h & n¥ 8t e Miss Helen Lafrents who made the past 10 years her home at Long Grove and enjoyed the esteem and friendship of everybody in our com-- munity was united in holy wedlock to Mr. Jacob Hecketsweiler from Highland Park, l!!. The benedict, an efficient photographer, owns A fine studio in his home town. 'The ceremony took place Saturday, Oct. 18th at the parsonage of Rev. Carl A. Stadler. Miss Carrie Zimmerlin waus bridesmaid and Mr. Russell A. Campbell, a personal friend of the groom, acted as best man, The bride wore a beautiful gown and carried a fine bouquet of roses and carnations. Miss Zimmerlin carried also a bouquet of begutiful flowers. wekged . e PP CE es . A guest was present who took Mr. and Mrs. Hecketsweiler per auto 0n Wisconsin where §hey jntend to their honeymoon trip to Sheboygan, spend some time with the bride's mother, Mrs. Richard Hessel. Mrs. J. Hecketsweiler will be especially and greatly missed in the Sunday School and Young People's League ,fmnv.nggumlehurchwhenu a teacher, officer and member she was not only always present and on time but did splendid work. We hope Miss Frieda Stelling celebrated her birthday with some friends. Many happy returns. Church News Next Sunday, October 26th--S. 8. at 9 a.m. English service at 10 a.m. We earnestly and cordially invite all members and friends especially 'the young people to attend © these Sunday afternoon at 1:30 the members of the Ladies Aid meet at the parsonage to start out together in several cars for our 'visit with the Northbrook church, Rev. Armin Bizer, Pastor. Let us all go. -- _ she will find all the happiness in married life she Aao.!'_ichly deserves keeps on growing as we INYVENG V i arrange an entertainment in the | near future. 4 é ' Dr. IL. E. Golging, wife and dauhterundlr..ndiu.mct Libertyville spent Sunday afternoon at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golding. Mr. Arthur Stribbins of Lyons, E.viduhhfunilymflh' y. Mr. and Mrs. Denriis Putnam and Miss Ira Turnbull returned to theit u--u-lutweek-fm:fl two weeks with friends . rela-- tives at Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Mr. George Blackburn transacted business in Chicago on Monday. _ .l'.fll_n.!aflCd of Crys-- um.m-.u,?.«.-n mmmm Mr. and Mrs. Brozosky of and children enjoyed the week end at at their summer home here. Miss Jessie Stoddard of Wisconsin is nassing a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrsa. D. L Putnam. vnmc.nuui:::tnm H. E. Maiman store where the big sule is ring as a reward for her standing in the contest for the sale of tickets at the Iilincis Products Exposition Andy'" and can work at job that comes his way. Miss Ruth Bruncheon wan, daughter of Mrs.. October 9 to 18. Miss Bruncheon was chosen by the Chamber of Com-- merce of Waukegan and North eago as Mises Waukegan and acted as official hostess for these cities. She ranked third in the contest, there being thirty--five cities repre-- sented. Our congratulations are ex-- tonded to ane of Wauconda's fair number of delegates who attended. u..-_w.man--'-i in September. The picture shows the delegates at a Bangquet, and one could readily pick the reprezenta-- tives from here. The change in our mail services went into effect last week sinte the c.r.nd'.f'udu-d-'lfl' trons mail has been carried to Pal-- atine by auto. By going to Barring-- ton it cuts off about sixteen miles We noticed the picture of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Kent in the Mystic Work-- --' WAUCONDA travel on the two trips a day LONG GROVE and it leaves Barrington for Wau-- conda at 8:45. In the afternoon mail 'Yeapes here at 3:45 and starts on the return trip at 5 o'clock,. --An-- drew Sowéers is the new mail car-- rier and he goes over the old mail route as the old Wauconda stage did for «o mahy years. 6 Mrs. R. C. Hallock and her moth-- er, Mrs. Lacy Clough motored to Wankegan Thuoraday. V¥r. and Mrs. L. C. Svpher spent _ Mr. ard Mrs, P. B. Johnson of cmultm-l-nnmr.. L. Carr on Sunday. thl Mr. and Mrs. Ray Prioer and chil JX r-em" heon of Wauke-- of Mrs. Julia Brun-- a beautiful giamond d,. Vic is "a Handy work at nearly any among the large * | drem Wwer tal Lake. Mr, P quite il! | hore Te madet | turned t !Q#lmuu.mnuuo'w w. His «daughter who | helping to care for him turned to her home in Indiana Mrs. George tained the W. C good attendance. Wednesday was visiting day for the teachers of the grade school and they went to different . schools in this vicinity. -- Consequently the youngsters enjoyed a holiday. _ m e Wls c § Mrs. Mary Hutchison of Cary, spent the fore part of the week vis-- iting friends here. She also passed -- & .~ Jdave "at the home of her a few days at the home of NeF daughter, --Mrs, Vincent Davlin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golding were recent visitors at the home of Dr. Quincy of Lowell, Indiana, -- Dr. Quincy formerly resided here. T. A. Simpson visited the schools here® recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hallock who have visited at the home of Mr. Hal-- lock's parents the last two weeks at Cleveland, Ohio, returned to their home hereé on Tuesday evening. Mr. W. Baseley had <a pipeless furnace installed in his home. Black-- burn and Broughton did the work. Mr. George Blackburn recently moved the new pastor's household goods from Lake Zurich. Ray Prior helped him on Monday. The Parson-- age has been redecorated and is now very neat for the new oeeupanhl: A lively blaze gave the men. in the, Phil Maiman garage Wednesday forencoon & little extra work for a few minutes, The fire started from a pile of rubbish in the engine room but was #oon put out by the%em-- ployes and a man who happened in. No damage was done only some old . tires and oil rags were burned. Did you notice that there is to be a grand Hallowe'en ball at the Town Hall, Libertyville, Friday ev-- ening, October 31. --It is under tha. auspices of Mr. and Mrs Earle T. Adams. An evening of mirth, Hal-- lowe'en horns, shakers, hats, ribbon Mr. Peter Hess who confetti and music, --| > Mrs. John and children re-- tnrnedw'l::'gfldlyfromthd' visit in in Chicago. f Robert Vasey's little son who has been under quarantine is reported to be much improved. s The date of November 14th has been decided upon for our Ladies Aid Bazaar. Auhdie.mm requested to send in some for sale in the fancy work booth. The next Ladies Aid will be held at the home of Mrs Lee Huson. A large attendance is especially de-- _Dr. Objers, -- a ~Presiding Elder from Chicago will speak at the Volo M. E. church Sunday evening, Oct. c o. Cask aud Huily Jepson family at Ringwood Earl Potter who is at the Victory ;fumhlmbwunp- y. On Friday Mr. and Mrs#. Fram Hirenimag vilited Eatl Pot: ter at the Victor Memorial Hospita'. Del Townsend's family are enjoy-- ing a new radio. On Saturday evening, October 25, there will be a-- community enter-- tainment at the Volo M. E. church. Miss Johnson spent the week end rge Blackburn enter«= 7. C. T. U. at her home afternoon. There was & Order Your Christmas Engraved" Cards Now! LAKE COUNTY REGISTER VYOLO _.~ everything. _ Good slowly im« We have just received a complete assortment for your inspection. Orders for engraved cards wil} not be accepted after De-- eember first. Order now and avoid the rush visited the ad on Sun-- T. in a on Sunday. Many EV from Chicago and Libertyville, Mrs. Robert Vogt and daughter of :M visited at J. Vogt's Thurs-- ¥. Miss Mary Vogt spent Wednesday and Thursday with her sister, Mrs. C. G. Renwell. Mrs. Mattie Townsend visited at Mrs. D. V. Wait's Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. J. Vogt and family visited relatives in Des Plaines on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bowman NAG ® "aw, reunion at their re8 4 PC * amar amnauts Sunday. Mr. John Walton was the victim of a surprise party Friday evening in honor of his 76th birthday. The evening was spent playing cards, af-- ter which light refreshments were served and everyone departed at an early hour wishing Mr. Walton many returns of the day. Mrs. D. V. Wait has iris and lily roots for anyone who may desire them. We are sorry to hear of the death of Wagne Harvey of Grayslake. Mr. Ben Wegner died Saturday. The funeral and burial took place on Tuesday. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Vanden Boom mo-- tored to Burlington Sunday to visit --relatives there. . Chut Vogt and Frank Dowell have taken the contract for graveling the ~road in this vicinity. .ivn-:.k;x.; .C;;\i;t;;n of Eigin vis-- ited over Sunday with Mrs. J. Kiri-- {van. fexyt s Mrs. G. A. Vasey and family vis-- ited her daughter Mrs. L. Benwell of Gurnee last Sunday. _ _ Mrs. John Brimer entertained company from Chicago over .Sundty. Mat Rossdeutcher spent Friday in' Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Duesing visited with friends in Wisconsin on Sunday,. Mrs. Sidney Russel and daughter Orpha visited at the Western Mem-- orial Hospital Sunday. Mrs. Will Carman of Waukegan spent the week end with the Russel family. Volo School News _ "~ 1 The children and teacher of the Brick school visited the Fort Hill school Wednesday afternoon. The Brick school has planned to have a Hallowe'en entertainment on . Thursday evening, October 30th.. Everyone is invited, . The stitches were removed from Robert Townsend's injured arm one ~Our new furnace is to be installed The Volo school visited the Fort Hill School this week. _ _James Neish was a Wauconda vis-- itor over the week end. -- _ -- f Adams. An evening of mirth, Hal-- lowe'en b:-.-, shakers, hats, ribbon 9:00 -- 1200 A. M. 100 -- 4080 P. M. Geo. A. Jones LAKE COUN it this time, A1SO '.o.du"" church ealled on Mrs . h C Mrs. Wallace Lockhea iid&lln .i'coru Hodgkins spent Sun "_h m}g?: i1' 2. Avdtme: cth to eall on Mr. and M ner and family. A number from h party at the J. G. C day evening. gram at the I'r: frathahor 28th at V,.Smith and bets will spe Percy and Mrs. A-- G. : Maether W .on Emily Maether BIndly. thence to F. Hocft's at Lake Zurich. The Gridley school will (give a masquerade party at Herschberger's Hall Thursday night, October 80, A prize will be given for the best mask. Come and have a good time. Every one invited Mrs. F. J. Lynch spent Monday at Half Day with her father and aunt. Donation day at Grace Church October 26th, Bring what you pre-- pared for Deaconess Home and Hos-- Mrs. Frank Holtge surprised her husband Tuesday night Of muk by inviting a number of in for the evening it being Frank's _ 'Lewis Holtie of Wheeling was a business caller here Saturday after-- Among those who attended the wedding of Miss Meyer, the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . John Meyer of Palatine were C. J'!Ioneh- berger, Alice and Ethel, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Brockman, Math Hersch-- berger and family. Ted Mason and Miss Jeanette Helfer on Saturday evening at Palatine. _' The Friendly Bible Class and the Corner Class of the Grace 8. S. had a Wienie Roast. s it Party at Elmer Harth's home Saturday night. j Mac Mason and--mother were Lake Forest visitors on Monday evening. Miss Emma Lafrantz is keeping house for Albert Sauer for the prescilbe . \ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Giss were callers here Tuesday afternoon. Ed is .pqgfl&.nwFoMSedm.\ 4 ues se ue Pm e _ Mr. and Mrs. Math Herschberger entertained Mr. and Mrs. Buhr and Th i Mrs, Mac o were callers at qvenint- B. J. Giss of -- The Reliable Laundry 1. Macther and her sis-- . Hoeft from Lake Zu-- d to Grayslake Monday ir. and Mrs. M. A. Wag-- The Best in Laundry Work -- _ -- Dry Cleaning and-- county Pres, MFS, A1I0° ak. Also a lot of mu-- from here p. U. will give a pro« rairie View church on Koten Tuesday after-- Launderers, Dry Cleaners & Dyers ~PHONE LIBERTYYVILLE 67--R 8 pm. Attorney A. SCHANC K Hardware Company ook home Mon-- 77'7"*" = ?'2.00 For Power 00 With Motor Pressing 'Mr, and Mrs. Henry Steil of Lake lmam. Mrs, C. T. Mason spent Sunday with relatives and friends at Ev-- Miss Zimmer of Manistee is visit-- ing her uncle, H. E. Gleason at Half _Not every one has control of a Ford like Mary, when she says whoa it backs it up. Oh Henry. _ All the Royal Neighbors are in-- vited to the convention at Odd Fel-- lows Hall Highland Park on Wed-- nesday afternoon and evening, Oct. 20th, 1924. Mrs. Alex. Bunton and daughter Alice and Mrs. J. Busch were bus-- iness callers at Prairie View Tues-- day. In 1902 diabetes caused 342 deaths in Illinois, last year it caused 1866. In other words the number of deaths from this disease has jumped, from less than one to near-- ly four per'day, a rise of 400 per "'5.'5&74.",, November 8 -- H. C. »Busching--1 Mile E. of Lake Zurich, _All Live Stock, feed and grain; farming tools and many household z 'ood. ; Py C uo se oA c i W s August Froelich Auctioneer * Thursday,; Oct. 30-- at 10 a.m. Mrs. Fred Stelling--1 mile 8. of Diamond Lake--80 head of Live Stock; 1 matched team; 1 black mare, 6 years, weight 1400;>2 good work horses; all farming tools; and Feed and grain. Thursday, November 6 -- Mrs. Matilda Gruber, 5 1--2 miles north of Barrington--All Live: Stock, feed -- abdatde November--George Dobins 1 mile West of Long Grove--All farming tools, feed and grain, 9 live stock. Watch for date and bills. All kinds of Auto Kepair Work THE STAR Garage Day and Night Service Phone 817 FOR SALE FOR SALE--Heater in good con-- dition, $15. Mrs. Edward Carroll, 126 Sunnyside Place. 82--2tpd. FOR SALE -- _ White Wyandotte roosters and pie pumpkins. Phone 801--J. 82--1t. FOR SALE -- Sweet cider and ap-- ples. Phone 604--w--1 C. L. ._9"'1' FOR SALE--Large wooden packing boxes, all sizes. Langworthy's FOR SALE O RRENT--Seven room strictly modern residence on large lot, centrally located. Bee A. R. Schnaebelé, Libertyville. 82--1t. FOR SALE OR RENT--5 room cot-- tage. 218 Ellis Avenue. J. W. Sweeting, 132 Scranton A. Lake Bluff, L ---- 80--2tpd. FOR SALE--Pure Cider Vinegar. Pure bred Scotch Collie pups, Ber-- geron Stock Farm, Lake Street, 2 miles west of Libertyville. Phon#e 678--J--2. 82--pd. FOR SALiB---Univerul gook stove, hot water front and |reservoir, good baker nearly new. ~Aléo a If you want to buy anything, or if you have something . to" sell, rent or exchange, or if you want help, make it known through these columns. You will get results, 'There is no way you can reach as mauy people in Lake county in so short a time and at so reasonable a cost as you can if you make your wants known here. A trial will convinese you. %, Minimum charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 s Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. Bulls ready for service. Reasona-- ble prices,. Ravine Farm, High-- land Park, I!!. Phone 296. 82--t{. FOR SALE ---- Almost new robe trunk. Phone 324 -- R. FOR SALE--Lot on Third Street, Libertyville. 53x150 ft. All im-- provements in and paid for. Mrs Maria Lill ----__._ _ $0--2tpd FOR SALE--Grapes, 1000 basket: FOR SALE -- Darwin Tulip buibs direct from Holland. Mixed, Doz 50 cents. 50 for $2.00. Iris, Col-- umbine and other hardy plants. Clara S. Miller, Corner Milwaukee Avenue and Rockland Road, Lib FOR SALE--Strictly modern, oak 'trimmed, eight room residence, centrally located. Garage, Chicken house, fine shade trees, Full sized lot. Priced for quick sale. Terms. Must be sold at ~once. See A.--R Schnaebele Libertyville 80--2t. FOR SALE--Improved north side lots, $1500 to $2,000. One third cash. Bartliett Realty Bervice, 531, Milwaukee Avenue. Phones 442 -- M and 455 -- M. 79--2t. FOR SALE--Minnesota U. 8. No. 1 | § , us shour Snterany. October 1h & 7, 18. Price 90 cents per bushel deliv--! B. H. MILLER ered. Place your order with W.' ATTORNEY--ATLAW F Volkman, Area. Phone 282--R., First National Bank Buil Doyle Libertyville, phone 187-- FOR SALE--Grapes and Pears. C. 1. Casey. Phone 604--W--1 79--61. FOR SALE -- Crib and SALE-o-t*' 7 . farm just Libertyville M'lerlil:: md.dhu" ts ons' A thkp # taken qurck., Soe FOR SALE--Invalid's wheel chair Mary Mason, Phone 480--M. 79--21. FOR SALE--Folding baby buggy and a high chair. _ Mrs. Russel Rouse. Phone 624--J--1 Area, IIl. | FOR SALE -- Crib and mattress, cents per jumbo basket. W. Volk-- man. Area, 11. Phone 282--R. 80--2t FOR SALE--Cook book of the fay-- play pen, porch gate and go--cart. Price $10 for all. Call 107--#. 3P EALE--1 team lhorses, 1 dou bie harness cheap. PFhone Viber-- tyvi.se 676--m--1. A. N. DeVaut. Boymrnhm.wm Call 107--W. 76--6t. orite receipts of Libertyville Wo-- man's Club. Price $1.00. Lovell Drug Company or Mrs. Mitchell. FOR SALE Classified Ads Telephones: Residence 165--J Works 415 Bartliett Reality Bervice, |" Iwaukee Avenuse. Phones 1 and 455 -- M. 79--2t. _____--_----" E----Minnesotg U. 8. No. 1 Uhite notatoes on track at 122 EASYV CUVUR MT WE Next to Franzen Lumber Yard CEMENT BLOCKS OF ANY KIND SPECIAL ORDERS FILLED ON " sHORT NOTICE Pure: Bred Jersey or ager(a new ward-- 82. 16--6+. FOR SALE--Gallon jugs..Just the thing for cider. Langworthy's. FOR SALE---- Pickling onions,. 'Also . about 3 bushels of large onions. Peter Petges. Phone 302--W. Lib-- ertuvuilin € "81--1tpd. FOR SALE--A dining table, daven-- port--Chair, never been used. A so-- fa.lvcmnndcmdlllrom carpet some home made rugs. Also a picture the title of it is, "The Hugenot, a French picture. Claus Dressen at Rays cottage, FOR SALE ---- Single Comb, FOR RENT IN AREA ---- Modern :l: room flat, -- steam heated. enclosed rear porch. Reas-- on& --See A. K. Sthnaebele, Libertyyille. 16 tt. FOR RENT--190 acre farm near Long Grove. Apply Mrs, G. H. Anderman, Palatine, L. To--+f FOR RENT--Modern 8 room house for the winter, furnished, $60 month. Bartiett Realty Service, 581 Milwaukee Avenue. Phones 442 -- M and 455 -- M T9--2t. FOR RENT--Seven room house at Area. Inquire Will Ray. -- 79--6t. FOR RENT--8O0 acre farm 4 mile south of Gilmer. Phone 618--R--2. Diamond Lake, _ 80--6tpd. chicks. $2.00. Waliter Sage, Wau-- kegan, IL 81--8tpd POSITION WANTED--Experienced LEARN TO PLAY THE PIANO or drums under the instruction of a capable teacher at reasonable sost. Both classical and popular musi« in business district. All conven-- iences Phone 133--R. 81--2tpd. HOUSES AND LOTS----Bought and DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD YETERINARY SURGBON ALelephone 66 Office in First National Bank Bldg Hours: 1 to 8:30 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, Broadway, opposite park Luce Bldg. DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Scientific Examination of the Eyes CLASSESs FITTED Phone 993 able Nov. 1. Can furnish refer-- ences. Please write stating wages nndfnllpuflcnlantofl.km Lake County Register. DWIGHT EDRUS COOK ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Felephone 18 _ _ " MISCELLANEOUS ; RENT--Furnished bed room Professional Services DR. J. L TAYLOR LYELL H. MORRIS FOR RENT TEACHER OF YOCAL 57 8t, LIBERTYVILLE will be avail-- 16, 82--1t.