is Y% a B Bs Jt ies 2o# t¥ 7 Mmmk Kelroy and ~* .. * elatives -- in 'Lake Forest, Sundat Is~ ~~efternpon.. . -- :*.. > :. + * > _ -- --(~~. Phlatine; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Giss i}gm Ethel; Mr. and Mrs. 3 , _ Mrs. Geotge Bmith -imrhll;\'m-fi Buddy Bmall; Mr. and Mrs. Emil an dsons Louie, Frank and Beny Mr. $ and Mre.--Albert Roder; Mrs. J. L Roder, and Fdgar Rodet. -- o PS | "* > ra. Aomin : Kingnia of . Ivanhoe * /. . l O . y LA.WMM@S&- urday, August 23, for the benefit &fi 'Diamond Lake Cemetery As-- .. Mentry Kublank is enjoyin@ & ¥Ac: %gtnp t taces as mal duinee ooo n m from spending 3 week with her sis-- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Harris and children were guests of Mrs, Shum-- way:of Waukegan on Sunday. Mrs. Pear} Hanfo®d who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Al-- bright, for the past two weeks, re-- .turned to her home in Geneseo, L _ Monday. . *'»Albnght accompan« 'ifl"';fi s %*'?M' . hark nf aone of his Wifs.. . ,'hfig;,.;;i _ Mr. and Mrs. .Edward PA motored to 'Wausonda, ~SBunday, and Spent the day visiting * Wl "mts' w # u" h/ ~ 'Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Wi enter» tained the fdm.,ml family from Chicago Q'M . f \Mr," and Mrg. Charles Dolph are the parents of a little daughter born Wednesday, August 13.= ; _ «~ Miss Viola Wells was a visitor on Sunday. --_. . ME ang N08 Wes. Pemen enter. 'and Mrs.~Wm. en hx\hflmL Palatine -- on k. * s .3 4 * "Mr, 'And Mrs. Myron Wells: and Miss Lois Smith motored to Wau-- @ Mr 'and Mrs. Clyde Harris called on Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris of Lake Bluff, Sunday evening. \ Charles 'Ross of California, who 'has been visiting his brother, George "A. Ross, left Monday for New York. C ',.-'ufi';a&_m-adoum- hoe and Leroy and Orville Gross of Tinke Zurith were guests of Mr. and PAGE TWO and Ruth Chandler motored to Wau-- kegan and Lake Forest, Sunday af-- "Mr. and Mrs. Heury Kublank and Bons motored to 'Algonquin to visit relatives Monday. f Mr. and Mrs. Frank > Bauersmith %isited at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Schumacher of Druces Lake on Sunday afternoon. e and . Mrs. Fred ZLersen of motored to Area, Monday 1 aspent the day with Mr. and Mrs. * The Misses Josephiné and Ger-- trude Ross of Oklahoma city 'vi d at the home--of Mr. and Mrs. Ge rge K. Rosg last week. ~" . ---- _ ~*"/~ * p through thecut.ME Thousand Islands, "Annn Philadelphia, Wash-- Y, A, Gettysburg, and many othéer -- Mr. and Mr. Ray Wells and son, Paul, Mr. and Mrs. --Harold Wells and son, Mr.and Mrs. John H. Wells, Mr/and Mrs. E. 0. Wells and family motered to Lake Geneva on Sunday. *'Mr and Mrs, Morris. Chandler At. tended _the in Chicago on m Mrs. Martin Ritzentbaler was a 4 ¥isitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Roder enter---- tained the following on Sunday: Mr. id Mrs. Charles Nickoley and ¥ Mary and son Harry of Kan.; Mr. Edward Nickoley ind daughter Katherine of Urbana, HL: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roder of "Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rittler mot-- wred to Racine on Stmday.. . -- F' 'all the steam operated and hr l ", generating . stations -- in C £ ':ld South Germany sost and s of toal and the no-- ~--eenmity of using low grade fucls at Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Portsous, Miss fima hm . "w' nE MRS. M. L. CHANDLER Local Editor Phone 813--M AREA R. <Wells on Sunday S db f motor m o a L m t w su"day Mrs. E. m nning and family. sven Bang of Shicago CAlGG J} the A. N: Larson bome Saturday. _ Mr, and Mrs A, G. 88chwerman and family motored to Pistakee Bay, Sunday, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Glaeser and family. © Miss Mabel of Barring» ton visited with her sister, Mrs. Al-- bert Vaeliing a few days last week. the fore M: . th View: sftex A¥v. Larents and_ 8 Highland Pa Ts in" & ,.r?; Sunday August uth, the St. Mat-- thews miv.-- Lutheran : Congregation will celebrate their 60th annivet~ sary. At 2;80 P. M. there--will be German service. The Rev. Pnoten-- haur of Addison will deliver the ad-- dress and 8:00 P. M. English serv-- i.f;.ifi E Wohifeil of Elgin were Fr i at the H. Weber Last Sunday about 30. young peo-- ple of Eigin and Algonquin were entertained by Miss Anna and Harry weber at Sylvan Shores in the M:mu Evelyn Barker and Eflzel[ 'at the F~C. m home. l' 'Mrs., Scheffof Minnesota and Mrs. Waliters . and son of NorthDakota (;pau sevéral 'days last 'week. with Misses Lillian and Laurene Reim-- ers visited with Marthaand Lillic r-&?ia.w-m ers average American telephone Heights caller Thursday morning. Libertyville «pent Sunday with Mr. 'M&mm;muflu ww __' good time m!;':l':: 'Mrs. Ralph r athi 8 Alice Thursday afternoon.~ / : _ > ~"Miss Luella Herschberger spent Mr. Albert Saner attended ~Bank meeting at Libertyvilie, Tuesday aft-- day evening. --~ ' Mr. and< Mrs. George _' W. J. Schuerman of Chicago vis-- ited at the K./ W. Schwernian home Sunday. § eb t (04s Victor Sauer spent Wednes aft. ternoon Wfih nm . W .. Fred Popp made a business trip to Chicago on Wednesday.,. i the Highland Park hospital on Sun-- ::ry not feeling as well as Henty : Ford is to electrify Wflwfio,m'u Toledo and Ironton and as the first satep in con-- Mnt-nmwflufiu will be 117 feet long and weigh 340 Walter Gosswiller made a business f:: to Wheeling, Wednesday even-- Miss Lillie Sauer was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Otto eLanxman of Hinsdale over the week end.. iss Mabel Hans attended the .m:i:'mm at 'Raviiia, Sunday Mr. and Mrs: George B. Umbden-- atock "were Libertyville® callers on Wednesday evening.-- . _ A number of Long Grove people attended the dance at Half Day Sat-- urday evening, * :. <% iz 8 Mr. and . Mrs, Henry Luehg returnéd home Sunday after spend-- ing the week at the Lake. _' _ Roy Koch and~Claren #%00 . 1200 A. K. 1#0 -- 400 P. K. Cichy's Tailoring Shop SCouth Milwaukee Avenue the Rev. Bath of Chicago, apeak-- T A 1 LO 8 TNX ® LONG GROVE ies E8 of Chicago called at of Aurofa spent last bert Hagi lawn. The Royal bors and their children are. & bring b&A8KkOt lunches. _ The luf will h. ved at n j 1 Mrs. J. A. Reichelt Jr. : C 3 «i oo ie bl B Nn 9 w'u" lfided the eoncen":fi u;,_ E. Waodin, id SW m vinia Thursday afternoon.. _ > EL EP ipamesi presi "**:fil o&'m Ade, of Chillicothe, mi'gg--m """h&gfi C visiting at the *} unfed +90004» Athat every conces-- \Ym ; P --* . n sraunts 'fi" midwayyof 'the w -- h » . O'Connell QW"'N': & ' ' been sold Ts tne dmk 500 Club, M y d'#'ffllfioinuul A\tngvt:'l', s w 'fi "cominng event t Liber-- thine trom peorgeid smuf Epeiie andtint m + :: hob beot AvCHUSO the Lake coun', fi gan. be " mr»"mndw, Chursdary. | ty Fa 0 rwriting to the LAK >--Coun-- are Harold Plagge, Emil 3,%}3 ty Farm Bureaun at Libertyyill®, . . . 'wmum Osterman. |_ This i "the first timg Fred Meyer, and Frost families. _ . m ie association that th ) fate OV EOMEA RR Wns c 'ever> had. two -- midways ys w P Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pettis and daughter 'Jean, and Dorothy Myers spent Thursday in Lincoln *'*'i S Glen ~Ellyn, visited relatives in Much so--talled stomach trouble is really chroni¢c appendicitis. > This can often be relieved by simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, ete., as mixed in Ad-- lerika.> 'Most medicingés act only on lower bowel but Adlerika acts on moves gases poisons. ngs out matter you haver thought was in your syst coolle obstinate Nelson D, Lidgerwood has pur-- chased the Hatry / Olendor£, bunga, low on Journal Place, * _ */. ._ Captain ~"Edwin Weigle -- has pur-- chased" ahundred: g of . 1 ;.,(:'f of his property from George Karch, F. W, Russo transacted the sale, _ Miss Mabel Hammer, of Chicago, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs Olivia® Anderson. . o l *'Mrs.' Ira md ren, Glen-- Eliny, _ lativgs Deerficld, Thutsday. . . * | _ William Russo, of Chicago, was a week--end guest at the ho e hit"Hititner "I* W Russo, of Second Many Have .. _ Mr. and Mrs. F. Jacobs, Sr., are living with their son, Frank, antil their new home is completed, _ ---- _ * Mr:} : "f#""", s. Raymond.: Clavé ; d 'n",s:.' >~ ,;,:»:\ , u'?m a M 5 e a C e e mt & nu,n_ 'fi C h Imenas, saturday eveninng. . _« _ . 'Mrs. Archibald Abercromby _and tw dnw Helen Jean and Ber-- hice, of land Park, were gnests of Mrs. Robert Pottis, Tuesday., "~ . Mr,. and Mrs. Harry Olendorf and ¥W6 littlé sons are moving to St. Louls, Mo., where 'Mr. Olendorf has ,"'" ted a very fine position. « / -- . Deerfleld--Shields High School will begis A;;I:dt;y: SW*;M;AC: #eord: number of 'registra-- tonk that --have been made:co faF, high 1 will be erected south the 2: courts, -n?ggm % John$: Avenue.'< It will be 140 by £6.02 --feet M"f'flWrte ab 1650 people, exte| of the Duiiding will be plain. in arch-- tecturs and will: corre@pond with the other buildings.-- It will be con-- nected With the adjoining buildings by govered walks and conveniertly placed '@ntrances on both, the fir=t pnd secand floors.-- The stage will be 60 by 80 feet. Ti will be equippe:1 with evety facility of an +--i%te «'The Deerfiend Gra®imar School _ Briergate Braves ill be ob> foraie o Sineaday, Avgtthp, a: :q _ Mrs. Robert Greenslade will en--> w.t Tuncheon. Wednesday, at her home in Highland Parlk /. _ 5 u:; J. Bingman, of Ieving | cmagiinen. of 0o dirk +.:. "an THE LAKE CO HiMg se e se s EERFIELD: SAVING MEANS SUCCESS You not| You can have a big prosperous £;: a car or travel whammowi i cW? d ication no great educ You neet 'L'& th now and continu: Neignbors will & ¥, August -- 22, C C Make This Bank Your Business Decker. & Neville, CC 0. _tCD"~" " Untazh " a madewso far, A : n will " , 0 ithis 1a1. ~~ {HOMS+-- A l bf' o» ?':: w20, at 1 'm t & e 1 . |ghes be ¥ for ! J _'.'(' " Tea south of | B8Or --al d ' face * e fo will be 140 by|sustaini | ~accommolste| } f money to do it. You need the determination to start 'k ar B .. Let us help you. _ ~_ $¥ suceeed spell it Y--A--V. It of egeerd spel! :t m:z'oss. about the face and mouth, 12 stit-- being necessary to sew up a gdly about the body. 'McCann was fortunate than his companion saustaining only minor > in uries. Cann, the Univérsity of Louhh.agm have been spending the M;,_h'yngegan and living at . the m;fl rs. . Kittie . C-- Hicks, 126 North Chapel streét, suf-- féred injuries in an <;automobile __The accident mh neart Mc-- , & farmers in. that vicinity into & %Mm by : , according t0¢ report of the youths. h&mhfi eut Aceording to m, the--driver of 'the car that his him was on the while the other car was also dam-- I and Carrere had intended" o itiye back oo Loo on thte mapk but their trip wil be imual. Event at Libertyville|| 'hicago _ Police Nab r--»?:: This Year,| _ Pair; Fine Given One, Other 'll'l "i"'l..j j te a"" IF I Will Erect You A House_ Bank of ) ---- Libertyeills 145--RB satis the farmer, MeCann t * EDN in charge of fair for the is due large-- e fancy work -- a» ol the kx 4 #M * ph Pfic&y and Policeman Edward o nnip ons ape wa: § in the.: city jail early Sunday on chargee of-- violating.the liquor law. A machine driven by Abe Victor motwing. in dh¢ vighity of Fwonty. m § ie second street, the machine being un-- lighted. : Search revealed one and a half gallons of alcohol hidden'in the ear, Chief of Police Frank=«Tiffany reports,. ... «> With Victor at the time was An-- drew ~ Sterouky, Victor ~ was -- dis-- charged wher he Genied:> having knowledge. of :the liquor in the car, while 'Sterosky. was assessed a fine of $200: In . default of payment he was taken to the --county jail. u&«: Fourteenth street, -- North Chicago, were arrested on -- drunk charges Sunday by~the-- North Chi-- cago police. < Fines of $5 each. were assessed-- by Justice of the Peace John Nelson,. .. < { several --days as a result of the"ac-- The trained eyes of Captain Jose-- #4 Better Babies' GConference _ 'Please enter the following named child in the Better Babies--Conference to be * held in connection with Lakeé County Fair, Libertyville, IIl. c s ll M " vm o;m."".--ofimb----------mmflq k , 2 n OL ~ EL EHL... > .. enc » -- en cce catle e Nee n HZ . ut m e nctvene oo Soag s yont ioh Residence of child=......~..~...., Maiden namé of Mothér.._._....._~..»--..~--_c===--:»--cs AGO __i_________ years. r * Q'w mt inoriniatiaicindraciainatiand m m----..._.....'.-.----_-. Age of Father........... N > ~*.~ ..' ~. (Month) (Day) (Year) Age, in months, on date of this Conference...__....months. Male or Female.. Population of City 'or Town Name ~of 'place where' born Drders® of Birth of thik child '>--...=.....>../smw=«~«««~» Jf bottin Tod, "whint . Toodit BB .--<... . .. «.: -- «... mss s iL LC 6i ceup i wicitte a ons sc s ieg ie menec cce hm 'fi,_ 3 e -- PTOBOME .. . .. .. .. cce ol m ns on m mm cce m an an ces m ue mm dnc ce m on m ushen c e e es m sns as ue ue nics ae in s e in sn Number of feedings now, in 24 hours......Amount, in ounces, at each feeding... M' hild sle one.........__. If not, with whomt does it sleep..__......_..«...-- I" ',' l i' cep m *'.-"--.--...- M-boco---o- m u-- ce we un es m nramine sn 1+ o o o s ds (Yes or No) _ (Yes or No) ",' "h' m m-m--------- n" " mu--b'.'om-.'..- g'hn' is lfiagmd-;-;------------------------"--a.m b child entered in the Com Class in which prizes are o. in the Ron--Competitine Cteme in which thare priest * Sthte &%n Class" or "Non--Competitive a.:-' o $ e Il"!.. ?"0.-.---__...---__,.._..- WMMy. «.. a«as m« « * «_ POENE : APREOAE TT TUETE m Nee en t M t t ~BUPPLY THE lNfl)llAflONAprm'Aom MAIL THIS AM-ICA'BO!( THE FARM BUREAU OFFICE, LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. * 1 vflhzn:da'bymflofthobvudhmm&qwm.'& '::% _' ~"r'w"-';;muum. r of bloomers with elastle w fl-"'Wu_Ww:MfiM«m fi"" been scored in any other Baby Conference?............. ES tYes or N this at once. of child at birth...____.=..... Strong or weak at birth.... _ "State of Mimols . _ l e l un . 6. BETTER BABIES CONFERENCE _ < . -- . .. [" out blank, detach and send to the Farm Bureau Office, Libertyville, Iil. AUCGUST 30, 31, Lake County Fair ------ of child's iliness: (MMigease) y 299 4 W PAIR FOR COOoDsSs PURCHASE Two Highland Park men, William Chelkis and William Moore --have under $5,000 bonds for purchasing horgk: t Toir Shotieem itaty wan th, a Fort Bheridan army man who. stole .« quantity of. elothing from the government reservation. Bmith, according to the report of the executive officer at Fort Sher-- idan, stole five government pistols, tw pistol--holders, two shirts, two pairs of army breeches, and "one belt from Fort Sheridan on July 29. On August 2 Smith sold his stol-- en goods to the two. men--arrested last Friday. Three of the five pis-- tols, and all of the clothing have been -- recovered. _ ; Chelkis and : Moore are _both 'eivil-- lans and are being; held <by .the Highland Park police while: Smith is in the custody. of the Fort Sher-- idan military authorities. --. .. De You Want to Buy Sell or Hire 1 | "mmm--Aat--aattimemmen t Give Our Want Ads the Once Over Give Our Want Ads the Once Over Libertyville, IIlinois (YNes or No) + # e --» x » a" *# e yicg cA Chervi s is «<ar" '\v't Clgks Stroliins ropsn mies f APPLICATION FPOR e m ts ol ol 4 > Box + LPN .. EOM U B ammes.. _ . Aicipie * 5. e C« lt KE se y Cades . iss."% : S 2l Cl se Sedaliny .2 s m W PP 855 C -- * M ... / * (Signed) (First, Second, Third, Ete.) PHONEJ1882 Specialist in Weatherstrip Installation {City or Town) BRAY B. HOFFMAN (Date When SHick) Heore obtained..=------. All "kinds of Auto Repair .Work F. A. Hutchinson 1, 1924 (Yes or No) SATISFACTION GIVEN 6 80. COUNTY st. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS us as cic us ue mm m ns m us s on m mm am Old or New Work 601 West Park Avenue THE STAR Garage ¥LOOR SURFACING Fhone 236--J Fix