s On May 15, James Madden and _ ---- _ Wife sold thir property near Liber-- to Mrs. Emma Bunton and husband ons en o }, 1924. After that date it will be or rent. . Tag in the o We Webdney reatoines living in the G. M. /W residence The place they were living in was wold to L. B.. Anderson, Walter Krause from Arlington MHeights was a business caller in this vicinity last week. = -- near Everett on the Hanson,. Sr., m;lr.lmnh"iuwu Forest. -- Alice Bunton and Al Bunton and Clarence Busch were callers at Ray Busch's last Thursday night.' . George Weimer--of Chicago, spent several days at the Caroline Busch home alo at N. F. Busch's. 'mmenldqynhstmkatfln' home of her grandfather, G. M. Weidner, N. T. Busch and family were call-- ers at the Mack Miller home in Li-- bertyville last Wednesday. * j Goli;l::-"m:m-' moon : Martha v.m:'mq i dhae ti* haakines In tofl citate. 4 w jis moio ooo ns a caller at the Henty Potts home .*g.'wmq&w Grove was a great success, also the -- Some little time ago, Emil Goést made another improvement in town. He built a cute little bungalow for WEnuU t Bp | snciodcten ragd ud ualrt P 4¥ T thab Would real lumber require all those extras " We have our doubts and are saving all noisy articles. ; * Mrs. Henry Potts attended Ladies Aid at Long Grove Thursday after-- noon, £ Mrs. Elizabeth Weime, and daugh-- ter Pearl DeGracio are spending the summer in Oklahoma with their daughter and sister Mrs. Cal Patchel. all had a Mrs. Halverson and babies 'returned home with him. They had--been stay-- ing there for several weeks while . Ralph Halverson of Kenosha was a visitor at G. M. Weidner's Sunday. onl SR CE C Canl un oul l cpbak their bungalow was being built. Al Bunton, Jr., and Clarence Busch Wywtamm f Busse and Bud-- Seiler of Libertyville also woere there. 'All had a fine time. . ; The dance at Half Day last Saturday night was well attended as all gre that are given by the Jolly Four at that grand. pavillion, "It is the berries." f * Mrs. James Matousek, Tom Ma-- Ray Busch and family are living Libertyville Battery & Electric Co. Westinghouse Mazoa Lamps was well atttnded and ~ Two Things Stamped on any lamp is a guarantee of service. Stamped on any lamp is ugmmofq't'ullq. 'lmfi& er north of town several times last week. £ '"Chester Wolf was in town Thurs-- day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Trohnauer of home folks here. 4 ~~Mr. and Mre, Fred Busch '3? Diamond Lake and Libertyville = ers Sunday. Walter Weidner and family spent Sunday at the G. M. Weidner home. We wish to: thank our neighbors and friends for their many kindness-- es during the sickness and quaran-- *tine of our family. § Mr,. and Mrs. Arthu'r Kruckman. went to Des Plaines on Tuesday, where they will remain fop a few Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lockhead spent several days of last week in home on Monday after teaching for the past year at Naperville. Mr. and Mrs. Art Voss and son of Palatine, called on relatives in Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stancliff of !alfbcy-adln.c.'r.lamw tended a show at Highland Park on Rev. Kiethan called on friends in town on Monday. & Mrs. Fred Brockman, Mrs. Math Hmchbenu.lht.ldawhfilh! Emma LaFrantz and Mrs, Henry Krueger, of Libertyville, all attend-- d the Ladies Aid meeting at Long business caller Saturday night. Mrs. L. L. Maether and son and Miss Ruth Wolf spent last Thurs-- d-&rwflhli-u!w- . and Mrs, Fred Priecas enter-- tained their daughter and her hus-- band from Chicago on Sunday. Mrs. Henry Kreuger, of Liberty-- villoqpc:t'z:tfinnbywithbr Ray Stancliffe and family of Half Day called at the L. L. Maether home Thursday evening.> _ -- ---- Grove on Thursday afternoon. 'Misses Alice and Ethel Hersch-- berger returned home Friday after-- noon after spending a few days in noon after spending a Iew days in Chicago. ---- Austin Wolf was a Libertyville business caller Saturday night. Mrs. L. L. Maether and son and Miss Ruth Wolf spent last Thurs-- day with Miss Emily Maether. _ | : A number from here attended the convention at Ivanhoe Tuesday. 'The Woodmen had a meeting on Bert Turner and family visited at William Lohman's Friday evening. Saturday night. Mr. -- and By U. 8. Government Veterinarian CATTLE TESTED 'AFor PRAIRIE VIEW CARD OF-- THANKS Inspecter In Charge Phone Libertyrille 829 _ * Libertyville Pepper's sister, Mrs. Kuebker -- at Wauconda, Saturday, Mr. and Mrs, E. Branding and twin sons, of Chicago, visited Sun-- day afternoon with Henry Branding. Mr.and Mrs. Leonard Young and family, of Chicago Heights, visited the week end with local relatives. The Bunco Club gave a surprise i("i-."" party Monday evening on Helen Prehm who will leave in a short time to make her home in Chicago. The Evangelical League held its June social time in the church par-- Mr. and Mrs. F., Penner, Mr., and Mrs. H. --Prehm, Mr. and "hm«s.~Geo. Meyer, attended the funeral of Mrs. Lee Landwer was in Chicago on Monday and Tuesday for two new daughter, Mrs. &ni&.mwi 1AJMUs TJM V L m attended class -- night ;. / «omm program | of <the Barrington. High l-day.:mz_zus-Ma.m.Sun. school at Barrington Tuesday eve--' day school; 10:00 a. m.. English ning. : Inndeo. Let us remember to keep Mrs. Emil Miller, who has been ill the Lord's day holy bv attending umhme'dhrpmhuhr-lfio 'public worghip. . Everybody rington, is improved so she can re--, welcome. 6 turn home the last of the week. t At 8;:00 p. m. the Y. P. League Mrs. W. G. Hartman visited in will meet at the parsonage and we Barrington one day the first of the will also practite a new anthem. week, | We hope that many more of our Miss Katherine Brewer, Miss Mc-- young people will --come and join. 4100 % .. ARRAE -;'*'i;u--'r. mtw'li'*ifi' w.wlv- l s s g ummmhum'm'nbw\dl:m the past month. ~ _ _ _ _ {town Thursday calling « Miss Katherine Brewer, Miss lc-';yming people will come and join. Clean and Miss Gussie Harrison| .. Attention ! > were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter -- On June 29, at ten o'clock, a. m. Laun over Sunday. | a special riversary service for Several members of the M. W. A.|\the Ladies Aid Sogicty will be held were in Deerfleld as visitors of the;in the German language. -- All mem-- the Deerfield camp Wednesday--eve--| bers and % our Society, ning. : * who have so 1: ully and success-- Miss Margaret Comstock of Chi-- fully worked for the bazaar are re-- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fink and j W ocn naniTr ughter, Mrs. Carrie n?.m_'._{dz LONG GROVE Tomorrow Morning ~--_ At 8:30 will go twice as far here Bunday : Mz four cars n% it ot stippery pavement. of the Pepper was the only local resident to meet another car on the HRand road near the Bennett . «MHQ escaped with minor scratches but Bis car was bad-- *ly damaged and the Wmilk he was 'doli"fill' to the efeamery, was spilled. e | -- 'Miss Katheringe RIOO8 returned to © leke was a Barring-- ! tor """ AY afternoon. | _ Méssrs. Walt Prelm and Connie ! Cordes were Milwaukee visitors the I"T. :1'. o 35': ealled to his < father', ' in Champaigne, IIL, ': Te : fi ous illiness of his f . Mrs. Orawford is in Chi-- 'ug. her sister during his ab-- !. ~The North Avenue Business Men's ' Association held their annual chick-- ien dinner and out picnic on the 'lawn 6f ~Wfl" Hotel, Wed-- ' nesday, June 18. An airplane and 'M# the 150 or | service. the . Lord Itho 'publ , welcome. ; _At 8:0( 'wmneot will : also | We hope cago, visited Mr, a . Lee Com-- was the only -- yeuld with an accident and tar into the ditch W L another car on Kan: the Bennett . He minor scratches but Ris © her here re two weeks, _ Mrs, Emil Fick ' SATURDAY,. JUNE 21, 1924 returned to fter visiting and Mrs. Jen-- iston were in on friends. Coming from two to three weeks earlies of sensational. It brings the oppor-- tunity to save exactly ONE--HALF on a newC«torSnit-:gatatinewhu several months of weflr is yet to be had. While assortments are not as complete as at the beginning of the season there is ltillnrie?mhtomitevery're- ference. You will be astonished at the ferencte. You will be astonished 'at the style and quality, a few dollars will buy in hhnflh:.rnc(lm'u} lnlafi and other 'refresh-- ments will be on sale. Lunch stand and bakery sale. Contributions for the latter are kindly solicited from al} members and friends of our church. We hope the response will be as generous as for the. bazaar on llm 29. -- The Sunday school will open a store for the children and 1mlu. Games, contests and other ' entertainments will be provided. The | board of trustees will do its best to ' make this pienic a great success. | Friends from far and near are as-- sured of a very good time. Your co-- 'opontion'iu-olidhd. _to be present at this serv-- The bld'l'r will also celebrated 'in . AH 'ure cor-- dially invited to take part.: The of-- fering of this morning will be sent to our orphans home at Bensenville. July 4 On this day the annual picniec of = Glycerine Mixture Women appreciate the quitk action of simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed in Adlerika. Most med> icines act only on the lower bowel but Adlerika acts on BOTH upper ang lower bowell, and removes All gasses Many Women Use and poisons. Excellent for obstinate constipation and to guard against appendicitis. any case gas on stomach in Tm:hmtu. Decker & Do You Want to Buy, Sell or Hire? Cive Our Want Ads the Once Ovet Neville, Sizes For Women Plastering and Anywhere on the North Shore NORMAN L. MADOLE Lathing Chief of Police Isaac Lyon, who was injured in Chicago Tuesday night, when run down by an auto-- mobile was removed yesterday from the Mercy Hospital to his home, be-- ing taken back in the Howard Hol-- land ambulance. & , The Waukegan police chief was hit by an automobile in Michigan avenue between Thirty--fifth and Thirty--sixth street Tuesday night about-- 10:380 o'clock. He had made a trip to Chicago with Cm Thomas Kennedy, Fire Chief A, Hutton and Chief Frank Tiffany _ Mrs. Lyon said this morning that her husband rested easily last night and was not seriously injured. His injuries consisted of a sprained hand and a black eye. He is con-- fined to bed as yet. M x/ "a,) DN IS TO HOME P \\_' 4# & ie M 4 #% f\ "é d ols # l ol h \\' '_'-'j;; _ ' icA y: P ( :--<«MMe / -- .V «d L ""l'A f a . ntmax p MWioged : s | new w it 4 1 ' &Az YA /1 # 5 » * / \ i w""*-. a R store and the party was © guroute home when the accident occurred. Chief Hutton's hat blew of in Michigan avenue and Chief 1Lyon went out to get it. He was stoop-- ing down picking up the hat -- when struck by the car. : He was knocked unconscious and was rushed to. .a hospital. t INSURANCE A. A. Grandy Phone 217--M h PB B