CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 5 Apr 1924, p. 10

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e 4o § +. 1 3 >' it ig feed, ett can be purchased with the farm. -- Immediate possession. '_ Price of the farm only $200 per acre, which is far below its actual FOR SALE--Fine seven room bun-- galow at Area. Hardwood trimmed. Furnace, sewer, water, electricity, gas, Chicken house and garage. Full sized lot.> Very reasonab'e» FOR SALE--Nice strict'y modern seven room home on lot 100x 275. Garage, chicken house. Fine <hade and shrubbery. Very choice loca-- tion. Priced right. FOR SALE--Modern seven room home west of Milwaukee Ave. Everything in fine shape. Lots of fruit and berries. Large i<* Three car garage. This is an ex-- ceptional bargain and the price is only $3900. 3 FOR SALE--Two story brick block on Milwaukee Ave. Two stores with flats above. Lot 160 feet _ deep. Priced for quick sals.. Good FOR SALE--Modern two story brick -- block on prominent corner. Steam heat. Everything in fine shape. FOR SALE--Moderw five room home with four lots West of Milwaukee _' _Ave. Barn and chicken house. A with easy terms. * ? FOR SALE--Seventy acre farm naar (Ceavslake. Black loam soil us tell you about our plan. R FOR SALE--Sixty acte farm near FOR SALE--Modern six room resl-- FOR SALE--Goad 80 acre farm only | 24. VA AVU road. Good set of buildings,. Must | Seientific. Exam be wold quick. Price onlg"ll& per GLASg8 "& A. R. Schnaecbole, Reg fster office, LLibertyville, 10--1f | 211 Madison St, Mknhohmhagoodlm- tion, and it's priced right. FOR -- SALE--Fine seven room strictly modern home on Cook Ave, Hot water heat. Oak-- trimmed, Fire place. Extra large lot. Garage and chicken house. fine shade, Mest convenient location in town and the price is reasonable. Te simkait Ihomiey : : on ful ed lot . on Carage. Everything in fine shape. farms, small country homes, acres, homesites, and tracts ready for sub-- FOR SALE:=--85 Acres adjoining : tewn with railroad station, stores blacksmith shop, lumber yard, feed and flour mill ete. Good house with furhace and 'running water, good barns. Fine young orchard. Black soil. All tiled and under eultivation. Ripe for subdivision. Priced right for quick sale. Im-- mediate possession.. See A. R. Schnacbelé,; Register Bldg, Liber-- FOR SALE--100 acre farm near tals bring very good return on in-- whrage, chicken house, etc. Fine bearing orchard of pears, apples, cherries and plums. Good water. Soil black loam. Self supporting place which will pay for itself in The only way to get the homeyou want is to build it. We will sell ,mfi.\otndfinmnqrbund- onerations. Come in and let FOR SALE--Gladiolus bulbs, mixed pink and yellow, Good --strong bulbs. Three dozen, $1.00. Mail orders, add 20 cents for postage. FOR SALn.--Pure "bred Bronz turk-- dairy and horse barn with modern equipment including y ~~~, topar er. Large tile silo. A full line of A. R. SCHNAEBELE Real Estate & Insurance uynvmhmm.rflmhnm to sall, mcmctmmw--unmmu columns. You will get results, There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake ceunty budflcflmnflfinmfihloflummflm--h your wants known here. A trial will convince you. Minimum charge, ary. Good well. Fine black goil. A bargain to the man who buys it with furnace. Horse barn, dairy barn, corn crib, milk house, gran-- Nes & CA 0TE .. AGNCOI .. 4. LAE 2 miles west of Libertyville. 24--tf A. R, SCHNAEBELE eal Estate & Insurance tyville. ey gobblers. Seotch Collie pup-- pies, six weeks old, $5.00; also Rouen duck eggs. Phone 278--J--2. SALE--FINE HOME charge, 25c. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. Register Office silo, Price low 10--tf. LOST--on Tuesday a 300 pound hog between Libertyville and Ballard road on Milwaukee avenue. $5. .:'e"md to o: t!uliu[ : an: return-- ng same.. A. L. Ritta, Area, III. Phone soz-ug: <g % 27--1t FOR RENT--17% acre farm near 'DR WANTED--ITwo -- or three light-- housekeeping rooms, furnished. F, B. Drunimond, Area, IIl., Genetal BOARDERS WANTED--In private WANTED--Roomers and boarders. Phone 453--J. . . . 26--2tpd WANTED--Smail farm. have cash FOR SALE--Upright piano, Bush & Gertz. Fine tone. Inquire E. W. Colby. Phone 168--J. __. 24--6tpd HOUSES AND LOTS--Bought and sold. -- Loans made. -- Insurance. Edwin Austin, Phone 16, Liber-- tyville. 26--t£. FOR SALE--Three--piece oak leath-- upholstered parlor suite in good condition. Pnone 386--R. -- 26--2t FOR SALE--Strictly fresh eggs, $0cents per dozen. Phone 188--R, 885 Church st., 27--6tpd FOR SALE--Baled Alfalfa , hay Phone 264--R--1, LeRoy Kané. _ Red River Early Ohio seed pota-- toes at $1.25 per bushel. .. Yellow Globe onions at $1.00 per bushel. 2 W. E. Volkman, Area, 11. WANTED--Roomers and boarders. Reasonable rates. Inquire at the Regi#er office. (Fnone 90. 23--6t Phone 232--R. My associated dealers on milkers. brick silos, barn equipment and wat. er systems are: * . Fosbender and son, Wheeling, 111. Charles Richards, Antioch, II1. Dr. Giesky, Barrington, IIl. Tom Hogan, Wadsworth, I!1. > Firnbach, Buffalo Grove. IiI. and others. + A B. H. MILLER ATTORNEY--AT--LAW First National> Bank Building. Telephone 57 LIBERTYVILL town. School on farm. Black soil. 12 room house, two barns, silo, granapy and other buildings. : Rea-- sonable rent., See A. _ R. SCHNAE-- BELE, Register Office, Liberty-- in 15--tf. \ Telephonse 66 LIBERTYYILLE lLuce Bldg, house with screen porch, room for machine and big garden ~"space, Office in First NMational Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park near Area. Joh: IIl., Phone 230--W. DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD VETERINARY SURGEON 20 to 30 acres. Must have good buildings and some timber.. Call A. R. Schnaebele, Register office, Phone 90, Libertyville. A--tf, Delivery. buyer for a small farm of from FOR SALE--Timothy and W' hay. Phone 261--W--1. 24--tf.| H ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR a Telephone 18 . 1oOST AND FOUND MISCELLANEOUS Assistant State Veterinarian Professional Services LYELL H. MORRIS DR. J. L TAYLOR SEED POTATOES FOR RENT «----B, Finstad, Libertyville, NOTICE LIBERTYVILLE t CI Pul 24--3t ~Bt : Twelve little friends were <present ance, due~to the bad weather. The llnd a ~delicious lunch was served| little folks carrid out their parts to them. A very pleagant time was| perfection These who Rad> the \'enjoyed by the little folks. pleasure of attending-- are loud in _ 'Mrs. Howard Anderson and little their praise of the play. se | daughter, Beverly, are passing a few} The ladies of the O,. E S. to the |\ days at the home of Mrs. Ander--i number of 33, trom "the Wauconda | son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W, chapter attended 'the school of in-- 'tBasoley. lm given by the ladies of the | . Miss Mae Maimann spent a few| 0. E. S.--of Waukegan, last week, \ days the first of the week with Thursday. Some of the number had | friends in Chicago % ttho pleasure of attending through | Mrs. Clarence Daley is on the fickftln day while the rest made the |\ list this week. / :/ trip for the evening session. Mrs, Gilbert Burnette spent Tues-- day at the home of her sister, Mrs; Harry Grantham, Sr. Mr. and Mrs, Owen Paddock en-- tertained their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Paddock, of Round Lake Tuesday. * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer, of McHenry, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Geary, of this place, visited rela-- tives at Kenosha, Wis., 'recently. Mrs. P. E. Schlottman returned to her home here Saturday after spending the later part of last week with relatives and friends at Cry-- stal Lake > im ma i Mrs. Henry Staadfield entertain-- ed a niece from Round Lake the first of the week. t ¥ Robert -- Blackburn, of . Chicago, passed the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn. a Mrs. George Houghton left for Akron, Ohio p.bmhy afternoon. She will visit her daughter, Mrs. Jack Ringer for a few weeks. Phil Maimann transacted business in .Chicago, Thursday. & ' 'Mrs. Plutie Houghton, of North Chicago, was at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Daley from Friday to Sunday afternoon. . Little Thirza HoughtoR;. of North Chicago has been visiting her sis-- ter, Mrs., Clarence Daley, for the last couple of weeks. A birthday party was given her last Saturday afternoon, by Mrs. Daley, when she celebrated her . sixth ,birthday. Twelve little friends were <present and a --delicious lunch was served The DeLaval milks as cows should be milked WAUCONDA TO THE VOTERS OF THE EIGHTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT-- OF _ * * _ tTHE SPATE OF ILLINOIS: _ -- as expressed at the ocr primaries to be held April 8, 1924. Believing that the ence and W'!mntthfmm i!«v&lntholfinnnm _ mh%mo of this district than a who has not the benefit of such experience, I ; of : success. j I served as a member of the County i of Supervisors of Luke County for fourteen gyears, being Mmkm/mndu&;m&nof the Board of Review. I am in favor of und have always worked for good roads and tax reduction. I am in the farm and dairy business, and am a heavy taxpayer. -- m It has been lmtum to mm%poopleot the district, as 1 would very much like: to, owing of the roads. I my past experience in the Legislature will avail to make :!y future service, if electo'. of greater value to the dis!.rict'; ® .7 "_ --~ I ask the voters of this District to m my record, both in the County and the State Legislature, and upon that recgord, I sol Lie'r support. Look at the above illustrations show-- ing how the De Laval Milker is made to suit the temperament of the cow. Everything is just right for the greatest production of milk in the shortest time. 'The master pulsator on the Pulso-- Pump assures an absorulely \qu- pulsation speed year in and year out; I am a candidate for Mr. and Mrs, Willicmwd to town ar place, visited rela-- Offiters were duly ; Wis., 'recently, ;insknees there .1 chlottman 'returned , N0 epposition. -- W ere Saturday after Clected Highway 'r part of last week & l'mfljoriw: nd friends at Cry.| re--el supervis '_u.",mrt of V THOS. 5. GRAHAM STATE REPRESENTATIVE TELEPHONE 39 ~LIBERTYVILLE DEMOCRATIC -- --CANDIDATE FOR FOR THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY j tr?h?r tne evening session. ' Ladies Auxiliary of the Fed-- erated Church met at the Commu--! 'nity House Thursday tltemoon.i r'fllin-m a good attendance. § Miss Viola Carr, her sister, Ly-- 'di,lClltk, and Miss Dorothy Brem-- _ mer, of Chicago, spent the week end , ' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. S.! | Clark, of the East Side Hotel. _ | T 4 C onl i midats ie wi : B. staff of tei who un-- an operation for appe citis at Victory Memorial h f '&;n, a'few days ago, is re-- rapidly convalescing Il'% soon be able to resume her duties in the school room, much to the satisfac-- tion of her pupils and colabor@rs. Q'l"u,: number from here at-- tended Passion Play in Chitago Baturday nignt. * Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bartelle and son, Will, of Chieuol.-'v'nt one day last week in town. They were over looking their several summer cot-- tages here and: making 'ready for the summer months. Hl' and Miss McLin entertained a son and brother from Friday until Tuesday's. election drew a large crowd to town and all the favorite officers were duly elected. . In some instances there was very little or Wen. Willard Darrell was ted Highway Commissioner by Wfiw_; Ray Paddock was MA d supervisor of this 'district Mr. Wagner, of Volo, and Gus Dien-- The Tom Thumb wedding given by the Woman's Auxiliary of the Federated church, was a success the there was not a very large attend-- VYOTE FOR self--adjusting teat--cups ht comfortably over any size of teat ; pulsator is close to the udder to assure vigorous milking, and the alternating action is such as the comhav_ebecomeooanloniedtoduiu hand mitking K We will gladly tell you more about *"The Better Way of Milking." Respectfully yours, | Youunm.:'m.hdedhirbaw- 'fi.fnl:yuduk m%tt,:&gr e"h a bottle o $ } MWNLW o stores I(flh*nlofb.otthoofd:; Sage Tea Recipe, improv ;by :dddidoaoiot':'uimed'ilwu. are sold annually, say well--known e 'dmhere.huufld'rhuluug'u'r so naturally and evenly that no one can tell it has been applied. | _ Those whose hair is turning gray or . becoming faded have. a surprise await-- | ing them, because after one or two ap-- tein, of this J were elected M{cmfidmu-- elected Assessor; Arthur Powers re-- elected Tax Collector and R. C. Kent Justice of the Peace. Ira Fischer and James Fuller who have been employed in the Bowman Milk-- plant here for several years, have been transferred to one of the Bowman plants in Chicago and have gone to take up their new positions. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fisher will: soon move their household effects to Chi-- cago, where they will make their home in the future. R Phil Ntaiman spent the week end with his family in Waukegan. Ray Paddock and Leslie Turnbull transacted business at Elgin-- one day last week. _ a Mrs.© Christoph@rson, who spent them, Decause altcr one of TWwo ap~ Mthemy hair" vanishes and m.bgeomeluurhulydarkmd ~This is the £ youth. Gray» tnired matarmsaive folig qysnt ns so w 's and Su Compound to--night and you'll fi?fge!ichu_l with your dark, be delighted with ie dark, mu'el}qilfid_yw_ryofi"gfnlap- pearance within a few days, . -- reéturned It's Grandmother's Recsipe to Bring Back Color and Lustre to Hair SAGE TEA DANDY --TO DARKEN HAIR THOS. E. GRAHAM. : at the East Hotel, to Chicago 8.&1. To authorize the coinage of fifty cent pieces in mnau of the carving on Stone Mountain, and in memory of Warren G. Harding, President of the United States, in [wl\on admipistration the work was |begun,.a bill has been introduced in led on the Former's pa: a ers Park last week my. ter, who have spent the last few weeks at the bhome of their aunt, Mrs, R. °C. Kent, will soon depart for their m\hm at -- Billings, Montana. SIZE 20 x 20 FT.--11 ft high. | Additional 10 x 20 ft. units. M a terfal forhishoo." inclnaiee --pew | Building _ pla n _F REE: g W #rop widing and s Easily s - AJ rdoiing paper l 05 erected ; price . . . l WwRITE FOR BULLETIN g--s. GoONTAINS OTHER sTYLES OF Hoa .Bargains in Lumb.flillworb--l'lumm and Eloc!rio. w cal Material--Power Plants--Steam d Equipment _ @ PAPER, RAGS, IRON it SEND US@ LIBST OF MATERIAL YOU NEED OR TELL US WHAT You iNTEND To BUILD--ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FunNighed Come t r sales offices at the camps and see these wonderful values. Only -'f.h.:"".:f ride from Chicago, via Chicago & Northwestarn R. R. or w oo e ioi seb cate oatiiGa **" *** On! hour's ride from Chica via Chicago & Northwoestern R. R. or Norih Shore Minmaukes Electle Rond dirsct to Novh Ohioapo Mtation ads an or ele sffices. " Follow our GREEN SIGNS of airsetion'"*" to Build and Repair Now! Estimates Cheerfully Furnished MULTIPLE UNIT _ POULTRY HOUSES AT LESS THAN 50° : DOLLAR! , Doar Ble: _ _ -- o + taken a bottle of your Rheumatie medicine 1 "fi-fil to get around as before my ailment. DORFMAN & S O N Phone Libertyville 271--R--1 > Priitfe Herls Rhore Gifeds' s RHEUMATIC PAINS f BEBB . JONES IT HAS RELIVED OTHERS--WHY NOT YOU? PRICE PER BOTTLE $3.25 Pearce's Drug Store,.~Waukegan, 1i Nevell & Decker, Libertyville, 111. # * Carl Kraft, Lake Forest,. H. BEBB JONES, 801 Washington Circle, LAKE FOREST, ILL Come Out to the Camps! ILLUSTRATED CATALOG FREE! Choice Material for Building, Repairing and Improvements AT GREAT LAKES NAVAL CAMPS suffer from Rheumatism, read what J, C. Lucas, of e Garage and Auto Livery says: I € WE PAY CASH AND JUNK OF ALL KINDS Maiman cal-- CALL OR WRITE Pipe and Fittings R * .:......... $1,.25 ts s P29 Tanted Tihes 4 Ply Black . Rubberoid oo sa"'n "@ h BRABS AND IRON VALVES of All Kinds at Rog Bargains in ROOFING Will Erect You A House Chicago, III., July 11, 1928. CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Phone Winnetka 425 or : Libertyville -- 120----R or any kind of building; furnishing=all labor and aterial by contract, so you may know . what entire cost will he before starting. ) R. L. Gonsalves VENTILATORS B =l.:;'.. #itted -lf 14 in, diam., of neck., LC FEnamel roll rim, 17 is, « 10 in., with 2 faucets and LAVATORIES Prairie View, Ii1,

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