* _ --___ K. Welt of Chieago was arrested EEVENTY--FOURTH YEAR NO. 50 Friday afternoon before entering on nected with the Chicago Conserva-- tory of Music, will sing at the morn-- ing service of the Presbyterian church Sunday mo%dng, July 6. Mr. Cook h*s an enviable reputation in his work in church choirs in Chicago and also as a teacher of vocal mu-- And, also, first assistant States Attorney George E. Gorman told the indignant magistrate the prosecutors office cannot aid him, and that if he wighes to collect he must file a civil It is hoped a large congregation will be present Sunday morning, July 6, to hear this singer of unusual "I'm a minister of the gospel, said the Rev, Mr, Vatcher, "Will you take my check?" A minister? A man of the cloth? Why of course, said mag-- istrate -- Gehrke. m-e:mi-ly he would, And he yesterday it came back, "Payment stopped." "Mr. Cook has a fine presence and excellent style and his voice is one of the best tenors now to be heard in Chicago. It is of beautiful mel-- low quality in its middle range and rises easily and with brilliance to its upper eale and the compass is very «mooth throughout." O tempora!l O mores! Police magistrate Walter Genrke of North-- brook, ~Illinois, 4s a disillusioned jurist, He never thought that a man of the cloth would put one over on him, <but witness : Ten days ago a motorcycle cop nabbed the Rev. J. H. Vatcher, of Port Huron, Mich., speeding along the Waukegan highway. He arraign-- the minister before police magis-- trate Gehrke, who fined him $15.00 arl costs. Three of the "de luxe" burglars who raided prominent Lake Forest homes about three months ago were thinking it over in the county jail Wednesday after being remanded to Bheriff --Edwin Ahistrom on a mitti-- mus from Judge Henry Vickerman of Lake Forest. 'The three had been séized by the detective bureau of Chicago and turned over to the Lake county authorities after they had confessed. The trio, whose activities were detialed Tuesday are. Albert Langner, _ the . "deluxe" burglar band chief, formerly of 728 Ublandstreet. Chicago. rug was found on the stairway in Meyer's place where the men were wont to wipe their shoes when they became muddy. & -- Dwight Edrus Cook, well--known tenor soloist and choir leader con-- Paul Shoupfi alias Paul . Sthupe, 1638 North Halsted street, Chicago, who confessed buying some of the stuff that the Lake Forest burglars hauled to his shop. Shoup is now out on parole from the state peni-- tentiary at Joliet, DWIGHT EDRUS COOK, TENOR AT PRESBY. CHURCH JULY 6 PREACHER FROM MIUMIGAN SLIP3S ONE OVER JUDGE Fred Meyer, 1722 North Halsted street, Chicago, who is said to have been the "go--between" between the crooks and the pawnbrokers and shady shops, Trio (hptnndiln Chicago Are Lodged in Bastile As Police Investigate Theft of Many Valuables Langner and Meyer packed the loot in Meyer's flivver and drove aut} x The capture of the crooks solv and Langner's roommate, is also under arrest, but has not yet been "COUNTY JAL Theodore Chicago. _ A $38,000 Oriental follows: The HLake Comumty Reniater -- Judge and Mrs., Ben H. Miller, will leave Monday on the Twentieth Cen-- tury TLimited for New York, where they will be joined by their son, Roland and a college friend and will sail July 2, on the steamer Maureta-- nia of the Cunard line to attend the meeting of the American Bar Asso-- ciation in London, July 19 to 26. > Thev first will go to Paris to at-- tend the Olympic games, and from there to London,. After the conven-- tion they will England, Scot-- land, France nfi'-'-.n-i-:;m many, Switzerland and TItaiv, ing home about September first. Mrs. Pink has served a term in the county jail as the result of booze violations and 'was facing an-- other term in the present case, but excaped through 'her plea for clem-- ency, -- Her place in North Chi-- cago has been raided on many® oc-- casions . by the sponge squad and in most cases has yielded up a sup-- ply of liquor. Philip Pink, who killed himself in the Mount Olivet Cemetery several weeks ago, was her former husband. Two appeals, one of them by Bcott Durand, Lake Forest million-- aire were filed in Circuit couth Tues-- day. Mr, and Mr»s,° Durand were made defendants in a suit for dam-- ages brought by Sharles Crawford of Waukegan is the court of Justice #f the Peace Wilfred Hall, Ad the Durands did not make any defense, Crawford won a verdict of $133.25 for damages in an automobile acci-- The citation calling for her pun-- ishment for violating the injunction will be held over her head in case she ever makes up her mind to JUDGE MILLER AND WIFE ATTEND OLYMPIC GAMES The story of the pup that bit the hand that fed him was being re-- enacted in the county jail Tuesday with human actors following~ the arrest of William Wood, who had been employed on a farm near An-- tioch, but who had taken French leave with about $102 in cash .nd the farmer's new automatic revol-- ver. + j Given Until Saturday. . Judge Edwards gave Mrs. Pink until Saturday night to nave all of her goods moved out of the county. Mr#. Pink: promised to carry out the order to the letter -- Another appeal, this over the sale of a cow, wase filed by Frank Katurski. He had been ordered to pay $70 to Peter Neverdauski in a transaction hinging on the sale of the bovine. Mrs. Mary Pink, of Eleventh st. North Chicago, who was : facing punishment for violating an injun-- stion restraining her from . selling liquor at her home,. ._ose the safer of two courses in the Circuit court of Judge Claire C. Edwards this morning and 'decided to move out of the county rather than try to resist the efforts of State's Attor-- SCOTT DURAND FILES APPEAL IN AUTO SUIT Taken to County Jail Here Af-- ter© Arrest in Kenosha on Theft Charges Wood was arrested by Tom Jes-- ter, night man at the sheriff's of-- fice in Kenosha county, at Trevor, Wis. A ca' to the Kenosha county sheriff had been sent by Sheriff Edwin Ahblistrom in an effort to get the man into custody.. A * deputy from the local office was sent. to Trevor and brought the fugitive MRS. PINK WILL PLAN TO MOVE Tells Court She Is Leaving for Chicago; Clemency Is Granted as Result Wanderer Arrested After He Robs Farmer Who Gave Him Aid Mr. and Mrs. Peaco received many pretty and usefuol gifts. At a late hour the guests departed wishing them many more such happy otca-- notified and left at once for his son's bedside when it was seen that recovery was doubtful and was with him when the end came. Chester's wife accompanied 'him to Rochester and was also with him, The death of this enterprising young business man is deeply re-- gretted by Libertyville people, He was highly esteemed and in his busi-- ness life was upright and obliging. He was 84 years old at the time of his death and is survived by his two daughters, father sister, (Mri Theodore Swan) and brother Howard of Minneapolis. Funeral services will be held on Sunday, June 29, at his late reai-- dence, 103 First stret at 1:80 o'clock, Covers were laid for twelve and at six o'clock the guests were seated to a very sumptuous dinner to which all did ample justice. Pink and white predominated throughout the CHESTER WILCOX DIED AT ROCHESTER ON THURSDAY a channel through the main street of the village in order--to drain his land. He has promised to build a bridge across the gap, but the vil-- lage wants the street to remain un-- exeavated. In their bill, the vil-- lage board members state that Hol-- lister has said that he is going ahead with the work despite all leg-- al obstructions and that he will hire new men if the ones he is now employing are arrested. 7 The board called on the court for ald, claiming that it did not have a large enough police force to cope with the workers and did not have the funds to prosecute the violators in a series of suits . Chester Wilcox, Kead of the Wil-- eox Motor Express Co., of Liberty-- ville, died Thursday morning at Mayo Brothers Sanitarium, Roches-- gency operation on Tuesday. His father, Charles M. Wilcox was _ The"home was very beautifully de-- c:'r:'t:'d with pink peonies . and d k Thursday, June 26, marked : first milestone in Mr. and Mrs. J. Peaco's married life and was v fittingly celebrated at the home Mr. and Mrs. R. Schnejder of Lib tyville. ~According to the farmer's story, Wood --was --out--of a----job--and ----bad come to this county looking -- for work. He had been living in Can-- ada formerly and had "beat" his way down the states to Lake coun-- ty. While wandering in this coun-- ty, be was uided by the far~e» who gave him a job and a p.'iceTo *tat and sleep. His theft of the money and gun was the sign of gratitude he left as he shook the mud of An-- tioch from his feet. MR. AND MRS. PEACO CELE.. BRATE ANNIVERSARY When arrested, Wood was in possession of $59, which, he said, was all that was left of the origin-- a ~sum.. A€palso had the gu.. in his pocket. When the Kenosha a@a-- thorities nabbed Wood, they were Just in time to prevent the latter's escape by means of a "side>door" pullman, otherwise known as & freight ¢ar. He was booked on a charge of larceny at the Waukegan The village recently secured a temporary injunction -- halting | the plans of Hollister and his agents. Charles Knowls and Arnold Tuck: nott. The case ig still pending in Circuit court. & 'In an amended bill of complaint filed in Circuit court by Attorney Sidney H. Block Wednesday, the vil-- lage of Fox Lake stated that Geo. Hollister, who is defendant in an injunction-- suit 'brought by the vil-- lage, had threatened to go -- ahead with his work on the channel in the main street of the village despite all that the poliecofthetgn'eu jail. do. Seeks to Stop Plans of Fox Lake Man in Digging Chan-- nel in Street BOARD APPEALS FOR COURT AlD \ Channel in fitreet. © & Hollister is 'planning~to construct LIBERTYVILLE, The bazaar and 'roast beef dinner given by the Women's Guild of St. Lawrences church Thursday was a success,. There wa a large attend-- cab was a li¢. They Jenied having stolen a wrist watch or ring. Re-- garding the charge that an attemp: at attack was made they said there was nothing to ° it, charging a "frame--up." ¢ Changes Mind Tuesday night at 7 o'clock the own-- er of the restaurant where the girl is employed came to the station with her and . said that she was then ready to identify them. Cap-- tain Thomas Booth arrested Craver and Powell and brought them to the --station. . Although they were dressed in the same manner a* earlier in the day, when the girl eouldn't identify &on, this : time she said she was positive they wore the drivers that had taken her out against her will. . The police are inclined to doubt the story told by the young girl in view of the fact that she couldn't identify them in the afternoon, when they were into custody. They also regard it as an impossi-- bility for a to be forced in-- to a taxicab in broad daylight at Genesee and Washington streets. Charles Cra¥ver. 23 years old, 803 Pine street,-yz"ukegan. and George Powell, 22 old, -- 912 North county street, were the drivers ar-- rested. 'They were --released in 'bonds of u.e& each and their cas-- es continued: by Judge Walter Tay-- lor until June 27 at 1:80 p. m. Both all charges made by the waitress. They charge a "frame-- The restaurant . proprietor then charged that Craver and Powell had been to his place of business after being released from custody in the afternoon and offered to return the girl's watch and ring, if she would meet them at 9 p. m. When asked about this matter by ance and the dinneér served very Two W gan taxi placed -- under-- arrest gan police ties girl employed as a : Two Waukegan taxi--drivers were placed under: arrest on -- serious charges isday night by Wauke-- gan police authorities after a young girl emplo; é a waitress in a Spring street restaurant told a sen-- sational story of being hurled into a cab and driven along the lake shore when an attempt was made to at-- tack her. She eharged further that made denials They said that they had never been to the Bpring street restaurant. They told. the police, however, that the restaurant man, known as "Pete" had met them at the Northwestern <lepot and de-- manded that they return the a ticles stolen from his employe and that they told him he was making false accusations.> > one of the lads forced his attentions on her and ~for the fact she battled him, he would have attack-- ed her. Then she said her wrist driver then went west and left het out of the cab at Spring and Madi-- son street, she told the police. Captain Kennedy after a brief in-- vestigation took Craver and Powell into custody after they admitted taking Mary Zore for a ride. The girl confronted them at the station, but said she was unable to identify them. Both Crlvei';0 and Powell told the police that the girl consented to ride with them and that her 'state-- ment that she was forced into the cab and driven alo: when an attermy tack her. She e The girl making gave cher name a: years old, SixBeent streets, North Chic ployed at a G#¥eek Spring street, _ Charles ¥er. : Pine street; Wauke she had bbed of valuables. The girl making these allegation gave her name as Mary Zore, 15 years old, SixBeenth and Wallace streets, North Chicago, She is em-- Thomas E. nedy. The young girl told the p she was accost-- ed b:!sb two cab drivers at Gene-- see and W streets -- and forted into . ear and then the driver sped toward the lake. up", the police say. robbery wn:nm:mnd 8 o'clock Tuesday _ according --to the complaint lodged with Captain Publishe Miss Helen Carroll gent Tharsday day; Fails at First to Iden-- tify Drivers mpted attack and restaurant at 14 A number of local fans plan to follow the teem on its trip Sunday. Finstad's Lake County All--Stars are scheduled to cross bats with the Everett nine at that place. These twno team met a few weeks back, the All--Stars winning by a one point margin when rain stepped in and halted play 'In the halt way stanza. The Everettites are confident they ean take the Finstad crew's measure in a full game, so a 'real battle is looked for Sunday. Beveral»ears of backers of the Al Stars plan to be on the scene of bat-- te when the first ball is thrown. Mrs. May L. DeThorn, 37 North Victory street, who-- was badly beaten and assaulted on Tuesday, June 17, by a masked man, filed suit for divorce in the Circuit court late Wednesday afternoon charging that her husband, Michael, who is facing graund jury action as the re-- sult of the beating, tried to ki'l ker. She names him as the man who as saulted her and nearly killed her. that they were married on Jan. 19, 1905, and have three children, Wal-- ter, 17; Melvin, 8; and Marceline, 8. She asks custody of the child-- ren, claiming that her husband is unfit to care for them. Judge Edwards granted ter a writ of injunction restraining her husband from interfering with her or trying to dispose of any of the property. .. BOTH TEAMS ON FOREIGN Libertyville's undefeated, heavy-- hitting Colts will trot over to High-- wood Sunday to defend their laureis against the fast Highwoodites, Rain may visit the local outfit and swamp the diamond but it will have to fol« low the Colts on their journey if it is to stop play this week. The will was made the night be-- fore Hankey. died. Gordon Buchan-- an was named executor. -- Letters t.stisamentary were issued to Bu-- chanan Thursday when the will was admitted to probate in the: court of Judge Martin C. Decker. Twenty»--five hundred dollars for the care of flower beds at the High-- land Park hospital was the unique feature of the will of --Charles E. Hankey of Highland Park, -- who passed away at the hospital on May 6. In his will, Hankey stated that he had received kindly treatment at the hospital and wished to show his gratitude" in an appropriate man-- ner. Therefore, he left practically hi entire estate for use in caring for the flowers. ; Finstad Crew to Invade Everett; Holman Colts Journey to Highwood Diamongd MRS. DE THORN STARTS ACTION FOR SEPARATION Auto Goes Over Embankment: Man Injured by Flying Glass Steve Gavin, 30, years old, 118 South Chappel street, is in the Lake County hospital today suffering from injuries which he received Wednes-- day when a coupe in which he was riding an which was driven by Frank Ailen, 27 North County stree" went over an embankment at Gurnee and cras' ed into a telephone pole. Gavin received a deep gash sev-- eral inches long on his right hip and other minor lacerations and bruises when the glass in the windshield struck him. He was rushed"to the hospital where he was attended by Gardener Shows Gratitude for Care at Highland Park Hos-- pital LEAVES ESTATE FOR BLOSSOMS Driver Says . No Warning Lights Were Present to Tell * of Obstruction GROUNDS SUNDAY The four--year--old son of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Randall of Rondout almost died when he accidentAlly gwallowed a large sized staple, which lodged in his throat, A phygician was call-- ed, but the father was able to re-- move the obstacle beftore the ar-- rival of the doctor. Although the lad's throat was badly torm by the staple it in expected he will recover. "\._ t Cee i y m ce e d Ne CC nsc 0 9 nied that this fl'wbfln same one captured. liquor aboard in New York Wednesday, winter," said Mr. Cudahy, "I just received a message from the cap-- tain the other day, saying he plan-- ned to put her in the water in a few days. 1 knuow that couldn't be the same yacht." During the last few weeks, resi-- dents who Rnrd-uhw been missing sh fowers, garden truck and other plants. The thefts Lre committed during the evening and so far no arrests have r---- sulted. * New York by the coast guard, ac-- ecrding to dispatches from the east-- whisky are said to have been found on the yacht, Several cartridges were fired ov-- er the bow of the yacht by machine guns when the boat failed to stop after it had been hailed. It was headed toward New York at a high over five miles the Mystic halted and surrendered. : A . hearing was scheduled for Thursday. > Joseph M. Cudahy, at his Lake Forest home w«h-igymt ad-- mitted that he owned a call-- ed the Mystic, but emphatically de-- An epidemic of petty vtndalhm' tas broken out in Lake Bloff, ac-- cording to reports emanating from that village, and threatens to dis-- rupt the pesce of Main street io such an extent that the police have given the matter their personal at-- tention and are broadcasting dire threats on what will happen when the vandals are arrested. 1 "My yacht is lying in Babylon. L. I., and has. been in dry dock all The other day saw the most ser-- ious outbreak. A gang of young rowdies surrounded the building which houses the septic tank -- and smashed every window pane in the The police report that if they catch the guilty parties they will prosecute them to the limit -- and most likely have them sent to some training school, either at Dickasnn or Lincoln, Ili. They are on the trail of some of the rowdies ar.d expect to have them in custody be-- fore many more hours pass. The private yacht Mystic, said to be the property of Joseph Cud-- ahy of Lake Forest, was captured Wednesday off "Rum Row" near VANDALS AGTIVE IN LAKE BLUFF Police Give Matter Personal Attention As Gardens Are Destroyed Dr. Charles Lieber who reported that it was necessary to take sev-- eral stitches to close the wound. No Warning Light. According to Alien, there were r -- red lights to warn him that the road was closed and he was almost t the edge of the embankment be-- fore he realized the danger and BABY GETS STAPLE IN * THROAT BUT 18 8SAVYED pair Allen said. was then unable to stop his car. The. road has been closed for sev-- eral months to enable workmen to corstruct a viaduct under the Chi-- cago Milwaukee and St. Pa} rail-- road tracks. This is the second ac-- cident at that spot in the last two weeks. 'The car is a complete wreck, four wheels being -- smashed Said to Have Been Carrying Liquor; Lake Forest . Man Denies He Owns It CUDAHY YACHT I$ CAPTURED the body smashed beyond re-- of $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCGE ready passed over the hips and chest of the lad. He was taken to the Orphanage hospital and Dr. B. N. Parmenter called 'to attend. him. He died before the physician's'arri-- val, passing away within ten min-- utes after being run over. He new« er regained consciousness. 'one case they had been ordered to pay $296.39 to Burton K. and in the other, $286.46 to J. Graves for work and in remodeling a home. / o BOY CRUSHED TO DEATH BY The supervisors' roon at the courthouse has been turned over to --. the Board of Review which will use _ it as an office until early in 8 "' tember. -- The board, under. th\ . chairmanship of Fred Kirschner, The child had been standing alongside the truck watching older boys unload chairs when the truck started up slowly. He took a notion to run after it and attempted to jump on, but missed his footing and fell under a wheel. Boys who were riding in the truck screamed and the driver came to a quick stop. but the wheel had al-- er is living in Chicago. She was compelled to place her -:a:l the Lake ~Bluff -- orphanage r : the father was sentenced, being un-- able to provide. for him.> § One of the beads of the orphan-- went to Chicago 'l'h-nhz Ao ::.nfer with Mrs, Pence and is believed that the remains will be shipped to Chicago for burial. SUPERVISORS' __ _ ROOM TURNED OvER TO BOARD Hold Inquest. Deputy Coroner DPr. J.--C. Pen-- ney held an inquest at Wnban'lhn:'nlhom Forest and the jury found that death was accidental, exonerating the driver, who was operating an orphanage truck at the time. _ . The Pence boy had been at the Esther B. Mawman -- of --Lake Bluff and Roy B. Twentyman were deféndants in two appeals from justice court filed by them in the Cireuit court Wednesday. In Orphanage Youngster Loses Hold on Truck As It m Away ; Caught Under Wheel As Others Look On ville, was regarded highly by. his playmates and those in charge. The father of the dead boy, Pr. Penney reports, is "%&h' state institution, while moth= chairman of the board of super-- . tax 'books about a week ago. R. S. . . Barnum and A. G. Macther -nw'zé other two members on the board. \~ _ The books will not have to e . closed until Sept. 7, but the time may be extended even later, _ @#*; from the court of Police Magis-- trate: Emil Ficke of Lake Zurich At a special meeting of the wile lage board of Grayslake held last -- ; Thursday evening, it was decided to _ immediately employ an engineer to . get the grade and make an estimate . of the cost of putting in the improw@e _ . ment, youl W. H. Studer of Libertyville has . been employed for this %g l months complete the work within a weoek. years old, fell under a rear wheel and was fatally hurt, dy= ing within a few minutes af-- ter the accident. s# i8 While attempting. to board a truck on the premises of the Lake Bluff Orphanage a lad at the Orphanage, John Pence, 9 FILE APPEALS --___ --_IN COURT HERE EMPLOY SURVEYOR ON CRAYSLAKE PAVING PROJECT charge of disorderly conduct. today. Young had been ordered to pay a fine of $15 and costs on & Frank G. Young of Lake Zurich and according to 'the act-- #>