ugt hy,,g _ . _( 'Feanaitely no one was c enc k ie Muchmian and Mrz. Rapp."**" *** three miles south of Libertyville near Mrs. Hopp's home on Saturday L. Muchman of 2755 Augusta St., Chieago «riving a Ford Sedan, erashed into a Fotd Pouring car driven by Mrs. William Rapp of Mil-- ml Grade: Olga %:id'i"m ud grade--Leona Cropley Barbara Miller. f Second Grade -- Alice Haley and Miss Roberts, First Orade--Fffie Jane Cantre'll and Marian Keagie. Music will be--in charge of Herman L. Walker. a School nurse--M. J. Quinn. t looked for. y The teachers employed and the grawdes they will inatruct are: . --F, A. Hudson, principal. Depari montal work Hulda Schrei-- BEtr, Guda leland Bloomer and Flor-- Etades will receive hoputul attentioe Pss true basere en in hoved T prove sstmitny io 'mmmhudmd.n- paired and ";lvhu--:nz', :'--ad-m-hmmm' m' ;-u-n Hosking and his am' clent time nor energy to meet the erying needs of the school for this year and a most profitable year is As planned at this time there will be two teachers for each of the first, second and third . grades. © Thres teachers will take care of the fourth On Tuesday, September 2, Liber-- tyville Grammar school will reopen its doors for. the new school year, A large enroliment is expected as| mmfammnhnwm; to town and according to a careful| mhhth'..c,ofdflldn.'::' school age, there a possibility . mfithboodntvomwo-' vided the classes will be very large. CGRAMM AR SCHOOL TO OPENX SEPTEMBER 2 Bons of Veterans, Roy Bracher Vrter omcers were; 2c Women's Reliet Corps, Mary C. Btewart.-- ...* ho , -- Daughters of the G. A, R., Nellie ¥: hecler, -- 14 yvil % ?' Wauke fam. : < ... 3" m'lfi\o comunittee + First vice--presijert;, A, T. White, Btovins;, * Antinely; > m > z> President, Perry gun, > > z. Fifth Grade--Bianche Lintteman. Fourth and Fifth grades--Bessic ea at the f{forty--scventh anfiual re-- union "of, the Lake =unty Soldiers and Salorse'--Luke «o. ~--~rthouse President, Perry }is= Jauke.~ Felect Men to Lead Body For Coming Year; Choice Made a} Meeting f is the motto of the Libertyville '"':'d:ofidn Mfimuh which have been molesting the vil-- lage during the summer. "m'wh been 'hired by the ge board . as m"'MhuM,un&dj many . speed violators. . A special muwm.&:m' M'Mflkbmmm the new cop dechndthuln.vyl fines will assegsed to the violators. 'Gets Usder W Are Arrested Week--end WAT Third -- viego--presidet Hermance hecler, -- T abert M ::' a/ § Following were the offices elect-- "Watch your step", or pay a fine ., the accident happened E a '«lleged notorious places in the Argested 'Over the 2 mi,25; s nreip Can: C iC. Edwards in the Circuit court, Waukegan, Monday when State's \ym--------"'.;.fluAuomyA.V.m,fomd his notto of the Libertyville| The court ordéred that an inter-- ie : against the speeders| Froclich place at Fox Lake, known the summer. place hit by the injunction writ is '-I.a,d.. has | a resort with a dance hall and bar ; i 'by the vBige Seard 24| room. The fight to close the in | 'and has already arrested | was started State's . Attorney | ed violators. -- A special | Smith several years ago. He won | Ehe Kake ECmutty Renister -- w« TAKE GROM _ t e -- ON PERIURYT Shurtleff at Woodstock, hinted that Grom, regarded star witness against Blackw been frightened by associa' will not back up statement: some time ago regarding well's alleged activitiee BEER SPILL 18 ASKED IN COURT minted that Grom, regarded as the star witness against Blackwell, has been frightened by associates and will not back up statements made some time ago regarding Black-- well's alleged activities. Im'wm of the ease is scheduled to be heard before Circuit Judge Edward Shurtleff at Woodstock. It is The former special deputy is in ""m."fllvylil;hfi Hmflnmndjvryl'rlbyht lieved to have backed down on story and refused to talk. € Charges Perjury. A. warrant charging perjury was immediately obtained and was sery-- ed --upon him. His bond was set at $2,500 and an additional $1,000 was tacked on his appearance at | ~Jra Blackwell, "former sponge squad member and more recently de-- puty at MceHenty, was indieted .Fri-- day by the Grand Jury at Woodstock on a charge of violating the prohibi-- tion law, according to word received _ Thirteen indietments were reoturned Monday -- altogéther _ all except he had been let out of the county's one involving the prohibition law. Among those indicted was Andrew J. Grom, Chicago, whose story in the first led to the arrest of WE days ago. Black-- well at the was accused of aid-- llchunqnnbld!enrydbr employe as a special deputy. He is said to have takenr $2 a barrel for from that city Monday. The two--story _ frame.. building owned by Andrew and Stella Ban-- dura at Nippersink Lake was aiso named in an injunction issued by Andreas and Minnie Rosenberg-- er, former owners of the "Willis lnn" property, who were named as co--defendants with . Edward -- and George Frolich, filed an answer to the new suit brought by State's At-- torney Smith apd denied that they had any, knowledge that the prohi-- bition law was being violated. They leased the ~property to the Froe-- lichs on July 29, 1920,--and the least was to last until October 17. 1925. hn injunction writ against it, but, ormer' Member of Squad to Discover Blazse Eating Way Amrfor'h'hthom'd!v"l'lm Structure Batur-- Shurtieff at Woodstock To-- -- day Night; Prevent Fire Injunction Issued By Court To Stop Resort Booze Sales Nine'~+ Day Sentence in One Case Stayed for While by -- Cireuit Judge .beveral injunction writs to close Aa::at:munty' Reuse, super-- 4 to J. C. Reuse, intendent of all the Insull farms near Libertyville, the lost. amount-- ed to about $20,000. He said that there is a possibility that r z'flm may 'not: t t the blaze since the hay / r&j there for only ~about MX weeks, when the last shinment herds in the count The barn was fitted with modern M I throughout and it was 1 to save this. The 'M"'.Il'fl mh":ecoznized as one y . _ dairy hl-, having one of the best pure bred d ad to every part of the by the itime that the :.qls:lm. & "he, Mrs.. Bulkley phoned the Liberty-- ville fire department but I:ttlo could be done to check the fames which loft of the barn and had not yet reached the main floor that it was possible to save the cattle. _ __ .. Phones Department. then rushed to the t A large dairy barn and three silos were totally de-- stroyed by fire Saturday night and several other © buildings endangered on the Samuel In-- sull farm located© three--miles south of Libertyville on the Town Line road. T Several tons of hay had been recently stored in barn and it is believed that spoentancous combustion caused the blaze. -- Fred Bulkley, auperintendent of the farm, and his wife had retired for the night about 10:15 o'clock but 'were aroused about 1045 by the barking of the dogs. The FARM BARN DESTROYED C. A. Brune's sponge squad re-- ported that ~Sunday night's raiding State's Attorney Smith scored an-' other --victory ~when --he secured Ad temporary 'injunction cloging the ; saloon run by. J%fiifl Theresa | Korinek at _ Ingleside. This is a | substantial cement fim and has | veen raided on more th; --ane oc--| «sion, it was reported. -- The bear-- ' ing on the . permanent injunction esiulte -- _ The injunction suit to close the place owned by Elmer Rogan and Louise Wanka at Round Lake was heard by Judge Edwards Monday Bnu':!ufl_.ony showed that sev-- eril gallons .of -- moonshine --were found in an outhouse, adjacent to the Royan place. Judge Edwards indicated that he would order the The case against James Manning and Catherine Mahoney, who are w Another temporary decree order-- ed the closing of the Ignatz Bukala store and residence at 1545 Com-- monwealth avenue, North Chicago. This place had been raided by the sponge squad recently and liquor reported found. The hearing on the permarfent injunction -- s rainst the place will be held Sept. 2. From Spreading to Houses closed through a temporary in. junction. A bearing on a perman ent injunction will be beld Sept. 2 rushed to the barn and drove seventy head of cattle From arm. <It was only due to the that the fire started in the ted in a couple of arrests. And-- Banke. 26 Sheridan road, and Kezina, 624 Kighth street, were 1 into: custody: on HKquor viola-- charges. es & sweeping through the barn. used the farm hadds and or m OoP OWVE CP Sn Pm ""U,'T,'. ae bh f the first big an Lday, Augu "' _ An invitation was ordered the ~booze LIBERTYVILLE Ray, Dr. F. Mar bele, Rev. M. J. George Follett brink. X one of his apt in his inimi« table style. 2%.> The officers eleted are well cho-- sen. -- They are dy identified in public life and re progressive which he is well Rev. .ji Nealis, a mem he Joliet Ki-- wanis toli of the work of Ki-- wanis in that Dr. L. F. Golding enlivened the & with coming on» of the Mrongest clubs in Lake County and & d in the civic life O ertyville, ---- / Several :nak s of note lent i terest to the t talke on aims and work anis. A4 LIBERTYVILLE ELEC dt; for some t in church a Hanselman is em Motor works of R spoken of by all Kenosha | that place Their many friends e congrathlations to: m selman has been t Announcement g:. received of the marriage o L. Nellie Docb-- ler of Libertyville ar Lewis Han-- selman of Ken(,<h921. Chicago, Aug, dycb e L. MRS NELLIE 1 LEW!Is HAXs lities. to SGovermor I men who are n sho COUNTY FAR Published Twice Weekly KIWANIS CLUB P3 | . --~171R68 BM . > . > Crash Have Horse Sh 1 . ~Ske BE ohick _ Iype, ! i pemkenes. * : o Have Horse Show | | vo 'persons died in accidents e of the outsta nding features of | 4; fek--urn" ; Tmm -- y To ite SARICK has alveedy gtirred|« Automobitle "stick--up" . men Sunday in Lake County, one in the dorable inter==t. is the horse who a¥e been aking heavy waters of Bluff lake and the" other x "J"""' o PM®!" coli in --hicago in Frecent weeks | .. . ~rash with .kugfihh north ahbore Ancicty residents. *xtended their activities to 'in the western part of Waukegan. ;h'.f' lit Day 5.l 4 Caee: _ WRX v h % .fie thay | K4 4 + mm ~ther leading foature of the Lake County i 0K dabsigns 4 2 Thewq' us : t j i agen -- P 6 ' . n' t ( o ises y be "Political Day" yum'm. aukegat l:h":l m:r, Edward J. Rooney, ~of yhomed ;rq' x t".' y flf m f!'l', & r ' 4 1 P ). Q&. h o't" ne 'mm' £ ,w"kum m '.'k, '» . ' Augrt ~80. ... «,* a 'm: '.*.f' fi \ to M'fi'illdl who > w. ';f: mi . ¥ vF:".- anm .. Louis n,, w A , re 4 lea y boat 'at the lake reso i4 C who are promiment in state po-- Abd Harry GreenWald, who is emub * °* *t the -- Aeeeapo im c CG CCIL S IGOnuSs j c D: & T .:. hnsd & 3 '"**-- ' _of the lesJing features :»is ~Carcm , Started . Early -- This Fireman Proves Hero * 'f'-"-" and pet show| Morming. After Report Is| Attcimpt to Save C s me a prreat array of | l es Oc ~ 5. + t.: will be a biz "%{ bbery ; Thieves| -- i0908 @At ~f Lake l B s d Were of "Shiek" Tvpe . --DHeg in * * ~ Crach it or"& rg A"d"q he Kiwanis Club at all . w 1.0 w him. -- V A k 8 home in n& . me ;Tbead.y for friends extend hearty} feature of the fair ""'Pdlifical Da:§ ay of the fsir, Satur-- mA resident of this Eh has been mum LMAN MARRIED p8 & subject on tl'!u". l.? Joliet Ki-- ® work of Ki-- e work. Mr. at the Nash WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 19%41 w ban~dit, w the machine w!' the shots were fired, ". N glowed down the car and ually pulled to the 'side of &F The sedan drove alongsid8 of the Studebaker and torced the w gan men to take to the diteh, _ . "Turn over your monéy," of 4 ed one of the two holdup men, stick. 8 # gun Into Hn@dm\fif' ks rly they went over the ma-- ~Ror Greenwald and Hadelman Iater reported that their car had not been hit the men in the sedan yanked a re-- volver from his pocket and fired two shots at the Waukegan men. stopping. - On looking back, Hadeiman per-- "Mflnnduvufoflw them. 'They increased their -lnhumnmw mud puddles and pouring rain, but ~the car continuec directly behind them, neither increasing nor i'u:tumm between. réad was slippery and fast ' was dangerous, the Wauke-- 'zhhmfmdhhnom speed to about 25 miles an hour. # Chase Is Hot. ~This chase continued until the stretch of Waukegan road between Techney and Deerficld was reached. Then the pursuing car put on a burst 'of : speed and bore down swiftly on the fleeing pair. One of As the car looked suspicious and Ghlpotoawhiehhllflfi". was a lonely stretch of road, the two Waukegan motorists went tn 1 4 2 lwulul ~al, NVInGg at 124 i3, '"? The two young men were =«]boulevard, drowned during the y ing from Chicago about "m hours Sunday in Bluff Lake, near in a Studebaker machine. The Antioch, in an effort to save the was roaring like a cyclone and the lives of two persons, one his sweet-- rain was comirg down in torrents. heart. is It was at the height of the storm irl, Miss Li Fort, 2421 that a big dark car, eithor a Hudson 50::': ';';,';u,d;,',; .',m;' Chicago, or Nash sedan, pulled up ahead of And . another Plinim ~George the ¥wo men.~ It took the center of Papp-nootmu. 'llz:lw.lndt."fl"w bettom of 'their ':mg out hand as though preparing another ."m'\» t to stop or slow down. by ECw L tha graphy, 1 Edwards, were the two who ztheld up. One hundred dol-- lars were taken from Greenwald _ _Ihe story of the chase through pouring l'zn over a slippery and muddy .road as told by the young men runs like anexciting ml ~*Louis Hadeiman, 520 ASh 'Street M ~Harry Greenwald, who is em-- fed. in the redl estate firM' of (Continued on Page Siz) expected to purchase necessary books Libertyville Township High Schoci will open on Tuesday, September 2, Professor H. E. Underbrink is on hand : to make all preliminary ar-- & ts. ~Last Saturday, August %m enrollment day and next Saturday, Aug. 30 all pupils are UIBERTYVILLE TOWXNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL OPEXS sEPTEMBER 2 H. E. Undérbrink, principal. Jane I. Jump, vice principa some highway chieftan's "-- ARE FRED , who had -- been ine, got out and vice principal and Rooney -- had been spending week end with pals at the Afll: on cottage at the lake. Mises Fort was the guest of friends. Baturday night, the were at the ~"assidy resor? until mt. dancing. They left i o in a car, but after a ' # found that it would be im-- e to motor back because the . The cry in the darkness {hct heard of him. The :v': recovered Sunday morning ' fuddies of Norman Onn:' : 275, American Legion, wf which he was treasurer. Members of squad 7 of the Chicago fire department to which Rooney was attached aided in the search. / wnho'rdtoer' ing once for help, he sank. Whet-- horhevul"_vhhlnlwlu became entagled in weeds is not known. The verdict of the coron-- er's jury was that death was caus-- ed by accidental drowning Rooney had gone but a yards. wrbfiomr'hln sprang a leak about 800 feet from the shore, in front of the Bluff Lake hotel, filled with water, and overturned. ~Miss Fort and Pap-- mmmewmmym' to the bottom of the boat the fire-- Boat Springs Leak Thmbo.t.m mony -- at the . coroner's cal 'eare ,Deputy Coroner M. of the drowning and are under med-- Chicago, were Chicago fireman l'fl f -u-'v- world war, living at 124 S. _ John Erhard, Washington street, Waukegan, victim _ of .a eras in which his motorcycle was s t bya North.Shore train. ... e us An inquest was held 2 noon by Deputy Coroner M. D. | ney and a verdiet of 4 drowning was returned. *\ Saoole MAN DROWNS Chicago. He will forget all about 'Vv being lonesome." home from our summer home at Lake Geneva," Mrs. Gump pleaded. "Ches-- ter is in Chicago waiting for us, He ';':'l'tthlm,pmume OW, P _ "Let us go, officer, and Sidney Smith, the cartonist, will draw some nice pictures of you, honest he will," coaxed Mrs. Gump. M:!n&- fib:&u'ud':&b you get a fiw%bwwfi. officers, * 's a nice ticket. Show it to Chester when you get to Edwar (Continued on Page Six) . Mra. Minnie Gump was hurrying m-=~*0huzer" in her HP ol' 348 Rolis , one day last week, when that Shorrid motoreycle officer" Ber-- nard C. Hamlin of Lake County, who can't see anything but a speedometer and his duty, l'oog:d her. '"Mrs, Gump, you're charged with speeding" th ;--officer declared, "42 miles an hour is too fast even on PINCH "MIN GUMP» volunteered to swim ashore for Rooney, 80 years old ~{f Lake; Youth Crash IN LAKE COUXNTY in His l orts. id available M'»mdmnbufil; feet long By 20 feet wide about one cndofthofiu.lwg-., econtrol. An all night virgil was inone wrne it stnalne pears f.hJctbm rolled up in _ Epeeding across Mica bay, on Coeur d'Alens Lake, in' a war canoe, & of : . girle "'em'flndnmu: whic reatened several farms the district. ; With shovals. hatahots bucketa CAMP FIRE GIRLS of the law that he had been rour-- Orls 'aaye w sat" ther im '."_.".'.:':"! N'v:':y officers It was suggested that perhaps the bones could have beer those of an Indian. Many burial mounds are located in that part of the county, it was said, and the man may have ed by blows or an accident were perceived. y A hearing was to be held Tues-- day to probe the mysterious death. At that time Kay will appear with the necessary papers. = A confer-- ence with State's~ Attorney A. V. Smith was held by the sheriff Sat-- urday to determine the course of ao tion The -- Coroner ordered that the bones be dug up and taken to the Henry Strang 'undertaking parlors investigation will be made in 'order to determine if the bunes are tho of someone who disappeared ; f about 8* Q'O'm lich tie 'bories were--found, f been 't-d by Deputy Coroner Conrad ru abstracts _ and records of the sale of the property. 'Through these the cororer hopes to trace the pu;? who owned the property 'at the approximate time that the body was bum-' . -- Beek Previous : By getting in touch with the previous owners; he expects to get some trace of who the man may have been. . No trace of broken bones that might have been receiv-- uw oo cording to the sheriff's office had _ t beenthmmfludwmv The skeleton was that of a man [ e of about 50 years of age, it was $ estimated. The fact that it was in f a sitting position and hgd not been | encased in a coffin led authoriteis to believe that foul play had figured in j the death. call for. Deputy~ Coroner Edward Conrad and he also went to investi-- gate. The trio found the bornes 4 Notifies Sheriff. E. C. Stowell 'notified Sheriff Edwin Ahlstrom who went *'with Deputy Lester Tiffany to the of the find. The officers put ,a. well preserved. $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCGE Stowell grocery ~store in Rollins Z-Ed.n-bmdi-hne.uatoflncb. gested Friday evening when a skel-- eton of a man in a sitting position was uncovered at Squaw Créck, near Workmen Excavating Near Squaw Creek Come Upon Bones Which Are Well Pre-- served; Coroner Is Called Possible murder, CHECK FOREST FirE an employe of the Ford and DISCOVERY