CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Register (1922), 9 Aug 1924, p. 4

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t /%! T\ s ce ie r t b4 * y h y oi Loo . 7/ ; Cmeie -- LE M ct c ' | t 64 4# # 4 o w0 i ioi 3 HP? BE T £ 4 mm k . _ WAUKEGAN MAN _ CETS POST _ ATCONFAB i padies Cripe, | tho. Wighernh 2 man who m vice«president, . is also president of the North Shore § ¥ 'f"' ts -- < A @1 ' . m w We anieie e seom is Cl 74 devig ;J Member:s of 'the Advisory Board o 4 Pifuet " were: ol s * «_' Max McClure, St. _ Charles«Crapo, of Wauke-- T. J/ Christman, Belleville, s ';" ;{; ¥ NM'.w" of ' 'h,."'-..,.. t{mhth( Con-- 'x,:'i_;;" to--C. D. Suerth. o '-. y T K 4:"; l. I I y Ne GLBLV »XCCUCLVI hx L uh h i.,':t.;ngt\m c es x ts D Jo. _ Member _at = Large--J. D. Jones gfii 'vice--president, respective-- """'*"" as> sbound Abs e 18, 1916 8t 62 ntiriber toBiartrviia, Afimats, onter A of \ _ 'The public wants to know what all this talk about Defens ,5 Day means, %fio following is a brief o P on ; ¢.--<. ©pue lfi'?; 7 COris en Au s nac wepene Woih y _ The new officers of the state as-- sociation wer installed at, a meet-- ing of the convention Thursday. ~-- The 1925 convention city of as-- Bociation which was to have been m Wednesday morning will be miec1 Thursday. _ A resolution passed at Thursday morning's session to the effect that M roriation -- _automatically ~ i __ J. P. Rising, of Chicago, and Charles H. Crapo, of Wauke-- Mx' t,; passed unanimously, was | rssociation when the question of oL- st by : he secretary upon having| ganizing such a unit in this stai ben resignated to do so by thedele-- | was acted upon favorably. es ts } /4 ':hu delegate ao!mflxe Master es '4 w * 'A '. '! & ied . I t Iu. '-f{, 'ainters and D Hews in afll g'" eeting:of the ~women aved 'as vice--president du'z'luf'g s Wednesday ' who ~report-- A / of : E just closed. «4 back favorably, and as a"result, tm / of % just A. 0. mt of Cibson City, is the retiring ... . 3 TaCoCCOC~ H. C. Peterson, Rockford. g A. Larson, Waukegan. $s for Three Years----R. H L. Richardson, Aurora Osear Gross, Joliet. YSTONE G SERVICEK, Sont of Btats Aaspctaion dent of State Association By Vote W e d nes d ay is nven . _ . | --256 well baby conferences were ing of the Wall Paper 'at as many different points in 8 A m 'a|the state by the staff members of h "Wall. at State Health Department during ling's secion and J. R. Mac--|the first half of the year. A total of " a further discusion on| 1318 babies were examined. Out of een : + /.4 &hm::ownzflzlhhu- wo . committees were also ap-- ile 74 abnormal nted, a committee on revising the |throat conditions, such as enlarged ntitution of the Illinois associa--) tonsils and adenocids. Only 14 had |, and a committee on the code of|been . vactinated against m ie which review the code adopt.| While 1058 had their births .12.' yecticv for m- or . presentation $ ; .»« w'* executive board| -- y a one the two com-- 6 Wws 4 w'*«--"~'** [ FRED GRABBE] ittee on Revising the Con-- . mt 1 --EB. J, Bush, Peoria; C.K. Aucw ) Aurora, and A. T. Hatch, | T s _ ] ' president shall be the alter> Succeeding the Waukegan Weoekly Gaznette the State"Executive Board is _ of . the State Executive on plans are necessary tbur: J. P. Rising. Chi-- { Wedanesday a. dmu-m'..: Hotel Clayton, of Peéeoria: was f Ethics=----]J . _ The war department "We raised our children on Blank's castoria," said the father of four. The only trouble with the statement ouly 50 sent of the four .""O:?I:fimldm *"_ + got soothing syr-- up at night and a dose of cure--all medicine in the -fl:ha he squesels for the milk that his pigship entitles him to, say the state health ber of Commerce. ~~ A vamail canyon~has been formed Washington #tréet where the sani tary sewer was warhéd.out by Sun-- day's storm. ; The sewer is still ::::: each hour.." . :;' _ > ; *"In the school board land near But-- rick street, c«._m re ports, the water is fowing two and one--half 'feet above the tile. _A washout occurred at the flw% old Sheridan road bridge and tons of earth were washed away. * . _---- Streets throughout the city were flooded all day long. Basement: be« came small lakes, and sewers and manholés became clogged and over-- Welcn will be toastmaster. Just prior to the banquet this eve-- ning, : an automobile trip through Lake county was made by the delegates. -- The. residential, busi-- ness, and industri«l sections of Wau-- kegan will be visited as well as a e ll'hrmmdm Tske fiwt, Fort Shoridan, and oth-- ors. rip was arranged by 3¢ WadbagainMorth Chicago Cham. the convention ho'zfi'fl . The where they embarked on the S. S. &ofih for a three bour boat ride fall, conditions became worse and worse. When a full check is made it is estimated that the damage .6 meuy'wmmmom-" should top thoae of any r storm. u9 Wome, Organite 7 Illinois became the third state "w a Women's 'Auxiliary of the Master Painters and Decorators resociation when the question of 'z m%nnmlnthi- sta was neted upon favorably. f mer. Keller stated that it _ id take hundreds of loads. of order to build up the place again s> that tile could be iaid onee ~A banquet at the Mazsonic Temple was. given the delegates at seven m esday evening follow-- &w 'a pro of entertainment and dancing. The Cavelier, a group of salesmen had charge of the en-- 'teartainment. : Attorney; James G day twng struck by lightning. The --barn, which had been -- built Great Loss In with hay and went up like a torch. The Waucond: fire department was _A big new barn, located in Wau-- calleéd, but was unable to ston the fames as they had too much head-- way when the apparatus arrived. "*"*"** * -- Widden M Farm and Livestock Sales "fi%Ams Here (Continued from--Page One) Telophone Waukegan 2588 is ha s c + | & oiftccs LaLs ' | ' hat CDoSh ipNe on and, to fin ou%, *'"It is a test of the PFORYeSA made in r ' dnc ' Ade se ol o . .3M s " o fies>g "b" UE + '&%' ':;::. ong 3 propanaiti{U to m¥ of preparedness and thetefore® b Z.;;"" Y¥ to t war, of our prtparednes -- i ks meace, id m" upatopatednce > insure peace, in A" " M S buge * e . . Ao o means of necompttatament here is the plunc A izations is formed, " " it e JOnaAl pa otie org y committees throughout the , f And 1 k mittees plan, organize, follow P * _ locul com demonstration . for theit own localit: l e ... s a ouncy, a city. a parl C 4o _ locality which may be a place whatever where the people : Mey aheat for the p 0' l i ng \VHI' lE ,-m"'«-a,.x', d 'or * p"r- necessary , hzb what authority . x" s u"'?,w'l:y' 'ttlf. T o ol of w t 16 . M Me" » y It is e exact oppo ar measure and why it will insure Formed. though. ;ions THIS so It does not. It is what Defense Test Day therefore a test of o our to al peace td ind this'state commi Telephone 456, Up hills T A ---- ds Former Grid Star To Succeed Grid Mentor all of the men receive conthing the -- competition for a~fresh most conspicuous position to & coat made of hand--blo with a -- deep . cream motifs in brilliant shades biue. The collar is faced 1 cream--colored linen and the ® »re blanket stitched in red and tutor of the first year players, and not even scored on. In 1923 Western: State-- Normal -- lost oz from his alma mater which--Cogch Olander 'did not feel that he ought It .makes a: lot of différence with the aspiring ~young, football player the : personality . which, ges him to battle on. K man to succeed Burt Ingwersen as he : wears for four and. this Tilinois -- £ was a y nC . RBpiLing ~yOuuk /20 C00E . ROCATE whether his --coach . has Riley's: mother, M i ies esn Lemrie . him to battle on. | d P t snn i : @5 they have a r . *::2; ghke "Milt." a2¢°C % C ) aseqraie . * i _ casoo, qqfi li® , .0 en J | WESEOrRAe .. men m;dlgufio squad as. long: as -- . come out regularly.* A . fresh varsity qnadof'mtt&;his"' and the remainder of the men are divided into squads>representing he various colleges in the univer-- m. If a player-- on any of these teams shows pre .u'hm up to the fre varsity U# a man on _squad . does not "Pan' out he Is reduced to one of fighters _ and < best--liked football men in Illini annals and every-- mt " . uts o. dine! ""'% Tllinois believesin-- a »fuir chance for--all. 'No one is>dropped from wool h:.::un.mfl:fl.bfl:&'fi- motifs out MaMM "Milt" is the kind of man you like the *minute you see him and he wears well. He played tackle for four years, from 191';'; i R and. thiis : was a mm;.d titwo championship squads. P to Tilinois from ~Rockford -- where "he was a member of all the 1 basketball and track teams. "Milt" was regarded as a leader even as he was football captain for two years. ; . 6 l Pr. Georg Tuarnbull ind the maip on sith mis pevents at head football coach. His first . yeat, 1922, 3 ~ eleven was undefeated From | Iilinois field the tackle went to Western : State NormAl, Kalamazoo, Michigan, -- where -- he ® Il.' fl ramination of tR with th e at -- instraments. ---- -' fitted when needed. -- Dr. C. H: Arnold r _ own loc t o dity a village o1 he péople may mcet ! 1 OrItY -- m' wih heasure and why it MAIN GARAGE ~taxt OPToMETRIs8Tt means 0 Mrs. W ..8. exgare >" cago shopper Tuesday. A. 'C. Stoxen with his wife and| a . mmflMMv-nmlq-m day and called on old Triends," };, ", %'l', son ¢-:r- --and" nrs&w on o Hote irtess " _ turned . to his hame 'after passing last week with friends here. ; Mr .and Mrs: Howard An ::d Mrs. M. W. Baseley v n «.' gan shoppers Tuesday --were W ?"' a n ba e _',v, y :::v"',; ';;_;"* Mrs. George Blackburn visited re-- latives . in Chicago < from -- Sunday morning* until Tuesday "evening.-- Mrs. Edith Peck sand son, Cixde, are passing the week with relative in Chicago. x hiy e M 48 & yonn' mfll ' " M x"fi a few days. manp ighny ) + Clarence Meyer, of Waukegan, vis-- ited friends here one day last " _ Mrs. Plutie Houghton, of North Chicawo, visited her deughtet, Mre, Clarence Daley over the week end. _ young soue motored w Rechlord on young sons moto to 'a on Suntay. They stopped at Union and called at the J. L. Baseley garage where they had a short visit with o m. "m I).hy' :of. Wm ton, itma&: 'few days at the home of her father Edward Daley. |_. _ Mr. an oward Anderson spent last week Tuessiay at the home of Mrs. Cypher's parents of Maywood and took in a movie in Chicago in 'ci &s, 'd € y of Libertyville called on rélatives here on Sunday afternoon. s Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Stroker en-- tertained friends. from --Chicago | the log:n of last week. s. Albert Maether entertained her father and mother Mr. and Mrs. & Gardner, of Georgetowh, IIL., a few days.last week. ._ _ Mrs. Alice Baseley ~visited hor sister--in--law, Miss Mary Baseley of Park Ridge, from ; Wednesday to Friday of last week. e _' M'r. &nd Mrs, H. L. Grantham en thcir sister, Mrs. Almeda Grantham, and son, of Chicago, one ;lfi:-' Mary nnwi'.?-zhu'nd C Pittsburgh, ; &re passing *;few* at the home of Mrs. tflger. Mrs.. Grace. . z id 'Mrs. % igbtern and -- MY. Y and . Mrs. ten'y : r and W CBwtih were: vecabe Miimeuk little daughter and Miss Mary Base: ley motored from Park: Ridge lakt Friday q-z PW . NS Dr. L. E. Golding and wife treated Mrs. Golding's mother, Mrs. Jane Neville, and sister Mrs. Frank Carr, to an auto trip to the flats and Cary. Mr«. Neville's home many years ago many changes i nthe few years since abe nad been over the road. Her nts awned a farm r:ownfibylr.m is now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Frank| _Mr.--and Mrs. Fred Berlin and fam-- io fag «old aniaren s aesran, on . e % since-- Sunday afternoon and M"&MI&M?}:' WATUCONDA .___.\Mrs. George Umbdenstock Jr., called Paddock ul!._. Rev. and Mrs. Carl sum'.:m : Sunday night lightning killed four cows for the man living on the old Roony farm, four miles north 'of town. .. Much ';y".th:nh':m" has Threshing~>was to have begun in a ftew days. Tuesday night a new barn on the ofihnlu&nhrm,hfln mile west of 1: eorners, on the yoad to Lake Zurich was struck by mfi'b\m\dhflnmn'! i contents. The heavy rain mfidflnflnspmdtu'om _and two or-- three smaller baildings. ~The fire company from town went to do what could be done to:save the house. 'There was good insurance. Country roads are very muddy and farmers find bad traveling on dirt roads. _ One farmer said his farm had turn-- ed into a lake and he was going to plat it out for lake lots to sell t 'of the year. Cellars| George UmbdenstockJr. and Mr. and f Wwwmh Umbdenstock Sr. were ow from the 'have" filled 1 at supper at the H. L. hfl&ofiu&wfln&v Mrs. Stephen Keiler and Mrs. cumis--Lake road, where much work| William Umbdenstock ~spent Satur-- mmm-mdq«g,ameumnw &flrfl sewer there has bean| : Miss Bessio Gosswiller is spending wash« t from under the road--and the week with relatives at-- Liberty-- sewer tile a hole. 20 feet long and Yillé. about. 15 feet wide, and it is five| . Rev. Carl Stadler was a Palatine been placed --at both: sides of the|_ Mr. and --Mrs. Ed, Welfliing and son opening and traff'c has *o detour an| Donald of Wheeling called on Victor like lakes than farms. * --Dean Baseley 'had the misfortuné bfl""fl&?mh his employer, Mr. H.. Hawk, badly damaged Monday afternoon when be Ttan into two other cars at Lake Zurich, Although all three cars were damaged no one was hurt. have done a lot of e in and near ton" The Take io higher do not bring in half to a dozen speed-- ers and other law breakers. day Guess there are quite a number of A number of Long G people were Highland Park vim::-"Wd:u- day evening. 9 dugh::,"t:onfiny.wrrkhyvh- There are now two motor cops on this beat and they are busy all the time. -- No day goes by that they spending the week camping at the _('Mr. and Mrs. William Tonne of W called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonne Monday afternoon. __'Mr. and Mrs. Henry Laseke Jr. and Miss Alice Meyer spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Meyer. / Mr,. and Mrs. Fred Brochman of Prairie View, and Mr. Sturm of Cal-- Hornia were callers at the Chales Herschberger® Jr. home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hans: spent Tuesday in Chicago. 6 Ms. George Umbdenstock $r.¢and ':'\ 'Zm O cA '2£E!n *3LONG GROVE of damage in |les Fisher and : Margaret of -- known d Bessie, Mr. and Mrs. yeat. 2 ¥r. and Mr. and ded and over, m Umbdenstock Sr. were 8 chave filled e at supper at the H. L ound, A haif| Krueger home Sunday evening. . Yma AND --OLD--sick and TTA . sann BA UMivesien s .. mcuaam fee cream is good for all. _ _ -- BLOMMER'S 'ice cream is rich in cream, easily digested, a nourish-- Ing food as well as a dessert. Treat the kiddies today ~--make them happy with fee cream from It is as pure as man can make it. A brick or quart of Blommer's with ample helpings The Soda Shop 815 N. Milwaukee Ave. ~-- LIBERTYYILLE 4, _--Mr.--and .Mrs. Ed, Welfliing and son Donald of Wheeling called on Victor BSauner and daughters on Sunday. .' Messrs. Charles and Walter Goss-- willer made a trip to Racine, Wis., _ Mr, and Mryg. Charles Lafrentz and daughter Grace visited at the Charles Herschberger Jr. home Saturday eve-- family visited relatives at Fairfield Arlington: Heights callers Friday mr_ *'Jr. and daughterDor-- othy and Mrs. Stephen Keiler spent %, and Wednesday in Chicago. -- Alice Meyer spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meyer. "Safety First" at the hall of the Social Club. Tickets for adults ate amm;«cm"tmu years of age, eents., vfl!pm&-mmv new piano in the church.= Refresh-- ments will be #erved before and af-- 'w &%Afihfl Popp' uul children have moved into their new were Palatine callers Thursday even-- . At 8 p. m. a mission lecture will m;m-zmwn_w beantiful pictures of © our m ; work in Indiz. Admission free. Af-- armn&'ovdngumuh'wli up fot our < on ce dR come. You 'will not regret if you rome. and worship, listen and your offering. The blessings ----On Saturday, August 28, and on Sunday, August 24, our Young Peo-- ple's League wil} present the play er in Chicago on Friday, f l%l'ufivd."y August 17 mm-onflxhrhy will be in : > and evening. 1 Mt%y@oflmflsflu] th_-lo-u.lw.E.A.Irbn,oflAbJ Mflnmamm& their mission boxes, well filled as an in St. Louis, Mo. -- At 8 p----m. Rev. 0. mx@.s Hinsdate, will --favor i &A * m -- MWI'. lqmby Rev. GT- tman language, followed by Rev. E. A., Irion with an address on Home --Bunday, August 10, at 9:00 a. m. SBunday school; at 10:00 a. m. En-- glish service. -- Let us come and wor-- abin Cod in spirit and in truth. On, Thursday, August:14, at two o'clock p. m.:our Ladies' Aid Society will meet at the parsonage. <«Come all. Visitors weleome. f Just Love It Mr, and Mrs. Raiph Meyer spent Mr. and <Mrs. ~Christ Goetz and Mrs. Henry: Tonne, Mrs. Charles and strong--pure Mr. t Cevsihige Glve Our Want Ads the Once Ovet Ds You Want ta Buy Se or Hirs? --AU Wisconsin School C "~ren will be admitted free as '@ guests of State. STATE FATIR FUN ON THE FARM John M. Kelley's 'Sensational Farm Spectacle with Trained Dairy <--Cattle-- and Horses. , Mechanical: Cow *# * STATUE Pooing BULL _ KELLEY'S '-1:03?:?« BULL* and 20 Star Vaudeville Acts styles, they are "Full Cut for Comfort." See them here in our exceptionially larg $150000 Structure, Largest on an in the U, io, {WW-:nfmng': Exposition 2 h:v«ifi f;'-ftg'f'fi&f: (Nan en pAY, rg%'isniv and FRL-- DAY' NIGHTS 8%0 P. M. See The 1925 Models WIgCONSIN .STATE %,wwmsr New Expo Building TEATS rOUNDUP of Baa' iss Rettmngana 2. "**. White Hussat' Singing Band fldhciubni':;fln- Artal "sving in Hain THE STATE of WISCONSIN Preszents its Annual _ THE FARM--ON PARADE $120,000,00 in Prizes for Free Parking Space for 20,000 Aun ~Automobiles Free C. 0. CARLSON gtone sugfi orF m' CI -- W . NEW $250,000.00 MILWAUKEE Nation's Best State x AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS T O K Y 0 on the Biggest Pos:-- IJON DAY N T G H T 8 C3 S n

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