_ Nolumé 1 Adam, "Who was that lady 1 saw you with. What the world really needs is more places to spark. The 'shingle' probably got its name lro:'m so close to the it? Mr. Teed (in-- Physics)--"If this experiment fails we shall: all be blown through the roof, Now all of you come closer sp you can follow Glen----Why, it says, "School a-- head, Go Slow." n Glen 8$.----Because of a sign i passed on the road here. Mr. U.--What has that to do with Miss McNicol (in English Class-- "Haven't you ever read "To a Field Mouse ?" i Audrey. Wells -- "Why no--How do you get them to listen ?" Gurnee Versus L. T. H. 8. Seconds Six to nothing , some game! Ex-- citement every minute. They have five more minutes, we are on the fifty yard line, a twenty yard pass from Curran to Walkington is com-- pleted, the same thing again and it is completed. We are on the ten vard line four downs to go. Cur-- ran and Flagg got the ball to the one yard line, and Gier took it over, Wo%dhluthm Frank Walkington was the out-- : player of the game, re-- y falling on punts fumbled Gurnee. Then making five yards around end, next snaring a long pass. ~Gier, Flagg and Speliman al-- so deserve the greatest of credit for the hard line smashes. We are very sorry to learn of the death of Mary Celba, She has been a conscientious student at L. T. H. 8. for the past two years and was hoping to graduaté with her class next year. The students and facul-- ty send sincerest sympathy to Mary's family and friends in this time of bereavement. mensa". Miss Eldridge, Mrs. Wal-- ton, also Miss Quinn all say drink milk and chew Oh B+~ €Gum. The new officers who occupy the honorable positions ~4 the club are: President .:. Harriet Hodge Becretary ... Kathserine Andrews Treasurer ... Edgar Lindroth mfollnh'dv-hnm has been chosen: 1.m=,-flm 2. Churehil!, M.--Junior 8. Dahistrom, D.--Freshman W. J. Wallace to H. W, Cook, q'c--d. Lot 14, blk 28, N addtn to Lake Bloff, LCL These girls will each receive twentyAive points each for rising C E. Sayler and w1 to ¥. Brosto-- 25, blk 99, South Waukegan, California Ice and Coal Co, to J. J. Morley, q--e--d. Parts of sees 1, 6, 7 and 12, Antiloch, to the honor team. Kach girl that was on aA& class team received one hundred points and this team .has *The Freshmen challenged~ th« Juniors to a game Friday noon and the Juniors remained Champions. R, A. Miller and wf to H. C. Litch-- field, w--d. Lots 32 and 33, blk 1, J. K. Orvis subn of pt of see 29, State Bank of Lk Forest to W. J. M':u':: Anna Rittner O' Bay addun in Lake PFoesat, | _ *' 6. Herschberger, P----Junior 7. MWiller, L----Junior 8. Mors,M. --Freshman 9. Peck, AP'W 10. Wedel, 1.--Junior 11. WM, M.--Junior 12. Wicks, M.--Sophomore. Well, anyway they couldn't say to MAKE MceHENKRY MOVE. l_i'. AU.----Why Miss McNicol is absent because of Let's clean up on McHen:, Real Estate Transfers Lake County Title and Trust Company New Club Organization OCTOBER 8, 192. 220 Washington St., Don't Read This Abstracts of Titles Titles Guaranteed Volley Bail News . T. H. S. RATTLE WAUKEG Furnished By from the three clans mnyofllfllfll" LIBERTYVILLE TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL 4A N | Philippa B. Lyon, Charles R. Ly: on, et al to E. Spaeth, w--d. Lot 72, 'Gowpl.lmflflnhdf.b- im'-m Smith ard Pocen, coacne M L2 P M 8. oX '.m:ieuh teacher in a64 PH Altea" hool Thursday visited sc day. [and Mirg . Hatinn iis. deed." Lan Who says the Freshman girls are not good eooks" Ask the teachers, they ~know. -- Refreshments . have been served by Cooking I class. L. T. H. 8. was pleased to have three visitors from &llmm Thurs-- day, Mrs. C. A. Eldridge, Mrs. C. C. Cameron and Mrs. Morton L. Pat-- terson. No student who received an "F." during the past six weeks will be allowed to read the periodicals in the Assembly room. @ Mildred Porteous, Rena: Parker, Irene Bacigalupo and Harvyy New-- bore have been visitors aft L. T. H. 8. this past week. Miss McNicol was a guest of Mar-- ion Doolittle, Thursday night. The lady teachers had a party at Pester's Thursday njght in honor of Mrs. Knotter, Miss Leala Eldridge went to the Homecoming game at Illinois Oct-- ober 18. -- The alumnus or Homecoming edi-- tion of this paper will be in the is-- sue of November 25,. Contributions from Alumni are wanted.. Please send all items to Josephine Eger, Editor--in--chief, by November 19. Whom are you going to choose for President? The L. T. H. S, Rat-- tle will in the near future conduct a straw ballot for H. S. scuwents. On Monday October 13, L. T. H. 8. heard an unusual commotion. There was the flutter of wings, Dan Cupid's, two radiant faces flying by in a car and in a short time, Junior Englebrecht and Viola Wells, fa-- mous for four years as the best looking couple in L. T. H. S. were Mr., and Mrs. Englebrecht,. Viola was an artist in making good things to eat and beautiful clothes to wear. Junior was famous in {football, bas-- ketball, or anything else he under-- took. The very best wishes of L T. H. S. are broadcast to them from the columns of the "Rattle" The banking percentage for the six weeks is as follows: Seniors, $489.17 in the last six weeks. There is now about $2400 in the banks to the credit of the two schools. Juniors, 978; Sophomores 972; Freshmen 961. % Bartrington, q--c--d. Lot 3, Lamey's subdn of pt of see 36, Barrington. C,. E. Howe and wf to A. E. Phil-- yaw, w--d. Lot 16, blk 23, Zion, Illinois. 4 I.P-.l'b:t:nivfhuhfl Olson e Carlberg, w--d, Pt o" lot 12, Bentleys subn of lots 12, 13 and 14, Waukegan. Katherine O'Donnell and A. M. o'nu-nu:.r.m W hf of lot 5, bik 138, adtn to H Pk, State Bank of Chicago, IIL. to J. F. Connelly and w1, jts, deed. Lot 4 in B. Clarence Browns subn of lots 6 to 10 and lots 21 to 25, Ra-- ¥inia Forest. Cut hi Papa's pants in half, When he saw them Papa said ~"O, gosh, another day in bed." Burkhartsmeiler and wf, jts, w--d. Lots 4 and 5 in Cribbs subn on Cedar Lk. Also lots 2 and 3 Cribbs Willie, generous little scamp, Gave Pa's dress suit to a tramp. Papa said "I'm quite distresased, _ Willie, cunning little feller, Found a dead mouse in the cellar, That night his grandma said, "O; What makes my coffee taste so * queer." ...l"l F. Finn and hus to Evelyn Twentyman, w--d. Lot 12 %' pt of Lot 6 in Burns subn of lot 12, Little Willie with a Little Willie caught some flies _ The day that mother made mince Said Uncle Ben, "I dote on mince. He hasn't been the same ma ROOT FOR L. T. H. S. NEXT BSATURDAY AaAT MeHENXRY. Mrs. J. DeWitt Knotter of Chica-- The . by classes for the nkhm': Seniors, 100; F. Hoebein and wf to Village of Hold that 1Line--Saturday,. L. T. Poor man, he'll be so overdressed, Banking in L. T. H. S. #1 to J. OFFICIAL PAPER maqa Do any of us realize how neces-- sary the telephone is at the present time*? In our own country there are more than fourteen million tele-- phones, one to every eight inhabi-- tants. The telephone is one of our national habits. It not only saves time and money but actually assists in transacting practically all the business of our country. x rug on the floor. All selecteq with care as to harmony of color and de-- sign so that the girls have every reason to be happy at their work. This unpretentious, well equipped office is one for all to feel proud of, It is modern and up to date in every way. Every room gets a maximum of light and air, The rest room is a delight--equipped with a kitchen cabinet containing a set of Bell Tel-- ephone dishes, small dining table and chairs, gas stove, sink--beau-- tiful drapes at the windows, soft One of the noticeable character-- istics of all the employees at the telephone. office was the low, dis-- tinct, pleasing tones which the op-- erators used. this quality of voice is a decided asset and one which every one should -- cultivate. _ Just think of the difference between Cen-- tral's "Number Please" and your bown "Hello" and see whether you can't learn something worth keep-- ing. Even the tones of a voice may express courtesy or discourtesy, re-- finement or crudeness, On Thursday afternoon the girls in the advanced shorthand class vis-- ited the new telephone office, Let us thank Central for this les-- son in "Voice" as well as for her splendid service at all hours of the day or night. The pigskin fight Libertyville Had with Barrington last Friday was our victory, 20--7. The football men of both sides put up a hard and brave fight. Our men with plenty of courage played a peppy game. Charles Landis, full back, was ta-- ken out of the game the first quar-- ter having wrenched his ankle, Par-- ker, right half, did mighty fine passing which resulted in two touch-- downs. Dave Walkington played a heady game at quarter and also showed great ability at plunging. Waukegan. 3. W. Ition an Gridiew, w--d4, L Tween and Wil Lake. C. Carvtoll Gri W. Irion and wf, 8, 9 and 10, Twe subn, Fox Lake. R.A.m': Brummund, w 21, Waukegan. J. A. Reeves t« 3. W. Ition and wf to G. Carroll Gridiew, w--d. Lots 2, 8, 9 and 10, Tween and Wilmington subn, Fox Plans were made and committees appointed for our Hallowe'en Party, two vofii from -- Thursday -fh: noon. All the girls of L. T. H. 8. are cordially invited. At this time cighteen new members will be init« fjated and volley ball numerals will be awarded. Our association is growing very rapidly. Heimos and wf, Jts, w--d Brooke, w--d. vinia Woods. F. Kapple to J. Stadtheld, w--d. Pt of lot 1 in see 20, Round Lake. I» P. Erskine and wf et al to Anselm Kahila, w--d. Lots 29 and 80, blk 8, Green Bay Ridge sobn 5t see 0 We had a snappy meeting Wed-- nesday noon and accomplished a lot, Kathryn Andrews, a Freshman is our Volley Ball Representative for We placed in our constitution un-- der the "making of teams" a new addition. _ We took another five mile hike Tuesday after school. Not as many girls attended. Why not? The girle aren't getting indolent, are they* There were twenty girls the time before and only fifteen this time. This hike was worth ton points. Bo far this year we have cight girls who have made twenty points and nineteen who have madle tenm points by hiking. _ We have M several five mile hikes and also some ten mile J. A. Reeves to G. J. Daiziel, w--d. Pt of blk 9 in north west addtn to Waukegan. + , blk 5, Lk Bluf Heights, Lk Bluff. R. W. Churchill and wf to B. C. Cartoll Gridliey and wf to J. ¥. Irion and wf, jts, g--od. Lots 2, . 9 and 10, Tween and Wilmington YEA! RAH! TEAM! Watch the Libertyville Eleven. Emma Make McHenry move Trip to Telephone Office A. Steinhaus and wf to A. L. mund, w--8. ~Pt of lot 26, see . Rife and wf to J. H. Gould THE LAKE COUNTY G,. A, A. News G,. A. A. Hike The Fight w--d. EB hf of Part of lot, 29, Ra-- to 8. C. Sells No. 3 ar | A. E. Philyaw und wf to J. Dona--| H. Hoyt to E. A. Brown and wf, Lchie and wf, jts. : Lot 16, block 23,| jts, q--c--d. Pt of see 21, Avon. Zion City subdivision. | _ R. Marklin and wf to F. J. Phil-- A. Pucin and wf to T. Mickus and| lip w--d. Lot 1 in Lake Front ad-- wf, jts, w--d. Lot. 5, blk 20, Wash--| din to Lewin Pk, Third Lake and burn Springs subn, Waukegan. lot 6 of Lewin Pk subn of Sec 18, M. C. Decker and wf to B. F.!| Warren Twp. -- Johnson, w--d. LQ€ 4. Decker's| F. J. Phillip to R. Marklin and ters, w.--d. Lot 16, Leonarods Oak-- woods subdn. . -- _ _ i4 J. E: Yates, aud.&fl. E. John-- ston, deed. . Lot 10, bH Q first addn to Ravina Highlands. . F. J. Krishack . and wf to P. Krishack <and C. E. Brich, q.--c.--d Lot 35, blk 6, Mylith PK., -- REGISTER, W --Cora R, Leonard and hus Richter jt. tens, w..d. Lot 9 ards Oakwoods subdn, -- _ G. W. Whitnell to J. J. Fisher w.--d., Pt of see 18, Libertybille. F. Mary E 'der 1 Fisher q.--c.--d. Pt of see, 18, Mibertyyille. Hook and wf, wd, LOt 5, first addn to Lewin f*"f;is-i;-fé i _ F. E. Fenderson to MatY E. Fen derson, q.--c.--d. Lot 1, Giffords sud dl'. hy ,Q_ a' °1 B Martin in Eo A. Neubhs an J. B., Martin to w1i, w.--d. -- Lot 108, West Wken. -- Emm OQsborne -' ,. € w.--d. Lot. 4, blk 2, )sborne's second subdn, 0. t R. B. Swift f wE to . Glenn and wf aw.--d. LOke 1, 2 and pt of lot 9, Lake Forest m'.'-a,',;;"';gm:#fi;-? -- ol . pt tens, deed. t | Second Ravine Fo .'-"'vfff,u 17 ] _--.Cora R. Leonard fi?&us Richter-- and Mary C. Rich R,.--Nicholas and wE B F. Hot:z:|, an; wf jt tens, w.--.d, Pt of NW ar of see 15, V ~-,_f. C l E. Mayer lfl' H. Burd-- I ett. weik ~Lot 392 pGBE Tot 20, +.' w.d. Lot 5. blk. A. Vendley and w and wf it tens, w.~d. OCTOBER 138, 19° T. Brompton to Violet w--d. Lots 59 and 60 W addtn, to Lake Villa. _ -- Violet Mosby and bus to J. A. Pederson and wf, jtsg. Lots 50 and 60 West View addtn to Lake Villa T. A. Wies and wf to J. S. Kau(-- man and wf, jts, w--d. Pt of 'ot 13 in blk 290 in Highland Park. A. M. White and wf to Nellic Turner, w--d. Lot 10, A. M. Whites Johnson, w--d. LQ6 -- 4, Decker's Gages Lake subdivision. 4 :. Lots 50 and 51 and undivided int in lot A in Hillside subn, R. R. Yeoman and wf to Hanah A. Zimmerman fi-i&. wed, Lot 6, blk 7, resubn of blks 1, 2, 7 and 8, Coon and Lindsays addtn to Waukegan. P R. W.. Churchill and wf to J. A. Mathiasen and IJohanne Maghiasen, J. N. Heath and wf to Sarah Brown Blanchard, w--d. lot 1, bik 8, Roy Yeoman's addtn to Wauke-- E Molback ans ft of lots 15, | sasubn of see 20, W. T. Harrow: Iins Brown, w--J Brown's subn o( -- Crystal W. Ta . ylor + f:h;:c Bishop of Ch: w:. CC 8, C. Frank Wrights mbo' ir'uhnyvm.». " Laurits M. amson and wf to L. Brown's subn of ; 20, Wauegan. -- State Bank of ( If you have headache, backache, toothache, neu»> ralgia, rhoumatism, sciatick~ DR. MILE®® will give you quick relief in your pocket or in your shopping bag may save you of lots 15, |© and 17, SlyRelds bn of see 20, Waukegan. _ W. T. Harrowor and wf to Cather-- subdn Ad Ick « A package of thike pills with you. «Pain Pills and u(b F. Hotz s _ wl Pt of NW at Jts, to O Riehter, jt jards Oak-- SE ar of sec :o 'mu' 1 & Stones M M to eon H OCTOBER 22 Ravine View subn in s---- 31, Deer-- field Twp.. -- T. P. Rafter to Nicholas J. Sheri-- dan, q--c--d.-- Lots--1, 2, 3, and 4, blk 6, lots 11, 12, 18, 14 and 15, blk 2, Lots 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42, blk 5, lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 81, 22, 28, 24, 25 26, 21. 28, 20, 30, 31, 82, 38, 34, 35, 86, 37 and 38 in blk 18, in Deerfield Pko l and Improvement Assn subn. lose _ Beinlick -- and -- Elizabeth Bcein'ch et al to Northmoor Coun-- try Club, w--4, EBE bf of NE q1 see <tate Band and Tr Co to North-- moor Country 'Club, deed. E hf of NF or of sec 85, Deerfleld Twp. | G. Duberville and wf to G. Dahme and wf, jts, wed. Pt of lot 55, Wauconda. _ E. B. Williams and wf et al to J. Panowski, w--d. «Lot 14 of Wil-- liam Bros subn of see 8, Antioch. E. A. Brown and wf to H. Hoyt, q--c--d. Part of see 21, Avon. H. Hoyt to E. A. Brown and wf, jts, q--c--d. Pt of see 21, Avon. w--d. Lot 145 E. A. Cammings and Co's North Ave addtn to Waukegan. R. Pagdock and wf et al to T. J. Norine Needham to F. Hoffman and Andrew Hoffman, jts, w--d. Th pt of E hf of SE gr see 20, Wau-- kegan. wi, jts, w--d. Lot 1 in Lake Front addt; to Lewin Pk, Third Lake and lot 6, Lewin Park subn of see 18, Warren Twp. Ncal, w--d. --*»ts 47 and 48, Co ar | Paddocks Banks | ake & V ti~n Wancom'a. . o M C. Decker and wf to C. _ Emith and wf, jts, w--d. Lot 2 Allen Farm subn on Gage's Lake. L. E. Ray and wf to Maude Say-- k r, Lots 62 and 63 bik 2, Cranes sub > Diameon4 pk. ® : 4 . 3. Brehavs and, W. Mannhardt to James Watson, N 75 ft. of w 100 feet of lot 69 Highwood. L, B. Jolley and wf to A. Helan-- der and wf, jts, w.--d. Lot 19 and 10 X 16 ... .. ~--tanzamone $4 12 x 18 .......==--=enkzwaom=> $h 18 x 20 ..._..___~_.=zmmmmm» $8 No. 1. o T.: 4. , Cook ubdivi-- C. "% ot fl' 20, Green Bay Heights subn, Wau-- kegan, yaoa : D. R. Manzer to. Julia Jonason, lot 11 blk 2, Deep Lake Villa, subn. Deep Lake. ; £24 Alice M. Runyard and hus to C. M. Hansen, w.--d.. Lot 9, Runyard aadtn to Garwoods Lake Marie sub-- division. E. W. Butterfield and wf to A. W, Peterson, w.--d. Lot 14. block 2. resubn of lot in Channel Lake Bluffs, Antioch. » x : We Pay Cash for -- --_PAPER, RAGS, IRON, JUNK OF ALL KINDS . USED CARS BOUGHT IN ANY CONDITION 3 + Call, Write or Phone '----'_----,_w_------'_----_fiv _ mt + = $45.56 _ $68.10 _ $86.20 Dorfman and Son Phone Libertyville 671--R--1 Half Day, IIl. e P. O. Prairie View, IIl. Tee?) iet) Ue:#) Pilegus, w.--d. _ Lot 14, block 2, Channel Lake Bluffs, Antioch. J. Zelenik and wt to E. P. Wag-- ner, w.--d. 4Lot J, blk 4, Steele and Douglas subn, Waukegan. » Dorothy Harriman to H. H. Rus-- ten» and wf, its, w.--d. Lot 6, in blik 8. Ravinia Highlands. 4 C,.. A. Pardee and wf et al to C Rarber, w.--d. Pt of lot 66 in So Highland addition to Highland Pk. H. L, Wheeler and wf to H. W. Murray and wf, jts, w..d. Lot 1, Bnurniques resubn of lots 2, 8, 4. and 5, McDonald's Divn H. Pk., T. s 3 V,. H. Volpin and wf to. James D. Brady, w.--d, Lots 7 apd 8, blk 2, J. Bangs addtn to second addtn to Wauconda,. Also ptof lot 1 and all of lots 2 and 3. 6 D Garrity and wf to W. J. Schmidt and wf, Its, w.d. N. 125 1t of E. hf of lot 9, block 12, H. Purk, Ii1, Calling Cards. Register Office Dr. C. H. Arnold Examination of the eyes with the latest scientific instruments. _ Eye glasses fitted when needed. Phone 3445 for Appointment %4 N. GENESEE ST. OoPToOMETRIST Waukegan, !I1. PAGE SEVEN