with relatives in _ August Landwehr is again stay-- ing at~ the William -- Umbdenstock Miss Raupp of Buffalo Grove vie-- ited at the Jac. Raupp home,Tuesday George Reimers was an Arlington Heights caller Sunday afternoon. Illinois produces the finest corn, mfimnuflhlfl"fitm# on éarth? Why not make her duce the finest physicalty: equipped p?fi.on:rfi\nhtr'."* missioner health. «ame mfi.umufl" of scientific principles and the nmdmdu-ml--zb- wards raising human nu di-- rected along the other would ¢ the trick, he declares. * 1 LONG GROVE Register winlta . er Gosswiller was a Prairi¢} 4 .. ind Mre. Richard" Reimers| Route r8. ined conpany . Sunday after-- T eacher und : / Mrs. | Philip " Progse}| N28!"5t John Hans made a bnsiness and township high school to eradicate smoking, which, it has been learned, is a real problem. Principal Paul G. W..Keller has sent out letters to the men members of the faculty seeking their opinions on the matter and asking their co--operation in stamping out the habit. oA § o o s He has asked that the facul-- ty take the first step in the| @BA| R --_DI FAOFrFe-- matter by foregoing the prac-- WHALL : 'LECL O PRINCIPAL ~KELLER TAKES STEPS TO END STUDENT SMOKING "Believing that all of us are in-- terested in building up a fine back ground for our work here at Wau-- kegan township high school.--I-- am addressing this letter to you con-- cerning a matter which I believe is of vital concern, especially . to our boys. For some time we have been preparing material on the smoking problem.. The shurvey last year m-- dicated that it is a real problem in our school, o Keller says: i1 believe the time has come when we should take _ a. definite} step in the eradication of the hab!t.' The regulations for membership in the "W" group now include this re-- cuirement.. : Just the other day I stated to the senior class that the use of.meo_u part of scenes in plays w not be permitted here-- after; nor would scenes in -- which wine or strong drink was used or purported to be used be permitted again. Knowing so well the psycho-- logy coneern:x suggestion, I am certain no go6od can come through using scenes of this type in a play. Against Habit. "In speaking of the tobacco hab-- it I wish again to state my pos-- tion concerning adult smoking im general. This is a matter about which we all have our opinions. no doubt. and 1| do not concern myself with it in the administration of the school. Nor do I wish to be under-- stood .to meddle with personal haa-- its or conduct . of adults. However, it must be clear to every . sincere \teacher that boys are m 'fheneed by the conduct of teach and other elders. For this reason I do not believe any teacher ~ can indulge in smoking and hold the fall respect of boys, even though th« teacher" may -- express -- himsel{ against --smoking by boys.: I believe that a teacher who has the best interest of the boys at keart will be ¥lad e.g' up --smoking in order tc give boys an example in self-- ecntrol. Ithgbo:'pyobmflu that meh who do smoke have & much greater influence on boys and are held in higher esteem _ than \those who do smoke. t 4¥ . Following is whiat Principal "With the fine start on the part of many 'boys and the basketball teams. especially, T--am heartened to push this matter at once." ; "Further. I am | of, the opinion that we can not get, the best re-- sults in -- > this Wd'n against smoking on the part of boys until all of the" men of the faculty are willing to forego this practice. © * > An active campaign has been started at the Waukegan THE LAKE COUNTY The RMevrrcel %fl(t/fg Phone Libertyville 488 HURRAH!! Marcelling, Manicuring, Facials, Shampooing, Scalp Treatments and Hair Bobbing _ Jaeg: i has a big 1e St. Js 's Dramatic Club * Tlge St'tr't store for you at the They willl sing:Old Favorite Irish Mel-- odies and present a Screaming.One Act Comedy entitiled k CAR 1 s s 99 "The Quiet Bibbses' LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE . > Marcellers are in gréat demand. My $100.00 course includes Marcelling, Shampooing, Bobbing, Round Curl-- ing and Hair Dressing. Will fit g): for a Marceller's position in & months. This opportunity is open inlaikcen Lo _ . .( [ sn Private instructions day or evenings. Auditorium Theatre MONDAY, MARCH 17th Te Soth Sioy s in oo RB M 6 uk i ~+7 HPLC€ Chicago,© March ~13.--Advocates of tbenm'odt system in the public service are becoming alarmed over the complete breakdown of . Civil Service in the State : departments and institutions.: Numerous charg-- es that employes are being remov-- ed because they will not peddle pledge cards for Governor Small, landalnfluttbey are being assess-- Advocates of Merit System Alarmed over Numerous Layoffs ; 5h ed --contrary to sections 20, 21, 22 and 23 of the State Civil Service law have been made. inM sl:l visions ~prohibit soliciting contributions, -- the umsmg:::j of classified employes and the use of political influence to obtain or It is alleged that employes in the, classified service who are drawing: less than $200 per month have been assessed 'one--third of one month's salary. 'Those drawing from $200 to $3800 have been aszessed one month's-- salary. -- Those® drawing more than $300 per month are al« leged to have been assessed 14 per-- cent of their annual salary. These assessments . it is estimated-- will produce $500,000..-- -- _ .. -- : ..*. * Recently: Mrs. Murry Nelson of Chicago. informed the Illinois Lea-- gue of Women Voters that not a gingle examination was held-- during the year 1923. ~She alleged that 2500 positions had been taken off the merit list.: Since them the as-- sessment. is alleged t6 have 'm made and some workers who } ol *h Adults 50¢ Children 25¢ o i on P io e Tust ask any druggist for T M Rozict Banbeorauiphnr and wee n cold cream. * ARE DISRUPTING Any breaking out of the skin on face, Apply Suiphurcas Told When Your Skin Breaks Out L12 N, Milwaukee Ave. R, LAbertyville, I!L. SATURDAY., MARCH --15, 1924 ._..mmxubmunh- Doctor H. G. Hoover, assistant vet-- eringrian, who has been in the state service since 1894 and halk no=com-- plaint against his record, and Har-- xy Westcott of Ottawa, assistant superintendent . of . Waterways, for seven years. Decidedly the most succinet and true opinion that has been passed on Hendrik 'Van Loon's "Story of the llbh;"hfoudlnfinflnrvgfl(i:wh. ic fosy November: "If the had 'Mmm:&m&.mryofm Bible it w hardly have survived w ::b'.llt' tor Mr. VanhLoon to - 7 ... . Perhaps t pagan thild will make the leap from Van Loon to lsiah--but one doubts it.. the story of: the nativity through these casual paragraphs would. fall on : Luke's narrative with surprise and . delight....His drawings show Jesus with the halo, yet the text rationalizes or avoids the miracles, | Out.of door play is one of the greatest of all aids to good health according to best medieal thought. Winter sports ought to be espec-- ially--encouraged. 'If children are warmly and comfortably elad, there is no tonie so good as bob sledding or ice skating. Between 1914 and 1923 the number of Baptists in Russia has increased from 100,000 to 2,000,000 according to the president of the Baptist Wor,d Congress. The Soviet Gove'nment is pleased with the "democratic ten-- dencies'" of the Baptist Church. _ _ Fad one --who first approached A in a varied program of unquestioned merit and musical perfection. -- _ Dean Peter Christian Lutkin, Director _ _ METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, MARCH 18, 1924 Increase in Number of Customers Shows Company's Growth PuBLIC SERVICE COMPANY A Cagpprella Clnir During 1923 the Company extended service to 32,821 new customers. This is thcdl:sut number of new customers obt d 'in any one year of the Com-- pany's history. f The Company now has 252,981 customers receiving its various _ services, in 202 differ-- Serving 6,000 square miles--202 cities and towns-- ent communities. electricity While the Company serves an 6,000 square mileés 90 per cent i interconnected by the transmission lines large, efficient modern central stations of the Company's LIBERTYVILLE MUSICAL SOCIETY C200 --.~ with Gas or Electricity THEO. BLECH, Dist. Supt.. Waukegan, HIL. GUS KRUMREY, Local Representative, Libertyville, Telephone Libertyville 144--W $y '#'m&uon ~CONRCERT OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Ask Suppert for Measures Bringing Relief in Var-- ious Phases: «D. H. Minto~represented the Lake County> Farm .Bureau at. a meeting attended by presidents or other rep-- resentatives of 88 IMinois Farm Bu-- reaus in Chicago, Thursday, March 6. called by--the I., A. A. to consider farmer relief legislation now up in Congress. The result was that the farm bureau men unanimously en-- corsed and approved the McNary-- Haugen bill for the relief of agri-- OF . NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 40 Voices) J AMES <~ANDERSON .. _LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS Candidate for-- the Republican Nomination required is supplied from four LEGISLATION Announce COUNTY SURVEYOR s11per-- Tickets in advance or at the door power system. cent of all the wenbers of Congress earnestly and actively support~this measure. The meeting also urged that Hli-- nols senators and -- representatives :;'tlvdy umdl amendments to Packers Stockyards act M'NW. and -- declared its cw» sition to the passage of the 11-- liams Bill which, if passed, would greatly interfere with the operation of~ co--operative livestock -- commis-- gion a 8. H. Thompson, Quinecy, presi-- dent of the L A~ A. ms:p'vcr-, ed by the executive com of the Association to go to Washing-- ton and to do everything posgible to safeguard the interests of agri-- culture and to assist in the passage o fthe McNary--Haugen Bill. Uo You Want to Buy, Sell or Hire? Give Ovr Want Ads the Once Over s OE mm nA i in us o * h4 Ne hy # 4