_ ~Wednesday evening at 7:30 the last stereopticon pictures at the M. E. Church--"Philadelphia" the most distinctively -- American dt_y."_;fit story ° begins in pre--revoluti@nary days and carries the city's hbistory up to the present,. A helpful nalf hour. Come. N¥ & Libertyville friends of Paul Kent formerly of this village but now of Rockford, are in receipt of the fol«-- gb. telegram: "An eight pound Libertyville Happenings , LAKE ; ----COUNTY NATIONAL BANK sulphur and high melting point of ash means little trouble removing ashes and no clinker. If you have used Pocahontas and fired it properly, }',ou are on the flfi:'t'track', but until you try our ine Ridge Smokeless, you are like Columbus be-- fore he saw land. The Bank Where You Feel At Home. * A REAL TREAT---- A Box of Whitman's Candy PHONE 5 A Choice Variety from which to pick your favorite: o nae Whitman's Sampler, The Fussy Package, Salmagundi, Library. Package, Chocolate, Covered Fruit and Nuts at .___ $1.50 per Ib. Whitman's Stgndard Chocolates, o Tb caen on onner en rrennrranmmmnimmnnioiice o «... PE DEY Jh Whitman's Gray Package, and Liquid Cher-- F iCE B6 ........~.commtirecn in mocreriermmmcg¢teasig $LAOO DEY Ib. ~TAKE HOME A BOX TO--DAY _ Whitman's Cocoa -- The kind we us* in making Our Well Known Bitter--Sweet, Only . B. LOVELL CO. Every day we want to prove ourselves to be what you think we are. 30¢c Per Pound Cordially yours, W--f--"v" 2 | Hhackford, 2. Everything fine.|~ Miss Olga Huss spent last week "Wwanhflom are with Chicago relatives. .J I to the happy parents. | Walter McLaughlin and Miss Bet-- Mr. and Mrs. Emil Gerts and Mr. ty Schuenemann of Waukegan at-- | and Mrs. Frank C. Burton and son tended *Grand Opera at Ravinia : of Chicago, werkr visitors at the Park last Wednesday evening. The home of Mr. and Mrs, Delos Ames, opera '"Madame Butterfly" was i:m '. £ 1 given. | -- Eighteen dollars and twenty--five' _ irs, George Prouty and Mrs. Mil-- | cents were made by the Eim Court ton Powers of Wauconda, Mrs. Ed Pnum for the Algonguin Fresh G:ljin~ of Norwood Park, Chicago, Air Fund,. The money kas been r€-- Mys, Eunice Munson and daughter mitted to the head office. ""y«.~-- faf" Waukegan and Dr. Bentley. of Fixed Carbon 78.62 || Volatile ¢ [ matter-- -- -- 16.80 | Sulphur -- -- 0.68 j Ash . -- .-- --<3.90 1| Melting point _ _ _ of ash -- -- 2800° Bo To U' * * 15,100 1. High Carbon means most ef-- ficiency. > 2. Low volatile m eans les s smoke. LIBERTYYVIL LE Low ash and *©UF LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1924 Mrs. George Prouty and Mrs. Mil-- ton Powers of Wauconda, Mrs. Ed Gcllin«= of Norwood Park, Chicago, Mrs, Eunice Munson and daughter of' Waukegan and Dr. Bentley. of Anderson, Ind., were dinner guests of Mr.--and Mrs. Delos Ames Tues-- day, July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frudy are vis-- iting relatives in Alberta, Canada. They will be absent six weeks or more. 52 _ The son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray An-- drews who has been seriously ill for the past week is reported improv-- ing. 6 /A¥ / Mystic Workers Lodge will give an old time dance. Tuesday evening, July 8. Members and friends cor-- dially invited. > f a Miss Marion Gerber of this vil-- lage and Roscoe Jones of Atlanta, Georvia, were auietly married in Waukegan on Saturday, July 5. They slipped away to Canada on a wedding tour. Thevy. will make thir future home at Winnipeg, Canada. Fred Croker received word last week of the death of his brother E. A, Croker of Bazton, Mass: He was formerlvy of Chicago and was well known in Libertyville: His death was not unexpected as he had been in i1 health for the past yvear. : cobmbstNear i d n enc & | .. Mrs. Roy Greenfield of Hinckley, 'Mlincis has returned home after snending a week with Libertyville 'relatives, She came to attend the fu-- neral of Chester Wilcox--. © THe summer sale and dinner on June 26, held under the auspices of the Women's Guild was a rreat suc-- cess. The dining room was very beautifully decorated with -- flowers undex the d{rection of Mrs. F. W. Foulds aond Mrs. Rrewerton. Mrs. Foulds and Mrs. Ellsworth were the chairmen for the dinner. All coop-- erated in both sale and sunner. Leonard Disney and daughters mo-- tnred +4 Indiana Monday for a vis-- 'y Rev. Gwyn and his family will take their vacation at Vineyard. Haven, 'Ma.-'.-.. wnere Rev. Gwyn® has charge of the services at Grace church for | July. Dr. J. H. Corbet: is the rec-- it,. Mr«. 'Disnev went to Grand Rap-- ids Mich., to visit for a short time. Miss Leona Wessels of Norwood Park is visiting at the home of Miss Carrie Panzer. fapa grig hsn | e MnR s CE e ies o+ sls anaungds in s l h i | served the church here lovally and, Funeral services were held 'from | well, his services as Sunday school his late residence on Fifet street on | teacher, organist and choir MAast9") Sunday, June 29, with interment at ]having been especially valuable. He'mnd Lake. will be creatly missed in the work| He is survived.by his wife, Veron-- here and the prayers and good wishes, jea, two daugnters, Lencte and Ruth, \ af the enneregation and many fnendl'h{, father, Charles M. Wile <his go with him. . _ sister, Mrs. Theodore,Swan and A renovatio nin Amateur plays i8 brother Howard of Minr@apolis, \ the pistol duel which will be seen im}"Dear Lord how shall ve know that "Down in OV Louisiana" next Thurs-- they o. Al dav, Friday and Saturday. Still walk unseen wit} is and Thee [ F. Carney had his machine bfi"n'i:Nor sleep. nor wander ! M? damaged last week when he ran in'0} He smiled, "Abide is me!"" \'a ditch near Glenview. He was Snmncmmmiicomintsienicenmmes. . AQertiiint blinded by the bright lichts of an CARD OF m.\m | apnroaching machine and landed in' We wish to extend Our sincer | a"ditech. The auto turned over but thanks to the many frie and | Mr. Carney escaped uninijured. i-neighbors who so kindiy @ave thei "; Mr. and Mrs. E. R. James and sympathy and help in : @ be '} daugnter Alice. of Wilmette. were| reavement. i fMeeyab | guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bishop Mrs. Wilcox and "& 3 l'onthe-Fmflh. .:A im 40. go mernnbceres mm ----spotite . Carrie Panzer. ; ' Chester Rg':'ileox I Mrs. Roy Greenfield of Hincklev.l. Chester Roy Wil Wwas born .t' Ilincis has returned home after Diamond Lake, I!1., on June 27, 1890. snending a week with Libertyville His boynood and youth were spent relatives. She came to attend the fu-lin the same vicm:t § neral of Chester Wilcox-- {__ On December 15, 1909, he was un. Rev. Gwyn and his family will take \ited in marriage to Veronica McKay. their vacation at Vineyard. Haven, Two children were born to this--union, Mass.. wnere Rev. Gwyn® has charge ILenore age 13 and Ruth age 7. In of the services at Grace church for, 1917 he moved with his family to July. -- Dr. J. H. Corbet® is the rec-- Libertyville where '~e organized the tor. . k ie inss --| motor express which bears his name. Russell Flage left Tuesday Jul¥ On June 16 he went to the Mayo first for West Park, N. Y., where he} Brothers Sanitarium at" Rochester, will try his vocation as a mmb"'! Minn., for examination and, if ne-- nf the Order of the Holy Cross. on*/ cessary, an operation. He was op-- of the religious orders: of the Epi-"gmted upon for d)fonlc"pewtis copal cnurch in this country. . BCL';fmm which he rallied but suddenly the third young man of this village began to Sink and passed away on to study for the ministry of the Epis--| June 26. ' 4 copal church. -- Russell has been|_ His wife, father and brother were brought up at St. Lawrences and has withshim at the end. ; f served the church here lovally and, Funeral services were held 'from well. his services as Sunday school his late residence on Fifst street on Mr. and Mrsz. L. H, Rieckoff, Fe'aixl Androvitch, Mr. and Mrs. Speer and Miss Kubic motored to the Dflls,' Wis.. and sbent Friday, Qiturday, anit Sunday there, | + ; ! -\f" Merkle of Milwaukee, is itins Mrs. L. H. Rieckoff for weeks, -- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gavin and children of Maywood are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sink. Mrs. Joseph Wilson visited friends in Chicago on Sunday. Gordon Frederick was struck by in automobile on the Fourth of July when he was riding on a motorey-- cle, He was trhown some distance and wias badly bruised but no bones hrokon. The accident occurred: on Creamery Road Byron Prosser 1 is now working f¢ ow workis 1 3 workig for mea' wash dre Langworthy's. (')-car "K-a--i;;and family of Joliet were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Kaiser, _ _ _For Sale at Eim Court and Brainard * For the -rm OF . ALGONQUIN oL. +4 H AIR FUND CANDY, GUM. LEMOXN ADE POP, PoOPCNMRX AND FRUIT Personal and Local Items of Particular _ _ | Interest to Our Libertyville Readers ; 7"\Vnc mitnfid his £ir the Telephone the Telephoe Co. sses and lr"t;"\.& | -- Mrs. Noel Durand is entertaining 'h-r father and other relatives from ~--Oklahoma. -- : T") &« two The costum*s in .".ndcal com-- edy, 'Down in Q"Ldn siana" are quaint and beautiful, You will like the pretty chorus seenes. Remember the dates, Tnursday, Friday and Saturday of this week at the High school nmuuriun., & sCnooi & 4 VR 30 I k Miss Bl!:&th Ingham of Chica--| an:l :onu"l'dhor\:. &Tfiol;i'd:;wm{ go visited at ;,h" ar Langworthy 'ing en a motor trip through north-- nome on the Fou . ! en Wisconsin and other points. Mr:. E. 8. White of St. Louis a"-- hy will be absent a month,. Miss rived Thursday evening for a visit Mpel Johnson accompanied them with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. for a week's trip through Wisconsin. J. McCormick. 4P ic nhs mmina! camiuw schoot Hlenic Mr. and Mrs. F, C. Lovett, Miss Mabel Lovett, Mi«s Hoazel Caldwel!l, James Sloup and Mr. and Mrs. Perey Reynolds of Brookfield were guests at the E. T. Langworthy home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Effinger Mrs. Effinger, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. New-- bore of Chicago were pguests of Mr. and Mr«. Robert Sitz on Sunday. Mrs. Harry Gottientertained Mrs. Kurt and Mrs. Boice of Chicago over the Fourth. E f ford, of Chicaro. were guests at the James Laveock hame Saturday. In "Red Lights' 'to be shown at at the Auditorium Theater this week end, the theater management is pre. senting one of thno so--called "knock-- outs" of the season--a 100% at-- traction mysteryv play which has been beralded as such from coast to co--t. They are also vlaving Collsen Morre in "Painted -- People" Sunday-- and | Strongheart in tre "Love Master" \ og Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Crigs of Indianapolis is visiting her h%c'r and family | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sink. Mr. ansk Mrs. Philip Be visited (Mr. Bensinger's n Rogers Park on Wednesday,. Mr. and Mrs. Joahn Laveock, Sv., ¥r. and Mrs. John Purtell and chil-- dren, and Mr.: an! Mrs. C. T. Craw-- Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Schwanbeck, on Sunday, July 6, a daughter. Bs 8+ -- _ He is survived .by his wife, Veron-- ica, two daugnters, Lencte and Ruth, his father, Charles M. Wile 'hi!l sister, Mrs. Theodore an and| brother Howard of Minréapolis. | "Dear Lord how shall ve know that they | o i Still walk unseen wit} s and Thee: 'Nor sleep, nor wander '?)\va? | *' He smiled, "Abide in me!"" . CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend Our sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors who so kindiy R@ave theis sympathy and help in : f\?alt C be-- reavement. [ B S a d' Bovs' blouses and, tuits. Lang-- worthy's. Ts 52 it The Club House Seasonable Suggestions Phones 24 and 25 Club House Brand Orange Pekoe Tea makes the most delicious iced tea one would wish to Waukesha Ginger Ale, nice and cold. Thig Ginger Ale is not the peppery kind but the nice ginger flavor so satisfying and cooling in hot weather. 15¢c the pt. bottle $1.50 per doz. _ drink: Club House Grape Juice, Pure and Sweet Mrs. Philip Bensinger Bensingwer's niece at OBITUARY play which has been frem coast to const. iving Colleen Mocre ople" ~Sunday -- and 45¢ the 1--2 lb. pkg. 57¢ the gt. bottle 30¢ the pt. bottle | --_Dr. George C. Turnbull arrived on | Sunday morvvinato work with Dr. \ Penney until Dr.' aylor returns from Europe. | Dr. bull who is a for-- l mer class mate Obf Dr, Penney's has : been working u DPr. H. A. Chris-- tian of Boston, ss., for 1%4 years. He has been patticularly interested 'in internal medicine and will con-- tinue his work along that line when | he leaves Libertyville in September | to accept a position as instructor in Yale University Medical: School. ___July 10, B, 12, 1924 &*, Joseph's Dramatic Club will pre--ent a musical comedy at the High School Auditorium. The anfual Squ!.y school pienic of the First M., B; church will be held on Thursday, July 10, at Gages Lake. Everyone who can furnish transportation will please communi-- cate with Mrs. Williams or Miss Ida Wheeler. Meet at the church at ten o'clock. Extra! Double Bill Auditorium Theatre "Remembrance Cullen Landis, Patsy Miller, and Claude Gillingwater in COMING EVENTS Pola Negri, the fascinating beauty, confirms her place as the most appealing film per-- sonality of today. It is Pola Negri's pzm'l triumph and a photo that will rank with the most im-- portant successes. oo A DARING DRAMA! Quality LIBERT % The Area School Board will re-- ceive bidq"" or before July 15 for re-shinwool house and re-- modeling front entrance. For infor-- mation Clerk. bertyville this week. Phone 126--J. ville this 52--2t A. Tabot, INSURANCE is PROTECTION :« plus FINVESTMENT Therc is no obligation in asking information or advice. I am always glad to be of service. FORREST FLAGG OWEN -- Agent --233--W --~----most naturally ------at the sign of Home Builders Get Busy Don't delay starting your house this Spring. If you are going to build get OUR PLAN SER-- VICE and start now before all the mechanics and laborers are taken up by the other fellow. 6 6 & % 66 * NoTICE 20 years. For smart cool frocks easy to make and ----s~ to wear. , In new shades you will want-- Persian rose, blue faience, empire jade, ting, and ivory. t W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. I WISH" L CAN" L WILL" At $1.50 a yard these are very tempt-- ing. * i HOMES ARE IN DEMAND _ The First National Bank INDEPENDENCE DAY : NoOTICE Provident Mutual Life Insurance Company TUB SILKS Libertyville Lumber Co. T he safety of our nation will rest secure in the hands of a thrifty, Independent people Herman Kublank, 51--4t You will sell or rent as soon as you start. No chance to lose. Come to us. We can assist you greatly at no cost to you. TRY IT.. Others have. tuner. is in ------puts four figures \ \--.__ ..in a bank book _ ------the "wish"" is good |_ ------the '"can" is better -- ------the "will"' daes the work LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS LIBERTYYILLE . ILLINOIS A Phone 4: _ Urde * LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. _ Little More For You "THRIFT BUILDERS®" Snow's Auteo Livery DAY AND NIGHT TAXI SERVICE Phone Libertyvilie, 306 PAGE FIVE Pe %