CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 9 Aug 1924, p. 2

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e fif;% se 9 L\ 5;* ~~--«--_Mrs. Frank Dishinger underwent \\. .. an operation: at the Victory Me-- fhe _ Merfal Mestces ts * * _\ + *"Mise Ryan, the | optician _ from '*W will be at the home of t' ~~ wing. i : > s es t % fiss Anna Murphy, of Waukegan, n: We hear a reporter in Cook county f had his items "hooked". Well--now, e here in Lake county they don't steal _ =_._ thing with a kick, well, that's dif-- ts . * We wore Intirnind that Rolivardhs @!'~. (Maights is to have a Chamber of Mep auitP (*4 t i i: mitolng Rervices ut 1115 1. e 2. * Mr. 1 'Mre. Herman Zersen mo-- :~,j;v§o~ C + l;l'hund;y */.. Mr. and Mrs. F. Peters and fam-- ;fi&, and Mrs. Emma Wendt, of Chi-- _ /.. eago, visited at the H. C. Meyer home 'z' ,'Gnm\l:ehnudnoth:rn' /.. the cireus in Libertyville and came ?'-"';':&fifiofi- "Did you smile, ob tb 4 A. N is F A w Charles Ross, of Oakland, Califor-- nia, is visiting at the home of his brother, George A. Ross and family. -- Miss 'Bess McBride was a Chica-- wo visiteor on Wednesday. vi le returned Wednesday morning afte ,msd Mitchell "and fam-- lMy in South Dakota for the past __Mrs.'George Ross and son Ayn-- sley, spent Wednesday in Chicago-- chased the Herman Zensen property _ Robert Cameron of Lake Forest made a business trip to Area Tues-- day. _ Miss Martha Pressier, of Chicago, was the guest of Mrs. Frank Bauern-- semith on Thursday of last week. . ' Dr. and Mrs. ( e Jones : of Diamond Lake, ar:mlninc the f T l.'hel' 0 C 3 » m on Wednosing ;?nw motored *to Barrington th him to visit re-- _ Mrs.: Frank (Mitchel! and grand-- son Harry Dolléenmaier, of 'Liberty-- i eromain the remainder . Ralph : Ames, of Athens, . Wis., _ eks with relatives and on Thursday. 2y e * -- *T Al # &A \ N. G. Volz, o Arlington Heights, S fAnnes * Dfigcta : MA » ¥uste and family, Hen-- xy Pfister® and* family motored *o bertyville were in town Sunday. --Fred Huntingto, of Fairfield was an 'Area visitor Thursday. Mrs. J. C. Dorfler was the guest wmmmm Laufenberger family at] "VM'..,; My MEfh® We were informed that: Luebbe Bros. lost about all their grain and corn by the continuoous rains caus-- ing the 'river to leave its banks and flooding their fields, carrying away all in its path. . ' ed great delay in the trains on the 'day No. 28 left the track between Area and Grayslake about midnight, eaused by a washout. ~ -- _ «----~ . Miss Link was a caller at the George Sturm home Wednesday. ','.'. !*----:'la town Thurs-- Emil Geest was a caller in Deer-- MRS. M. L. HANDLER Lotal Editor Phone 813--M AREA APTAKISIC was'a Wheeling calleg was in town ty t ies Pai it d * ; -- Wheeling ball team for + | _ Wheeling team for some un~._.) i / es 2 SA t\ '" ""«" 9';; ie id > cificty " | ta f Max +o ily, John Firnbach at Arlington | 1wGtor Charles Meyer and family, of Jo-- liet, spent Sunday at the N. °F. Several of --bur boys spent Sun-- day at Libertyville and Diamond N. F. Busch w caller land Park Snnd:; ' ie en The heavy wind i 10 fain 5 9 : u"";yd o lans af ' m':m to the farmers through t the coun-- ty. 'Tis said it means a. y § to a small farm 'Wlfi ingly. _ Not only @B ""bltro o4 but corn a f in y* are decaying raplidly because of too much rain. Farming, o0f late years. surely is hoo--dosed and not envied by many. <1' @220 . s 4 | Words, upscittion of * We weu' informe + to caution your io be 'careful whaa cashing a postal money order, as tnere . ars . several Victoria --Weidner spent sevaral days lu'.v?utmvithm' sister, Mrs, Fred Obenauff. S¥ Al Bunton, Jr.. and sisters Miss Alice and Mrs. Miller, motored to «Qur mail carrier, Emest Schroeder is away on his vacation. Won't we 'be glad to see him back on duty again?t We miss his courtesy and kind attention, also his early "on time" delivery. s -- on k s ficticious one Lravaling. When you ticet one give it the o.*e over, wice. Well, there 'i; is, what is a fel-- low :to do?-- "Don't drink much wa-- tet" they say it is bad> on account »f too uoem water, and the beer is all ." in the sewer. so tiere, "dry up.". _ o C w o ecl g Mrs. Max K;ls: :x}d fhildn'i' a]l'oent the greater ast : week : at the home of Grandma Busch.: -- .. Wallace Ritzentnaler, of Prairie View, brings his milk here to meet the truck as that u-mdm not go t» Prairie View, it milik from :bukialc and, Milwaukee avesue ouly. © b% e > Thank goodnes; the motor cops dor't request one 'o show a marri-- .A says there is nothing «m'te a8)~_ Lewis Holtje and his mother, Mrs. rice as m lot of true Mi H. H. Holtie, returned from their cspecially in a fi #torm like Sun--| visit in Montang 'last Monday, :r m At", mo fbuk: e mw;:m m'&de t 'hf:'ying 7 y to leave for nC A | ¢ at his home Y b, Te«= md fellows t_hdlybwalM. out %'gm, where he is en-- downpour 4 rought his| gaged for the week. m m han o 1/ o aoly -- . p : getin He ) Chester, Bés n ¥o greatly . inted 'this kind met| Charl ) Voss, JIr., and Mrs. h and *many Athanke".. ...._s<" 2. * _ | gemnuemi--_--eesere eral more "to be . fed 4E 1 * > : JA n Lakers expect to win, #0 let's go out uind EMAW ..'fi » surprise :act, un lte l ~; 'RED RAGS AND 1GNORANCE . en is exdile a butk A red rag is used to excite a bull. 'The tariff is --used to inflame the public ~mind. .' ;: : ze" 2l C ~,+ -- There is no mw n for the. public to get excited than thete is for the bull, as neither the red rag nor the tariff are dangerous.. --_ .: ' Ignorance is the Mfl most Rardship and suffering. . _ .. A tariff to give reasonable pro-- tection to home industries from un-- reazonable competition is in the in-- 1&C CGive Our Want Ads the Once Over mfifio"nuwrum ud::hflmoflu" min;l a business proposition"! -- . Zeow Wotes PLew Detch pt> pagi.of fis Nsw a «imot® w apecines °C Resti * oo Foat We Wile MERRIAM CO., d,Macs., L.3 .A -- m -On(m lu.u' vay and. IgBy 00 UR . MMABlle arvi--| near 'the Dawson farm, the high|~ Theo« Wm-dmmmmuin:o%' ette. 1 e is car, almost giving them a M NMrs.=C. tam The water was still you | over the hood Monday--evening. . __| Tulléy id neBd ': AJCRL wry ul'. Aarriet Gridley of Libertyville, pass-- ed: ',~' er: home there Satur« "o,v P PB. m' M lll of " ou-ly"m herlife here on the farm and will be 'temembered by a host ~of" friends as Aunt Hattie. ~Mr.--and Mrs. Toogood and Mrs Meming, ut Denver, Colo,, aso spend-- fi, + at the home of Mr. Mr.:--and Mrg. Math Herschberger '""kf spent Thursday: in raninier '+ _ Har-- RyiAn w ax ing. and n --F iday eve son family t Friday Edwin Voss of Chicago is spend-- ing a two weeks vacation here.wi'n his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Voss. A number from here atended the AAMEAREAEE _ o C etnaee . Sn mt CCE nAE LE e o2 C110 C anr ind oi ahihle. ~ We miaivind ing a two weeks vacation here.wi'n| Austin-- Wolf is actinc 8 substi-- &A,&mpuu. C. Voss. |tute for Emest Schroeder while he T mber : Y e atended the is taking a vacation. _ |_ 2.3 wm Park Sun--|! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bm& c day afterno« score was 4--2 J. Herschberger, Alice, 6t "and in favor of Evere:t, _ ~~~|John Sturm, visited at the Charles ~ The Ladies' Aid will meet vifil!llmdlborepr home, Sunday after= Mrs, Emil Giss on Thursday after-- noon. > sA o noon, August 14. Every one please > 'Mr. and . Mrs. Robert Herlihy of attend if possible. . .. _ |Chicago called. at the Fred Prigss 'While motoring over to Evere:t| home one night last week. . __. . . Monday : morning Wm. wards,! "Herman Brockman, from> with the Harry Edwards family had ville, spent Tuesday 'afternoon with to go through water up to the hubs \ fis. mother, Mrs. Emaline Brock-- on the Half Day and Highwood road man, . . . in near 'the Dawson farm, the high| ~ Theodore Mason and Miss Jeah» water driving the steam up into thelr | nette. Helfer, :of Liberiyville * car, 'almost giving them a steam Mrs.<C. J. Mason spent Sunday aft-- "~ Miss Anna Kriemeir, of Joliet, is irs. C. Voss and son, Edwin, and Sbending the week at the C. A. Ko-- Miss Bessie Géisen were Libertyville -- "Arthur Herschberger returned to|-- J. C. Herman, of Chicago, --called [&TM in Chicago Sunday eve-- on Mac--Mason Saturday evening. . m spending a two weeks J ernonrabimantiirie menannstnpnstsaeswm i. | 12500 acation at --home. _ | During the first half year, 230 ~ Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith, of Area, cases of purulent.sore cyes in new 'mwy at the Wallace Lock-- born infants were reported hmlg; head home. _ . --~ |inois -- State Department of Health wm here at')enddb:o This disease causes life--long blind-- » meeting at Naperville Sun--\ness when not promptly treated. -- It 8. C. J. Mason enter» Mrs Harry: Edwards of Mrs. J. P. Ritzenthaler m Bunday.. _~ Ni Srci nbor fiohimthh [ohactiber taky oogbelh ons Reacty Referics asli16ta C§, mabin v M f Lake and Pewaukee Lake. Ahodbea"conn;tbfl' ; Milwaukee Northern R.R. for "wou hear that vacation call of W in and Northern Michigan? 'It's the mor:nvfimdt Miz~~mhmmendfl% tm&mu:md:hg zaY:ilck. over a riad roadbed, with famous '?Jlonh Shacwnmdmn-waum © NORTDH, SHORE > Take a Low--Cost Tour Mr. Tia Motor Coach VIEW 35 °9L %, nedler hot ApmF Reach Wisconsin Uacation Points Mrs s 1 & | P & & 7 "_. ';,1' 1| 8 | y ;" «€ 8 \Y CINE *= _ C S ie Oe o e e e Tss 0A § 7 o fa 4n t 9 i ons -- N * hi ? *lk * *# and M tee -- 1 k ¥ r s wl t i lc h ue hn e Pn t ". " & e w | W |inois --State Department of Health. This disease causes life--long blind-- ness when not promptly treated. -- It can positively be treated by washing the baby's eyes with a 'drop of silver rate free there seemis to be no excuse, other than down--right ignorance, or |carelessness, Why any cases> should w called. at the Fred Priess e one night last week-- " Noz i -'-F""}Y'; 2 "fflw us 8 Mr' * er ':' ;&" I'a \ 0P Ne VWE * t,he-"' + "' I podror . KY% o. * --and 'M¥ ' and Mrs. Dan, Epp 'Abd . MRX _MMG .] Libert daughter Corinne ville day evening. ~-- Charles Sceh of Aptakisic, was nc e m., ;. coar 1M Lydia, were in n--r----?" I i- spend ' .4-,' us '"-'Mh"o_-' .' " mm Ts f o he .. w Mra Tied / c ntcln Tulley of Everett. "3 *« Himatforinw Physical training. -- Mrs. C. Voss and son, Edwin, ,u""'"" i ie mol faoan is edlh't.:. efim'" ;":f g%égo, called ' and: is 'now employed at th on Mac Mason Satarday evening. " | COUntY Title and Trust Com " Theodore Mason and Miss Jean-- o e i m B.| . Magon spent Sunday aft-- br-t& with ~Mr. and Mrs. John company from Chicago Sun-- George and Billy Meyt Chicago on b"*i""fl ice to nearby Resorts, i connection with its trains, are reached by McHenty of the North motot h . trains : forine, ronmectint mich frorth Shoce tmipe at Wauknt, Geneve, Twin Lakes and Powers Lake are easi mhx;%mflm trains at * n ue , ; Antioch, Channel Lake, Pistakee Bay and Fox Rivet resorts Pn srriiec Hirimders for £uciniton, Maniner. Hamlin Lake, Portage Lak .nd Onekema. -- To reach Northern Michigan vacation points, con-- LIBERT¥IIOSE IOHEET OPFICE coqprn t d ~Maria % aftert Motor Coach Service : Nearby Resorts t IRDAY n Mblol'nh:nd Fox Rivet resorts | t mvm bmfl»u trains at Waukegan. iHoward is also well known here, nav-- ing attended the local high school, jm'dxh 'now employed at the Lake ;mm and Trust Company at |\Waukegan. No date has been se* for Cards received by friends from L. F. Gilbert n&wmzwm in« where they are spending a few days Y the) hit) pending a tow oys 5 WPW dug up %fi% a ftont Inwn :'higlh disgovered and punished by aw. i m""', of ¥yens' ~paren Mr. and M Joe v'mmm'g'.., : tw Aoe " ~Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hook and and Mrs. Norman Sponenberg, and : 5 & . 'Announcement has been made of the w of 'Owen Metcalf, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Metcalf, to E.Ghdn Howard of Russell. Mr. Metcealf is highly respected: in -- the . The E. M, Metealf and C. D. Zim-- .. E. M. Metealf is improving© the looks of his house with a coat of Louis Behrens and family of Har-- vard spent Sunday with Mrs. Beh-- the #:00 --1200 A, M. 1:00 -- 420 P. M. _ AREBA, ILL Wednesday Citizens Bank We're wondering why people hate mfs 2 Geo.A. Jones » u'a lay in starting the Inying of the ce rists, as well as all Gurnee will be ied as ht rdainirs pabo ow opened, as the make trave!-- ing very inconvenient. linnainney teey tan se into the :m'". Tahowe maktes Rool ariek 4 heay rains of thin week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rossdeutcher have moved back to Volofrom the ited at the home of their aunt Mrs. C. Jepsen at Ringwood over Sunday Tow »€aim, hax gose o Waukaigan » *to to work. es | ~Clifford Benwell and Ben Walk-- ington have sold all their cows and hogs to a 'stock buyer from Lake! Forest.. They intend to buy T. B.| radls m--rmmuigng o ongie : Ragon * mb ie -- iting their aunt, Mrs. John Con-- verse at Fox Lake. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and son Raymond Telephones: Residence 165--J _ Works 415 -- THE JAMES ANDERSON COMPANY. Inc. . : _' -- Architects -- ENGINEERS -- Surveyors Don't Wait! A Complete Municipal Service : -- -- Telephone Lake Forest 89 Phone 628--M--1 INSURANCE A8SSOCIATION FREEPORT, ILL. Libertyyille Cement Clock Works 'FEksonan nuviy ND Propeity AMAGE -- 123 EAST COOK AVENUE -- «.. Next to Franzen Lumber Yaré ... Specialist in Weatherstrip Installation Wh Get fr&mr Insurance Now ------You might be next! COVvERING MACK MASON RAY B. HOFFMAN Eata blis hed. 1 89 1 Pa ¥v e m e nts farm foup years ago.. . > / _ omm n es her little brother, i e t W:lh m.rl'tr-nvnmh;. ey Memeo Hospital, Sept where she will take up im'a training course. a 7 Miss Vera V had her tonsils removed at a V;:ann hospital on Mrs. Howard Converse entertain-- "'Wilt -- Prost . hits -- Jusy . intshed Will Frost <has . just &flaxfiom'wmm and. daughters . Esther and Ruth «pent .the week end with the V. E. All kinds of Aute Repair Work 521 ® 6 80. COUNTY 87. WAUKRGCAN, ILLL Day and Night Service Fhone > 317 Prairie View, HL L. Mr. uoys t

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