SEVENTY-- For some time it has been the opinitin of many local folks that the Lake County Poor Farm located just north of the heart of the village was a serious handicap to the proper de-- velopment and growth of the village in that direction, : Feel That Present _ Site, Hampers Growth of Vil-- lage to the North | The Board of Supervisors are at present considering the erection of | new and modern buildings on the old site, which calls for an expenditure of many thousands of dollars, and which, after completed, would: mean that the County Farm would remain in its present location for several more generations. -- Local business men felt that now was the opportune time to take up the matter of remov-- ing the Farm to another site a# well adapted but which would not hamper the growth of any town or village. Being advised that the Building and Grounds Committee and the Farm Committee were going to meet af the Farm Monday, a petition was circulated among some of the busi-- ness men and property owners down-- town, and, owing to the lack of tim«, only about 25 were approached, all of whom willingly signed, -- The petition is as follows: Libertyville, II1., July 7, 1924 To the Honorable Members of The Board of Supervisors, f Lake County, Ilinois. PETITION 10 MOVE CO. FARM Having been advised that it is the | intention of the Board of Supervisors | to build new quamlottbiammg of the Lake County Poor Farm, the : undersigned residents of the Town of| Libertyville, for reasons hereinafter | set forth, would request | that the site for the new bii CTBC POREPEIAIRT® § i Your pofifiono\'! are fully aware of, and are not lacking in appreciation of the excellent and: commendable|£ repPOTL M4UU ""."""® """ * 0 S --ietor. manner in which the farm is now | Tuesday morning by the proprietor. managed and maintained. Neverthe--| The store was entered and robbed less the location of the County Farm | between the hours of nine --o'clock so close to the heart of the center of | on Monday night and 7:30 a, m. to-1 our community, is, in our opinion, -iday,dn front doo rbeing found part--. serious handicap to the progress of! ly open Tuesday morning by Glass ourvmmnn'dtothemmnldegel-;'bmh,m_"mmm | opmeutyof'ad)went and spmnndmg' In %iew of the fact that the rob-- property. | was not discovered by a night The site of the presehl wuh"'g:\zolman althoigh. the {loorni:'u and the immediately surrounding left partiall and that just a is much needed> to permit partially »Mn r o ie few weeks ago Wirt's clothing store the uniform development of the res-- So Gen street w bHed idential district of Libertyville and at | in S04th (eDAICE is r0 TA 6 of several hundred dollars worth of present forms a barrier to the nat-- | ffice ural growth of our ~village to the clothing unkne#n to night o re. North. _ > \the ire of Chief of Police Isaac The value of the property now oc--| Lyon has been thoroughly aroused cupied by the farm should insure the and night officers are to be "called county realizing on its sale a very, 0n the carpet." substantial sum in excess of fln' "Robberies are liable to happen amount required to secure a new in any city, particularly in Wauke-- 0o aaneclly Anatraohlse far a¥art brit«<! Can as WE are short of police of-- The value of the property now oc--| cupied by the farm should insure the county realizing on its sale a very, substantial sum in excess of the amount required to secure a new site equally desirable for every prac-- tical purpose. This would reduce the' amount of county moneys invested | in land and proportionately reduce the carrying charge thereof, at the same time providing funds for use in the erection of new buildings. | We feél therefore that the inter-- ests of both the county and our com-- munity may reasonably be advanced by the abandonment of the present site .-nd locating the farm on less ex-- pensive property, We carnestly request your thor-- ough consideration of gr petition, in the hope that it may be found prac-- tical to bring about the desired change. 4 . Respectfully submitted, The petition with the 25 or more signatures was submitted to the com-- mittees at the County Farm Monday, and after a discussion, the petitioners were asked to bring the matter be-- fore the County Board at its regular September meeting, and in the mean-- time work out some practical plan through which the change could be brought about. HARLEY SPOOR INJURED BY GIANT FIRE CRACKER Harley, son of M. H. Spoor of this village, was seriously injured Sat-- urday by the explosion of. a five inch fire cracker in his mouth, tear-- ing it open and wounding his tongue and the"roof of the mouth. Several stitches were taken. Harley found the fire cracker in Central Park, put it in his mouth and drew on it It exploded with terrific force with the results as stated above. It is a mir-- acle that his head was not blown off. He is recovering from his injuries. Mrs. Wolft was taken to the mmu Thursday evening. many friends ar:rludmmulhthm nicely. 'Wfi e 1 FOURTH YEAR. NO. LNAAAE B setrice & en erseintts / s maa P t E ould reduce the] ficers, but there is no excuse for d's-! oneys invested covery of a robbery not being made ' ately reduce the| by night officers, if they are on the of, at the same ) job," Chief Lyon declared Tuesday. for use in the} Entrance to the Glass store was ings. | grined by smashing a padlock and that the inter--| regular door lock on the front door. y and our com--| A heavy bar used to break the locks ly be advanced| and pry open the door was left on of the present a counter in the store by the rob-- 52 Three 1X¢;?bed tAtiteI; Riot fi::gn Jafl HEAVY TOLL | empt to brea | 6 uirofPo !Deputies Fimonm Busyl;- ;m > F lNJl'Ji\lm 6. Pedes lo Open Bakitile | at|!ow tromphed, asd two of the lead--| / | / JR OR AGHRC 'i A free--for--all battle in a restau-' Crystal lake followed by a Jail breaking episode at Antioch re-- | sultéd in the arrest of three Crystal | Lake young men during the holiday | excitement through the county, The | arrest followed a fight in which de--| %puty #heriffs and a couple of com--| ;puniom were attacked by a gang ot'} !Crystal Lakers. | -- Deputies Lester Tif{fany.~ Harry | | Ahlstrom, Ben _ Neely and Bob iSmm and Joe Dunnegan -- stepped |iMo a restaurant at Crystal Lake '\to get a bite to eat after a hard day's work. While they were sitting in the restaurant, they were sud-- denly attacked by about 15 young 'men who were in the place at th.1 same time, Fists fNlew in all di-- ' rections. while black eyes, bloody. 's'nuel. and other sundry -- injuries | were chalked up on the Jlist of Deputies Find Youths . Busy % In a few minutes brawn and the Trying to Open . m at | law triumphed and two of the lead-- a e ers were taken into custody. They Antioch on Hou'y L\ere George Simmons cand J, W. cA 4 | Hanrahan. wounded, COPS HEAD UP IN ARMS OVER THEFT To Call Night Men on Mat for Another clothing store in Wauke--| Fears that J. J. McCloskey, aooadey i"":t""'th:'"'l and mk:gi former owner of the Peoples I Sotise! oliss, known as the Ginss| Cafe, -- North Gencgbe. strool. w store, and jocated at 211 who disappeared fx;m the city: of clothing and other goods valued Ma 'm.""d" J'tfn bad M at better than $1200, according to committed suicide, were given a report made to the authorities on | credence Monday when word was re-- Tuesday morning by the proprietor. eeind from the Chicago police stat-- The store was entered and nbhedl"" that the body of a man answer-- between the hours of nine o'clock ing the description of the mising on Monday night and 7:30 a. m. "_lmnunr.ant owner had been found in on Monday migDt ando @«--¢" "* ** "" | the Chicago rivets -- £* .. The loot taken, Glass -- informed the police authorities, consisted of imoney, clothing, -- shoes, . shirts, caps, suitcases, trousers, belts and 'eolhn. The itemized lo«s, accord-- ing to the store proprietor follows: ' \ Twenty--six suits valued at --$35 and $45 each--total loss $780. The store was Tal to bottom, clothing the 'floor, the cash and goods carted a fashion. -- bers. Twelve pair of shoes valued at $6 and $6.50 a p.b'---tot'l loss $55. Thirty--six sgilk shirts--$180, Thirty--six plain shirts--$81. Twelve caps--$18. Cash amounting to $13.26. Eight suitcases--$16. Twelve pairs of sork trousers-- $24 Three Belts--$1.50. General merchandise--$15. Ten dozen collars--$20, Glass told the police that Mis lo--# may be even greater, his estimate being o conservative one. . He said inventory will be made to determine the exact loss, if possible. _ Chief of Police lsaac Lyon re-- ported late Tuesday afterncoon that questioning of night police officers revealed that the door of the Glass store had been tried several times during the night the last time at 4:50 a. m. The robbery Apparently must have that hour,© day ; Second on Street With-- in Short Time Explanation, He. Says been perpet ran«acked from top ng strewn around sh register > riffied away in wholesale a w i ork trousers--| Miss Gladys Eger and George Miller, both of Libertyville, were - married Saturday, July 5, at six se----$15. o'clock p. m. at the home of the --$20. bride's mother, Mrs. Flora Eger. e that Mis lo 1| Rev. C. J. Dickey officiated, at the , his estimate | wedding and Mr. and Mrs, Lee War-- one. | He said| ren attended them. .'pped' Whereupon the < députies rIg"t Lake | about faced and invaded the gity hard | hall, -- Sure enough, they found sey-- tting | eral men hammering away at the sud-- | lock, One cf them, Charles Lee, was roung | taken into custody. Lee -- with the To-- > .\ Find Men Busy. s mi George "Yammy" Goggins, Whereupon the deputies MK"! ) y .. l axt hve + sbodk faced and invacled -- theapits | 24 vears old, well kr.m."n W au-- hall. . Sure enough, they found 89¥ | kecan young man, living at 16 eral men hammering away at the| St. James street, was fatally lock. One cf them, C?;arlfl Lfi-l ":::% injured ear;}y Sunday morning tmwo 00:::':?":":':""":) W\:t:kmn \ and his two companions hurt, where the jails are strong and se-- ?vhe(the'tire of an autf)m?bile éure. The men were arraigned"be-; in which they were riding, ex-- fcre Justice of the Peace Harry HoYt | piodeq ing the machiue to | and fined $5 and costs on disordet-}ove r*;. a #gins | died. Monday | iy eonduct charges, _ morning :80 o'clock at the Lake W§Cou' where he was tnken 9 imnzaflj ely© rthe accident. lM,u'OSKEY S f ' The MJ::Q the car in which i 25 tc(.vm wBs riding when the Acci-- o ~ * _| dent occurred was Charles. Hayes, | flflnv QA'" Tfl 21 vears old, 142 jorth Jackson The deputies took the pair to the Antioch jail and were trailed by a mysterious automobile filled .. with. the pair's compamons . After put-- ting Simmons and Hantahan in the jail, the officers moved off . When they had gone a short distance.' Te puty Ablstrom rémorked about the automobrle and voiced the opimon that the fellows wou'd try to break into the jail to free their friends, 4 Find Men Busy. _ & MCLOSKEY'S __ BODY SAID TO BE RECOVERED Wife of-- Restaurant Owner Goes to Chicago To Identify Body Found in Chicago! Riv-- er by Police Mrs. McCloskey was notified of| the finding of the body on Monday morning by the Chicago police and left immediately for that town in 1| effort to identify"the body. Ac:-! eording to the description flashed to | the woman ty the authorities in | Chicago, Kie man is MeCloskey who | has been missing for about three.| weeks Feared Suicide. . |. The Daily News on June 18, pub--| lished an exclusive interview with Mrs. McCloskey in which it wu; stated that the woman feared her | husband was about to commit sui-- cide when he left. He took a re-' volver with him when he went and said, "If I'm not back by 10 ofclock.| I won't be back at all," | It is understood that IeClolkey' had been besieged with many debts | and_ was involved with his creditors.| A warrant for his arrest was taken | after he disappeared by Ben Mc-- | Mahon, another restaurant owner, | who claimed he had been given a bad check. Several luxury taxes were repealed at midnight Wednesday, Albert N. Tiffany, collector of internal revenue stated Tuesday. The taxes which will be effected are those on candy, jewelry and admizsion to shows. The tax on admissions is repealed in cases where the price is fifty cents or under. The jewelry 'repeal is on watches which cost $60.00 or less LUXURY TAXES | _ |i« TO BE REPEALED v«. i \Z RDBL, EALELLE K4 £ EOM ME . | | K--rays shdowed a fractured nrmi Several luxury taxes were aled | and. dislocated hip. He was also at midnight W)ednesdty. Am y,| bruised ard eut about the body '"dg Tiffany, collector of internal revenue| badly shaken up. stated Tuesday. The taxes which| Collar Bone Fractured. ' will be effected are those on candy,, Paul Welld, 25 years old, 138 jewelry and admission to shows. The| West Twenty----secand _ street, 1 :ax on admissions is repealed in cases| North Chicagd, walked into the of .. where the price is fifty cents or| fices of Dr. James L. Miller of under. The jewelry 'repeal is on North Chicago Sunday -- noon and watches which cost $60.00 or less complained of deep pains, Dr. Mil« and on other jewelry which cost $30 ler examined him an found his or less. collar bone fractured| Wells said MISE Gm he did not know whether he had MIS®~ ® been hit by a machine or fell down. CGEORGE MILLER )IAIR"".Dl'n.e physician says wL". had béen 9 % | drinking. The fracture was set and Miss Gladys Eger and Georg®|the ma: taken Wrdl Miller, both of Libertyville, were Hit by Vampire Car. married | Saturday, July 5, at six Morris Young. 28 / years old o'clock p. m. at the home of the Fourteenth street suffered M'i Ufide'l mm, .fl. non Em- head inj\"'".'"'m' d'ht. when Rev. C. J. Dickey officiated, at the he is believed to have been struck wedding and Mr. and Mrs, Lee War--| ; , / e nutois hile rid attended them. y & vampite l:'-" , riding ren Ee hefe _ ~_--}>~.----__ _ -- ia bitycle near Lake N Afl. Mrs. Miller graduated with honors from L. T. H. 3. in June and is a very ml.r young lady. Mr. Mill= er liked by all his friends and a L' future is wished them by their many friends. They will re-- side at 104 Horlburt Court. A wedding dinner was served at the home of Mrs, Warren, a sister of the bride, to immediate relatives following the ceremony. _ _ k the pair to the were trailed by a LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, !'t ' their \homes after their injuries | were dressed by Dr. Charles Lieber. | _ The tragedy occurred in -- Gurnee near the Desplaines river bridge. where a new road is under construc-- tion, m'b:tore 3 a. m,. Sunday 'The Wa an youths were enroute | home from a dance at Wedge's Cor-- i ners. U > .% f dent-- occurred. was Charles . Hayes, 21 yvears old, 142 jorth Jackson strcek.,: lo:t Sheridan, 20 years old. 807 Bluff street, was also: an occupant.© Buth were badly 'shaken up. Hayes was cut badly about the hands, while Sheridan sustained 14 cuts. They were taken to the county hospital, but later removed lnm'mo&n of one of the injors t men. .said -- that, according to her son, Hayes turned off a sidt street into the thorough-- fare being repaired while traveling about 30 miles an hour and appar-- ently misjudged the distance to the turn. One of the front tires ex-- ploded and the steering ~knuckle broke, causing the machine to turn over, : 8 Dr. Licter, who attended _ Gog-- gins, savi < that the youth's lung iwu punctt'. one rib going clear | through --the lung. His liver was | ruptured «d be also suffered other |internal infuries. } Lichts Cause Crash. \-- Blinded by bright lights from an | approachirg €ar, George Dasherm 28 years #d4, Round Lake, . drove off 'the ro:d into a ditch near Wau-- conda Surday morning -- about -- 3 | o'clock _ suffering severe injuries. \HMe was tiken to the Lake county 'bospital and attended by Dr. Lic-- Harled From Auto, We All thr youths -- were hurled | °*4 from the ing>and lay on the | °°* road for spout five minutes before| {}® autoists swpped to pick them un\"w Three or fwur cars drove by vlthout}"" noticing thiem, actording to one of | M# the youths. Hayes, @ecording to his | unt parents, siild that he did not see a | 1°@ warning sgn until right upon the '"* turn and tiat he did all in his pow-- '"= er to avet the accident. He was | poing at i moderate speed at the| | ! time. he to--ld his folks. | dal -- W BULLETIN, in inque t held at the White and Tobin: funcral establish-- m<Bt tois afterncon. found the dr§' due to a rupture of the livag and fractures ribs which ca ged an internal hemorrhatze. ie driver of t:e machine was ciheono 'st.d fsom . all -- blame, th Anquest deciding that it was 'n anavoidable accident. Young was found lying in Sheri-- dan road just outside of Lake Bluff late Saturday night by a tourist and taken to the office of Dr. James Miller. He was unconsclous for some time and is at a loss to know haow he was injureid. Several stitch-- es were required to sew up a head gash. He was bruised and shaken up considerably, murtty Renaister WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1924 1t m Hold Couple Pending Outcome Of Man's Wound in Stabbing t 'QI' eondition of C. B. Dix of An-- tioch, 21 years old who was stab-- re('-' in an "affair of honor" three mileés -- west of ~Antioch -- Sunday May --Place Murder Chll*iad by the knife. It is tao early yet * Plll" i0 cfl"'"'!' 1to determine whether infection is Awnfl Should '_Ii _ _ |going to set. in, but this will be l?'.e, Is Report . known by Wednesday. There may be t wcvitbilierncwn infection already, but it cannot be The condition of C. B. Dix of An-- determined. If no further infection tioch, 21 years old who was stab-- yets in, Dix wnu have & "Wd eWance To anabias t "-- 0 00 ty recover. ~orning is still critical, Dr. H. F. Begbe of Antioch reported Tuesday. In the meantime Clarence. Hurlbut Mrs. Adaline--Farnik of . Zion City are being held in the county jallk . 5 Charges against the pair have not yet been determined as it is capected that State's Attorney "A. V. Emith will wait a day or two in ('npr to find out how serious Dix's condition really is, If the man dies, charges of murder may be filed agrnt Hurlbut, but if he -- lives. th may be changed to assault with a deadly weapon. : In Good Night. y "% Dr. Beebe said that Dix had pass-- «l a~ fairly good night, but was »tz in danger, He is not breathing well as the right lung was punctur-- CHICAGO MAN CIVES BOND IN Taken in Windy City As He Is Traced through Automobile License; Three O0ther -- Charges Preferred _ s -- Four charges in all. including as-- szeult with intent to rob, drunke-- ness and disobeying an officer of ' The Kutzler brothers were <driv-- ing between Channel Lake and An-- | tioch Saturday night -- when they \ were forced to stop when the Chi-- | caro machine blocked the road. When the Waukegan men ---- halted, some of the rowdies threw whis-- ky bottles at them and broke the 'windows of the sedan. The fight be-- |fi-me almost a riot when the two iAntjoeh young men piled in on the | Chicagoans. M. J. Milles, 2220 South Michigan . avenue, --Chicago, owner of the machine which: was driven by gang of rowdies near Antioch last Saturday night was arrested by the sheriff's office on Tuesday night on charges preferred by Leo and Jonn Kutzler 'of Tenth street, Waukegan, who had been threated by the party in the Milles machine. _ Milles. The Chicago man was ar-- raigned before Justice of the Peace Harry Hoyt and the case continued until July 9, at 9 a. m. He was re-- l About this time the Antioch con-- stable arrived and put the rowdies 'under arrest, He ordered them to proceed to the office of a justice of 'the peacée. but the gang defied him and drove off. leased in bonds of $4,000. No exam-- ination was conducted at the hear-- Get License Number. Russell Smith and Milton Cran-- dall of Antioch had been beaten up by a gang of five or six men in the Milles machine when they came to the rescue of the Kutzler brothers ani two girls, Leo Kutzler secured the license number of the Chicago machine by seratching it on the side of his sedan while the fight was in progress. NBorn to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoskins a son on July 7. The neweomer weighs nine pounds,. Mother and son are in Chmo at 4757 Lake Park avenue Mrs. Hoskin's mother and are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. John Rudoiph of Rockford are vigiting Libertyville and Area relatives,. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hall over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Born and Mr. and Mrs, Nick Baker of Palatine were ausets also of Mr. and Mrs. Hall on Sunday. _ Mr. and MrS joicing over the Sunday July 6.. and son are -- Mr. and visiting Mr. C# C'ffl\ age, "l. July 2) ASSAULT CASE LIBERTYYVILLE ITTEMS y July 6. The man has named Hmm Mother 1 disobeying an officer of , have been filed against will return are re As Circuit court will not convene unitil Thursday, it is not expected that the Zion couple will try to get a release on a writ of habeas cor-- pus until then. When the niion for the writ is started, definite charges against them must be filed. ; Seek Statement. Deputy Sheriffs were at the Har-- ry Smith resort near Channel Lake last nicht to get a statement from at Dix. but as the wounded man's con-- dition was still serious, the doe-- tors ordered that he be not allowed to talk or be questioned. ie . Huribut states that "he -- stabbed Nix when he saw him struggling in the road with the woman, -- Mrs. Farnik and Hurlbut had ~--motored from Zion through the county and had picked up Dix at a resort and taken him along. A quarrel followed and culminated by the stabbing. ; CHICAGO MAN DROWNS AI -- Sheriff Uses. Grappling Hook in Attempt to Locate Man Who Plunged :into Water; body of water near e iNJHA INC body had not been located at a late hour Saturday, dupin on' nmll' search nd drgging of the lake,. . ; Johnson drowned .bqfi:: o'clock in the afternoon, after being in the water fo rabout half an hour accord.-- ing to reports from the 'resort at Deep Lake. 9e Henning Johnson, resort proprie-- tor at Deep Lake said Saturday that Svante Johnson rented a 'boat Fri-- day afternoon and rowed out in-- to the middle of the lake. He wore a bathing suit--and leaped into the water several times while making the trip out in the lake. Persons on shore who had been watching him became alarmed when he failed. to come up after. a dive and a party of men went to his rescue, . . Sheriff Summoaned. He could not be located, however. and the sheriff's office was notified. Sheriff Edwin Ahlstrom and depu-- ties made a fast trip to the lake taking grappling hooks with them, "tThe sheriff and his --men dragged the lake for several hours, but to no avail. Dynamite may be used in an effort to recover the body. Johnson came to Deep Lake Fri-- day morning with five other men to qpend the day . and shortly after dinner decided to take a swim. As his companions did not desire to swim at that time, he went out alone. f Friends of Johnson's say he was an expert swimmer. He is believed to have either guffered cramps . or struck a stone while diving, render-- ing him unconscious. DWIGHT EDRUS COOK NOTED SINGER HERE SUNDAY Dwight Edrus Cook, noted concert singer and vocal coach of Chicago, sang at the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning.. He has a tenor voice of that asweet clarity most to be desired in a singer of sacred music, and his singing is bot han art and a science. His hearers were delighted with his offering. s _ _At the earnest request of geveral Libertyville musicians, Mr. Cook agreed to consider the :ubflitln of opening a studio for teaching of voice in Libertyville, and promised to return next week to talk with any one who is interested in taking vocal lessons. He will be at Bragg Studio 589 Milwaukés avenue and the day will be decided later this week. Mr. Cook's appearance® fully bore out the press notices of his work as a singer and teacher. DPwight Edrus Cook, one of the leading Chicago tenors, has been to the fore recently in many gratifying successens, His robust drama-- tic ability, musical dge and commanding presence make A $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE FOUR FIRES _ _ ARE FOUGHT ON HOLIDAYS Lake Forest Is Scene of Most Stubborn Blaze --. Over Fourth; Damage There Was Estimated at $25,000 _ Four fires, two of: which were caused by fireworks, broke out in Lake county over Fourth of July, causing dam-- age in the neighborhood of $30,000. The heaviest loss was suffered in Lake Forest, the O'Neill hardware store be-- ing gutted by flames of mys-- terious origin which broke out early Friday morning. _ The loss was estimated at about $25,000. The other fires were in Waukegan. The fire in the O'Neili store was discovered shortly after. 1 o'clock Friday morning and the Lake Fe -- est department was called out, As the" flames were mounting Mfiflg the arrival of the fire force of Lake Forest. Chief William O'Neill, bro ther--in--law of the store p ietc requested aid from Great Lakes na-- val training Fution and a nfl was sent there f < 1eE Spontaneous combnlfiu'fi have caused the fire, it was report-- ed at the Lake Forest fire m today, although it was not defin tely known, An investigation -- is underway by Chief O'Neill, He scouted a report that the fire was «f incendiary origin. 4 Rage Three Hours x The fire forces fought the flames for nearly three hours before they were subdued. bI:t"g' buildings were imperiled, to --good work on the part of fireimmen, . the tigating the fire said Saturday th he was inclined to believe that mice clawed some matches in the: part of the store, euudn.-tbo,% Fireworks hurled against a | of the home of John Maynard at ; 309 Chestnut street started a fire at |10:18 _ o'clock _ Friday nu-:. g, | necessitating calling out the fire | department. The loss was mat« | ed at $50 by Commissioner %Jf In connection with the Lake For-- est fire, it is recalled that ° just three years ago -- Friday, the ports, call came ir. to the Central station, but the fire is believed to have been blazing' several minutes be-- fore discovery as the front of the building was a mass of . flames when the fire fighters arrived on the scene. f u Fire started on the roof of the Bap tist church parsonage x ,,% ht at 9:35 o'clock, when a balloon landed on the roof. The loss was smail, Commissioner Balz says, | prominent figure among concert / tists. A authorative exponent . oratorio and other sacred m sic, A has attained great success in ',3' sic at several churches. Mr. Cook's delineation n.alluth in the n as of the oper®, "The White brought many favorable comments, also the em" ';.podd fi further accrediting singer ample powers for major M roles.--Music¢al Leader, t oo I take great pleasure in n« mending Dwight Edrus Cook, who possesses an unusually good temor voice and dramatie abi » Bb is also the possesswor of personal magnetism. 1 should :'2,-» a big asset to anyone deserving the Pure, clear enunciation added to Mr. Cook's splendid voice and per-- sonality, completely winning his " dience.--Music News. o o Irving Sheldon, who was ed by Ed Bauman resigned i It was 10:17 o'clock when the Blames Mice Commissioner Balz, w who is inves-- £VUM :.: CX / halet. 4 e For-- | _ t ' just _ _ .' A*the _ burned _ dance | * y ave-- & o en % m fi' 4#\ +€