;:i}" As Bm '~.~/**' ~ROR.-- SALE--Columbia -- Six, 1923 w4 '%hflm condition: Will sell e ag * at a bargain. Inquire at 126 Sun-- i '"~~~«~~~ mnyside Place. <-- 60--2tpd 4X w-bfln ducks. J. Sur-- ~~""ama. Tel; 677--J--1. 61--6tpd e e n o ind fire, in e es n any M~ «x Latest : Improvements. on Rail prices of farm products, particu-- hflyol'hltmdmom' substtntial business , revival does not admit of doubt," Said Robert midwest regional advisory came in time to benefit the west-- ern wheat grower in the sale of this year's crop and will distribute huhdreds . of millions of: dollars among the long--suffering farmers of the central west. Of course, most_ of the corn raised through-- out : this : territory is fed to-- live stock on the farm, . but the im: the prices the packers are paying for eattle and hogs. "I am pleased to note, also, that the western railroads have placed themselves in a position to handle: this hgmued business with dis-- patch, . It is worthy of note that the railroads placed 70,874 . new m;'um in service in the first .sx.%w.fmisym.m.u only *fewer than -- were in-- stalled during: the same period of 1923 and indicates a determination FOR SALE--Lots 100x150 feet on Fin® s location for ©refreshment 3,-1924 Model Nash Four Wouring car. In --fine condition A Rood as new. Bargain.Phone 100. FOR SALE--I 7 inch belt 75 feet only : 8,366 *fewer -- than -- were in--} ~ Car construction of American rail-- 1923 and indicates a » feet <of 'I t ~ yearly. ern on 'the part of the -- railroads wmiamww,mm equop themselves~to take care of next and Douglas fir third. .. . * classified Ads FOR SALE--Seven-- goats. -- Rustic *h 2. 606--J ~Farm Half{ Day, Phone e FOR SALE--Two uased 12 passenget mmfi&wq A i# you + En es triet. I be h for a short time only. Call 316--J, 328 'flmmlw!@ FOR SALE--Good size brown reed WANTED TO BUY--20 th 80 TO BUY--15 to 20 *ons * M or wheat (M'-rw -- (baled). Ravine Farm, Highland H1., Phone 296. 6O+f Hands of Growers Minimum charge, 25¢. :. -- 6 insertions for $1.00 ks Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. twice. Frank Hoyer route 2 Wau-- '*Kkegan. +. _ 60--6t--pd4 OR SALE--Pure bred Holstein bull from Rock River Farm herd. Two years old. Will consider trade for cows or heifers.. Westwood Farm, phone 67Z--W--1, Lo . repainted and in fing Ar-- thur Stripe, 142 South J: 8t., Waukegan. Phone 1449--J. -- 56--81 . M you want 4o buy anything, or if you have something to : sall, fl,mfino.almmhb.mbnhmwh eolumns. You will get results c 3 "_There is no way you can reach as many people in Lake: county: in so short a time and at so reasomable a cost as you can if you make-- your wants known here. -- A trial will convinee you. * 9 | FARM--Breeders of Pure Cattle, 602 St. John's y Highland Park, | Minois, 206. 414f for FOR FARMERS FOR SALE ---- Clean cotton rags at office. » ' station-- br ° eating Millions in 61-- 2 tpd. of the "Acting through the --car division of the American _ m lay. able ~to U. S. MARINE CORPS OFFER _ EDUCATIONAL ADVANTAGES \ smmmnesiin 4000 00 t t s The UmE 'Marine Corpé has solved the tional. propiems of 'the ouWaKM being fully| $418,000 for Idaho, Mo Hesnecror tte etvralioral Aavant | meon wien an Miovarce or Bfi oT P D LAJ ~ e i N t i Military 'Torees of the U ' §w;¢r _3{.._&;7,:,:_ v&wooo and : Colo-- no person: can truthfully say that| i Idaho, six miles in the Loio pass' "He ""*5 'chance," in explan-- ,':;f, i 'of the awny forest wur.l: ation of their illiteracy. ; |__|__-- | Bullt mt a cost of $100,000,., For im The a in your town will wuggfi ig nearly seven miles of high way explain | How a young man| Slobg the Northern .Pacific road in the may avail himself of this opportu--| C** ~d'Alene forest $45,000 las boen nity." <He has been furnished m.mmfl, with $5,000 ndditionat affered the necessary application blanks, lit. 'by the stute. This road is &A link in grature, ete., and young men between 'the Yellowstone trail. For the exten-- The ages of 18 and 35 may call on | Mon of the Ketoham Clayton road to him for further detailg. '| the town of Ketchum. a distance of 'Good pay, travel, outdoor and in-- m dboysi miles. $50,000 ¢ has been f ay, travel, outdoor and in-- | o : ® ; 'ea:ow, travel, outdoor and in-- doorp , chance for advancement are features now: offered by fl:}.] 8. Marine Cotps, that have> never been offered by any military organ-- ization in the history of the world. LOST--On 'Saturday, Airedale ; nine ::;ntl- 'old, -- ans I,'f.." name of "Ruff". Reward; F please _ call: Dr. 'Beck, Belvi road, " Grayslake, * Phone 86-- FOR -- RENT--Large furnished bed room, suitable for bwo men. 119 Appley Avenue. ~Phone 814--R. FOR RENT--Asix room.furnished DR. 0. E. BUTTERFIELD Telephona 57 A'elephone 66 FOR RENT--Furnished bed rooms. «. Men only.. Inquire at 228 First V atreet. -- S1--tf Lunce Bldg. DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON DR. J. L TAYLOR -- --| Office in First National Bank Blog, | Hours: 1 to 8:80 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadwa}, apposite park : ~to handle every bushel of i8 that is offered without de-- Kildare 8. DWIGHT EDRUS COOK TEACHER OFP YOCAL A TTOA ' Professional Services LYELL H. MORRIS 589 Milwaukee Avenue ATTORNEY--AT--LAW B. H. MILLER of e ursday on . roiad -- be> Day and Wheééling a ;purce, -- containifg id cash..~Liberal re-- ©4168, Chi-- o e .. > §1--2t TLIBERTYYVILLE : Airooat PP o Phone ~86--R--1, iA ,"fl-m y--"on ~road --be> $1,600,000 FOR -- EOREST ROADS Just: beenallotted b ht ons a 'the constrauction of ~sev _'M'fi;lnthc'l ana, Arizong vada and New Mer Wn«: 100 ~for ~Idaho, To Bs Spent Within Nation: --+al Parks of Seven West-- + _One of the important projects in-- volves the construction of three and a half miles «along. the Ek .City--high way within the Nez Perce national forest, for : which $75,000 has been al-- totted. . This--road is expected to be especially beneflélal to the mining com-- munity around Elk City, 68 well as highly desirable for the W??" tion of the Nez Perce forest. ~__ ;. . The North Fork--Payette highway, within the Payette national forest, will be extended from Gardena t hoe Bend, a distance of about five :Ihl. at an estimated 3 ¥7,000, y e qorive Mc rovest 'an m of five milés to the Freedom Boda Springs road will be made at a gost of $16,000. "c. Improvements in fana.: ;. .. In Montana about thirty--six miles of road will be constructed or im »d, most of which is important from, the ktourist and scenic st Int. pro is the building' Of thirteen of the Tarklo fat seetion of the o trail, adjacent to the %_ f ial forest, to cost $80,000. ; _ _ : For eontinuing work on the n&'uu Java road and extending four miles mment terminus to Garty, $100,000 has been--set aside. The road serves the Flathead national forest, In {fi'jwlmn fHational mw will be 'done on about six Milles on the wouthern end of the West Galin-- tin road leading to the ry d 'the YTellowstone mwmw "ore . Another project will be the Ek: thg of over three miles of the Yellow-- ® you ) malvg - 4 T st -- tional park. < The -'u'wmm(: been .::n;a. wn.b zumd 1t will f L7 hree: bad and several m ,:r:t,. s x: Th project Im Arizona wi be constraction 'df 23 mt'i?'?; Fiegstaft and the east bon ~ Ooc*...o utiofltr a To u' ." | mm-!w?;" 5o Doh -- > The sum of $30,000 has m:::nmw to bulld eight miles alodg the Grand: high way --wit lfi?'.m-'] national forest, at the town" of ¥rédonia. W'fw $31y« 228 t complete. en miles of the Prescott--White Spar 'the Prég cott 'mational foreat.. At t: Impors tant work involves n of 86 mies in the h Iite section.of the Aps pational foreat, for which $73 been allotted. Work in Colorado. In Colora K has been allot-- ted tot ~the DurangoBilver-- ton highway within the San Juan na-- w It is part of the 'state 1 «ystem. 'The improvements will be made in the Molas Lake, Lime expensive rosd work on the Independ-- hee Pass highway will be undertaken y the construction of about two miles Dt road beginning at the east end of the Weiler grade section, in which $50,000 has been allotted and an addi-- ttonal $8,000 4s expected from state T 'J_' + PN""' 'llm m it been allotted by the forest sery> '* mBITUCLCIO h wA a fi"s* pent t,vm national z-tl of ven states in the Far West: . Idabo, ontana, Arizons, Colorado. Utah;: Ne "q,,§" New Mexico. ;l"r largest ippropriation for t work is 'OD0 for Idaho. Montasa comes w and Leadville for-- esta § is of standard 1#foot road be built at an estimated cost of K0. > Aee miles of 12--t00t Foadway Douglas forest nrea the f has been allotted. _ Far the f 88 miles oft: fores QM Mexito $160.000 has # #d4,.. One project calls on siaieaty miim Uetoing t ; ccof the ( 3" ' to Peco®, a distance over 11 miles, which es the !m inta Fesnational foreat. In the Cn nattional forest 18 miles ,&m_m be placed in ent-- iemmmgy at Rpeiitrer tihoos. * .~ Bet ween ra bBUL and Pajarito canyon, A _ _df "m #evren miles. tb*" ' d _re It <ht a !nl. iT bridge ~at CHan Hdefonso. . new route will w'_," hill and Ruckman bridge, both of wia _are In poor condition, It is within the Santa s ~<AHB yXA TsS than 341000 will be spent in \ one project amounting to $80, ) for.Aour . miles AlO0&. the. n est road in the Tolyabe national for-- '~The sum of $118,000 has been appro-- priated to improve seven ufin% ways in the Tong@ss national forest c from Sitka"to hnm ': 'of $28,000 has been set: aside. . Th eontribute $2,000. ~A _ ) ."" 2. 0_ haif_ miles of highway from a point near Skagway to a connection with the portant from a espe: clally if it be mm tional boundary. 8 ";!'.A,'rm\,, Ser o. j'm & For improvements in ipesota: national forest, $17,000 will be «: = ed in surfacing the Deer River roa/ with gravel mrou%m'".' nineteen miles and a& ~will be bullt across the (SM An additionat $23.( be furnished by state nmhom!«*&;"a'&i(fi teen miles of the Ely--Finland highway from the Lake county line to Isabelle Post Office $13,000 Bas bheen approved. ~"This project links up with the :"-um of six miles of. '5 a yoar ago, and -z be used :-n_rveyml miles along the Kly--Tonopah »nighway. _ _-- _ ; L ud ts M dA At adcad. . ----_-- Galleey of Insects s t K4 X4% "goi';tm He Keeps a ~ Dr. J.w~Aa, Mysiop 'of the bureaun. done throughount the. continent by. the thousands of. barmfu! insects.. 'These mw;fl;"mln order h in m ABsect out-- breaks mua sent to the enitomologist #o that he may prepare to fight the in-- €ading hordes. M London.--Beotamen, -- through one=o( their . members, in _ parliament,-- are kicking because they, among others, must ©pay when . visiting Westminster mbbey to view the Stone Of Scone, which forms the seat. of the woronation chair. According _to legend, z';wno was ~Jacob's w at . _and in. the year B40-- . was Scots Balk at Fee -- ¢ to See Scone Stone Bethel,_and in. the year ')i::x taken to Fcone, in rm Tars, home of the 1 kings. ~Ali the Scotti<h kings were Crowned on It until 1296, when Edward the Firs: of Englan: had it brought to West minster, where all the ~British sov-- ereigns have sitce been crowned. ° " The Bcotamen admit that, in view-- Ihg the stoge, one gets a lot --of hils-- tory for 1 "saxpence."> Neverthcless, they wan: pariament to prevall upon the Westmingter clergy to permit the public to view the "Stome of Destiny" for nothing, or send it home to Seot-- land, where It belong®. --~-- -- «The English argument is that in England the stone is in its proper setting, inastmach as it seems to be zlh(nw.. necy that, where Stone of Beone there the Seottish race sabail rule. «enter | to the alble i tfion has . a higher Turk Court Rules Poker Is Not a Game of Chance has deci/ed that poker is not a~game bf --chance, # to -- Mall's correspandent ? io fmnesaee which the & m [ hHave violated Ahe law by C poker, the wm had been no gamhbling .',f-m did not anter |~:~ the SAMmpatipon: . Accordink Broken how, 6 ;:, , brd month fog. [ Jro Somipi 'l% t tountry. since May alre z broueht Ne o t .-w'! e "ho o mmanle 4 12; of c tama Altinas uim " Aret in ( y8 O -- y %, -:A-w'»am"&!; ming from all pa e t 6 };nm"d th thows # p f P ie Ing a decormingd _ e M fl;'fif C e K Uon to xn ne --animalk . --_--~ * C _ Will be © ted over -- river in the Uints ""s Slaugh """.W" On ialon, poker is now permis-- itkey. _ The publis progecn-- ~r, disnagrees with this def-- the ~Ave--card pastime and need he will appeal to a TERK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1924 FIX WAR COST AT 80 BILLIONS GCOLD Three Times Cost of United _ States Government From 1791 --to 1913. .\ In._1914: English-- economists . esti-- lm the wWealth "of the people of f Britain . to ~be : about~ $70,000,-- 60 :: 'of--the property of every 'kind in England, Wales, S¢otland and Ireland, the railways, the docks, the ~tire navy, "great . factories, "the eoal, tin--and Iron .miges, . in short, on imnuin 63 on iL 5. I y this ® 1 , and yet the war cost $10,-- --©00,000,000 --more: than this, and $10,-- 000,000,000 is equiralent to the entire tangible wealth of Australia and New war: was --$80,680,000,000 gold, accord-- Ing : .to ~calculations --made ~"by ~the mmmy.uaua'x were reduced to a _ Figured in the currencies of pes .EMW» fa «l h e tion. cauged by .theAissuance of 'paper wwmmmu par ¥ ear-- rencies was $208,000,000,000. _ _"To arrive at a. uniform basis of statement, we have divided the fig-- ures of each nation for each year of : war by the wholesale price index zhr', er -- of that. nation," says the Bankere Trust. "Thus we have ob-- Aaingd a statement for. each--nation in terms.of 1018 prices. The sum of mfi"fl. $80,680,000,000, --may be i the gold cost of the war." ~+The Bankers: Trust: company : has Just published.a-- book covering the Anancing of the war, to which it has given the title of "Inter--Ally Debts." What $80,680,000,000 gold really meanr ation 'of &mmooo roughly, put on all the railroads of the United «'Righty billlon dollars would. repro-- duce all. of the railway mileage of the <world and :there would still be over $20,000,000,000 to spare for some other use--enough to build and equip another -- rallway '!;9'@ _as groat as that of the United States. . .\ ~~~~British Nationa! Wealth. .. Another. comparison--theé.~prewar ecombined wealth of France and Italy was just under $80,000,000,000, :'The ;: cadsed the unprofitable.consump-- fon of &:«t value in gold equiv-- alent : i0f the: property sof every kind of these two great natlions ot nearly -- 80,000,000 people ; an amount equivaient . to ~the lmm:l'tlou of mh tour and onehalt "It is hard to--realize, but it i9 a fact, that $40,000,000,000 is 60 per cent moré than the total cost of --government it Great Britain for the two and--a quar ter centurfes which elapsed from the Revolution of 1688 to the beginning of the great war, "It cost to meet the ex-- penses of Great Britain for two and e quarter centuries, in round figures $58,000,000,000. : >., it _.. ~ o¥ Other Big Ware." E During this long pertod of 226 years thete were eight --major wars, foogh at .great-- expense--expense so gréa' that the thinking people of the times were appalled thereby.© There were the Was bfWM;MM-M %:fit,mo{mm- Right of Search war and the War oi the Austriar Saccession piled up an other. $200,000,000 or more. The Sevec YCeirs war cost over $850,000,000 mmmm- war," costing over and Great ¥ronch widra, Mumfl to Later on, in the '50s, the war cost some $350,000,000 and Anally the Booer war, which lasted from 1800 to 1908, cost nearly $1,500,000,000. . Be-- sides these major warse there wore manly costly military expeditions, the wmuavnpmc and "rmmumwm ahd yet this total expenditure of this long perlod was only ~about<five elghths of the golid cost of the groat The expenses of. ¢tvil) government were steadlly> growing.> . Our pension roll called for heavy expenditures. To the© current expenses> of government we could add the Koulslana Purchase, the acquiaition of Alaska, the purchase of ~the hzl: Istands, What. we paid Spain for Philippinies and the coat of constructing the Panama canal and even then the Agure would be for un Aor a third Of the total gold cont of Coming home for a final comparison. we find that the expenses of the United States <govermnent from its foundation in 1791 through the yeat 1018, a period of a centiury and a quar-- tet, _ were: $24,500,000,000--lose . than wne--third of the gold cost 'of the great wat, and yet,; during this long period, nr'm:- 1812, Mexico In the '4( wxy'mm Civi! war in the '00s, also at"various times many Indian campatgns, to shy nothing 6f the $panish war in the '008, . the great watr. Logan, Utah.--A glant Juniper tree dlecovered: recently in Logan canyonrd near here 19 eatimated by Dr. Henry Cowles ot the University of Chicago Jnt probage the oidint iying thing dd, 8 ¥I mm trees of c:fonh s #1% feot in clreumterence. New York.--The cost of the Wornld Oldest Juniper Tree ol w0p ictileptant w ctarecur se mt t t tient of character as for the development of the d, Th Arkle Clark, dean of men at the University 'of lHilinois said today in aw-ddnudbfionm ple of lllinois who are :zutogob'cdba!wthm time this fall, © The habits which one hard study. You will not be able to do this in eollege for the work of * imtevs: yeu tng o you have to do, get it DEVELOPBD AT COOLLEGE forms in college are the habits which are likely to stick through one's life fluhamum,._fl:'ntx.'u:; perance, virtue, respect of work, a willingness to work, are character istics which ~should : be developed from the start of college life he says. 'Perhaps one of *the. most in ant things to be said,-- is that if you are going to college, you ought to know: why, And "especially to . those one 'who is uncertain whether he ntlu::inc.hnot 'fflndy'h' ~ 80 b 6: onumnmwbohuaqd object in mind, and a keen desitre to ~do something . or get some-- where," the dean's message said. *You will need to work harder in college than you have done in high achool. © Most rou;:x wlau.'p'. W sehoo an .. Schanck Hardware Co. THE BTG 1 WILL COME OU'T To YOUR FARM AND PROYE IT TO YOU, mmmqumfiypgmmwn.m BERT FINSTAD -- 1 $ T EV EN 8 0 N thine. -- Long terms, Stanchions and Equipment k orndnh in tho world. Fort Atkinson Deering «« McCormick Farmers' Best Equipment naying achiner You Will Soon Need Have Them In Stock FORMERLY . THE BULL MILKER knows this: ma-- ~-- Mowers OR PHONE LIBERTYYVILLE 59 --Forks -- hh: * 2 2e ul D ME 4 ¢ oil, 9 mh#-_ v%m b'g &z.'fi "Ednhfiy'h: io ah in in is en the man who--does poorly in his stu-- dies is likely to do after he . Pon Rave newled gorhie o ateh t can carry your college> work satis-- factorily, you flfl"m- gooid deal TRY OUR CLASSIFIED CO'UMX 9t eahage 1t you do Tot Peo aote you . ® attention to the activities are all good things, if you have time for them, and,if you use your time Journalism, at once. Don't. procrastinate. The for anything you want to do." -- bordle Loo w 21. o h At o i 13 M stt iints ds : / > h. . % 8 45 %mt :¢ n n CA s 34| old ce w #. By U. 8. Government Veterinarian CHRISTENSEN 14836 At. -- $475 io. Lenk ACME Don't storse water when you can get fresh water by open-- ing a fancet any place on the farm, Long terms, Te stt h hos °. ,._ Phone Libertyville 829 5 Ruilt except «and and @ater freight and founda« Guarant ce 10 [