Ube Lauke County Register TX OR COURSE you know the Sher-- if admitteg his guilt and practi-- cally threw himself on the mercy of the court, Attorney Weiss did his best, and I'll say it was pretty good considering what 'he had to go on Judge~Carpenter flayed the Bheriff for his --misconduct and im-- posed a $250 fine. . f I take it Lake county is not overly proud of its Sheriff and if Hd4. would resign an embarrassing and unpleasant duty might be averted. It seems to me the only thing he can decently do. What he is supposed to exemplify in the minds of law violators he no longer can. He is ohe of them. His ef-- fuflxcn-luMhnued. And what a humiliating realiza-- tion:--this all is for the citizenry of 1 SAID editorially the other day that when a man breaks lifelong politica} associations that he may vote in accord with the dictates --of &-ladndbufl,luwlfla the highest qualities of oti-- zenship and that the world admires such men and women. such men and women. I said it in contemplation of the poblem facing -- life--long Republi-- cans who can not consclentiousaly support Len Smail. A number of Waukegan Republicans have taken the trouble to advise me of their accord with my viewpoint; in fact I am somewhat surprised that so many> local Republicans seem in agreement with the determination to regwister their protest at the just been announced. THE CRO8BS--WORD puzzle crase is beleived to have been given its atart in the Demoeratie platform. -- t w-n:d-ah-mmu. 191 SHERIFF AHLSTROM SHOULD RESIGN Fined and excoriated by the presiding judge for his admitted violations, Lake County's Sheriff stands convicted of a crime more serious than that with which any of the seventy--five prisoners under his care are E extenuation it is only offered that he is a big mkwap.ble of appreciating the responsibilities his imposes. Only that in mitigation of the Sher-- iff's taking from the Lake County jail two rather good looking girl prisoners, and with his deputy brother es-- corting them to a resort in North Chicago where illieit -- lquor? was served the party until the girls became -- drunk; then taking them for an auto ride into the country. It was in the early hours of another day when the party returned to. the county jail and the drunk and sick fils locked in their cells. | The decent thing for Sheriff Ahistrom to do is to . resign. He has served his usefulness as Sheriff of Take County . He has lost the respect of even that element of society consigned to his care for various law violations. He has shamefully violated the trust imposed in him by the Lake county electorate, He has mt to continue as the county's chief law enforcing i 1 haw . 4 4 0 ' * TOO MANY people's idea of a good time is too many people's idea of a wicked time. \_ _' Again we repeat, the Hecent thing for the Sheriff to do is to resign, * s "THAT's a darned smart man," is equivalent to saying: 'That chap A happy wife is one who has an intimate friend with whom she can agrees True there is a general feeling of regret over this whole affair. Ed. Ablstrom is a likable fellow. . It is all too bad. But Lake county, faced with a myriad of problems that center about the Sheriff's office, needs and demands a man that measures up to altogether different standards and ideals than Sheriff Ahlstrom has demonstrated he is capable of. $ _"mif he is the big boy his attorney pleads, then he should resign and let Lake County elect a man to the ¥ery important office he administers.. § Fea KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers. PAGE FOUR ALONG THE CURBSTONE S Observations By A MAN ABOUT TO W N COME IN EARLY--An 8 # taken betore November 15th. 211 shortage has For Pictures '"'f'w Kind Go to WALTER'S STUDIO nine of his seventy days in jail and hasn't said a word about being double--crossed by anybody. Abe is either a bluffer or knows which side his bread is buttered on.. Anyway there is considerable cessation in beer running activities since Abe's incarceration. MANY OF THE political mass meetings are becoming sass meet-- SOME PEOPLE'S idea of the way to succeed in politics is to promise appropriations to everyone, and agree to reduce everyone's taxes. LATE IN LIFE, success expands the .waistband. -- Early in life it merely expands the hat band. $ A DEVICE capable of recording a candle's heat 15 miles away has been invented. This ought to make it possible to determine the exact warmth of William Gibbs MeAdoo's enthusiasm for the ticket DENNY MURPHY, genial host of the Wanconda hotel in western Lake county was fined $200 by Judge -- Persons after the -- Sponge Souad found some beer on his premises. Denny thinks the judge soaked him pretty hard for his lit-- tle infraction and don't know whe-- ther he'll ever forgive him or not What we would like to live long enough to see is a so--called people's friend who isn't after a political of-- Many a Libertyville man passes for an optimist. simply because he is too lazy to kick. One thing a young married man should remember is that his wife's mother could also make good pies. Say what you will, but the back-- bone of thig country is made up o¢ men who eat with their coats off, except when there's company. We the people of Kala-- -nu,'m'&ht Kashimoto, Ja-- pan is an awful funny name for 1 ABE GREENBERG has Use -- That ought to point a strong lesson to the Lib-- ertyville man who is restless and always talking about getting "a job in the city". <When Ford says the cost of living in the city is enormous, he certain'ly means that those who move from the towns and farms to the cities are the ones who will most certainily have to foot the bills. Taday the big cities have the induatri'.'e':i but Mr. Fo:&re- the day when the small towns each have their factories and thegr, mills, and he him-- self,is helping to bring it about already by locating his new plants in small towns. Yes, there is some-- thing to learmn from Henry Ford's argument, and it appears to us to be nothing more than a lesson of "The modern city has done its work," is Mr. Ford's latest declaration. And he goes on to say; "The city has taught us much, but the overhead expense of liv-- ing in such places is becoming unbearable. The cost of maintaining interest on debts, of keeping up water supply, sewerage and sanitary systems, the cost of traffic--control and of the policing of the streets. are so great as to offset all of the benefits of the eity. 1 believe that these costs, coupled with sharp competi-- tion will foree our manufacturing industries to seek locations in smaller towns." ; uunheownsmrythm:;bounndholowtlubnd set aside in his deed:; He also decided that towns have absolute rights in fixing the height at which planes shall or shall not fly above them. He says men con-- trol the air above them to whatever heights it extends, and the ground below them, clear through to the center of the filobo. We don't know that any of our citizens around Libertyville are contemplating legal action involving the question but the time may eo% when an air--plane right--of--way above their lands wi be u:tunllfl valuable. So it may after all be--a deeper a:'oblqm than we imagine, this question of who owns e AIr. AS FORD SEES IT Pardon us for quoting Henry Ford again, but somehow we feel that the public is always interested in what he says, so we are doing just what thousands of other papers are doing every week--we're quoting Henry Ford. contentment. -- Be satisfied right here where y "Who owns the air" is a question that has DOCN mmmwmmxmm dmtd&madudbhr&ulltupu.h. :ndmwmmr.h.khubnwtnnwmmm. There two airplanes crashed together and in falling, wrecked a house. One judge ruled that the property ownerisenfitlodcodlunldonbhhhom.ho- 8110 enlargement with a dozen order wWHO OWNSs THE AIBR? The elite section of the city yield-- ed a quantity of liquor when the home of Eddie McConnell, 140 Fairview Place, -- Waukegan, was raided by the sponge squad under C, A. Brune early Monday morning. Besides McConnell," four other m>n, Joe Horne, Fred Eaton, Joe Spencer artd James Neeves were arrested. The sponge squad made the trip to the McConnell hom«e at 1:80 o'clock in the morning. When they rapped on the door, McConnell put his head out the window and asked who they were. Upon receiving the information that the moppers were on his trail, he. and, ac-- cording to Bmm for the sink where he spilled a quantity of liquor. r 4 f ELITE SECTION HIT BY RAIRERS gain entrance. One gallon can and oaod'q.lrt'd aleohol were confis-- cat x e Four barrels of beer were spilled at Otto Schumann's place known as the Jackson resort, just west of Grass Lake, on Saturday night. A barrel of beer on draught was seiz-- al. Nine bottles of moonshine and one and one--half gallons of wine were also found. Schunmann was arrested and will be arraigned to-- day. -- It was necessary for the squad to batter down the door in order to McConnell was arraigned before Justice Louis K. Ekstrand on a booze charge and his case continued to Oct. 29. He was released in bonds of $2,000. _ Horne,, Eaton, Spencer and Neeves were charged with disorderly conduct and their bonds set at $200. Their cases were continued to next Tuesday. . TfRY OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMK 900 -- 1200 A: M. -- 1006 -- 408 P. M. -- AREA, ILL Geo. A. Jones \_-- THE LAKE Waukegan, COUNTY REGISTER /Ou . The . "Toonerville Trolley" has nothing on the Chicago, Palatine ahd Wauconda Railroad company of TAKE AWAY ITS _ ONLY ENGINE Smallest Railway in -- World Loses Locomotive as Pay-- ment for Bill Long Dus, this county when it comes to lack of equipment. The only engine of what is known as the "smallest railway in the world" was confis-- cated Friday by H. G. Tate when an or.gor was entered in Circuit court by Judge Claire C. Edwards turn-- ing the locomotive vver to him in payment of a debt. _ According to th« claim made by Tate, the railroad company was in« debted to him--t, the extent of $1.-- 850 ard althtow©: the: locomotive kas depreciated in valze durizz the khas depreciated i~ | last two yoars, h take it as payment As the railroad w through with the action was consu M. H. Detrick of Wauconda has been ~named receiov of the rail-- road in an agtion fled in Circuit gourt several week> *~0.. The rails rcad has kaex rorsct~d beavily in debt and urable +-- =!> both ends# meet, metanhorically and literally. now that the only connecting link between the Chicaso and Wauconda stations has been removed. RAY FURNITURE & PAINT STORE "Mighty Lak' a Rose" Luce Bldg. Phone 9 Liberty ville -&MWMW&-'"' at this store C al as willing to or the claim, willing to go J. the trans aucomla has of ~the rail-- d in Circvit o. _ The rail « Under the plan of sale now used reactors are sold on an open market subject to a post mortem examina-- tion. Formerly all reactors were purchased by the Chicago Packing Company. The open market plan was first suggested last January by M. H. Pe-- terson, director of the I. A. A, tu-- berculosis eradication project, Since then the Live Stock Exchange has promoted and finally adopted the tbuberculin test, the average sal--j vage value has been increased $7.85 per head, according to records kept by the Chicago Producers since the new method of selling went into ef-- feet August 1. Some Libertyville parents never know where their children are at ni@ht, and others just think they SELL REACTORS ON By U. 8. Government Veterinarian D. _C. GRINNELL Inspector In Charge Phone Libertyville 829 LIBERTYVILLE, ~ ILLINOIS As a result of a change in the sthod of selling reactars to the CATTLE TESTED ® for Tuberculosis Free of Charge Office with Farm Bureaun OPEN MARKET Now The Lake County and North Bhore Postmasters' association will hold <a mreting at the Waukegan postoffice next Wednesday. Plans were made for welfare work and a discussion of the increasing prob-- lems in the mailing business now POSTMASTERS : TO MEET FOR MAILING TALK AUDITORIUM THEATRY Fri. and Sat., Oct. 24th and 25th "The MIDNIGHT ALARM" An Acetelyne Torch Is Used by Percy Marmont in "The Midnight Alarm" to Rescue Alice Calboun M z; _ Gloria Swanson "THE HUMMING BIRD" TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21 -- 22 "AROUND THE WORLD IN THE SPEEJACKS" Alice Calhoun, Cullen Landis, Maxine Elliot and Percy Marmont, in A romance of life in the city, The story of a fire fighters daring to save the life of the girl he loves. "The. Midnight Alarm" is a very thrilling story. * A Lloyd Hamilton Comedy entitled: the second and last installment of From the play by Maude Fulton TO--NIGHT .You'll laugh at this one. After the meeting, a dinner will be served to the visiting delegation, that the Thanksgiving and Christ-- mas holidays are approaching will There are said to be 24 political parties in Germany now. QOver here we have but two----the ins and the