with her sister, Mrs, Frank Seaman Jcm-mm.dhn-m back with her, her little nephew, bert Seaman. A large number of people from Dr: Hugh 'T, Jones, pastor. of the Evanston First Presbyterian church, spoke at the Sunday evening service of the Deerfield Presbyterian churchn May 11. charge of the Achievement Club par-- ty of the Northbrook school Friday tent on Mmlothtbm of the Bungalow church. ' teachers have been secured and class es of basket'ry, sewing, manual train-- ing etc., will be'in the currieulum. The 1924 Deerfield Annual went to press last week. This is the 18tn A.x;.ul.'the first being published in 1 C Rev. V. E. Stakemillier and Har-- old Vant expect to leave about June first to visit the Evangelical Ken-- tucky Mission School, at Beverliey Hills, Kentucky where they will take pictures of the school, f ~--A dance was given at the Frankes nome Satur?iy even'rg. -- About P5 atiended ami repo:tes. an--enjoyable Thursday evening at the Evangelical Bungalow Church.. Speeches --were given by the heads of the various ner represented: the Sunday School; Milton Frantz, the Christian Endeavy-- or; Arno Frantz, the Trustees; Har-- old Vant, the Orchestra; E. W. Cook, the Choir and Mrs. John Stryker, the Woman's Missionary Society. : There were one hundred twenty--two guests. A social hour followed the dinner. Mrs. C. V. Steiner was in full charge of the affair which was very success-- Mrs. J. A. Riechelt, Jr., had as her T o o O o 0n O t mke PeEdle M on mmaey mt e tho Te Frank Mitchell, of Argta, -- _~/More than 2000 of the 8400 girl graduates 'of accredited high schools in Virginia in 1923 registered in the four teacher--training institutions of thcm-ud?tows. P. Duke, of the Harrisonburg State tl:lonuls:ul. Onlyaboutm he othéer girl graduates attend higher institutions. --School Life. Mrs, Howard Durham of Kenilworth. Most folks forget that the kidneys like the bowels, sometimes get sluggist and clogged and need a fAushing occa sionally, ;'he"'we lkuve backache and dul misery e kidney --r severe , Aci fl:m. 8 sness anc * Tow miply mast Leep gour" kid on & must keep your kidney: active mgmc{e-n and the moment yor fee} -- an ¢..or-- pain in the kidne; teg)t bmidrinking lots ~of water Also get four vunces of. Jad Salt: from any good drug store here, tak« a tablespoonful in a ,hns of water be-- fore breakfast for a few da'Hlmd your li'lec will then act fime, i# famoun: salts is made from the acid of .'nw and lemon juice, combined with litia and is intended to flush clogged kid neys and help stimalate them to activ ity, -- It also helps neutralizte the acid: in the mu they no irritate thus 1 to relieve dis orders, . -- * : * / Mrs. J. A. Reichelt Jr.'s zeport of the Silver Jubilee Meeting of the WMinois «Council© of Parent--Teacher Associations held in Springfield last month, concluded the year's work. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Reichelt Jr. were guests at the Reichelt Senior Jid Salts is inexpensive; makes : ightful effervescent lithia water drink .'f:fi". he mx Wl:: m o ¢ clean A mfl-m'-k .uys ht e ha y:!r 'your kid ve mar? t l amap" The Deerfield~ Parent--Teacher As-- sociation, which met Friday, re elect-- ed Mrd. John A. Styyker, President, and Mrs. Chester Wessling, Secre-- tary. Two mothers of children of pre--school age were elected to the other offices. Mrs. Harry Muhike i: Treasurer to take the place of Mrs New officers of the Deerfield-- Shiclds High School Parent--Teacher Association are: President, Mrs. Rog-- ers of Highlan d Park; Vice Presi-- dent, . Mrs. Roberts of Zake Forest; Secretary, Mrs. Quigley; Treasurer, al child impersonations of Edmund Vance Cook's poems, "The Judgment Day," and "At the Concert." 8. P. Hutchison, who resigned; and Mrs. Alex Willman succeeds Mrs. W. W. Clark Jr., as Vice President. Mrs, Bell of Highwood. Salts Fine for _ °* Aching Kidneys Miss Laura Karch spent last week A summer school to be held in a A Fellowship dinner was given Mrs. Chester Wessling gave sever DEERFIELD l -- Back Murts Fiush Your Kigneys as Youw Clean II--known ' Egist says ht s of Jad & m who be Te e us Tabt trice a your, © **~ I o 9 ,',,::z C M C L3 in 18 grounds in some places, 1 wonder; NOTICE if your place was one of these. * OF SALE OF LANDS, AND LOTS ..A few hours with a--rake will FOR STATE COUNTY, CITY GEN-- make a lot of differenie to the ; 'BRAL.A)IDBPBCIAL TAXES. -- plopad-gby'flnfihptpm" of Illinois, | ~Saquju.f¢vdiflomtkindsr To the unknown owners, and to of wild flowers in bloom. \ all parties interested in the follow= In one place saw some beautiful; ing described lands, or lots and por-- dwarf Iris. Whulmhlm-'m.g»m """'""":'.';,:;:'n'::".s""':"'" wl nr o m e of it they-- to give to me. A-dto,w.l.!!:a--dta!.r. I would be real pleased to rective}Goodman that W. B. Smith purchas. it from you. . . __ _ |ed the S 100 ft. of the E 150 ft. of MM'""""'W'"'"'"'CM-V&'%- not had time to prepare anything f0r |nois, also W. B. Smith purchased for this column. * Mn s n Ne 2 M aoes Aa Pnd m inA . WR n e ces t Wls c se is always worth more money if you , County --of Lake Playfal For mice and rats telephone 're-- pairmen have a particular aversion. Not only are they the cause of: a large proportion of the cases requir-- ing expert attention. but they are apt to be the most difficult for the "trouble shooters" to handle. k --~Gardens are growing nicely now in spite of the chilly wedther. RATS AND MICE DEADLY FOES OF THE TELEPHONE or is covered with heavy tile, with| ft of N 125 ft. of Block 2 Plat "C" the result that it is difficult to trace, Of Highwood all in the City of High-- 'They have even been known to gnaw W904, Illincis ~and the time of re-- through the lead sheath of the cable . IJ¢mPtion will expire on the first day which passes through the perfora--, Of September, 1924. tions in solid brick walls. In so doing W. B. Smith, Assignee. the battery line becomes momentar-- 33--85--37 fly grounded--just long.enough rei" _ _ T _ _ _ _ _ -- _ ____~~fT o_ blow out a fuse. P 1 Don't forget the garden contest in Libertyville, Be sure to enter your But mice ard rats are not the on-- ly creatures who play havoe with telephone wire insulation. For ex-- ample there is man's best friend, the dog. Playful puppies are some-- times detrimental to telephone serv-- | itce, pulling telephones off the tables: and playing with them. . In such| eases the receiver usually falls from| the hook and the line is out --of ortler ; the hook and the line is then out of | commission for the time being. h--! cause of telephone ble when they Usually the work of the rodents is hidden behind a layer of plaster EVELYN'S. HUSBAND PWE DIVORCE AS SHE LOSES FIGHT FOR THAW FORTUNE Garden Philosopher 'ul Puppies and Inquisitive Babies Are Also Frequent It appears as if Evelyn Nesbit is ; to .ose her latest busvand oi 22 a share, for hat uon ol on Srany Thas palitions, Joce Cil, Carnival and Dance GENT'S 75¢ Causes of Trouble TOWN HALL, TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 13 Music by Smart's Orchestra Given by Mystic Workers THE LAKE COUNTY RECISTER, WEDNESDAy, mMaY at !--If there is anyone who is looking for trouble, its the telephone repair man, and if there's anyone who finds | what he is after its the repairman ; also.-- The sooner he finds trouble 'the better he is satisfied. play with the cords and put them in their mouths. * Oftentimes a small fire can crip-- ple telephone service for as many as three or four hundred subscribers by ~--«~~' TAKE NOTICE ! Ald'to,W.'.H:a--dtn!.P.g ed the 8 100 ft. of the E 150 ft. of h!%dhbctl"-"(!"dlg-f wood in the city of Highwood, -] nois, also W.~B. Smith purchased for wmwmth"{ the 8100 ft. of the E 150 ft. of 8% of Block 4 Plat "C" of Highwood in the city of Highwood and the time of redemption on the above will expire :;z'fll-fimdldeQw-berA.D. W.--B. Smith, Purchaser Also on the first day of Septem-- ber A. D. 1922 W. F. Hogan pur-- cnased and has assigned to me his Certificate of purchase on the fol-- lowing. z The S 50 ft. of the N 325 ft. of the W of Block 2, Plat "C" of High-- wood in the City of Highwood, Also the 850 ft of the N 475 ft of the W 1/ of Block 2 Pit. "C" of Highwood also the E 50 feet of the W 100 ft. of .~N 125 ft. of Bock 2, Plat "C" of, Highwood Also for BSpecial . Assessment -- Warrant 55 The E 50 feet of the W 100 through one cable. Telephone: Office 226 -- Res, 1658 Tuesday and Friday, 2 to 5 P. M All Work by Appointment PHONE -- LIBERTYYVILLE 54 TAX PURCHASERS NOTICE Osteopathic Physician: _ 215 Madison St., Waukegan, IN. DR. VICTOR C. HOEFNER -- Libertyville, . b,f it tiined niiiined to ueaages Sunday' ~~We want 2000 peop!e to see Mary Pickford in her newest film "Rosita," May 20 and 21 at the Auditorium. Mrs. Gordon Ray's sister, Mrs. Mrs. Robertson, is in the Victory Lindenmeyer and a friend, Mrs. Mar. Memorial hospital at Waukegan. tin, both of Lake Forest, visited at. Mrs. Raymond Bristow spent Sat-- the Ray home Sunday. urdavy afternoon shopping in Liber-- Alarge erowd witnessed the ball tyville, f game at Diamondi Lake. Wheeling -- Mrs. Paul Allanson and two sons played against Aréa. Wheeling fi Junior and Raymond, spent Sunday seyen points and Arca five. . with Mrs. Holmes of Chicago. . was the first game played this year, _ Mrs. 'a N of Chicago, at Diamond Lake. Wheeling was speit "'"&:-t Butterfield Wemte'with"nflu'. : home. . Mr. -- es Butterfield has _ Helen and Libbie Mills spent Tué#:, heen quite ill for the past week. observ m attendance at Sun-- y _4«- 'u .".' 0O ' 8Hd " h w 7""; e , 4 ue to lmplo'e- E'Q ery one is eordially invited to come:. :g lead of hogs to Chicago Fri-- day Mre: Martin Jensen and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday at the Cold Friday resulting from the front| _____ ----------_--_------------~ 0 _ 0_ trucks of the tender leaving the rails. TRY OUR CLASSIFIED CO".UMN Harold L'l is working for the 'Lih Chicago. -- . lason m:td present. | -- Helen: and ~Libbie ~Mills, Mr. and The south fast train which Mre. Robert Rouse attended a passes through Leigthton about 8:00' at Half Day given by the Jolly S a. m. delayed all morning trains oii!'flctmdny evening. F $i2" y given ,,.' ach ehild for his mother. Fenes Show's birthday was also f:%_"*'"' blub was well atten1{-- las. Thuoreday evening at the home of nd Mrs. LeRoy Kane, P"'" it 25 enz presect. It was de-- cide! to & 'Community --picnic metime n June The evening was ioi aame: Humuarger 8: m"" aApple salad, tarts, and c "'&S' ere merved as refreshments, * Who EAdIen Ald o( the Diamond Lake church will meet at the home of Mr: "' ; ~Re of Area. Mrs. Robert BReuse a d Mrs. R. Secnnieder wilh gg re, Ray w th the serving. ' . +# y s Br's Day was observed at the inda -- scho A carnation »was Real Estate Investors Lewis Mills and Chris Jensen each Mr. 20 Acres Surrounding Local Lake, $10,000.00. Will double in gixty days. Milwaukee Ave. Frontages ~$50 to $300 Per Ft. . _--' _ in business zone. We have orders to option six farms. Who will be the seller. Our Estates are sold before we list them as we represent the Buyers and Investors. Come in and be convinced. We do not list what we cannot.sell, . m Harry Madill Bartlett -- E. M. Sachs Phones : 442--M. 455--M. 531 Milwaukee Ave. TELE We 01 was closed two ecause of an epide-- @x. Dr. llnrl:in, of M' the children lig it cases of the ed closing of the REALTORS se 08 einnenemnren ce ol hests ds 5) Heile ZXaH0C 2cVE AGBBRRET Y & t $ The Holst brothers scraped the While they are being sharpened.' roads Monday. | Powdered emory aust or carborun--| Mrs. Raymond Bristow and chrt. dum is placed on a piece of thin card| dren spent Thursday with Mr. and board and a thin paste is formed by | George Ray of Area. 1thouloofalmlemaehinoofl;thcl Jean Robertson, of Lake Forest,| ree! draws in the eomnd as the: spent Thursday and Friday with mower'is in motion. comy f Mrs, Gordon 'w. Jean's mother, On the cutter blades of mpfll Mrs. um,i. in the Victory| serves to sharpen the blades and the' Memorial | al at Waukegan. wwummmm' Mrs. Raymond Bristow spent Sat. mMotive power for running the de-- urday afternoon shopping in Liber-- } & C e _Mr. an{fl;ls irittdv,u?;. of Ev-- anston, spent Sunday with their son Helen and Libbie Mills ate Sun-- day dinver with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Kane and family. ~'The Holst brothers zcraped the roads iday . llri.m'w Bristow and chl-- dren spent Thursday with Mr. and George Ray of Area. -- . . .. <>---- The accident occurred north of Apti-- Miss Mantor and Mrs. H. A. Mills spent Saturday in Waukegan, -- . Jerry is helping Gordon Ray )dnm Mr, Wooedin Sr. and daughter Mrs. Jennie Hays, went to Chicago Mon-- day to consult Mr. Woodin's doc-- tor. Mr, Wwoodin has had the band. age removed from 'his eye but must wear evlored glasses for some time. Mrs. Caroline Mitchell and her sister, Mrs, Kuhl, of Chicago, spent the woek ecd at the University of lilinois with Mrs, Kuh!'s two sons, Melvin and Kenneth, to observe Mother's Day. Every --year in May many mothers attend the beautiful services at the university. Father's day is observed in much the same manner in the fall of fl? year. Mr. and Mrs,: Bert Johnson of "hicaso. «pent Sunday at the Frank Johnson home. and Mr, and Mrs. George Heinsohn visited at the H. A. Mills home Mrs. Ed. Gosswiller and Mr and Mrs. Lowman were guests at the W. 1. Woodin home Sunday. -- 3 tended: the performance 'of" ~Topey tendé the performa of opsy and Eva'" featuring the Duncan sis-- 14. Mr. and Mrs. C. Peterson and other relatives, of Chicago, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Frazer. Mr. and Mrs: Alden, of Waukegan ~ d LIBERT\'"I% i of the U. S. by wire Mrs. Park Allanson spent Friday at the Selwyn theater a week k a Libertyville, D. t N + i i two sons nt Snndly': ago. £ Chiamz erfield has | t week. -- ; Catherine | _ At this time of the year the lawn ; vice is furnished by a one--quarter | mower comes into its own--the lat.| horse power electric motor, ;llt_h one. which is self sharpening.| -------------- nnnarntn Only one wheel is removed and a , ; clutch pulley replaces it vliekurmti CATTLE TESTED l |to turn the blades of the mower | --_for Tuberculosis _ Here is a fine example of the quality product of the wagon mak-- er, this picture having been taken on a Wiscongin farm recertly. It has been in continual use for more than 80 years and was being used l ies aene rviculturalist.: °C. H. EverStt, the g BIze a «"% FT--11 m. high | Additional 10 x 20 ft. units. M .é'fl.a'? Foevanad® semblet® 2t | Building . p i a n FBII.. .xm"w 5_' 105 Easily _ 64A ed roofing paper erected ; price .. } i . wRITE FoR lULl.lT}l& g-& "CONTAINS on;zn S8TYLES OF es h e d ceA N e FPOULTHY HOURES ..___:__ _ _ _ [' EBargains in Lumber--Millwork--Plumbing and Electri-- _ m -- cal Material--Power Plants--Steam and Equipment W Build and Repair Now! Estimates Cheerfully Furnished MULTIPLE UNIT POULTRY HOUSES AT LESS THAN 50° : DOLLAr! Telephones: Residence 165--J Libertyville Cement Block Works Come Out to the Cam o ies mtide from dhitateavie, Chieager & pertrope ILLUSTRATED CATALOG FREE! She's Still a "Good Old W agon!' _ _Next to Franzen Lumber Yard 'Speciar ornene at sb Pipe and Fittings veated paper heskng , Parn "se "aad BM 41 Li k. Bargains in ROOFING editor, states that this wagon trans-- ported . his pioncering forefather : across the country from the East when Wisconsin was first settled. It has been family carriage, mar« ket basket, rarm transportation and all the other farm jobs now as-- signed t» railroads, automobiles, trucks, and manure spreader. By U, 8. Government Veterinarian D. C. GRINNELL Inspector In Charge FREE OF CHARGE $1.25 Phone Libertyrille 829 YILLE, ILLINOIS with Farm Burean VENTILATORS N e oi o# meir madle h tar B LA VATORIES i 'm~ <ilk Thameu aaft PAGE THREE Works 415 e Px# h