»emany l / o acths j Ar _ CThe Hake Connty Register k ' . _ Published Trice Weekly at Griys Funcral services were held at the home at 1:30 o'e,el Tuesday afternoon and at 2 o'clock at the church. . Rev. Essingham of the Congregational churth at Grays death called A. W. Harvey of Grays Laké, 78 yearr old. Old age and heart trouble were the cause of death, according to Dr. E. V. Har-- vey, the attending physician. Mr. Harvey, the deceased, was a life--long resident of the county. He. was for many years assessor of Avon township and won many friends through his untiring energy and public--spirited labors. The deceased had been ailing for about a year, but recently showed considerable improvement and was thought to be wbetter. A re-- lapse occurred »days ago and resulted in his death. | survive Mr. Harvey. AGRICULTURARE YEAR BOOK NOW BEING DISTRIBUTED Lake officiated. Burial was made One of the oldest and most wide-- ly known residents of Lake county ol the Heuer home most of the time. He continually .complained that no employer would give him u real chance to make good. Aged Resident of Grays Lake mumfihhflmmn-- lated to the young % Testimony at the Inquest at the Seripter funeral home in Zion City, alw wed that Heuer had been men-- tau'ly unbalanced for some time. He had threatened to take his life on numerous oecasions, members of the J. Heuer family testified. Heuver served in the trenches with the German army during the World War and it was at that time his mind first became affected. He came to the --United States three years ago and since arriving here lived A. W. HARVEY IS gation Thursday night «into the death of Honry Heuer, 28 who lived just west of Winthrop Harbor, found thnhehc&d%lwhlbm tally deranged. _ young man was. found dead hanging from a refter in a hayloft of a batn on the TRENCH LIFE woORrE ON MiNp " _ Car --While The drive r of the car stopped arid with the aid of others who gathered at the scene of the acci-- dent, they carried him to a nearby auto and he was taken to the offices of Dr. John L. Taylor where he was attended. $ The doctor reported that Garland euffered a bad sprain of the right ankle and suffered several minor euts and bruises about the arms. Alfred E. Garland, Libertyville speed cop, narrowly om being seriously injured Sat night when he crashed into another car while he was chasing a speeder. The speed cop crashed into the side of the car and was thrown to the pavement with considerable force. SEVENTY--FOURTH YEAR Kescapes With Slight Injur-- ies After Colliding With The coroner's jury, in an investi-- Decides Yesterday. DEAD AT HOME ene. son, Lynn, Himself is likely to win his freedom before the weekend is over according to present indications. The case of Cole was scheduled to u-.rmmmu.:.': was intimated that the pardon COLE MAY BE PARDONED Mitchel Cole, local yo-}». who was sentenced to one year in the state reformatory for having at-- tacked Elsie Kubisch, formerly an employe of the Foulds Macaroni Co. Bids on the mew fire truck for Zion will be received in a few days. A committee is to be appointed by the city council to take up the pro-- blem and to inspect several different types The vehicle is to be of the halhhntmun' will cost alightly over $10,000. Ample fire protection for the north shore is assured when the Zion truck arrives. North Chicago has purchased a new truck, while Waukegan's machine will arrive early in December, according to the contract. It is too late in the year t» start work this season, but plans will be worked out this winter in order to give the builders an early start in 1925. The new departments will give Zion more efficient police and fire service and will result in better protection for life and property, Chief Becker promises. Favor Brick Building. At present the committee favors a large brick building which will house both fire and police. depart-- ments under one roof. This is to be lLcated across the street from the present ~station, at Twenty-- eighth street and Elisha avenue. Tke cost o the structure has not been set but it will be between $50,-- 000 and $100,000, specific improvements. _ _A committee of three, consisting of Aldermen Ralph Bikhl, Edgar Leech and Albert Huenryager, has been appointed by the Zion city council to draw up plans for the new fire and police stations. They are to report back at the regular meet-- ing which is next Monday. lic improvements, according to word given out from Zion Monday. New fire and police stations which will be shifted from their present loca-- tion to a more suitable spot and a Hion City is the-- latest town in the dounty to swing 'into line for a bigger and better program of pub-- VOLIVA HAS PROJECT UP AT PRESENT Will Be Located Across Street h'éanu.t?hee:l'ofiee and" Fire Stations to Be in The driver of the other car as-- sisted by state policeman and auto-- ists extricated the four people from under the car and medical aid was summoned. The state policeman teok the injured to the home of a curred in Waukegan road west Of| bruised about the body in addition k:. Forest. She was pinned un--|to being shaken up. Dr. S. L. Kell-- neuth an overturned car. Therg er is attending Mrs. Landers, The were three others in the auto and | others were able to go home Mor-- all were injured. a day. [ The machine was driven by Rich-- ihe accident occurred Saturday ard Landers, a son of the injured |night about 8 o'clock, the party be-- woman, and, according to the re-- ing enroute to Waukegan to visit port of state motoreycle poliecmn,i.'ack Landers and family and also a Chicago machine crashed into '-vHarry, Landers and family, of Lander's car, hurling it into a ditch, North Chicago. where it overturned. The otber:l There were three women and a in the car were John Landers, Sr., and Miss Christine Mills, a~ giri friend of Richard. is well known in this vicinity was seriously injured l'%flght in an automobile crash oC Mrs. John Landers, of 3848 West Wainut street, Chieago, who for-- merly lived in North Chicago was Members Of Auto Party Hurt When Car Overturns In Ditch Suffers Most From Mishap in Waukegan Road. of Mr. and Mrs, Landers, Jack are on the list' of thom 1 Saloon League Points Quarry The new Anti--Saloon league drive will be in close co--operation with the forces of Chief Enforcement Officer Chatrles W. Vursell of the United States prohibition forces in Iliinois. He is an enthusiastic sup-- P:'"dhonwplla. mong Chief Vursell's men, Agent Lester Keefe and a squad returned yesterday from a "buying tour" in m.hhlo.laondbu?m counties, They had bought Hquor in forty--ome places pointed out for mr. and Mrs, G.<--B. Foliett and daughter '--M'flhymmm ""* to Cleveland, Ohio hvfl"mu,lr..dln. L'-"Zfl-. _1 will not deny that Mr. Arm-- strong has signed up with our or-- ganization, nor will 1 affirm it," Maj. Ebberts said. Maj). Frank B. Ebetts, superin-- tendent of the Anti--Saloon league in this state, was reticent about tion against the Zion officers, but has not prosecuted it. Because of the secret nature af Armstrong's work, efforts had been made to keep the change under cov-- It is recalled that Armstrong in-- vaded the north shore a coupre of weeks ago and was arrested in Zion City by the motor police there on speeding charges. He resisted the arrest stating that he was hot on the trail of a beer truck which weuld get away if he was delayed. Although he told the police who he wus, they cither didn't believe him or had never heard of Brice Arm-- strong for they kept him in custody for a while. Finally Armstrong was able to secure his credentials and As an outcome of the at Armatrong threatened federal agents, who was recently arrested w Zion City and manhandled while on the trail of an elusive beer truck keaded for Wisconsin, has resigned his job with the government and will join the liquor fighting forces of Rev. Henry E. "Dad" Rompel the fearless "three gun parson" 6. Juliet. who was former pastor on the Methodist church at Wauke £e lavnch With Rev. Rompel, Arm' will take a leading part in the ag-- pressive drive. which the Ilinois Anti--Saloon League is planning to Mrs, Elmer Williams was a Mr. There were three women and a man in the other car, but accord-- ing to reports, none were badly injyured, althorgh the women suf-- fered from the shock. The Landors ihe accident occurred Saturday ; "*" night about 8 o'clock, the party be-- ' :;': ing enroute to Waukegan to visit !b. * Jack Landers and family and also ' St t Harry. Landers and family, of i," North Chicago. | 6tX : Landers, Lincoin street. Waukegan. ; Had Been HI ' Mrs, Landers suffered the most from the accident, as w left a sick bed Saturday, N# been i!l for some time. She was bruised and is suffering from the shock. Miss Mills was cut about the face by fiying glass and shaken up bad-- ly, .Neither John Landers nor his son were hurt badly, but both were by investigators of the LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINONS, WEDNESDAYy, ocroBER 22, 1924 Wau-- Anti in the best of health and lead a most active life. They gonduct a dy goods store at Washington and Butrick streets. Mr. Beck is a member of the G. A. R., having served for three years with the 96th regiment during the Civil Many of his old and &m called on I Becks y to congratulate them on this most auspicious occasion. front teeth. He was office of Dr. John L her injuries dressed The three year old son of Rayzy Smith, local mere Ave, was badly injured when he fell on a sharp playing in the high % Iibertyville. The stick onen the child's lips and BOY ISs HURT _ WHILE AT PLAY couple whose ages are B2 and 78 reepeéctively. In spite of their ad-- vanced years Mr. and Mra. Beck are ANNIV ERSARY 1s$ OBSERV ED The fifty--ninth wedditg anniver-- sary of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Beck of 1401 Washington st. Waukegan, was quictly celebrated Sunday at the home, friends and relatives dropping in informally to conpratulate the : "luutDt'hc'mdu_ck. Dn-l Esther Torosian of Dundee, m"] _ Harry Diurdarian, Cyramus secured . separation from Nashian * darian, Krikor Duigarian and Kirkor | Torosian of 732 Utica street, Wauk--| <'"** 4+ County Hospital are Bedrosian. f eg#an, when she charged crueity. _ Meager; One Suffers Serious Henry Arndt. They were married on June 25, 1982, Inj James Bantes. and lived together for 14 days. ajury . Emil Schoenke. They have one child which was wampreg: James Wilson, Earl Johnson, given to the custody of the father,.| TW* motorcycle policemen of James Lewis and George Atkins| Charles Firehock of W the sheriff's squad were at the Lake alins Josh Atkins u-u.mm--,# County General Hospital Monday re-- Roy B. Twentyman. hock on a desertion charge, cce . from . Indurics vaaiuined Joel W. Peterson otherwise known| Drunkeness won a decree for Vie.| *Ril¢ trying to avoid being struck .'o'-mnn". "m"'mh "-m- *4 Benjamin _ Sticke!s _ otherwise|gets custody of the child and were the two injured. Valenta known as Ben Stickels. .-am---..m....fi.'um.m shoulder and 'Yincent Choduck,. Harry Durdarian, Cyramus Dar-- darian, Krikor Dulgarian and Kirkor Bedrosian. * criminal call are seheduled for early at $25, trials _ After the Hermosillo case| According to the bill, Mrs. Cole will come the trial of Clarence Hurl--|crarges that her husband beat her b of Zion for the murder of and was fined $25 and costs by Charles B. Dicks of Antioch. --| Judge Joseph L. Bishop of Zion fo. Matthew Mathiesen of Fox Lake,| wife--beating. The two were mar-- constable, who is facing a serious | ried at Waukegan on January 4, charge and Ra; )«: "Snick" Mills 1921 f « of Waukegan are two who were in--|-- Cruelty charges won a divorce for dicted by a fo ' jury, but| Mrs. Louise 8. Prout from Jack ; Garesa, aurant and poolroom | owner, at the latter's pos! hall, 513 | Market, street, on Se 1, 1928, will | be the first ong bo be prosecuted by | State's Att rmey A. V. Smith and _ his assistant. Sidmey H. Block. _ . Hermosillo's fame headed the veriininal trial eall which was posted in the '.'M' "@Ourt of Judge Claire C. Edwards 1 ty moming. ~* 4 ponasermer Rnimamints 0 un m Atiorney i mes ¥ eich, defend-- in@= -- Hermo W'fl. ared in court Monday with the d&.--=<.--t and m wod that tha if#ictment be quash-- ed. When this was overruled, Her-- mositio pleaded mot guilty. As the Mexican is unable to speak English State's Attorney A. V. his assistant. Sidney H Hermosillio's name criininal trial eall which in the Circuit eourt of J C. Edwards Monday m Joe Stefanc. Henry Clark. Hugh Curley. Hollis Kewtén Matthew Mathicsen. Raymond Mills. Following is the eall: David Hérmosillo. Clarence Huribut. ornezo hant, , | eourt i dywm.:b: North sharp stick while | evade h «chool in | was it + stick open | Person 1 out two | lating was to the | pected :L and | E. V. preter is to be certificates of evidence -- ordered Weich when re-- |drawn up and notice given that one ith his client. /s.it may be dismissed. ged with taking| The bill g Mrs. Frances Cole of with Florence Winthrop Ha , wife of. William ed in court with| 4. Cole, village official, for separ-- ive, Attorney H.}jate maintenance, was argued. it saded not guilty.lwu indicated that the suit will be s cates of the|dismissed. Solicitors fees were set Mc-- A decision from the Supreme seourt in the case of Agnes Kroll of North Chicago, who is seeking Ma"d'yhflmg was imposed by Jodge Perrty L. Persons several days ago for vioee Inting the srohibition law, is fii pested by Wednesday, according to EXPECT RULING IN KROLL CASE re.dy for use by winter. The ap-- proximate amount of the bid sub-- mitted by Darrow and RBarron was $10,000, The stretch of road is about 1,700 teet in length and is the missing link in an extensive program of prved roads. Work will be rushed this fall in order to have the road The contract for the paving of the stretch of road over the new bridge at Gurnee in Grand avenue was let by the Road and Bridge com-- mittee of the board of supervisors to Darrow and Barron, contractors, Monday afternoon at a session in the office of Charles E. Russell, county superintendent of highways. LET CONTRACT ' FOR ROAD JOB . V, Orvia who is Mrs. Kroll's at. separation for Joseph Cholek from Anna Cholek of North Chicago. _ Suit for divorce was filed by Jam-- es F. O'Neil of Highwood who charges that his wife, Lillian, deser-- ted him on Nov. 25, 1921. The two were married at Waukegan on Aug-- ust 20, 1921, The bill was filed by Attorney Walter Givier. Three divorce decrees were sign-- e4 by Judge Edwards. _ MARITAL WOES -- _ TOLD INCOURT A number of marital -- matters came up before Judge Claire C. Ed wards in Cireuit court Monday morn-- ing. Several decrees were filed, certificates ' of --evidence -- ordered drawn up and notice given that one Number of Matters Are Up AUTO DEALER $ FATHER 1S DEAD Rev. Chidester officiating. The remains will be taken to Graceland _ cemetery, -- Chicago, where services will be held at 11:80 a. m, by the Lake View lodge No."774, A. F. and A. M. Ohm, Waukegan, died early Monday at his home, 439 North Avenue, Waukegan where they had moved from o three weeks ago. He is survived by his widow and son. Funeral services will be held at the residence on Wednesday at 9 a.m., Curt Ohm, father of Car Ohm of the firm of Wilson dered in Some Cases. tvmh, were set Irs. Cole' beat her | The annual meeting of the Lake County Sunday School Association Will be held in Lake Forest Thurs-- z and Friday, October 23 and 24. will be given by men and women who have specialized in Sun-- School work, and pastors of ' ~M also will ".'-"' visiting delegatea sarved by ladies of Lake Forest 8 The convention will close an address by Dr. MeClure on 6 evening, October 24. About 180 delegates are expected. Daily News. According to the report of the accident, the motor cops were rid-- ing side by side on a romd in the western part of the county and mneared a cross road, An auto-- mobile daghed out of the cros» road and forced the two motor eyclists to one side into the diteh LAKE CoOUXNTY SUNDAY 8SCHOOL CONYVENTIOX suffered a broken shoulder and|amount of the check which was the numerous bruises, while Froelich core of the trouble. *# 'flm".-wdntth Probation Officer Charles E. Ma-- legs, a¥tms and son appeared in Circuit court yes-- Attempts were made to reach terday and reported Mm the County hospital to find ut'Onn-hy.loalm~ umamm'-hm-nu.mmmwuab- but information there was to the|kor had given him and which was effect that orders had been given| no good. State's Attorney A. V. by the sheriff's men not to give| Smith then ordered that Epker, who any report of the matter to the has been on parole since last Jan-- Daily News. 'm.hmimntb According to the report of the (Ace the new charge. --Michael Orlandini of Highwood. Most of the above cases have to do with violations of the prohibi-- tion law. GOUNTY COPS IN MOTOR SMASH Janis Davelis, alias John John-- son of North Chicage John McMahon of Fox Lake. Edwin Holden, . local druggist with a store in Tenth street, Wau-- kegan. > 4 Andrew Delkus. North Chicago Andrew Delkus, North Chicago. H. C. McWilliams apd George Martin of Highland Park. George Koeth, Sr., and George Koeth, Jr., of Fox Lake. {S Resa of North Chicago. . 1 4j Steinberg of Highwood. James Rosselli of Waukegan. John Triboldi of the naval sta-- The criminal. trial for the County court 'of Judge Perry L. Persons was announced by State's Attorney A. V. Smith Monday. The first case which will be cahed on Tuesday morning, Oct 21, % Davelis, -- alias John Johnson, of North Chicago, charged with kid-- naping. 2 * 44. Following are the persons who will come up for trial: MANY CASES ARE UP FOR HEARING Important Matters Included in 'Business of Court as An-- nounced Today. TAKE SPEEDER AND COMPANION Lake Foxrest, was stopped in Sheri-- dan road, North Chicago, last night by a county o!fiec.men he is al-- leged to have been ng a speed-- way of the main street. He was charged with speeding. Le Roy Law, of Oakwood avenue, Lake Forest, an occupant of the car was also arrested charged with be-- ing intoxicated. and fined $10. Benjamin Burns, of 1432 Kristian avenue, North Chicago, was arrest-- ed on a drunk charge last night Merle and Blanche Graybill of al Meeting of Association To Be Held At Lake Forest October 23--24 by Archibald path avenue, Dr. M. D. Penney and wite return-- ed Sunday from a three weeks trip in Minnesota. Dr. Perney, who is mumnr.hh.i..t Libertyville, attended a' Mayo Brothers in Rochester, Minn., for two weeks, school teachers of the county is to l'r held at Libertyville next Satur-- DR. PENNEY 18 BACK AT HOME Clyde Lyon, head of the depart-- ment of reading of the Northern llinois State Normal school at De Kalb, III., and Miss Elda Merton, supervisor of the grade schools of Waukesha, Wis., are on the pro-- county superintendent day, according to an ann made Monday by T. A. TEACHERS WILL HOLD MEETING 'Bheriff Ahistrom pot in an un-- comfortable few minutes Thursday as he listened to a scorching de-- nunciation of his actions by Judge Carpenter just before the latter an-- nounced-- his fAinding. The case had dragged along for months and fin-- ally was brought to a head with the assessing of the fine and the rebuke by the federal court. DISMISS CASE AGAINST EPKER any direct statement on the possi-- bility of starting ouster proceedings. qvish his hold on his present du-- ties, Just what is the course ahead i# a matter of speculation at this time aince no one has come forward with the matter now -- that the federal court: has announced its verdiet and also regarding any action he might anti¢ipate against the sheriff. . fo'low from _ official forces to seek the removal of 'the sheriff sahould Ahistrom fail to voluntarily relin-- peared to be that other action may cited "that "the. 'official should --re-- sgign in 'the face of the finding and following \his own 'admission of gcilt im' the matter as WI-' before the federal tribunal;. what steps might be taken 'should henot his way clear to act on his initiative were not defin-- ha'm Friday. : A. V. Smith, State's attorney, when 'seen on the matter was reti-- cent on what action is possible in n auto rideg while they were sup-- posed to be in jail here last Jam ary. He was fined $250 and costs but was allowed thirty days in which to perfect and file an appeal from the decision. This is the question foremost on . the lips of Waukegan and other . Lake coufity citizens follow-- ing the 'decision handed down by Federal Judge George A. Carpenter _ in the case of Sheriff Edwin Ahl-- strom Thursday. The sheriftf was deemed guilty of contempt of court after he admitted taking two girl : prisoners, -- Marjorie Moberly and Marguerite Dorland .to dances and> 9 Sentiment Soundged Sentiment of a majority in War-- kegan and other cities and in~ the seounty dAg > unndm: State's Attorney Reticent SHERIFF IS SUBJECT OF After the federa wourt action what ? : $2.00 PER YBAR IN ADVANCR Official Suggested. Possible Action in Case of Ahistrom; Resignation ef meeting of the roral villagse TALK IN CO. othercitieanndvu= mtyhunnd : fage of the finding and his. own 'admission of he matter as expressed fednalAw'_Jfl