_ ~ IFINAL CLEAN--UP SALE sns Spt F4¥ i * C t\ Ny Py ... As the passage of th> bond iss : ¥esolution and the sale of the county Attorney : Ben Miller of. Liberty-- "put forward the plan of selling the P land and buying an-- other site at a much lower figuré than is secured in the sale. According to reports, the board has been offered $600 a "acre for the 150 acres composing the poor Aarm.. This figure has been raised to' $800 under slight pressure. The ecunty board feels that the land is easily-- worth $2,000 an acre. as it 'flmfly make one of the best sidential and business districts in it is .clair It is reported that ar fleast --$1,000 can be secured from PUT OFF ACTION ON FARM TRACT take over the land for galf course .\ Libertyville is bottled up on all} _ Both Mr. and Mrs. Douglas 1re sides but the north, it is said, lnd'in excellent health and actively en the poor farm block this end. Many | gaged in the business of life. Mr. esidents are backing the farm sale| .)ouglas is seventy--seven years of *ig t 'a move to give the town a ) =#c. The couple have two children, better shance to grow. -- Others ne' Yrs. Eiam Clarke and R. J. Doug-- enposing it on the grounds that the | !as, !I, both residents of Waukegan., PACGE SX Supervisors to Take Up Propo-- -- sgition Next Week at Gath-- Action on the proposed sale. of the present. county farm property and the purchase or another. site was laid over by the board of sup-- ervsiors yesterday afternoon --until next Wednesday morning when the board will again meet at the Tocal courthouse. -- The passage of the resohition calling for the floating of $250,000 'bonds for the construction of new buildings was also laid over Libertyville is bottled up on all ering. Home Builders -- Buy -- Build -- Repair Now Send us a Hist of your requirements covering lamber windows, otc. and we will gladly sond your our estimate, It is free and places you under no Write for HMustrated Price List No. T--2--Bailding Plans Free. i-p:- GLAZED SASH--Suitable for ebligation. Came to the Camps OPEN SUNDAYS POR YOUR CONVENIENCE YOUR LAST CHANCE TO GET Big Reduction. it such as sewers, e Wu will be lo t"' * st. *L V 4. A meeting between the committee from the board and another Qm prospective buyers ~will be Monday morning. -- A report of the doings at this session will be made day meeting. Mr.. and Mrs. --R. J. Douglas of Sheridan t?, wprlne boosters in the civic life of Waukegan where they were bomond:n lived their en-- tire lives rated their fifty-- fifth wedding anniversary Sunday. No particular: --¢eremony : marked the day for Mr. and Mrs. Douglas except the receipt of expressions of est¢em and love from their family and from the z res of friends, many of mom have traveled the soad with them from childhood days. Mr. Douglas has had an eveniful careor which has been closcly inter-- weven--with the history. of. Wauke-- gan. --At the age of fifteen, he, be-- ing too young to enlist in the army, maneuvered--His way into the serv-- ice and made an enviable record in the Civil War. Returning to Vau-- kegan he engaged in the nursory business : which his father haa fsunded in Grand avenue. Later he became mayor of the city. For some --y--ars past he has been en« gaged in the real estate business." _ WED 55 YEARS OBSERVING DAY Mr. and Mrs. R.~J. Douglas » Mark Another Year of Mar-- ried Life Sunday. _ -- Perhaps there are few couples more honored in the community than Mr. and Mrs. Douglas., the supervisors at the Wednes-- MILLJONS OF FEET t $15 " GARAGES i The DeLaval milks as cows should be milked MRS. COLBY IS TAKEN IN DEATH Mrs. Colby first 'noticed her ill-- ness about @1 o'clock"Saturday 'aft-- ernoon. Before that she had been feeling well. She gradually . _grew worse ebrated their goldén wedding @Mni--] pounty, Her passing W@s & l& versary and on Oct. 4 of this year to her many a nta mday would have been married 53 years.| who told of her y accomplish-- Mr. Colby was~a former Wl ments during her life in the com-- at * Libertyville. Later: he took to % + e »5«';'_: farming and has spent the _ The -- i 1 *?" 'Tues few years in the village, h@ving row n atg / Mh"i' . Besides her husband Mrs:; Colby conducted by _ R A..'m,'fi) is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Burial at Lakeside cemetery. _ + _ Look at the above illustrations show-- ing how the De Laval Milker is made to suit the temperament of the cow. Everything is just right for the greatest 'The master pulsator on 'the Pulso-- Pump assures an absolutely uniform Schanck Hardware Co. -- pulsation speed year in and year out; THE LAKE COUNTY at 7 o'clock the end Mrs. Colby was well liked by friends and. associates whom she numbered in legions all over the gmy. Her passing was a shock her many a n y who told o; her ¥ nm ments during her life in the com-- T. A. Shmtpson, wife. of lflg he county }.' ' HALF DAY Wnt of M!:\ s 'o On Fl'it:m A rommeun )&w T. Marlatt, wife of 'the editor a¢! ,, * * UMCRJ EYEMI0E, Sepie the Kenosha Evening News;. Mrs, Réuben Thomas,. living -- forth -- of B. Colby, editor . of the Oil and Gas 'Magazine, Kansas \City, Mo. Another -- gon, 'Ashley "died M it twenty years ago. ""-. ;"% : :. Three _ sisters, Mrs.~ Ida Green, Kaukauna,: Wis., Mrs. 'George Nel-- son, Bassett, Neb., and Mrs. Maude Lusk, Lake Forest, and a brother, David Bliss, . Tildeny, Neb.," also survive,.>> ~ . on tA e o REGISTER, WEDNESDAY, SEPPEMBER 24 1024 self--adjusting teat--cups fit comfortably over any size of teat ; pulsator is close to the udder to assure vigorous milking, cows have become accustomed to during *The Better Way of Milking." Wash stands, Lavatories, Pip-- ing, -- Faucets, Hot Water, Wall We will gladly tell you more about Inside and outside doors with without glass, complete with B t anlln . P 4 in o / " -- f e fin;'fi C 1 "#p id iB t 252 ~ We are all hippy to hear that Miss Schrseder is wotting Along very nice-- ly and will soon--be well again; ~ . --DPr. and Mrs. John Schroeder of Milwaukee called on Miss-- Etta ehro and . Mr. Earnest Schroe-- der and family on Thirsday. * ie Cn Ajphe wha Clos biifanes a hard time party at the town hall. All members and friends and those in-- terested in our club are cordially in vited to come. i Paul ~Sturm --has 'a_ new | Ford Coupe. Paul syrely knows which is hguturoa&o,muht. id FRED GRABBE Address ; @28 North Ave 1 s Waukegan, M. -- Auctioneer Farm and Livestock Sales Telephone Waukegan 2588 t * C on E!:?a'ffgkfihtfi WANTED TO BUY--Old-- fushioned Walnut desk. Lynn W. Beman, 171 Lincoln Avenue, Libertyvilie. 71--6tpd FOR RENT--Nice modern six room fint in Area. «~Heat furnished. See n JERSEY BULLS--Ready for service reasorable prices. Ravine Farm, Highland Park, IMlinois. 71--4t FOR RENT ---- Furnished room ts : school teacher or lady otherwiso employed. Call Libertyvillie 107--W., FOR RENT--Seven room house, wa-- ::."r.hh. Phone 35, 319 E. Avenue. 78--1tpd FOR SALE ---- Dandy Jittle chicken farm just m«i Libertyville . ~ments. A snap if taken quick. See _ 'A. R. Schnaebele, Libertyville, FOR RENT--At Diamond Lake--2 paney. Rent reasonable. One fur-- nished. Phone 621--R--2. Lioyd C. Ray. 1846t FOR RENT--Large front bed room. . Phone 111--R 71.6t. POR SALE--A new ~Ford~coupe driven less than 1000 miles. Will consider Ford sedan in exchange. 39 Sonta's golion. Rergeren Wieex & ~Classified Ads FOR-- SALE--One acre of standing alfalfa and a garage for rent, 171 Lincoin Avenue. Phone 140W. FOR SALE----Ford Coupe. 1921 mod-- FOR SALE -- Low pressure steam boiler. Good as new. Suitable for heating six or seven rooms. Boil-- 'er can be used for either steam or hot water heating. Ninety feet of FOR 'SALE -- Base burner heater. Good as new. Phone 362--J. T1 41. FOR SALE-- Hocking Valley silo . Filler <~in first class condition. MNM%N;»,M geron Stock Farm, L. BStreet. 2 milés: west of Libertyville. Phone 6178--J--2. A1--tf FOR SALE--Potatoes at $1.156 per . urcy nhou wodnemity Sepremiodr Early Ohio varieties. -- Mpc:z ~orders to W, E. Volkman, Phone el. good condition.~Also <kitchen stove with three burner gas at~ radiation. 'Hafeman's Dairy, Ph. 94. Libertyvilie, IIL T2--2t If you want to buy anything, or if you have something "to seil, reni_er exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these <olumns, You will get results, : ; f : ' There is no way you'can reach as many people in Laké county b'nfim.mucumnbb'mumlnlvfl-* your wants known here. ~A trial will convince you. tA a Minimum charge, 25¢. '-- _ 6 insertions for $1.00 ~--..*~ _ RBates: 5e per line per insertion, MISCELLANEOUS Telephones : ©Residence 165--J Works 415 Libertyville Cement Block Works The Best in Laundry Work _ Dry Cleaning and -- Pressing 123 EAST COOK AVENUE Nex"itogmunl.nmberYtrd Crpniap OkbhkS FitLED On _ SPECIAL ORDER oN The Reliable Laundry Launderers, Dry Cleaners & Dyers PHONE LIBERTYYILLE 61--R 18--2t, wo oc c . s Lew J o6 9 Scientifc Rxramination of the KEyes DR. OTTO &£. THOMPSON ~WANTED--Willing, capable young "G" care Lake Count;it'uur 63 --tt RAVINE FARM--Breeders of Pure Breed Jersey Cattle; 602 St. John's Hours: 1 to 8:80 and T to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park ATTORNEY--AT--LA W lcphonp nenrrent Telephone B7 DR. O. EF. lelephone 66 work. HOUSES AND LOTS--Bought and man, some mechanical ability and high sehool education for all} around WANTED--A good, steady, gentle-- manly salesman to ~handle <a Ward's wagon in Lake County. No experience needed. For full par-- DWIGHT EDRUS COOK CONTRACTOR & BUILDER * Libertyrille 145--R Phone 296. aiqhnum promptly v?inom ard's # 1¥4, Tign, Entantinhed i 190. Tooar, Will Erect You A House or any kind of building; Professional Services furnishing all labor and material by contract, so you may know DR. J. L TAYLOR .---- Give R. L. Gonsalves B. H. MILLER w¥ }' h 16, Liber--