F4 t¥ ening to bodily oust Rev. J. George Finkbeiner of _ the -- ~Evangelical church {from the parsonage at 25 South Greenbay roac, -- Highland Park Jhas resulted in the issuance of a writ of injunction by Judge Claive --C. . Edwards against the --The Highlaad ~Park church war in which the First United Evan-- heard before Judge Claire C. Ed-- wa; ds sometime this month, -- Erne:t Gieser, F R. Cardwell, Paul Gieser and Eiward. Wendling -- as gelical church are threatening to eject himbodily out of the church without regari for the law. As feeling is running high in regard to the matteér, the pastor = fears that trouble and fighting may arise Af the threats are carried out. meburchhnveukenmnon a. fortible detainer, the case _ on which is still pending in the local wal ~church of the Evangelical group. Messrs. Fritsch, J. -- Her-- bert Moon, asd Ernest Gieser, who claim to be the majority of the trustees of the First United Evan-- those who are threalening to re-- move the furnishings from the por-- sonage and rtrun the present pastor into the street. The injunction which was sought ev. Finkbeiner of High-- land Park Says Threats Have Been Made trustees are threat-- T ukes " mvin. 1920, is the seed of the future edu-- cational system of the United States and of the world. The Seed of Future - "~~-- Education System The only fault I can figd with these schools is that instead of 20,-- 000 boys being in them, 20,000,000 boys should have been in them. and paid for by the government, that any boy beween he ages of 17 and 24 may attend them the govern-- mmdypm'lum and furnishing him uniform and grub but also paying his fare from home to the camp and return. Think of that! A million boys ought to apply fo rldnixn to these camps this summer. only reason they have not applied be-- fore is because the--advantage has not been sufficiently advertised. These schools are not for the pur-- pose of making soldiers out of 'boys. Boys do not learn how to kill. They ':ambqvtohdnn_thenudm,hw get strong bodies, alert minds and ih!pmmdm with exultation Under section 47d¢ of fhe National mfense act, as amended June 4, of and of practically all 'the .. other Christian demonirations will --sit down together at Madison, Wiscon-- @inf June 80 to July 11 next, for a conference on church work in rural communities Announcement of this conference was made yester= day by Rev. Charles® N. Lathrop, recretary of. the rsociai service de-- partinent of the Episeopal church. The unusual facs that the ciergy of the . Ro: Catholic chureh are to mmmviththm of the Protestant denominations in this conference, Rev. Mr. Lathrop said, was not entirely new, since a similar conference was held . at Madison, last suim.mer, in which clergy of the Roman church parti-- cipated;and, in the interim, an in-- tergroup committee, composed -- of representatives from a score -- of churches and organizations, in-- 1 work throughout thke year on Conference to Take Late in June at ches it is expalined, is one "which has puezzled the Jeaders of all de-- nominations, in consequence -- of which there was organized at the University of Wisconsin a general conference on the problem which CHURCH MEET _ WILL BE HELD interchange. of views, that it was determined , to conduct a . similar conference this year. The problem will emBrace suc: subjects of gen-- eral interest '"as the economics of community life, rural _ sciology, «community -- recreation, ~special in-- terests like boys work, community service, nealth program and agri-- cultural subjects. Under the plans adopted last year and which will be continued at the forthcoming conference, seépar-- ate meetings of the different chur--~ ch groups were held, and then at stated intervals, all of their groups combined in one general conferénce for the discussion :of the: common problems. It has -- been recom-- Representatives of the . Roman Mqfltp!nopd' churches THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, conferences. of the --chur-- the light of a* e Dcieh Touy >--cconting a tan's on dnleaining tor 1e adunl o ng ar # journ in N:: York City, a wagon pole stove, a large hole in the rear of the cag eof lion 72, ; He started i. en 18 ver's headlights, tl:o' at "bright", upon nt in cage. #f Therhesst shook his head and brushed angrily --with his paw to M&mwifioum'!h lion cowed until the circus employes could rally and repair the damaged "Fools step in where angels fear to tfread." Apparently that explains 1928 show that out of 1282 deaths, due to automobilt mishaps, 679 were pedestrians struck by machines and 182 were passengers in automobiles struck by --trains. ed at last years'--conference that acorr:hrunlwtt for © the clergy prepared to cover a two or . three -- years _ cycle, _ whereby clergymen engaged in rural work may return during successive years and that a course of training dur-- menced by the Committee appoint-- ing the intervals be provided. { FIERY, ITCHY SKIN QUICELY SOOTHED _ BY THIS SULPHUR o--Saiphur, a ;Llc;uuu cream, *\nmud heal 'skin that is irri-- tated or broken out with eczema; that is covered with--ugly rash wr. * or is rough or dry. N j fhiery : skin eruptions so , says a "The moment this preparation . o io t atee two or three applications, the eczema ho t oi iC deiioniioats sn and smooth. Suliphur :s so pFecious as a skin remedy because it destroys the i oaee Ancans A'm,cofnoxm phur may be had at any geood drug o. moeove. Angrigine, bit * LIGHT of automobile ac-- f By WEBB MILLER. United Press Staf Correspondent. The report-- virtuaily recommends :'&.tmmuvémnqm _h!l.:lndno-m'plufu obtaining reparations --from Ger-- many, while balancing her budget and stabilizing her currency. -- At the same time there was sub-- mitted the report of a second ex-- perts ~con.mittee, headed by Reg-- PARIS, April 9.--Gen,. Charles G. Dawes today delivered to the re-- parations commussion the rteport of the committee of experts of which he is chairman. "Business Like" Plan To Help Put Germany On _--MHer Feet Again > tion account. 2. The taking over the German railtvays by a company which will run them for the benefit of both Gerimany and her creditors. > 8. :A foreign lsan of 800,000,000 gold marks to stabilite Germany's eurrency--and take care of her im-- meriate "treaty --obligations. 4. Obtaining reparations pay-- men's from sale of railway and in-- The Dawes report proposed: 1. Creation of a bank of emis-- on, to issue paper money . for ermany and handle the -- repara-- Maple Nut fermucnnpans Chocolate # and Nut E Chocolate Pineapple Eggs SOLID CHOCOLATE-- Chocolate Cream Eggs .__.____.__. be Marshmallow Eggfi':. Remember Easter is less than three weeks away.~ Do your candy shopping now. We offer the following: wAKES REPORT wealth abroad and means for Langworthy's your seeds h W supply Eeat":guze: mm; home and save time and money. ° Come in for Your Catalogue Easter Time is Candy Time VAUGHAN'S and Nut Eggs ... 10¢ The Soda Shop SPECIAL EASTER BOXES OF JOHNSTON'S CANDIES pations and opportunities for place-- ment in these occupations were dis-- cussed at the fourth commercial educational _ conférence, -- recently held by the United States Bureau of Education in conjunction with the Vocational Educational Association of the middle west at Chicago. Dr. Glenn Levin: Swiggeit, specialist in commercia} education, United States Bureau of Education, was chairman of the conference. of 'occupation. from monopolies on luxuries. lumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff neck, uathn"w~05'xw~ 1 .can hardly get around ' P will ce e caner. moliet Miak® trating cheat as red peppers. Papper Tok yourfadt the tngleg hok In three minutes it warms the sore spot and the rh-.z-mhm store. &ahrscn- u'Zu« b1G N. Milwaukee Ave. 5. ~Assliding secale of reparations ve the quickest reliel known. WITH RED PEPPER .. 10¢ .. 10¢ 10¢ 10c 10c Another favorite with the kiddies. Colored Eggs in Six Sizes. * ~-- _ _ "A Large Assortment" Chocolate Eggs in 1/ Ib boxes ... Z¢ Choeothmhjislbbou-..nc Candy in boxes from /4 !b to 5 Ibe«. Marshmallow Nests with eggs inside. Just the thing for making Raster EASTER EGG CRATES -- be Be sure to EASTER NESTS -- 1c Each | Duddles Block _ Libertyville Opportunity knocking at the front door has given way to the wolf in many & nu'nhflto bm:o he al-- first to the health of himself and family and after that to the less in the United States is now 500 kilo years ago it was only 60 kilowatt Dress and Comfort Shoes Do Your Feet Go Gladly? RAY N. SMITH offer the best of styles for dress, for street, and for household Mx They support, and give youthful buoyancy to every step. They retain their trim shapelinessand give the ,}fim' + Through and cbc,a'b they are quality shoe. --or do they nag your cgmmp--'lwaguke ::;nlo.u:m?'GObuktoo and easy, 37 ingnolubebn*t'too late. No need to sacri-- fice shoe shapeliness® or good style. ® Ice Cream supporting, gentle