Mrs. George Charbonau and three <hildren of Judith Gap, Montana, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Charles Seiler. The W, C T. U, will hold its next |Libertyville regular at the home of Mrs. MUMMM&:&- ternoon, June 24. » Mrs. R. J. Bockleman is spending a few days at Half Day with her mother, Mrs. K. Luebbe. Q', ' id cegp ) ul mds J hss _5 cz e + uPP ic id #%* _ & * f n ce ce ons 4 t' " a " * 3 \ t o l Lo I 4 F h "bI s 'l # ' » * }} To the People --Cou:munity-- Of course we PHONE 5 sulphur and high melting point of ash means little trouble removing ashes anl:lo no clinker; If you have used Pocahontas and fired it properly, gz'm onthorlfin.t"tnck,mtuntilyoutryour Ridge Smokeless, you are like Columbus be-- fore he saw land. A delightful fruit medley of luscious--ripe strawberries--a very unusual and delight-- _-- ful flavor combination -- in Luick's supreme _ We will have it on Saturday evening. your order early. -- .~~ AAK C CoOUNTY NATIONAL BANK _ Constructive Banking Service _, _ .--B. LOVELL CO. SUNDAY, JUNE 22nd ONLY Whitney was a Established and ~maintained to render efficient banking service to people of the community In condwfinm:rndmd&hwh- stitution we edge certain obligations. We--recognize it as our duty to inform every resident of the complete service which we are here It is our constant aim and custom to extend the> most practical and efficient service to our patrons, 6 modern banking facility is at your com#« that this bank ts a semi--public Mrs. John igy was the dinner guest of m 'Arthur Whit-- ney on W k James Madden and wife have sold their property in Libertyville, west of Milwaukee Avenue, to Mrs. Emma Bunton and-- husband of Aptakisic. The Maddens will retain possession until November 1st. +4 -- Lyell Jones, proprietor of the Blue Ribbon Filling Station, was in Liber-- tyville Friday on business: 6 Fixed Carbon 78.62 Volatile y matter-- -- -- 16.80 Sulphur -- -- 0.68 Melflni int 'ofup? « m% B.T.U-- -- -- 14J 1. High Carbon means most ef-- ficiency. 2. Low -- volatile means less smoke. 4 3. -- Low ash and & P ,'o ' j F 2+ -- c s n ---- _ . PHB LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, S RDAY,--JUNE 21, 19 Mrs. Emil Messenbrink and daughter CGertrude went to Wisconsin Friday to spend the week end with relatives. ~~--*"Powder River," the official picture of the A. E. F. in action in France, will be shown at the <~Auditorium Theater next Thursday--and Friday, June 26 and 27. This is in the nature of a benefit for the Libertyville American Legion Post, and that org-- anization is selling tickets. Every Division that saw real service in France is shown in actual action against the Germans. The four'big-- T hierry el Sabiont Thierry, St. Mikiel S@l and the Argonne, are complete in every de-- tail, from the time the first shell was fired, to the capturing of the objec-- tive is shown. -- Buy your tickets from members of the Legion. made the long trip by automobile. Mrs. < Mattie Hopkins of East-- bourne, Sussex, Englangd, has arrived in New York on the steamship Em-- press of France and --will be hereifor a three month's vidtwithbermot&!a Mrs. Maria Lill.~ This is her first vis-- it here since 1907. George Thomas Thrasher of Arca, and Miss Beatrice Toay of Liberty-- ville were married by Justice Hall at Waukegan Wednesday morning, June 18th.-- Both Mr. Thrasher, who holds a position with the Tripp Lumber Company at Area, and his bride formerly resided at Mineral Point, Wis, They will make their home in Ted Mason had his hand cut to the bone in a friendly tussle with a com-- panion. The injury is a painful one and will take some time to 'heal. -- . Grant 1...Wm. J. Stratton, Ern-- est Rosing. Frank Stanton. Grant 2. MHoWard L. Seott, N. P. Newport.-- E. A. Martin, -- Dave VanPatten. John Strang. > $ Antibch 1. Joseph James, Charles Veige!l, Mrs. Bessie Trieger, . _' Afitioch 2. Frink Dunn, | ' Kay, Ralph Miller. es Grueter, Ed White . Lake Villa --C. H. Strat J; LeVoy, C. B. Dicks, 8r. Avon 1. --C. L Doolittle, McMuilen, Frank Cremmins. Avon 2. E. A, Brown, White, Wm. Wilmington, Warren. G. T. MeCullough, Mary E. Lake, C. J. Wright. 4 Waukegan 1. Frank Burke, D. A. Hutton. Fred Buck. . Waukegan 2. _ Harold w&' Fred Funk, John Whalen, Waukegan 3. Ira Holdridge, A. G. Taylor, Merrill J. Achen, Waukegan 4. John T.* Hoban, Ir. Percival Poarce. Rev,. Howard Ganster. _ Waukegan 5.. W. D. Smith, Wil-- liam Zoehler, Ed Wells, -- ----~' --~. Waukegan 6. Hollstein, Charles 'Armes, Frank Sherry. * Waukegan 7.", y Hoyt, Cofal Heydecker, Sam_ . * Hank Waukegan 8. . edlicka, Carl Ohm, Phil Brand. kp t w Waukegan 9. M. P. Dilger, Rich-- ard Rinaldo, Ed Tobin. Waukegan 10. Chas. Crapo, Ed Potonian," Thomas Tobin. -- _ TRY OUR CLASSIFIED COLUM®N Waukegan 14. William -- DeRy Leo Brozowski, William McKillien. Waukegan 12.* John Toppari, Chas. White, Tom Baron, Waukegan 13 ~Frank Opeka, Andrew Delkuds, Tony Stebleys -- Waukegan --11. -- Theo Walter Robinson, WilWam Calling Cards. Personal and Locisl Items of Particular Interest to Our Libertyville Readers Hollstein, , Willis tion is completed and will be open and MM rday, June 21st. O, L Smith is in gharge and will en-- deavor to please customers. Free motor oil is given Saturday and Sun-- day with ""; purch of five gal-- lons of gazsoline. _ . and a number of valuable pa-- r'wfl Bote for $1500. At the time the b ry was committed Mr. Evert was away from home, Upon his return about 11:00 o'e'ock he found the safe standing open 'and the w papers missing. How the thieves gained entrance is baffling as the house was locked, and members of the family who were asleep upstairs were not awakened. Florence, the 10 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Benner, liv-- poem. :. _ _ " Th-!a'%'""' ing on St. Mary's Road, died Wed-- nesday night of membraneous croup. Burial will take place Saturday morning. The home is in quarantine. Many Have Appendicitis Don't Know Born to Mr. and \rs. Frank Suy* dam, a mr on Friday, June 20. . Mrs. Becker of Chicago and Mrs. Wesley Harris of Spokane visited Mrs_ C. Spring this week. Much so--called stomach trouble is really chroni¢ ndicitis. . This can often be nfiqvm simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed in Ad-- lerika. Most medicines act only on lower bowel --but Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, and 're-- moves all gases and poisons, Brings 'out matter you never thought was in 'your system. Excellent for obstinate On June 24 and 25 "The Village The Club House Phones 24 and ' LOVE °in the rough--and--rcady A ~West, or life in the jazz circles of New York? A modern girl has to choose between them. And de-- cideg--*1 > 2 A roaring Western thriller with jazz trimmings. 4 s s s j t Two Specials We have bought a quantity of Fancy Water Bottles filled with cider 'vine?ar which we sell at the special price of: :: %, A sxial price on '"Priscilla> Brand Tomatoes." Largecans, raAnce into the sidence on the ndout, Monday haul of $160 in FOR 10 DAYS ONLY . Decker =& -- Neville, -- 25¢ Each 2 Cans for 39¢ :. t *A$Pge F_.%* * "illing Sta-- It 4@ | Saturday, June 21, 1924. l Cake and baked bean sale at the Farm Bureaun office by Blue Bird fchll of the Presbyterian Sunday Suly 10, #1, 12, 1924 St. Joseph's Dramatic Club will present a musical comedy at the . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bradford and daughter Dorothy motored to Chica-- go Heights Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy. Miss Dordathy remained for a week's visit. byterian Sunday school will hold a cake and baked bean sale Saturday, June 21, at the Farm Bureau office. The money is to be used for an out-- ing for poor children of Chicago. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presbyterian church will hold a bak-- ery sale at Triggs & Johnson's store Evangelical church at Long Grove. Mr. and Mrs. John Keith of Wau-- kegan were in Libertyville on Wed-- Thursday, June 26, 1924 Summer Sale and roast beef din-- ner at the parish house of the Epis-- copal church, on Thursday, June 26, afternoon and evening, under the au-- spices of the Woman's Guild. Day, by Jolly Four., Friday, July 4, 1924 s Don't forget to attend the Sunday school picnie of the Long Grove supper at S%. Lawrence's church on Thursday & , June 26. Straw-- berry teake for dessert. store by Presbyterian Ladies Aid The Blue Bird class of the Pres-- Saturday, June 28, 1924 Mghgfimg?:hnm Saturday, June 21,, 1924 $ Dance at Hertel's Puvilion. Half COMING EVENTS "My Wife's BUSTER KEATON Deerfield Chapter 0. E. 8. was in-- stituted 'Thursday evening by the Worthy Grand Patron Meilhle acting as instituting officer, Grand Secre-- tary Mrs. Nettie Kenner as secretary and Right Worthy Grand Associate Conductress Emalia Hueh! as mar-- shal. The Masonic Temple at Deer-- field was filled with guests. A num-- ber from Libertyville attended. Friday to meet Mrs. Decker's mother who came from Montana to visit her daughter and family for a time. Therc is no obligation in asking information or advice. I am always glad to be of service. Sporting Days Are Home Builders Get Busy FORREST FLAGG OWEN -- Agent -- 233--W Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company Don't delay starting your house this Spring. If you are going to build get OUR . PLAN SER-- VICE and start now before all the mechanics and laborers are taken up by the other fellow. ~HOMES ARE IN DEMAND W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. Striking all wool tweed, tan or grey, _: e For hikes and picnics Knickers:are very Soft All Wool Dress Flannel, Reseda, -- | grey, tan or beige; 54 inches wide, a con-- _ -- j venient width; per yard .......... $3.25 -- _ | INSURANCE is PROTECTION The great financiers of America to-- day are the men who built Savings Accounts but yesterday. The first hundred dollars saved means the first thousand --and that thousand has meant many a man's fortune.: ' fk: Your fortune may lie in forming the simple habit of banking a little surplus every woek. The amount doesn't count. +It's the the start -- that's the thing. Libertyville Lumber Co. The: First National Bank Our doors are. wide open to you. Ad%e You will sell or rent as soon as you start. No chance to lose. Come to us, We can assist you greatly at no cost to you. TRY IT. Others JBERTYVILLE -- mmré(:'xts Rflomuof' e Than--a--H * --_ MBllion Dollars > FORETHOUGHT at tag The many friends of Miss Fiora . _ Churehill will be pleased to learn--._-- . that she was awarded a gold medal « for the nighest scholarship in the De-- n partment of Public School Music of l the American School of Music which 4# held its graduating exercises last f Tuesday evehing, June 17, in Chica-- < go. Miss Churchill has accepted the . position of Musical Instructor at the Dennison University of Granville, f LILBERTYYVILLE GI€L Ohio. aBepe PAGE FIVE t . kh ind P 9